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1、Lesson6 Can You Play Baseball?教案设计 (义务教育课程标准实验教科书EEC小学英语四年级上册)虎林市第四小学 李淑荣教材分析、教材的地位及作用本节课的教学内容是小学英语EEC教材第三册第六课第一课时。本节课是围绕着“棒球”(baseball)这个题材展开多种教学活动的一节课,本节课的重点句型是:“Can you play baseball? Yes, I can.”在以前的课程中我们学过这一句型的运用,在这一课,是进一步地加深这一句型的运用和理解。通过对“Can you ”这一句型的伸展,进一步提高学生听、说、读、交际等综合素质能力。、教学目标: (一)知识目标:

2、 )学习、掌握:“Whats that? Thats.”“What are they? They are .”“Can you play baseball? Yes, I can.”)学习单词 bat、gloves、glove、baseball。 (二)能力目标:提高学生听、说、读、交际及知识自学的综合能力。(三)情感目标:在教学过程中,注重学生的心理变化,努力营造轻松、愉快的学习氛围.帮助学生克服紧张心理,并及时给予学生肯定与鼓励,让其树立自信心。通过小组合作,培养其合作精神,促进学生健康人格的发展,达到人文教育和素质教育的双重目的.、重点与难点:重点:学习使用“Whats that? Th

3、ats” “What are they? They are.”难点:“Can you ? Yes , I can./ No, I cant.”在实际生活中的应用.学情分析四年级的学生已经学习一年的英语了,他们已经掌握一定的学习方法,在听说读写方面有一定的基础。因此本课的重点是学习新生词及句型Can you play ?及其回答?在以前的课程中我们学过这一句型的运用,在这一课,是进一步地加深这一句型的运用和理解。通过对“Can you ”这一句型的伸展,进一步提高学生听、说、读、交际等综合素质能力。教学策略TPR动作、实物教学、课件、游戏教学流程:一、热身1、问候T: Good morning,

4、 everyone!Ss: Good morning, Mrs. Wang!T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thanks. And you?T: Im fine, too. What day is it today?Ss: Its Tuesday.2、导入T: Now, look there! (point to the screen of a computer)Whats that?Ss: Its a tiger.T: What are these?Ss: They are tigers.T: Can you draw a tiger?S1: Sure, I c

5、an.T: Look this, can you play computer games?S2: Yes, I can.T: Can you skate?S3: No, I cant.T: Can you sing?S4: Yes, I can.T: Can you make a snowman?S5: Yes, I can.T: Great!二、新授T: I have many pictures. Look there, (point to the screen of a computer)“What are they doing? / What is she doing? What bal

6、l are they playing? / What ball is she playing?Can you play it?”T: If you cant play, it doesnt matter! Ill tell you how to play in this lesson. Do you want to know what kind of balls does Ken play?Ss: Sure/Yes.T: Lets study a new lesson-Lesson6 (1). (Blackboard Writing)T: Look! Whats that?S: Bat.T:

7、Good. (Blackboard writingbat.)Read after me, “bat”.(Read it one by one.)Together, please spell it.Ss: B-A-T, bat.(Learn another 2 words “baseball glove” in the same way.)T: (T takes two gloves)OK. Look at me, “one glove” “two gloves”Girls: Gloves.Boys: Gloves.T: What are they? ( Waving two gloves. )

8、Ss: Theyre gloves. ( Blackboard writing. )三、操练T: (T takes two books、pencils、erasers、pens of Ss) What are they?Ss: Theyre books.Boys: What are they?Girls: Theyre erasers.( Ss practice the sentences in pairs) S1: What are they?S2: Theyre bags.四、巩固及扩展延伸T: (T takes some pictures and let the Ss answer th

9、e questions.)Whats this?Ss: Its a bat.Its a baseball.T: What are they?Ss: Theyre gloves.T: Can you play baseball? ( Blackboard writing.)S1: Yes, I can.S2: Yes, I can.T: Wonderful! Please show us how to play baseball?( S1 and S2 do the action) T: OK,great! Do you want to know the other balls in Engli

10、sh how to say? Lets learn them.(T puts some kinds of balls on the board and points to them)Look there, whats that ?Ss: Its a volley ball. (basketball / football /table-tennis)T: Please look at the blackboard, lets guess “whats that?”S1: (S1points to a corner of a kind of balls on the board and ask.)

11、Whats that?S2: Is it a ?(baseball/football/volleyball/basketball)Ss: Yes. Yes.Ss: Can you play ?S2: Yes, I can. ( And then do the action )T: Lets do some more exercise. “Can you touch your head?”(left hand/ left foot/ right ear)T: Now, open your books to P74.Its time to listen. Before listening, please think about these questions:1、In Jesss hand, whats that?2、What are they?3、Can Robo play baseball?T: Lets chant together.五、总结T:Today weve learned so many kind of the balls .You all did a good job .So shall we play after class?Ss: OK!T: Todays home


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