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1、Unit 11 What time do you go to school. 一、教案目标 语言目标:学会不同时间段的表达法;学会用频度副词谈论自己的日常生活和作息习惯才能目标:能用所学学问对某一活动进行合理支配,如:周末活动,寒暑假支配,晚会等 情感目标:学会合理支配学习和课外活动的时间跨学科学习:明白不同时区国家的时间二、教材分析重难点分析:重点短语:get up, run, eat breakfast/dinner, go to school/bed/work, take a shower, in the morning/afternoon/evening, pen pal, do on

2、e s homework, make a schedule, a little longer, put on, get to work, take a bus, thanks for, tell sb. about sth. 语言结构: 1 询问时间(整点、一刻钟、半点) What time is it. It s eleven o clock. 2 when/ what time 引导的特别疑问句 What time do you go to school. I go to school at 7. What time does he eat breakfast. He eats break

3、fast at 6:30. When does Bob take a shower. He takes a shower at 5:00. 3 表示频率的副词 语言功能:谈论日常作息时间often, sometimes, usually, never daily routines 询问、表达时间 ask about and say clock time 任务型活动: 1. 调查每个同学 /家人早上的时间支配 2. 小组汇报我的一天,全班评比出支配时间最合理的同学 3. 制作节目单运动会活动支配 4采访名人 5给笔友伴侣写信三、教案手段和方法:Task-based language learni

4、ng 四、教案活动设计1. Telling time First Period: , 所用句型 : What time is it. It s课件或实物练习时间的表达法5 am. = 5 o clock in the morning 8 pm. = 8 in the evening 5: 15 five fifteen/ a quarter past five / a quarter after five 5: 40 five forty/ twenty to six 2. Crossword puzzle Across 1 It s five in the morning. It s fiv

5、e _. 4 It s 4:15. It s a quarter _ four. 6 It s twelve a.m. It s _ 8 It s 8:00 p.m. It s eight in the _ 9 It s twelve p.m. It s _. Down 2 It s 7:00 a.m. It s seven in the _. 1 / 5 3 It s 3:30. It s three _. 4 It s 4:00 p.m. It s four in the _. 5 It s 1:15. It s one _. 7 What _ is it. 10 It s 11:00 p

6、.m. It s eleven at _. 3. Survey 小组活动 , 记录小组成员每天的活动支配;使用句型: - What time do you usually get up. - I usually get up at six. Activit Get up Wash Exercise Eat breakfast Go to school ies face Name 6 oclock小组汇报,使用句型:I usually get up at in the morning. I .Li Ming gets up He goes to school at4.1 23 45678Read

7、ing Section A 2a, 2b Ask students to look at the picture and guess where they are and what they are doing. Ask students to listen to the conversation between the interviewer and Rick, and then fill in the blanks. Check the answers. The teacher asks some questions and sees if students have understood

8、 the conversation well. For example: Does Rick have a big family. How many brothers and sisters does he have. How many showers do they have. Is it difficult for them to take a shower. No, it isn t. Because they have a shower schedule. Ask students to listen again and complete the shower schedule for

9、 Rick s family. “ When does Rick take a shower. Is he the first one. ” Ask the students to read the note and find out. Emphasize the key phrases. Ask students to say something about their families. Second Period 1 通过让同学看时区图,辨认不同城市的时间;What time is it in each city. Write the time in two different ways

10、. 1 It s 10:00 a.m. in Los Angeles. It s ten o clock in the morning. 2 _ _ _ 3 _ _ 4 _ _ 2 Pair work What do you do with these things. Match the picture with the thing you do with it. 2 / 5 A. clean the house B. have meals C. get up D. brush teeth E. take a shower F. wash face 3Reading Section A, 3a

11、 1 Explain the difference between am and pm by showing some pictures. Pick out the time appeared in the passage. E.g. 17:00 = 5 p.m. 19:15 =7:15 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 2 Ask students to read through the passage quickly and guess what the mans job is. 3 Ask students to read the passage again and match the pi

12、ctures to the clock faces. 4 Fill in a form. Time 17:00 After then 19:15 7:00 8:30 breakfast Activities 答案:Time 17:00 After then 19:15 7:00 8:30 goes to bed , 打乱顺breakfast Activities gets up has a practices puts on takes the the bus gets shower his guitar his number leaves home and jacket 17 bus and

13、 makes and goes to watches breakfast to work Santon the early Hotel news 1. Group work Third Period 发给每组几张纸条, 上面分别写好句子主语和其所做的事情, 另外几张纸条上写上时间序让同学依据纸上的内容和时间拼出正确的句子, 竞赛看哪组拼得最快;2. Pair work ( 学完 Section B, 1a/1b/2a/2b)两人相互询问自己每天的作息支配 Talk about your day 使用句型: When do you usually go to school. I usually

14、go to school at 7. 3. Group work 3 / 5 小组内同学各自列出每人每天要做的事情和详细时间,找出自己的时间支配和同学的有哪些异同之处后向班里同学汇报;最终全班同学选出作息时间支配的最好的同学;Who do you think has the best daily schedule. Why. 1学习 Section B, 3a/3bFourth Period 2. 给自己的笔友伴侣写一封信,介绍自己的一天周末支配;3. 支配一场运动会(一次参观、晚会、旅行等),列出各项活动的时间表;4假设你是一位名人,你在接受采访,向记者介绍你在工作日和业余时间是如何渡过的;

15、5读一首小诗 A poemMy day Life can be good, Life can be bad ;Life is mostly cheerful, But sometimes sad. Life can be dreams, Life can be great thoughts;Life can mean a person, Sitting in court. Life can be dirty, Life can even be painful ;But life is what you make it, So try to make it beautiful. - Warm u

16、p 1.1 Teach time expressions by using a clock with moveable hands. “ What time is it. ” “It s .” o clock, to, past/after 2 Show students some pictures of daily routine and describe them. Add a clock to each picture and say: I get up at 6 o clock. I wash my face and brush my teeth at 3 Ask the students to read the new words and try to memorize them 2. Match the words with pictures Section A 1a 3. Listen an


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