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1、I. Vocabulary and Structure (40分)1. On my way to school, I saw people _ advertisements and sample products.A) conveying B) creating C) discarding D) distributing2. The professor thought that I was making good progress in my studies and told me to _ my good work.A) keep up B) go ahead with C) hold ba

2、ck D) come up with3. It is a huge task to _ all the rooms in the building in such a short time.A) go ahead with B) take up C) clean up D) work out4. The meeting was _ by the National Association of Women for the purpose of furthering the womens liberation movement. A) chaired B) sponsored C) partici

3、pated D) assigned 5. I have searched all the bookstores in this town. The book you asked for is not _.A) useful B) vivid C) available D) sufficient6. During the war there was a severe food shortage. It was not unusual that even the well-to-do families had to _ meat for days.A) do with B) do without

4、C) turn away D) turn in7. Because of the mist, none of those who saw the flying object could tell its _ shape. A) steady B) likely C) precise D) rigid 8. Sport is not just for fun or exercise. It is also good for _ building.A) capacity B) reputation C) confidence D) character 9. Youd sound a lot mor

5、e polite if you make the request _ a question. A) in the form of B) in terms of C) on the basis of D) in two minds about10. A good teacher is able to _ a complicated idea in very simple terms.A) work out B) go by C) put across D) bring about 11. Lying in hospital, the patient _ the outside world by

6、watching news programs on TV every night.A) kept in touch with B) faced up to C) turned the clock back D) slowed down12. The birth rate in a city _ to fall as its gross domestic product (GDP) rises steadily.A) estimates B) appears C) assures D) tends 13. _ in mind as well as in body, the child needs

7、 more than medical care.A) Sick B) Be sick C) Because sick D) For sick14. To postpone _ the debt will ruin our business reputation.A) paying B) to pay C) pay D) paid15. The cost of this building _ to be over a million.A) is estimated B) estimates C) has estimated D) having been estimated 16. The mil

8、k smells _ sour. A) as if it is B) like it is C) as if it were D) like it was17. It takes courage for one _ the huge task, to say nothing of fulfilling it in such a short time. A) to face up to B) facing up to C) faces up to D) to be faced up to18. The rainstorm has damaged the crops. The loss has n

9、ot yet been _ accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond a million dollars. A) considered B) assessed C) explored D) calculated 19. The representatives _ their discussion after the coffee break.A) jammed B) undertook C) skimmed D) resumed20. It is _ of you to shelter the kids from bad movies t

10、hat are likely to affect their healthy growth.A) sensible B) humble C) sensitive D) reasonable 21. Because my TV set _ I could not watch the football game broadcast live last night.A) broke up B) broke off C) broke down D) broke out22. Jack was so _ the computer game that he didnt notice my arrival.

11、A) absorbed in B) grateful to C) thoughtful of D) associated with23. Looking through the telescope(望远镜), the captain _ a whale slowly emerging from the water.A) revealed B) searched C) scanned D) spotted 24. Mrs. Newman hurried home after work, only _ both her kids gone for the movie.A) finding B) f

12、ound C) to find D) having found 25. Dont forget _ when you are finished with the electric iron.A) to turn it off B) to have turned it off C) turning it off D) having turned it off 26. _ the ground covered with ice, the road has become very slippery.A) With B) On C) Along D) At 27. _ full preparation

13、, you dont have much chance of success.A) After B) Without C) With D) Before 28. I like climbing mountains _ my wife prefers water sports.A) as B) when C) for D) while 29. Why not _ to Professor Smith for advice? He is an expert in this field.A) go B) your going C) to go D) you go30. The kids lay fa

14、ce down on the beach, their backs _ to the sun.A) exposing B) exposed C) having exposed D) were exposing31.Are you worried about your son being alone in a strange country? _. Im sure hell manage fine.A) By all means B) Of course C) Not in the least D) No wonder32. This child is a born mathematician.

15、 He loves mathematics _ he will spend a whole day solving mathematical problems without remembering to have meals.A) and so B) to the extent that C) so much so that D) so much that 33. As a cleaning woman, her _ duties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor.A) continuous B) routine C) init

16、ial D) constant 34. Henry should have known _ than to ask Tom for money.A. moreB. betterC. muchD. less35. In the ten years Jack has been with us, I think he has proved that he _ respect from everyone of us.A) qualifies B) expects C) reserves D) deserves 36. I am sorry I am not in a position to answe

17、r this question. Ask the man sitting by the window. He is _ here. A) in charge B) liable C) reliable D) in power 37. But for her mothers sudden illness, she would never think of breaking this _ with you.A) arrangement B) schedule C) appointment D) interview 38. James Joyces novels are difficult to u

18、nderstand and impossible _ into another language.A) to translate B) for translation C) to translate it D) being translated 39. Sports help to build character and _ competitiveness.A) cultivate B) accomplish C) assist D) restore 40. The _ breakdowns of the computer has caused serious delays in our wo

19、rk. A) continuous B) continued C) continuing D) continual1.The students were supposed to _ their assignment by now. A) finishB) have finishedC) finishing D) having finished2.To get a better view of the landscape outside the window, _ . A) our seats had to be changedB) our seats were to be changedC)

20、we had to change our seatsD) our seats were changed by us3. The reason Hollywood is a natural place for making movies is _ the sun shines there every day.A) whyB) whichC) thatD) because4.There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened _ a sudden loud noise.A) there wasB) there hav

21、ing beenC) being thereD) should there be5. _, I do not like him as a man. A)I admire him as much as a writerB) As I admire him as a writerC) Much as I admire him as a writerD) As much I admire as a writer6._ at conveying her underlying messages through the skilled use of words that her lecture was g

22、reeted by students with deafening applause.A)So successful the speaker wasB) So successful was the speakerC)The speaker so successfulD) Because the speaker was so successful7.Living in such a high place as Tibet has its problems, _ obtaining oxygen is not the least.A) of whichB) for whatC) as D) who

23、se8.No task is so difficult _ .A) that we can accomplish it B) as to be unable to accomplish itC) but we can accomplish it D) but we can not accomplish it9.When we reached the station, the train had still not arrived; so we _ .A) need not to hurry B) neednt have hurried C) need not to have hurried D

24、) did not need to hurry 10._ deserves the award will certainly get it.A) Who we thinkB) Whoever we thinkC) Whoever we think ofD) Whoever do we think11._ their economic system is reformed, the destiny of that country will be hard to predict.A) Only afterB) UnlessC) Now thatD) As long 12.The senior li

25、brarian at the circulation desk promised to get the book for me _ she remembered who last borrowed it. A) ever sinceB) much asC) even thoughD) as soon as 13. Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe _ it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced. A) so thatB)

26、 but thatC) in thatD) provided that14. Since it is already midnight, we _ .A) had better leftB) ought to have leftC) should have taken our leaveD) might as well leave15._ , Gerald would have been a rich man.A) Was he to enter business B) If he was to enter business C) Was he entered business D) Had

27、he entered business16. Youd better come tomorrow, _?A) didnt you B) couldnt you C) wouldnt you D) hadnt you17. Richards expression _ cat eyeing a saucer of milk.A) looked like a B) looked as a C) likedD) was like that of a18. Jean Wagners most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poet

28、ry is his insistence that it _ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.A) is to be analyzed B) has been analyzedC) be analyzedD) should have been analyzed19. Jane has said little so far, responding only briefly when _. A) spoken B) speaking to C) speaking D) spoken to20. Ted has told

29、me that he always escapes _ as he has a very fast sports car. A) to fine B) to be finedC) being finedD) having been fined21. The president of the company was under enormous _ during the trial. A) force B) pressureC) strengthD) tension22.The new principal hopes to _ a number of changes to the courses

30、 of study. A) affectB) effectC) reactD) influence23.Students good behavior will be taken into _ when the prizes are being determined.A) regardB) accountC) countD) observation24.It was recently reported that a Japanese banker who had been in serious financial trouble _ suicide in a moment of wild des

31、pair. A) performedB) committed C) executedD) exerted25.I am sorry I havent got any money. I have _ my wallet at home. A) missed B) leftC) putD) forgot26.It is very difficult for him to _ between blue and green. A) contrastB) distinguishC) separateD) compare27.Americans are highly _ , and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply involved with others. A) movingB) movableC) mobileD) motive28.Id like to _ a special seat for the concert on May 5th.A) deserveB) reserveC) preserveD) conse


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