冀教版七年级上册英语习题课件 Unit2 Lesson 8 Danny's Favourite Colour_第1页
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1、 冀教版 七年级上 Unit2 Colours and ClothesLesson 8 Dannys Favourite Colour答 案 呈 现温馨提示:点击 进入讲评习题链接1purple2mix3sky4paint678910to paintHere; paintmix; and; to makeHow many colourscome out after课内知识夯实基础5out答 案 呈 现习题链接1cant/dont mix2B3A4C678910AACHow longcome out题组专训突破考点5A1112131415come inAAAB答 案 呈 现习题链接1C2B3A4

2、B678910CCBBC课后巩固拓展延伸5D1112131415mix purple outto paint sky答 案 呈 现习题链接1617181920say; toWhat/How aboutMix; andHow many booksHere is课后巩固拓展延伸2122232425amcrayonsthemto paintbut2627282930to makeLookareallyafter答 案 呈 现习题链接课后巩固拓展延伸31323334BDCD一、根据汉语提示写单词, 并背记相应英语词汇1. The _(紫色的) flowers are nice.2. Oil doesn

3、t _(融合) with water. purplemix3. Lots of tourists are amazed at the beauty of the _ (天空) in Yunnan. 4. They draw pictures with some green _(涂料). 5. The stars come _(在外面) at night.skypaintout二、根据汉语意思完成句子, 并背记英语句子6. 你想和我一起画画吗? Do you want _ _with me?to paint7. 这是一些红色的涂料。_ is some red _. Here paint8. 但是

4、我能把蓝色和黄色混合制成绿色。But I can _ blue _ yellow _ _ green.mix and tomake9. 你看见多少种颜色? _ _ _ do you see?How many colours10. 我在雨后出现。I _ _ _ the e out after1. 油和水不相融。Oil and water _ _. cant/dont mix2. He mixed the milk _ sugar(糖). A. for B. with C. to D. byB【点拨】句意为“他把糖和牛奶混在一起”。mixwith把和混合, 故选B。3. The programme

5、 is very popular ._. We all like it. 【中考天津】A. Thats right B. Not at allC. It doesnt matter D. Youre welcomeA4. Sorry, Mrs Smith. I am late._. Please go to your seat. 【中考泰州】A. All right B. With pleasureC. Thats OK D. Youre welcomeC【点拨】交际法。All right“好吧”; With pleasure“我乐意”; Thats OK“没关系”; Youre welcom

6、e“不用谢”。根据上句中“Sorry”和下句中“Please go to your seat. ”可知表示“没关系”。故选C。5. Alex, look _ you! Youre wet. 【中考张家界】A. at B. for C. afterA6. Please _ the picture. What can you _? A. look at; see B. see; look atC. look; find D. find; look atA【点拨】look at看, 表示看的动作; see看见, 表示看的结果; find发现, 表示经过努力才能发现。只有A选项符合题意。7. _ st

7、udents are there in your class?Fifty. 【中考梧州】A. How many B. How muchC. How long D. How farA【点拨】how many多少, 后面修饰可数名词复数形式; how much多少, 后面修饰不可数名词; how long多长, 多久, 用于询问物体或时间的长度; how far多远, 用于询问距离。students 是可数名词复数, 故选A。8. _ apples do you want to buy?Ten, please. And _ are they?A. How much; how muchB. How

8、many; how manyC. How many; how muchD. How much; how manyC9. I am in this school for two years. (对画线部分提问)_ _ are you in this school? How long10. 你能出来邮寄几封信吗? Can you _ _ to post a few letters?come out11. 我可以进来吗, 史密斯先生? 当然(可以)。May I _ _, Mr. Smith?Se in12. What do you usually do _ school?I often play b

9、asketball with my friends.【2021广阳区模拟】A. after B. for C. about D. fromA【点拨】句意为“放学后你通常做什么? 我经常和我朋友打篮球”。after在以后; for为了, 给, 对; about关于; from从开始。after school 放学后, 结合句意可知问的是放学后你通常做什么, 故选A。13. Look out! Look at the traffic lights (交通灯) _ crossing (经过) the street.A. before B. after C. sinceA【点拨】句意为“小心!在过马路

10、之前要看一下交通灯”。由语境及生活常识可知用before“在之前”, 故选A。14. What does he want to _? A. say B. speakingC. talk D. tellingA15. Can you _ with me in English?Sorry, I cant _ English.A. speak; talk B. talk; speakC. tell; speak D. say; tellB一、单项选择1. Look! There are so many stars in _ sky.【2020重庆A卷】A. a B. an C. the D. /C2

11、. All the flowers _. They are so beautiful.【2021廊坊期末】A. come in B. come outC. go away D. go out B3. What is Miss Gaos favourite _? She is always in pink. Dont you know?A. colour B. book C. song D. movieA4. Do you want _ shopping with me this afternoon?Sure!A. goes B. to go C. going D. goB5. If you _

12、 red with black, you can get brown.A. show B. send C. paint D. mixD6. How about _ the wall green?A. paint B. to paint C. painting D. paintsC7. _ people are there in your family?Three.A. How often B. How longC. How many D. How muchC8. The middle school life is over. 【2020湘西改编】Yes. We have to say good

13、bye, _ our friendship will last forever(永远持续). A. and B. but C. orB9. _ the blackboard. What can you _ on it? A. Look; see B. Look at; seeC. See; look D. See; look atB10. What hazy weather! People need to do something._. A. Thank you B. No, I cantC. Thats right D. Youre welcomeC二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。11.

14、 We can _ red and white to make pink.mix paint, mix, purple, out, sky12. The _ dress looks nice. I like the colour. 13. Its a fine day. Lets go _to play. Great!purple outpaint, mix, purple, out, sky14. What do you want _ with the crayons? A house.15. Look! What is in the _? A plane.to paint skypaint

15、, mix, purple, out, sky三、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子16. 该回家了。我们互相说“再见”。Time to go home. We _ “Goodbye.” _ each other. sayto17. 我的新裙子怎么样呢? _ _ my new skirt?What/How about18. 把水和糖在杯子里搅拌一下。_ the water _ the sugar in a cup.Mix and19. 你有多少本书? _ _ _ do you have?How many books20. 这有一件新裙子。_ _ a new skirt.Here is四、词语运用阅读下

16、面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式填空。Hi, I _21 (be) your friend, Danny. I have _22 (crayon). I get _23 (they) from a store. Do you want _24 (paint) with me? I like many colours, _25 green is my favourite. amcrayonsthemto paintbutI can mix blue and yellow _26 (make) green. _27 (look)! I am drawing _28 rai

17、nbow now. It has seven colours. It looks _29(real) beautiful. It comes out _30 the rain.to makeLookareallyafter五、 阅读理解31. Chinese people like red because _. A. it is the colour of ChinaB. it has rich meaning in Chinese cultureC. it is the colour of natureD. it can make people feel relaxed B【点拨】细节理解题

18、。根据文中句子“Chinese people like the colour red because(因为) it makes people excited and it has rich meaning in Chinese culture(文化). ”可知中国人喜欢红色是因为它能使人兴奋并且在中国文化中有丰富的意义。故选B。32. What colour does Nancy like? _A. Blue. B. Black. C. Red. D. Green.D【点拨】根据原文第三段的:But Meimeis friend, Nancy, a girl from Canada, likes green. 可知选D。33. How many colours are mentioned (提到) in the passage (文章)? _A. Two. B. Thre


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