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1、第 页,共18页第 负,共18页2019年湖南省株洲市中考英语试卷班级:姓名:得分:一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)Tliere are only big trees on one side of the street t different flowers lie on.()A. otherB. anotherC. the other TOC o 1-5 h z October 1, we will celebrate the seventieth birthday of the Peoples R叩ublic of China.()A. On B. In C. AtEvery

2、one of us always breathe the same breath and share the same future as thepeople.()A. might B. should C. couldlucky they are, I thought, to have each other.()A. What a B. What C. HowTlie world is changing with ever)r second; and China, too, with every second.()A. is changing B. had changed C. changed

3、Brown draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put on the Internet to findhim.()A. him B. her C. itWe have decided to sell five things we no longer use.A. thatB. whereC. who0 Actions speak than words, “as the saying goes.A. loudB. louderC. loudestThe students in this school to choose their ow

4、n school uniforms. ()A. are allowed B. allowed C. are allowingShe will the silk dress and go out.()A. put away B. put up C. put on二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共15.0分)In the morning everythings slippery with ice outside. I hold the trees to keep from falling and my fuzzy gloves (毛茸茸的手套)sick. Howsilly!Shoes slip (

5、滑),but gloves stick to ice. Wait, that gives me an (11),I go inside and get a pair of Dads old socks. I pull them on over (12) shoes and step outside again. Yay!No more slipping.In the afternoon, Grandpas (13) me to my swimming class. Hes brought me a cup of tea. Yum!I slip off my shoes to relax my

6、feet when I drink, Yikes!Thc tea is (14), I want to put it down to cool, (15) Grandpas car is old and doesnrt have cup holders.I put my shoe on the floor. And, look, the (16) where my foot goes in is kind of-cup-shaped! Grandpa (17) my shoe-cup holder, but he says, HI think Id better keep my shoes o

7、n while Im driving. ”In the evening Mom says, HGo away, dog!MShe,s making a sweater for Dad, and the silly dog is running after the yarn (毛线)all over.MWhen rm an inventor Ill (18) you a dog-proof yarn holder, ”1 tell her.Great!,rshe says, nWill it be done soon? ”Well, it*s a new idea, HI say. Hril h

8、ave to think about it. MAsi (19), I play with a big plastic bottle on the table. Hmm, I cut the bottom of the bottle, then put the ball of yam in, with the yarn coining out of the mouth. It fits. I hang the bottle on the wall, away from the dog.Maybe this will work until I finish my invention, HI te

9、ll Mom.Perfect, Mshe says. And, Xiao Wei, (20) dont have to be new things. Using old stuff in clevert new ways is inventing.”11.A. ideaB. advantageC. article12.A. hisB. myC. their13.A. guidingB. flyingC. driving14.A. coldB. hotC. sweet15.A. butB. soC. and16.A. bottleB. boxC. hole17.A. likesB. hatesC

10、. orders18.A. postB. buildC. buy19.A. thinkB. eatC. draw20.A. competitionsB. giftsC. inventions三、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共40.0分)AFOR BASKETBALL PLAYERSg was0M least cibt bor of sleep every rdfht.0TWo hoert of training e%er day.OKst plraty of rice.frvit four times a day.OEatIhrw ft met a day.OLat white meat ea

11、ly. No red aeaLno toll drink,A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.How many times should the basketball players eat fniit? Tliis picture mainly introduces the ways ofA. becoming strongB. training C. eatingKindsfull timestudy on the InternetStudentsOof all agesa gap year before college studyBuildingsOByAICoursesov

12、er 30 course tochoose frommore than 10 languagesTeachersExamsOall sidesOdifferent kindsWhat can students get before college study? A. 30 courses. B. Al robots.C. A gap year.How many points does the form mention? A. 4. B. 6. C. 19.What can be the best title for the form? A. Future Schools of China.B.

13、 Future Exams of China.C. Future Students of China.c第 负,共18页第 负,共18页第 页,共18页Protecting the earth is like protecting our eyes. Peoples attention to recycling is increasing. From recycling plastic bags to using environment friendly products, there are many developments to be seen in almost every comer

14、 of the world.Sweden is a worldwide leader in recycling. They open worlds first mall for repaired and recycled goods, It*s called RcTuna, a two-story building in Eskilstuna, Sweden, about 70 miles west of Stockholm. The clever thing about this mall is its position. Its right next to the citys recycl

15、ing centre. So a stream of cars is already coming to drop off unwanted household things. This produces a supply of things for the shops. There are 14 special shops. When goods arrive a team sorts everything into categories (类别). The mall only sells goods that are recycled ornupcycledn, meaning unwan

16、ted things broken down and reinvented as something new. By doing so, 50 new jobs were created in repair and retail (零售)You can come and just do sustainable shopping and Sweden loves it. And the world loves it, Hsaid Anna Bergstromt the manager of the ReTuna Mall. 1 think ifs fun to find something th

17、at people have used, and we can use further, Msaid Cato Limas, a ReTuna customer (顾客).If you look at the things theyYe selling here, they Ye almost new. So actually, why do you need to buy new things? ”These unwanted things found new homes. In 2018, the mall sold second-hand goods worth 1.3million.T

18、he Swedens first mall for repaired and recycled goods is .A. RcTuna B. Eskilstuna C. Anna BergstromHow many new jobs were created in repair and retail? A.14. B.50. C.70.What does the underlined word “sustainable” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Lucky.B. Private.C. Environment friendly.Who is Cato Limas? A.

19、A manager. B. A customer. C. A driver. 30. Tlie passage mainly talks about .A. shopping in Sweden B. making more money C. the mall selling second-hand goodsDThe United Kingdom, officially known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is a state located at north-west Europe. The

20、United Kingdom has four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.It is one of the most powerful, and richest countries in the world. It is an amazing piece of land that is rich in history and facts, some of which are yet to be discovered. From the natural beauty to the people, techno

21、logical advancement(科技进步)and sports, no one can ever have enough of the UK. To leani more about the country, you should read the facts below.The English drink the most tea in the world. They drink over 163 million cups of tea daily, about 20 times the number of cups dnink by Americans.Although Brita

22、in has been involved in many wars lasting for many years it has also been involved in the shortest war. The Anglo-Zanzibar War fought in 1896 lasted only 45 minutes , just the time for a class.The UK has the highest rate (比率)of being very fat in the world. Almost 25% of the British duets are very fa

23、t.The UK has the third-highest rate of heart disease in Europe. It ranks (HF位)just below Ireland and Finland.Of all countries that celebrate Independence Day, 58 are independent of the UK, the highest by any country.Almost 25% of all women in the UK were named Mary in 1811.According to history, the

24、London Bridge had indeed fallen down according to the old rhyme, when the Saxons had tom it down using ropes and boats. The Thames has over 200 bridges and tunnels along its course.Tlie first paragraph introduces the of the UK.A. people B. countries C. weatherWhat do the English drink the most? A. C

25、offee.B. Cola.C. Tea.When did the Anglo-Zanzibar War happen? A. In 1896.B. In 1811.C. In 1800.What did the writer use most to tell the truth? A. Stories. B. Examples.C. Numbers.What can be the best title of the passage? A. The Culture of the UK.B. The Fun Facts of the UK.C. The Science of the UK.ETh

26、e 2030 Agenda says that ending poverty in all its forms including extreme poverty (极度 贫困),is the greatest task. Because 1.4 billion people in developing countries live on less than $1.25 a day. Another 842 million people, or one in eight people, do not have enough to eat, today.The good news is that

27、 there are ways to end poverty.Creating jobs, both in the United States and abroad, is a great way to deal with poverty. When people have jobs, they have money, and when people have money, they can more easily get themselves out of poverty. The U. N. says that Tor the poor, labor is often the only t

28、hing they can use to improve their well-being. ”The education of girls and women impacts (影响)the rest of the societies. A womans degree of education is linked to the age at which she marries and has children t to her health and diseases. Educating girls and women can end poverty in developing nation

29、s as well as in the United States.The United States hasn*t raised the lowest pay since 2007. Because of this, right now, A full-time worker with two children getting the lowest pay will still raise his or her family in poverty. And this is a problem in almost every other country, especially in devel

30、oping nations. Raising the lowest pay could possibly increase the health and well-being of millions. The president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, says that he believes health care covering in all countries can help achieve a goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030. ” He says that health care could

31、end poverty. Because about 100 million people are pushed into extreme poverty every year by having to spend money on health problems, and health problems push about another 150 million into very serious hardship.These ways to end poverty show that while there is a difficult road ahead there is a pra

32、ctical path forward.How many people do not have enough to eat today? A. 100 million. B, 150 million. C. 842 million.What is the only thing the poor can use to improve their well-being? A. Creating. B. Labor. C. Studying.第 页,共18页第 页,共18页The fourth paragraph mainly tells us .the importance of educatin

33、g girls and women.the ways of educating girls and women.the time of educating girls and women.Who is Jim Yong Kim? Tlie President of the U. N.The president of the World Bank.The President of the United States.How many ways to end poverty are mentioned ? A. 4. B. 6. C. 7.四、任务型阅读多任务混合(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)S

34、ince its reform and opening up began in the late 1970s, China has made great achievements in many fields.Beijings new airport saw four passenger planes complete tesl flights Monday morning. At 9 am, on May 13, 2019, the A38O from China Southern Airlines made the first flight (飞行), taking off from Be

35、ijing Capital International Airport in the northern part of the city. At 9: 30 am, the plane landed smoothly on the western nmway at Beijing Daxing International Airport. China、first science fiction (科幻)film The Wandering Earth interests moviegoers around the world.(2)中国的科幻电影行业前途光明, Science fiction

36、is really taking the central stage in China. Lcfs just see more of it.A study from NASA said that the Earth is a greener place than it was 20 years ago. (3) China is leading Ihc worlds giccning effort. Tiic result comes mostly from tree-planting programs and intensive agriculture in China.Another re

37、search scientist and co-author of the study Rama Nemani said, N (4 ) Once people realize there is a problem, they begin lo fix it. In the 1970s and 80s in China, the greening situation was not good. In the 1990s, people realized it. And today things have improved. ” So many achievements make us feel

38、 proud of our motherland. (5) ”我最亲爱的祖国,你 像大海永不干涸.We want to sing sincerely for her.五、任务型阅读简答(本大题共I小题,共10.0分)Sometimes we throw apple remains into forests, hoping small animals around may find them. But what if they are never noticed? People believe they would rot (腐烂)one day. So it doesnt matter. Is

39、 that true?Sure they will. But it wont happen overnight.Marjorie Woodruff, works in the Grand Canyon, set up a small experiment. She put a banana peel (皮),orange peels in a box wide enough to allow small animals to go in and out. After six months, the orange peels had dried out, the banana had turne

40、d black. Nothing had been eaten or had rotted.She buried the same things in sand and soil and six months later everything could still be seen.In fact, it takes two months for apple remains to rot and an orange peel can take up to one year.”Do we eat orange peels? We do not. So why would a squirrel (

41、松鼠)eat? Woodruff writes in High Country News, The animals do just fine on nuts and berries. They do not need us. Theres another point to think about.When animals start to get food from people, they may stop looking for their own food in nature. This is dangerous because it may weaken their hunting a

42、bility. Besides, they need different food.Food waste also attracts animals to areas where there are a lot of peoplet says the Leave No Trace organization. This may put their life in danger as they may get used to looking for food alongside busy roads. Many of them are too small to be noticed by driv

43、ers.When youYe throwing fmit remains, you may be fined (罚款).Fines are different. Some states might only fine people 100, but a few states fine people more than 6, 000 for a first time.Where does Maijorie Woodruff work? How long does it take for apple remains to rot? Which animal is mentioned? How mu

44、ch might you be fined at least if you throw fniit remains? Why cant we give food waste to animals? 六、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共15.0分)假定你是李华,准备参加“一带一路”国家中学生英语演讲比赛,主题为“现在引领未来:请你写一篇演讲稿,包括以下内容:(1)你最难忘的一个书包是怎么得来的?(2)你喜欢它吗?为什么?(3)描述你将来的书包.注意:(1)词数80左右:(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(3)文中不能出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息.答案和解析Cother别的,其它的,anot

45、her又一个,再一个,the other另一个,表示特指,根据句意 ”街道的一边只有大树,另一边有不同的花可知,表示特指街道的另一边,用the other, 其它选项语意不通,也不符合语法.故选:C.街道的一边只有大树,另一边有不同的花.词意辨析,要牢记单词的词意及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案.Aon关于、在之上、在时候:in在之内:at”在、以、向“,三者都是介词.on 用于具体的时间前.由题干在10月1日,我们将庆祝中华人民共和国七十周年诞生. 可知,空格是在时候”之具体的时间,用on,因此答案应是on.故选:A.在10月1日,我们将庆祝中华人民共和国七十周年诞生.本题考查时间介词的用

46、法,在熟知所供词的含义基础上,根据句意,从而判断出正确答.B根据句意:我们每一个人都应该与人民同呼吸、共命运,结合选项,A.可能B.应 该C.可以,选项B符合题意.故选:B.我们每一个人都应该与人民同呼吸、共命运.熟悉情态动词的用法,结合题意,给出答案.C分析句子结构可知考查感叹句,在感叹句中,whal修饰名词,how修饰形容词/副词, 根据lucky they are可知句型结构为:How +形容词+主语+谓语动词!故选:C.我在想,他们相互拥有对方是多幸运啊?解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,结合时态准确作答A句意:世界每时每刻都在变化:中国也每时每刻都在变化

47、.从is changing判断后面句 子也应该用现在进行时.构成be+Ving.故选:A.世界每时每刻都在变化;中国也每时每刻都在变化.对时态和语态的考查,要求牢记各种时态和语态的构成形式,结合时间状语和上下文的 关系,找出正确答案.C根据题干可知布朗画了一张罪犯的画像,警察把它放在网上来缉罪犯,此处应填写it.指代 a picture of the criminal.故选:C.布朗画了一张罪犯的画像,警察把它放在网上来缉捕他.本题考查代词辨析,基础题,熟悉代词的含义及用法,再根据题干即可作出选择.A句意:我们决定出售五件我们不再使用的东西。空处需用关系词引导定语从句,先行 词是ihings,

48、指物,关系词在定语从中作宾语,所以空处需用关系代词that引导定语从 句。故选A。B句意:常言道,”行动胜于言语工根据than可知用于比较级。故选B。A主i;,; The students in this school与allow是被动关系,根据句意可知用一般现在时的被 动语态,由be (amt is are) +过去分词构成,be allowed to do sth被允许做某事 故选:A.这所学校的学生被允许选择自己的校服.解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,结合时态准确 作答cpul away收拾好,put up张贴,pul on穿上;根据句意”她将穿上丝绸连衣

49、裙出去“可知, 要填穿上,其它选项语意不通.故选:C.她将穿上丝绸连衣裙出去.考查动词短语,要牢记动词短语的词意及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案.【小题1】A【小题2】B【小题3】C【小题4】B【小题5】A【小题6】C【小题7】A【小题8】B【小题9】B【小题10 C(1)A.考查名词.根据意思:等等,这给了我一个A.想法B.优势C.文章, 可知是想法.故选A.B.考查物主代词.根据意思:我把它们穿在-鞋子上,A.他的B.我的C.他 们的,可知是我的,故选B.C.考查动词.根据意思:下午,爷爷-送我去上游泳课.A.引导B.飞行C.开 车,故选C.B.考查形容词.根据意思:茶很-,我想把它放下

50、来冷却,A.冷B.热C.甜, 故选B.A.考查连词.根据意思:茶很热,我想把它放下来冷却,-爷爷的车很旧,没 有茶杯架.A.但是B.所以C.和,故选A.C.考查名词.根据意思:看,我脚上的那个洞有点A.瓶B.盒C.孔,故选 C.(7)A.考查动词.根据意思:爷爷-我的鞋杯托,A.喜欢B.讨厌C.命令,故选A.(8)B.考查动词.根据意思:当我是一个发明家的时候,我会给你-一个防狗的纱架, A.邮寄;B.建造:C.买,故选B.B.考查动词.根据意思:-的时候,我在桌上玩一个大塑料瓶,A.认为B.吃 C.画,故选B.C.考查名词.根据意思:-不一定是新事物.A.比赛B.礼物C.发明,故选 C.文章

51、讲了我生活中的创意小发明.创意不需要新的东西,只要你敢想.解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意 联系上下文.【小题1】C【小题2】CC.细。理解题.根据Eat fruit four times a day每天吃四次水果,可知一共有8个人, 故选C.C.细节理解题.根据 Eat fruit four times a day 每天吃四次水果、Eat vegetable three times aday每天吃三次蔬菜,结合文章内容,可知文章主要介绍了饮食方式,故选C. 文章主要讲了棒球运动员在饮食上应该注意的事情.首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语

52、境所提供的信息,然后明确词意, 结合排除法逐一选出答案.最后再通读全文,核对答案.23.【小题1】C【小题2】B【小题3】A(1)细疗理解题.根据agapyearbeforecollegestudy大学学习之前的一个间隔年.结 合选项可知答案,故选C.(2)细力推测题.根据表格可知,包括 Kinds, Students, Buildings, Courses, Teachers 和Exams,种类、学生、建筑物、课程、教师和考试.总共描述了 6点,故选B.(3)主旨大意题.根据全文可知,主要通过种类、学生、建筑、课程、教师以及考试 等六方面,讲述中国未来的学校,故选A.本文主要讲述全日制学校与

53、网络学校的学生、建筑、课程、老师以及考试等相关信息. 阅读题型,要注重句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间逻辑关系以及对篇章的整体理解.根 据所给问题选择正确选项完成试题.【小题1】A【小题2】B【小题3】C【小题4】B【小题5】CA.细。理解题.They open worlds first mall for repaired and recycled goods, Its called RcTima,他们开设了世界上第一个修理和回收商品的商场,它被称为第 页,共18页第 贞,共18页ReTuna,故选A.B.细节理解题.根据 By doing so, 50 new jobs were create

54、d in repair and retail ( 售).通过这样做,在维修和零售中创造了 50个新工作岗位.故选B.C.词意推断题.根据You can come and just do suslainablc shopping and Sweden loves it. And the world loves it, , said Anna Bergstronhthe manager of the ReTuna Mall. HI think its fun to find something that people have used, and wc can use further, Hsaid

55、 Cato Limas, a ReTuna customer (顾客).”你可以来,只做 sustainable购物,瑞典喜欢它.世界都喜欢它,ReTuna Mall的经理Anna Bergstrom说 道.”我认为找到人们使用过的东西很有趣,我们可以进一步使用它,一个RcTuna的 客户Cato Limas说道.可推知sustainable是可持续的,环境友好的的意思,故选C.B.细行理解题.根据said Calo Limas, a RcTuna customer (. 一个 ReTuna 的客户Cato Limas说道.故选B.(5 ) C.主旨大意题,根据 These unwanted

56、things found new homes. In 2018,the mall sold second-hand goods worth 1.3million.这些不受欢迎的东西找到了新家.2018 年,商场出售了价值130万的二手商品.可知本文主要是在讲二手商品交易巾场.故选 C.本文主要是讲回收利用商品来保护环境,瑞典是发展回收利用的全球领导者,它创建的 二手商品交易市场大受好评.先通读全文,以理解整个段落和整篇文章为主,住涵盖出题点的句子上用心捉摸.【小题1】B【小题2】C【小题3】A【小题4】C【小题5】BB.细。理解题.ISiK The United Kingdom has fou

57、r countries: England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland.英国是由英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰四部分组成 的.故选:B.C.细自理解题.根据 The English drink he mosl lea in the world.可知,英国人喝 掉了世界上最多的茶.故选:C.(3 ) A.细方理解题根据 The Anglo-Zanzibar War fought in 1896 lasted only 45 minutes, 可知TheAnglo-ZanzibarWar战争发生于1896年,仅仅持续了 45分钟.故选:A.(4)C.细

58、箕理解题.在文章中可以看出,作者使用了大量的数字,如饮茶的数字:163 million cups of tea daily:战争的时间:The Anglo-Zanzibar War fought in 1896 lasted only 45 minutes. The Anglo-Zanzibar War战争发生于1896年,仅仅持续了 45分钟.等等.故 选:C.B.主旨大意题.根据 To learn more about the country, you should read the facts below 要想了解英国,你应该读一下下列数字,可知本文主要列举了一些数字来介绍英国的一 些情

59、况.故选:B.本文主要讲述了英国的地理构成以及英国人的饮茶习惯,英国历史上的战争,肥胖率等, 让读者对英国有初步的了解.读理解题通常从细1鼠文章主旨,推测词组大意几个方面考查学生对文章的理解,做题 时注意找到文章出处,做到有理有据.36.【小题1】C【小题2】B【小题3】A【小题4】B【小题5】A(DC.细打理解题.根据 Another 842 million people, or one in eight people, do not have enough to eat, today.今天还有8.42亿人,或八分之一的人,没有足够的食物吃.故选 C.B.细 理解题.根据For the poor, labor is often the only thing they can use to improve their well-being. ”对穷人来说,劳动往往是他们唯一可


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