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1、否定前缀 Prefixes indicating negation 否定前缀:在单词的词首加上一个表示相反 含义的词缀。常见否定前缀:dis-; il-, im-, in-, ir-; un-; non-; mis-等;否定前缀翻译:“非”、“无”、“不 (是)”、“未”等。1. dis-常加在名、形、动之前。如:disagree(ment) (分歧;不赞同)discourage vt.使气馁disagreeable adj.不愉快的disadvantage (不利条件;缺点)disorder 无秩序disappear (v.消失) discomfort(n.不舒适 vt.使不舒适)disho

2、nest (adj.不诚实的)dislike (v.不喜欢) 但unlike prep 不像dissatisfactory adj.不令人满意的 但un/dissatisfieddiscover vt 发现但uncover 揭露,暴露2.in-;il-,im-,ir-(in-在辅音n,l,m,p,r前要变体)加在形容词、名词、副词上 inexpensive in/unequal 不平等的incorrect invalid无效的indifferent 冷漠的inaccurate不准确的inactive,indirectinvisible,incredible,incurablea.im-常加在以

3、字母m-, p-开头的形容词之前: impossible (不可能的)impolite (无礼的;粗鲁的)impatient imbalanced(adj.不平衡的)但:unparallel不平行的 unpleasant unpopular nonpoisonous无毒的b.il-, ir- 加在l和r开头的形容词之前 illegal(非法的) illogical(不合逻辑的)irregular(不规则)irresponsible irrelevantilliterate 不识字的irrelative无关的 但:unreasonable不合理的,不公道的3. un-加在形容词、副词、名词及用于

4、作形容词的分词上 unhappiness 不幸福 unusual 不寻常的;罕见的 unimportant 不重要的 unfriendly 不友好的 uncomfortable 不舒服的 但discomfort n/vt unsafe 不安全的 unwelcome 不受欢迎的 uncommon 不常见的 unaware 没意识到的不舒适 ;使不舒服unhealthy (不健康的;不益于健康的)unable (无能的;不会的) 但:disability 残疾unfair(不公平的;不公正的)unfamiliar (不熟悉的;没有经验的)unnecessary (不必要的)unfortunate

5、(不幸的) 但misfortune灾难,厄运unreal不真实uncertain unforgettable unfit un/inequal 不平等的un-用于动词之前表示做相反的动作lock v.锁, 锁上 unlockvt.开.锁cover vt.覆盖 uncovervt.揭开, 揭露fold v.折叠 unfold v.打开dress v.穿衣 undress vt.使脱衣服load v.装载 unload v.卸货un-未(主要用于过去分词之前)unexpected 未预料到) unlocked 未上锁的 uneducated 未受教育的 undecided 未决定的 unfinis

6、hed 未完成的 uncrowded 不拥挤的undoubted 无疑的 unmarried 未结婚的4.non-加在名、形、副或作形容词的分词前,表“无,抗,防,非,没”之意 nonsense(n.胡说、废话) non-violent(adj.非暴力的 )nonpoisonous无毒的 nonexistent不存在的nonsmoking 不准吸烟的nonstop a.直达的5.ab-,ab-加在词根前,表示相反,离去”如:abnormal(ab+normal 正常的)反常的abuse滥用、错误使用、虐待6.mis加在动词、名词之前misunderstand 误解misjudge 误判misl

7、eading 误导misfortune 不幸Exx:根据语境,用所给词的否定形式填空1It is _ (legal) to drive after drinking alcohol. 酒后开车不合法。2_ (lead) advertisements are not allowed by law.误导的广告为法律所不允许。3It is _ (reasonable)to stick to this absurd proposal.坚持这种荒谬的建议是不合理的。4There exists the _ (balance) between the rich and poor countries.富国与穷

8、国之间存在着不平衡。5.The government _ (close) that another ambassador had been arrested for spying.政府公开另一个外交大使园间谍罪被逮捕。illegalMisleadingirresponsibleimbalanceddisclosed6His identity is _ (know) to us so we have to confirm.他的身份为我们所不知,所以我们得证实。7He seems to be _ (aware)of the trouble he is making.他似乎不知道他正造成的麻烦。8J

9、im is _ (patient)with his little sister who is so noisy.吉姆对他吵闹的小妹妹不耐烦。9The _ (expect)death of her son made hei sad.她儿子意外的死亡使她伤心。10.Her illness had made her completely _ (mobile)她的病使得她完全不能活动了。unknownunawareimpatientunexpectedimmobile11Running a business without a budget(预算)is _ (practical)经营生意而没有预算是不

10、实际的。12The bright dress is _ (proper) for a funeral.鲜艳的衣服对葬礼来说不合适。13Students get a _ (count) of 25% on plane tickets.学生享有25%的机票折扣。14The water is _ (fit)for drinking and you have to gowithout water.这水不适宜饮用,你只能不喝水了。15.You must be _ (literate) if you have not heard of Shakespeare.如果你没听说过莎士比亚,那你一定是文盲的。im

11、practicalimproperdiscountunfitilliterate16He _ (like)wearing a tie,so you will never see him in tie.17_ (amaze/surprise) , he should lose his temper in public.18_ (expect), the injured athlete came first in the 100meter dash.19The mother _(dress) her baby and gave it a bath.20.This delay was _ (avoi

12、dable) so we had to be patient.延迟不可避免,所以我们得耐心dislikesAmazinglyUnexpectedlyundressedunavoidably21His income is _ (adequate) to meet his basic needs and he has to find another job.他的收入不足以满足基本要求,他得再找份工作。22.Its _ (honesty)to lie about ones age.谎报自己的年龄是不诚实的。23The injured man was _ (capable) of walking, so he had to be carried.那个受伤的人不能走路,所


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