1、 2022简洁的英国留学申请书 2022简洁的英国留学申请书 When I was two years old my family relocated from the New World, Canada, to the Old, and since then I have journeyed to places as far off as Rome, Egypt, and Thailand, among many others. Everywhere I travelled brought upon me a new wave of fresh fascination; not only i
2、n the cultural differences I noticed, but in the circumstances, traditions, and history that shaped them. Returning home, I became curious about what had moulded my own culture as I knew it. This was the beginning of a lifelong interest in material culture and historical heritage. This fascination s
3、oon developed into a passion particularly when studying the medieval period. I wrote my IB Extended Essay on how the changing socio-political climate in England from the 11th to 15th centuries led to linguistic and sociolinguistic changes. Having chosen a subject that fascinated me, I found myself g
4、oing beyond the requirements, organizing visits to the British Library and studying contemporary manuscripts. I had to familiarize myself with Middle English and to some degree Old English and Old French and my study of the original manuscripts was one of my most inspiring educational experiences to
5、 date. Soon I found that it was not enough to know about the past, I wanted also to learn where our knowledge of the past had come from. It was this curiosity that led me to an interest in archaeology. Thus when the school nominated me for a travel fellowship (a grant given to a student who most sho
6、wed “courage and strength as an individual, genuineness, generosity, and high personal and academic standards”) I proposed to travel to Romania to work on an archaeological dig. In presenting me with the award, the judges praised my good planning and organization, and enthusiasm for the subject. I t
7、ravelled to Romania in August 2022 to join an excavation of a Transylvanian castle dating from the 14th century. During my time there I received hands on experience of archaeological techniques, firsthand information from experts regarding practice and theory, and a wonderful look at the history and
8、 culture of a country to which I had never before travelled. Although I had feared I might find the work tedious, I enjoyed every second of it. The experience heightened my interest in archaeology, and travelling alone helped me develop my maturity, organization, and independence. My interests go be
9、yond the historical, however. I have a strong creative side, and study drama both in school and as an extracurricular activity, producing and acting in a number of productions. I also play the piano, having taken it up at the age of five, and enjoy composing pieces of all genres. I was recently comm
10、issioned by the arts department of my school to compose a score for a production of Animal Farm. On the other end of the academic spectrum, I am adept at logic and rational thinking, coming top in my school for two years running in the UK Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad. I think that such a variet
11、y of understanding is useful in allowing me a broad approach to problem solving and research. My main goal in attending university is to eventually advance my understanding to such a degree where I could teach the subject at university level. As part of my Diploma Programme, I frequently participate
12、 in community service projects in which I help senior citizens learn how to use computers, and teach drama to children with disabilities, and in doing so have developed better interpersonal skills and a strong teaching technique. These have been furthered by my experience as a counsellor at a summer
13、 camp in Canada, and I am certain these skills would work as an advantage should I ever teach history or archaeology myself. 留学英国本硕连读条件 一、英国本硕连读的条件 1、语言要求 英国本硕连读首先对语言有一定的要求, 一般要求学生雅思成绩在6.0-6. 5分以上,部分顶尖名校对学生的雅思要求较高,雅思成绩需要达到7. 0分,如果没有雅思成绩,也可以先申请就读语言课程,完成语言学习。 2、学历要求 英国本硕连读要求学生完成国内高三课程或英国A- level课程,学生也
14、可以在完成国内大一课程或英国预科课程后申请,其对学历的要求还是非常灵活的,学生可以根据自身实际情况来选择。 3、成绩要求 英国本硕连读要求学生高中平均分不得低于80, 211或985大学平均分不得低于75,双非大学平均分不得低于80,个别学校还会对数学或其他单项科目有具体的分数要求,可根据申请学校而定。 4、费用要求 英国本硕连读学制一般为4-5年,其中每年需要的学费简略在15000- 2000英镑左右,每年需要的生活费简略在10000-12000英镑,所以每年简略需要3000-0000英镑的留学费用,学生需要具备足够的经济能力,可以支付在英国留学期间的费用,以保证能够顺利完成学业。 二、英国
15、本硕连读留学的三大优势 1.英国硕士时间短,完成全部课程仅为一年 英国硕士的课程设计紧凑,并且相对于澳大利亚和美国需要两年完成的硕士,资金节省巨大。而且英国高等教育质量很高,其文凭得到全世界的认可,对于学生今后的职业发展也有很大的促进作用。 2.完成本校本科学位,申请硕士课程可申请校友奖学金 英国大学对于读完本科,而且继续在本校攻读研究生的学生,一般都给予奖学金或学费减免。该奖学金称为校友奖学金(Alumni Scholarship),一般金额为1000英镑2000英镑不等,此奖学金对于减轻学生的经济负担有一定作用。 3.硕士学位在职场上更有竞争力 随着大学教育的普及,本科学历已经成为就业的标
16、准配置,如果学生拥有英国硕士学位,一定能够在职场上的激烈竞争中获得先手之利。 留学英国生活常识介绍 一、英国的租房 在租房的时候,一些同学常常就会选择与小伙伴一起合租,而在合租过程中,在波及到一些关于生活费房费等利益问题的时候,中国人通常会拉不下脸面来说,但这对合租并不利。所以如果明确要选择合租的方式的话,就要分清两人的共同支出,把所有的账单都收集起来,最后结算的时候好有据可凭。 二、英国的气候 在英国住久了,你会发现英国的气候特别多变,天气预报经常不准,因为实在太难预测了。可能前一分钟还是太阳高照,后一分钟马上就开始下暴雨。所以平时出门一定要记得带一把伞,这样就不至于被突然的骤雨淋湿。 三、英国的信用 在英国,这里的银行可以给学生的银行账户提供无息透支,还有各种免费的服务、打折的服务。但是这样也会带来一些不好的影响,不建议大家随意去提升信用额度,先权衡一下自己的经济实力是否能够偿还如此高的透支额度。此外,信用记录对一个人来说是特别重要的,所以记得定时察看自己的信用度,并合理规划理财计划, 四、英国的马路 由于英国的交通规定,汽车都是靠左行驶,这就提醒大家平时在横过马路地方时候,要先注意右边的来车,即“先右后左”。这个和国内的情况完全相反,一些同学刚开始可能不太适应,不管怎么说,还是小心为上,宁可在过马路之前想清楚,也不要在过马路的中间才反应过来。出门在外
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