人教版八年级下册英语 Unit7 Period 6 Section B (3a-Self Check) 习题课件_第1页
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1、 人教浙江专版 八年级下Period 6Section B (3aSelf Check)Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?单元知识浓缩练12345meterssquareprotectancientwide678910thickincludesbuildingsachievementstourists 温馨提示:点击 进入讲评答 案 呈 现作文单元作文聚焦练答 案 呈 现AB任务阅读专项练12345listeningmatchdie outPollutionto care1234Last year.In a big car. Beca

2、use an elephant started to walk towards them. In a tent. 答 案 呈 现用本单元所学词汇的适当形式填空There are many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City is in the center of Beijing. It reaches about 750 _1 (米)from the east to the west and about 960 meters from t

3、he north to the south. metersIt is 720, 000 _2 (平方)meters in size. It is the largest palace in the world. To _3 (保护)the people inside the palace, the _4 (古代的)people built a moat(护城河)around it, which is 52 meters _5 (宽的)and 5 meters deep. squareprotectancientwideThere is also a _6 (厚的)wall, which is

4、3. 4 kilometers long and 12 meters high. The wall _7(包括) four gates in it. They are Wumen in the south, Shenwumen in the north, Donghuamen in the east and Xihuamen in the west. On the four corners of the wall stand four towers.thickincludesAll the _8 (建筑物) are strong and amazing. They are great _9(成

5、就) of ancient Chinese architecture(中国古代建筑设计). During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the emperors and their families worked and lived in the Forbidden City. Now, thousands of _10(游客) come to visit it every day. buildingsachievementstourists 写无定法, 写必有法“四步法”介绍自然和地理/保护珍稀动物的方法步骤一: 写作时可先概括自然或地理特点/介绍当地的珍稀动物引

6、入话题。步骤二: 按照给出的提示, 逐一介绍自然或地理或珍稀动物的特点及现状。步骤三: 列举保护自然和地理或珍稀动物的方法。步骤四: 表达自己对这件事的看法, 表明自己的观点。素材积累1. 关于自然和地理/保护珍稀动物方面的常用词汇mountain; river ; meter; deep; square kilometer; the importance of; endangered animal2. 关于自然和地理/保护珍稀动物方面的常用句型(1). protect. from. (2)Its important to do sth. (3). try ones best to do st

7、h. (4). are becoming fewer and fewer. (5). is one ofthe形容词最高级名词复数. 典例本周末有一批外国游客要来动物园参观大熊猫, 假如你是他们的导游, 请你根据下面的提示写一篇发言稿, 向这些游客简要地介绍一下大熊猫, 要求80词左右。开头已给出, 不计入总词数。提示: 1. 大熊猫的外貌及性格特点是什么? 2. 大熊猫以什么为食? 它们主要生活在哪些地区? 3. 大熊猫的生存现状是怎样的? 中国政府为保护大熊猫采取了哪些措施? Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to China! Im glad to be you

8、r guide today. _We will see lovely pandas soon. Now let me tell you something about pandas. Pandas are black and white. They are very friendly to people. They feed on bamboo. They mainly live in some forests and mountains in Sichuan Province, Gansu Province and Shaanxi Province. _Now pandas are beco

9、ming fewer and fewer. So the Chinese government is thinking about ways to protect them. Some education programs also send people to schools to tell students about the importance of saving pandas. Besides these, the government is also planting more bamboo. So there will be more forests for pandas to

10、live in. _Im sure pandas will live a happier life and have a better place to live in. ABy _ 1 and watching out for danger.请同学们看典中点A本第37页短文。listeningBy having colors that _ 2 the things around their nests. matchWhy do some birds _ 3? die out_ 4 may cause some birds to die. PollutionBy teaching people _ 5 about birds. to careB1. When did Julie and Rick travel to Kenya?_请同学们看典中点A本第37页短文。Last year.2. How did the guides take them to watch wil


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