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1、工科类英 语职业模块Unit Two MultimediaWarm UpListening and SpeakingReadingReceptionHighlightsJust for FunSection A Warm UpMultimedia includes a combination of the following content forms. Please match the terms in Column A with their meanings in Column B.Warm-upA 1. text 2. audio 3. still images 4. animation

2、 5. video 6. interactivityB a. 音频 b. 视频 c. 互动性 d. 文本 e. 静态图像 f. 动画Section B Listening and SpeakingDialogue StudyActivitiesDialogue (L=Lily R=Robin)L: We all know the computer plays a more and more important role in everyday life, especially in English learning and teaching. I mean, as a student, I g

3、et English learning information from Internet. What about you? R: Me too! For the listening and reading comprehension, we can obtain more objective and native language materials.L: Yes. We can also improve our writing ability by using multimedia and network technology, because they can stimulate the

4、 initiative of us. R: Uh huh. I think teachers should modify course plan so that computer can play a key role in students learning courses. And our teacher is more like a guider or a promoter than a commander.L: It is very thoughtful of you! New Words Phrases NotesTo be continuedobtainv. 得到,获得object

5、iveadj.客观的;真实的nativeadj. 本土的materialn.材料improvev.提高multimedian.adj.多媒体多媒体的technologyn.技术stimulatev.刺激;激发New Wordsinitiativen. 主动性modifyV.修改guiden.指导者promotern.倡导者commandern. 指挥官thoughtfuladj.体贴的,关心别人的New WordsPhrasesplay a role in 在中起作用What about you? 你呢? What about 和 how about 是英语口语中常用的两个省略句型,它们的意思

6、和用法基本相同,常常用在以下场合。一、向对方提出建议或请求。例如: How about going out for a walk? 出去散散步好吗? 二、征询对方的看法或意见。例如: What about the TV play? 那个电视剧怎么样? 三、询问天气或身体等情况。例如: 1. What about the weather in your home town? 你们家乡的气候如何? 2. How about your uncle now? 你叔叔近来身体好吗?NotesTo be continued四、寒暄时用作承接上下文的转折语。例如: I am from Beijing. Wh

7、at about you? 我是北京人,你呢? 五、对所陈述的情况做出反诘,常给予对方一种暗示。例如: My memory is good. Ive never forgotten anything. 我的记忆力很好,从不忘记什么。 What about that time you left your key to the office at home? 那次你将办公室的要是忘在家里算是怎么回事呀?2. And our teacher is more like a guider or a promoter than a commander. 教师更像是一个引导者和推动者而不是领导者。moret

8、han1. “与其不如”;“是而不是”,常可与“rather than或not so muchas”互换使用。He is more poltroon than cautious. “与其说他谨慎不如说他是怯懦。”NotesTo be continued2. morethan之后接含有can的从句同样表示否定意义。Tom has more insolence than I can stand. 汤姆的傲慢使我难以忍受。类似结构:less than“不象;不是”no more than或 not any more than两者的意思均为“只有;仅仅;不过”(= only; just)。前者用于书面

9、语;后者常用于口语。no less than “不少于;不下于之多;多达;”no morethan或notany more than1. “和一样地不”,意味着两者都否定,但往往着重说明2. “不正如不一样”,常用来加重说话者的语气。NotesTo be continuedno lessthan “(至少)和一样”not more than“不少于”,意义同at (the ) leastnot more than“不如;不及于” 语气常着重于后面的一个分句,常可与“not so/as as”互换使用。NotesActivitiesWork AlonePair WorkListen to the

10、 dialogue, and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).( ) 1. Both Lily and Robin get English learning information from Internet.( ) 2. Multimedia and network technology can help us improve our writing ability.( ) 3. Our teacher is a commander and plays a key role in studen

11、ts learning courses.Work AloneKey1. T2. T3. FFirst listen to and repeat the dialogue, then role play it in pairs.Pair WorkSection C ReadingText OneText TwoPost-Reading 3Pre-Reading1While-Reading2 Text OnePre-readingWork in groups to discuss the following questions.1. Whats your understanding of mult

12、imedia?2. Give two examples of the use of multimedia.While-reading The answer is neither simple nor easy. Multimedia is the combination of computer and video technology. In fact, multimedia is just two mediasound and pictures, or in todays term, audio and video. As with all modern technologies, it i

13、s made from a mix of hardware and software. Actually, some people see multimedia simply as the marriage of PCs and video. Multimedia PC needs to be more powerful than mainstream computer. At least the multimedia PC defines the mainstream. If you want to separate an ordinary computer from multimedia,

14、 the only things are a soundboard and a CD-ROM driver. The CD serves as multimedias chief storage and exchange medium. So what is multimedia? Now you should agree that multimedia isnt any one thing, but it is a complex entity. It involves the manythings: What Is Multimedia?To be continuedWhile-readi

15、nghardware, software, and the interface where they meet. But weve forgotten the most important thing. The thing is multimedia involves you. You dont have to be a passive recipient with multimedia. You can control. You can interact. You can make it do what you want it to do. Thats the strength of mul

16、timedia. What does multimedia do? It presents information, shares ideas and educes emotions. It enables you to see, hear, and understand the thoughts of others. In other words, it is a form of communication.What Is Multimedia?New Words Phrases and Expressions NotesTo be continuedcombinationn. 结合;组合v

17、ideon.视频;录像termn. 术语;学期actuallyadv.实际上mainstreamn.主流definev.给下定义soundboardn.声卡chiefadj.主要的storagen.存储exchangen. 交换New Wordsentityn. 实体involvev. 包含,包括passiveadj. 被动的recipientn.接触者controlv.支配;控制interactv.交流strengthn.优势presentv.呈现,展现New WordsPhrases and Expressionsneither nor 既不也不in fact 事实上be made fro

18、m 由所做成的at least 至少serve as 充当,担任in other words 换句话说The answer is neither simple nor easy.这个问题并不容易回答。 neither.nor.表示既不也不。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。注:此句中neither.nor.连接两个宾语。当neither.nor.连接两个主语时,也应遵循就近原则。例如:Neither dad nor mum is at home today. 今天父母都不在家。若

19、将neither.nor.句型变为肯定句,只需把neither.nor.改为both.and.即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示“两者中没有一个”。例如:Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:He d

20、oesnt go to school by bike. 他不是骑自行车上学。Neither/Nor do I. 我也不是。NotesNow you should agree that multimedia isnt any one thing, but it is a complex entity. 现在你应该明白了:多媒体不是某一样东西,而是一个复杂的整体。本句是一个包含宾语从句的复合句,该宾语从句由that引导,that在从句中不做任何成分。一. 宾语从句的定义宾语从句是主从复合句中最常见的从句之一。 它作及物动词、介词或者某些形容词的宾语且涉及到引导词、语序、时态等多方面的内容。二. 宾

21、语从句的语序宾语从句的语序是陈述句语序即:连接代词/副词+主语+谓语+其他成分。例如:I dont know what they are looking for.三. 宾语从句的时态主句是一般现在时,从句根据实际情况使用任何时态。例句:The headmaster hopes everything goes well.Notes主句是过去时态,从句须用过去时态的某种形式。例句:She was sorry that she hadnt finished her work on time.当宾语从句表示的是一个客观真理或者事实时,即使主句是过去时,从句也用一般现在时,例句:The teacher

22、told his class that light travels faster than sound.四. 宾语从句的特点宾语从句可以作及物动词、介词及形容词的宾语。宾语从句的语序一律用陈述句语序。连接词that引导宾语从句在句中无词义,不充当句子成份,多数情况下可以省略。whether 和 if 都可引导宾语从句,但 whether后可紧跟or not;whether从句可作介词的宾语。如果从句太长,可以用形式宾语it.NotesPost-readingKeys. 1.The only things are a soundboard and a CD-ROM driver. 2.You d

23、ont have to be a passive recipient with multimedia. You can control. You can interact. You can make it do what you want it to do.3. It presents information, shares ideas and educes emotions. It enables you to see, hear, and understand the thoughts of others. . 1. terms 2. actually 3. define 4. chief

24、 5. involve 6. control . 1. at least 2. in fact 3. in other words 4. is made from 5. serve asTo be continuedPost-readingKeys. 1. 实际上,多媒体只是两个媒体:声音和图像,或者用现在的术语说:音频和视频。 2. 事实上,有人就简单地认为多媒体是电脑和电视的结合。 3. 区别普通电脑和多媒体电脑的主要东西是声卡和只读光盘驱动器。 4. 现在可以回答说,多媒体不只是一件东西,而是一个复杂的实体。 5. 我们还忘了一件最重要的事情:多媒体还包括你。 Reading1Keys2

25、 Text TwoUses for Multimedia Now we advocated one thing. The thing is that use multimedia to expand the uses of computers. Lets take a look at some certain areas. Multimedia could have a direct impact to these areas:1. Computer-based training (CBT) Many companies are turning to multimedia applicatio

26、ns to train their employees. They found it has saved expenses and trained employees more effectively by using a multimedia application.2. Education The essence of multimedia is to make computers more interesting. Multimedia can make the learning process more interesting. So it will help the learning

27、 process. 3. Entertainment In many cases, todays best games use the graphics technology. In addition, writing entertainment applications (that is, games) can be a lot of fun. To be continued ReadingUses for Multimedia4. Information accessThis is the age of information. We often find nothing with so

28、much information. Multimedia provides effective ways to organize information and search for facts. 5. Business presentationsTo many companies, presenting information to business professionals is a required form of communication. Applications are already available for creating great-looking presentat

29、ions, and through multimedia these applications will become even better and more effective. Obviously, multimedia has many uses, and the only limitation is your imagination. New Words Notes Reading Phrases and ExpressionsTo be continuedadvocatev. 主张expandv.扩大directadj. 直接的savev.节省expensen.pl.花销,话费业务

30、费用effectivelyadv.有效地essencen.本质entertainmentn.娱乐organizev.组织presentationn. 演示New Wordsprofessionaln. 专家requiredadj.必须的availableadj. 可获得的;可用的obviouslyadv.显然limitationn.限制imaginationn.想象力New WordsPhrases and Expressionstake a look at 看一下computer-based training (CBT) 计算机辅助培训turn to 转向in addition 另外sear

31、ch for 搜索宾语从句(2) 宾语从句中引导词的用法在复合句中作主句的宾语,引导词有:连词:that (that 常可省略),whether, if代词:who, whose, what ,which副词:when ,where, how, why 等。(一)that引导的宾语从句(在非正式场合that可以省略)可跟that从句做宾语的动词有:say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, suppose, see, believe, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, or

32、der, command, feel, dream, suggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, propose, declare, report等。例句:The boy believes that he will travel through space to other planets.注:当主句谓语动词是 think, believe, suppose, expect等词,而宾语从句的意思是否定时,常把否定转移至主句表示。例句:I dont think it is right for him to treat you like that.在以下情况中that不能省略当句中的动词后接多于两个由that引导的宾语从句时,第一个that可省,但后面的that不可省。Notes当主句的谓语动词与that宾语从句之间有插入语时,that一般不可省。当that从句是双宾语中的直接宾语时,that不可省。注:许多带复合宾语的句子,that


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