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1、都装好了吗All loaded up?我们谈谈So talk to me.你见过老板吗You ever seen the boss man?我也没见过Me, neither.我不喜欢戴面罩扮神秘Not a big fan of masks and mysteries,但薪水不错 对吧but he pays well, am I right?我也不喜欢被无视I also dont love being ignored.问了两个问题 你都不回答Two questions, no response.第三个问题是你最后的机会Consider my third query your last chanc

2、e咱们有问有答at making this deal才能愉快交易a sweet back and forth between two gents.有什么问题吗So do we have a problem?搞什么鬼What the hell, man?!你说过对这个交易有兴趣You said you were down with this deal.你觉得这很好玩吗You think this is funny?我只关心移植等待名单All I care about is the donor list,名单上有我哥哥 你的名字where my brother - you - are on tha

3、t list.好吗All right?你得跟我谈谈这事 坦白交代Im gonna need you to talk about that, fess on up,不然我就打开顶棚or Im gonna open up this roof让大雨淋湿你这光秃秃的脑袋and let this rain drench your bald-ass head.我在处理了 我没事Im on it, and Im good, okay?别担心 兄妹守则第123条Dont worry about that. Sibling Code 123.没有第123条There is no 123.现在有了There is

4、 now, okay?兄妹守则第123条 我是专业医务人员Sibling Code number 123 - Im a medical professional,我可以安排自己的肾移植and I can arrange my own kidney transplant by myself.兄妹守则第124条Well, Sibling Code 124,别再编只能用一次的兄妹守则了no more making up sibling codes that cant be used more than once.不 一旦使用第123条 就成立了No, if you use 123, its 123!

5、不 讨论结束No, its over!两名受害人Two victims -左边是罗伊罗曼 右边是维克琼斯Roy Roman on the left, Vic Jones on the right.两人都是胸口中一枪Each with a single gunshot wound to the chest.还有一个空手提箱And one empty briefcase.乍一看 这两人开枪对射First blush, they shot each other.再一看 似乎这位小偷Second blush, it looks like our thief杀人和偷窃都干了did the killing

6、 and the stealing.外面的轮胎印正被处理Tire marks outside are being processed,但我猜是大型货车 克莱蒙蒂轮胎but Im thinking full-sized van, Clementi tires.正在查看周围的交通监控录像Traffic cams from every direction are being checked.抱歉 谁喜欢金发女郎Um, sorry, who likes blondes here?只是随口问问Just a random question,把手举高些just raise your hand nice an

7、d high.其实Uh, actually.-我喜欢褐发的 -真的吗- Im on a brunette tip. - Oh, yeah, do you really, though?我喜欢红发妹子Redheads are kind of my thing.好吧 这是派对还是案发现场Okay, so was this a party or a crime scene?这是个废弃仓库Its an abandoned warehouse.周围的人流量很大And lots of foot traffic from every direction.把所有颜色的头发All right, all hair

8、, all colors还有罗伊和维克的尸体带回实验室back to the lab with Roy and Vic here.带指纹解锁功能的铝制手提箱Yeah, an aluminum briefcase with customized fingerprint entry和两个戴面具隐藏身份的死人and two dead guys wearing masks to hide their identities.罗伊罗曼 39岁 股票经纪You got Roy Roman, 39, stockbroker,07年和09年因内线交易遭到起诉indicted for insider tradin

9、g in 07 and 09.维克琼斯 好得很 无违章也无前科Vic Jones, tip top, clean record, no priors.大家都听好了All right, everyone. Listen up.不Oh, no.母老虎又来了Dragon Lady returns.你们有些人见过联调局探员哈罗斯了Some of you already know FBI Agent Harrows.她会和东迈阿密警局密切合作Shes gonna be working closely with the EMPD处理这宗仓库案子on this warehouse case.暂不接受提问Ho

10、ld any and all questions indefinitely.交给你了Floor is yours.非常感谢Thank you so much.先向你们大围栏里的这些热心人A brief history lesson简单介绍下我的经历for all you buffs here in the general pen area.我从事人质谈判之前Before I was a hostage negotiator,曾在有组织犯罪组I was in organized crime.我有没有碰到过一些难缠的家伙Did I encounter some SOBs?当然有Yes, I did

11、.有没有一些让我想严惩的漏网之鱼Are there a few stragglers Id like to nail to the wall确实有in a satisfying way, yes, there are.有一个人常令我彻夜难眠One in particular keeps me up at night,而我很喜欢拥有好睡眠and I love my sleep.他叫做马西鲁斯维嘉His name is Marcelus Vega,我想是时候去找这家伙了and I think its time we find his ass.马西鲁斯掌握着一个庞大帝国Marcelus has a

12、pretty big empire,但他消失几年了but hes been off the grid for a couple years.难就难在没人见过他的样子And the wrinkle is no one has seen this part of his body.是不是说我们的受害人之一曾为他做事Okay, so Im assuming one of our victims worked for him or what?你一定是维拉吧You must be Villa.很高兴见到你Its lovely to finally cross paths with you.是的 你说得没

13、错And yes, youre correct.我们这位亲爱的朋友 维克托Our dear, sweet friend, Victor,愿他在烈火重重的远方安息may he rest in a place far south of here with lots of fire.警监 这位维克琼斯并不符合这些特征Cap, this Vic Jones doesnt fit.他是一等良民 无任何犯罪记录Hes a choirboy. No record.马西鲁斯最喜欢用这样的人Thats exactly how Marcelus likes it.这是一起双尸命案We have a double

14、homicide,我们很肯定马西鲁斯有嫌疑and were pretty confident Marcelus hands are all over it.我期待与你们合作办理此案So I look forward to working with all of you on this.各就各位As you were.不好意思 我们为什么要信你Im sorry, why are we trusting you?现在不是时候 不是时候Not now, not now.我只想问问他 因为我们都在大围栏I just want to ask him cause were all in our pen.我

15、们为什么要信她 警监Why are we trusting her, Captain?因为联调局有一项既得权利Because the FBI has a vested interest.你们找到的任何线索 我都可以使用So any information you find has to come my way.话是这么说 但我认为这是私人恩怨Well, I hear vested, and I think personal.不是你告诉我Now, wasnt it you who told me感情用事会致命的吗that emotions get people killed?我只想说 我不想让任

16、何事Im just saying, I wouldnt want anything妨碍我们把这家伙绳之以法to get in the way of bringing this guy to justice.多谢关心 真的I appreciate your concern, I really do,很高兴再见到你and its great to see you again.维克的肺病很严重Vic has acute pulmonary disease.烟瘾一定很大Must have been a heavy smoker.罗伊的嘴巴很干Hmm. Roys mouth is dry.我猜是服用某种

17、药物的副作用Uh, my guess is its the side effect from some kind of drug.毒理检测结果显示Uh, tox results do show他体内至少有一百毫克苯二氮镇静药at least 100 milligrams of benzodiazepine in his system.罗伊完全处于麻醉状态Roy was completely sedated.睡着了怎么进行交易How does someone carry out a deal if theyre asleep?这场谋杀是设计好的 帮个小忙The murder was staged

18、. Little help.我想他是像个娃娃一样被摆成这个姿势I think he was placed in a seated position like a doll,再对他开枪then shot.维克所以为的交易对象Okay, so whoever Vic thought he was dealing with并不是罗伊wasnt really Roy.没错Correct.我们要找的肯定不只是个小偷Then were definitely not just looking for a thief.是的 我们要找的绝对是凶手No, we are 100% looking for a mur

19、derer.找到货车了你不会想这么做的You dont want to do that.东迈阿密警察 把火吹灭 举起手来EMPD, blow it out! Hands up!马上Now!安娜丽斯Annalise?你认识这个人You know this guy?私家法医第二季 第十六集你要说说你是谁吗You want to tell me who you are?你怎么知道我的名字Why you know my name?彼得哈蒙 海滩高中的Pete Harmon, Beach High.埃雷迪亚的家政学课上我坐你旁边I sat next to you in Heredias Domestic

20、 Science class.我没听错吧Did I hear what he just said?我不知道 无所谓 转过身I dont know, it doesnt matter. Turn around.放下背包Drop the backpack.举起双手Hands up.我告诉你 彼得Ill tell you something, Pete,我是警察 你是罪犯 懂吗Im a cop and youre a criminal, okay?向斯莱德报告 让哈罗斯尽快来这里 Call this in to Slade. Get Harrows out here ASAP.你是在问我意见吗Tha

21、t a real question?不 只是确保我们意见一致No, just making sure were on the same page.那我的意见呢Hey, what about my page?-没人在乎我的意见吗 -闭嘴- Anybody care about my page? - Shut up.你随身带着不少钱A lot of cash youre carrying around.要去哪 彼得 参加海滩高中同学会吗Where you headed, Pete, Beach High reunion?别这样 彼得 板条箱里装着什么Dont do that. Pete, what

22、s in the crate?我很肯定是枫糖浆Im pretty sure its maple syrup.你觉得这很好玩吗Oh, this is funny to you?-不 真的 安娜丽斯 -别这样叫我- No, Im serious, Annalise - - Dont call me that.但这是你的.But its your -叫我维拉警探 你被捕了Detective Villa, and youre under arrest.走Lets go.我要把这个送去魔幻都市检测Ill get this to Magic City, get it tested.我猜是液体海洛因My g

23、uess is liquid heroin.我说了 是枫糖浆Im telling you, its maple syrup!彼得哈蒙 2003届Pete Harmon, class of 03.大号吹得很不错 对吧You played a mean tuba, right?棋艺社社长Yeah, Chess Club captain.别忘了毕业致辞Dont forget valedictorian.对 讲得很好 很振奋人心Yeah, great speech - inspiring.我是毕业生致辞代表 当时我一个字都没说I was salutatorian. I didnt say a word

24、.如果你要看我们的高中年鉴You know, if youre just gonna look at our high-school year book,起码应该看完you could at least read the whole thing.这不重要It doesnt matter.重要的是What does matter你出现在双尸命案现场is you were at the scene of a double homicide准备烧掉满布证据的货车ready to set fire to a van full of evidence.所以你应该少关心过去So you should be

25、 worrying less about the past多担心未来and more about the future,比如你是否想在监狱度过余生like do you want to spend the rest of it in jail?我印象中的安娜丽斯就是这样Theres the Annalise I remember -刻薄的舞会皇后the bitchy prom queen.等等 他说的是舞会皇后吗Wait, did he just say Prom queen?拜托告诉我 他说了舞会皇后Please tell me he said Prom queen.我 我都没去参加舞会I

26、- I didnt even go to prom.但你被选为舞会皇后But you were voted prom queen.对 他说的是舞会皇后Yep, he said Prom queen.我们待会再好好拷问她 对吧So were all gonna grill her on this later, right?-对 -对- Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah!很好Good. 显然 我说过要知会我Clearly, my words about keeping me in the loop没有人听进去了fell on deaf ears.我听得挺清楚的I can hear just

27、 fine.我的听力好得过分Almost too good, my ears.其实我右耳听力部分残疾Im actually partially deaf in the right.鼓膜钙化Calcification of the drums.你想让我说刻薄话 那好You want bitchy prom queen, youve got her.对 我确实草草翻了下我们的旧年鉴Yeah, I did flip through our old yearbook,我看到你在高中乐队and I started to remember some things吹着那个超级大号after seeing y

28、ou play that big-ass tuba就记起了一些事情with the high-school band.你当时是个书呆子You were the nerdy guy总想举办大型派对 对吧who always tried to throw those big parties, right?父母很少在身边Parents werent around much,所以你想好好利用so you tried to take advantage.经常逃课Attendance wasnt great,-如果我没记错的话 -那又怎样- either, if my memorys correct. -

29、 So what?所以我认为你特别想跟酷酷的人一起玩So I think you were desperate to hang out with the cool kids因为你厌烦了被丢下because you were so tired of being left behind.却跟错了人 对吗Fell in with the wrong crowd, right?拿着枪让你觉得自己很牛 是吗A gun makes you feel tough, doesnt it?是的 什么 不是Yes. What - no!我不是 我 我不会杀人Im not - I - look, I would n

30、ever kill anyone.但你说得对But yes.高中之后 我After high school, I.厌烦了被人欺负was tired of being pushed around.他让我加入之前 我只是个小人物I was nobody before he took me in.他送了我一个位于威吾德的阁楼He gave me a loft in Wynwood,一辆好车 开支还能报销a nice car, an expense account.我不想再像个怂货 担惊受怕I didnt want to be weak and afraid anymore.你说的是马西鲁斯维嘉You

31、re talking about Marcelus Vega.彼得 你看上去Oh, Pete, you look.非常害怕pretty damn scared right now.他不可能不杀我Theres no chance he doesnt kill me.很可能不会Great chance he doesnt.但你要帮我 才能帮你自己But you have to help me help you.手提箱里装的是什么What was in that briefcase?买货的钱吗Money for the product?我做的只是接上罗伊All I did was pick up R

32、oy送他到仓库and drop him off at the warehouse, okay?其它的我都不知道 我发誓I dont know anything else, I swear. Uh.你出去吧Give me the room.留下也行 你好 彼得Or well share it. Hi, Pete.我是联调局的哈罗斯探员Im Agent Harrows. I work with the FBI.我找你的老板很久了Ive been looking for your boss for a long time,你得帮我找到他and youre gonna help me find him

33、.我们知道维克是马西鲁斯手下的贩子We know Vic worked for Marcelus as a dealer.我们只想知道他买的是什么We just want to know what he was buying.我说过了 是枫糖浆I told you, maple syrup, okay?我Im.我只负责开车 不多问Im just a driver. I dont ask questions.好吧 你最好回答我们Okay, well, you better start giving us some answers因为老实说 如果你还想有机会重获新生because the trut

34、h is youre gonna have to go through me就必须得过我这关if you want any chance at a second life,而现在and right now,机会看来很渺茫those chances are looking dangerously low.好好想想Think about that.你要说说你为什么抢走我的审讯吗You want to tell me why you just hijacked my interrogation?我都快有突破了I was getting to him.别这样Lets not do this.请原谅我不

35、想浪费更多时间Please forgive me if I didnt want to waste any more time来缅怀往事taking a stroll down memory lane.我相信你穿着拉拉队服很可爱Im sure you look real cute in your little cheerleading uniform,但你的故事没那么有趣but your story is just not that interesting.不如我来让我们俩的故事What if I make our story, mine and yours,变得非常有趣吧really int

36、eresting?-我洗耳恭听 -维拉 维拉- Im listening. - Villa, Villa,我想该休息一下了I think this is a time-out situation.保持冷静最重要Yeah, cool heads prevail and whatnot.没错 走吧Yeah, agreed. Come on.走吧Come on. 我想是时候把彼得带到我的办公室了I think its time we take Pete into my office.没那么多监控 更多空间搞点创新Less cameras, more room to get creative.探员 相

37、信我 我很支持创新Well, Agent, believe me, Im all about getting creative,但现在 彼得会接受警方羁押but right now, Petes gonna stay in police custody直到我们得到需要的情报until we get the information we need, all right?好Fine.别搞错了Just dont be wrong,否则我会确保被严密控制的人是你or Ill make sure youre the one wearing the tight leash.脱落的线Loose thread

38、.可能是衣服上的Possibly from clothes.我得让提麦也验验这个Ill have TMI add it to her list.想不想看看一小份B类乳剂 罗西Can I interest you in a short stack of B-milks, Rosie?做松饼用的Flapjacks?这是百分百未加工的纯魁北克糖浆This is 100% pure, unrefined Quebecan syrup.整批货价值五十万美元The whole shipments worth over 500 grand.但你不止发现了这些But thats not all you got

39、.是的 我还发现了Yes, I also found skin cells属于一个叫蒙特韦尔德梅尔的人的皮肤组织belonging to a fellow named Mayer Monteverde.蒙特.蒙.Monte - Mo-蒙特韦尔德Monteverde.你没孩子 没松饼 这是什么Got no baby, no pancakes, and what is this,亚洲女士空乘制服a flight attendants uniform for an Asian lady?你穿这个吗You wear this?当然不Hell, no!但床笫之间的情趣But who are we to

40、judge外人怎么会懂what revs engines between the sheets?要解释一下你公寓里怎么会有数箱这玩意吗Care to explain why you have crates of this crap in your apartment?黑市上这玩意儿值一大笔钱This crap is worth a lot of money on the black market,至少我是这么听说的or so I heard.你有没有碰巧听说 死去的维克和罗伊Did you happen to hear anything about dead Vic and dead Roy和

41、一整车装满了你那非法玩意儿的事情over a van full of your illegal nonsense?不No.她忘了告诉你Oh, well, she forgot to tell you案发现场到处都有你的DNAthat your DNA was all over the crime scene.-对 -这对你可不是好事- Yeah. - Thats not great for you.好吧 先说重要的Okay, first things first,我是个够意思的哥们I am a stand-up guy.我可能在黑市上搞得风生水起I may work the black mar

42、ket like nobodys business,但我的货可不害人but my merchandise harms no one.既然枫糖浆的零售价是原油的13倍Why sell drugs or weapons何必贩毒或贩卖军火呢when maple syrup retails for 13 times the price of crude?继续说Keep moving your mouth.我承认案发现场出现的是我的货I admit it was my product at the crime scene.但罗伊从我手上接过货后But once Roy takes it off my h

43、ands,我就不管了Im out the way.如果你们要找凶手If youre searching for a killer,他可能是别人雇的hes probably someone elses employee.其实Actually.我们在你公寓里的一块松动地板下发现了这个We found this under a loose floor board in your apartment.告诉我 梅尔Tell me, Mayer,马西鲁斯把这当作派对纪念品到处分发吗does Marcelus hand those out as party favors?那这个派对可不得了Must have

44、 been a hell of a party,因为这里面because this thing.是满的is full.我们对案发现场这个空箱子做了多项测试We ran several tests on the empty case at the crime scene,我们也.and we also -抱歉 我的车胎漏气了Sorry, I got a flat.你们知道那些写着You know those signs that say,停 车胎严重损坏之类的标志吧Stop, severe tire damage or whatever?原来是真的Turns out theyre true.你到

45、了Youre here now.这个箱子有九种不相关化合物的痕迹So the case had traces of nine unrelated chemicals,包括咖啡和淀粉including coffee and starch.所以我认为这里面装的不是现金Which means I dont think were looking for cash.我想是时候看看这里面装的是什么了I think its time we find out whats inside this one.该我大显身手了Its where I come in.让一下Excuse me.我要钻开它Im just g

46、onna drill this out.这说不通Well, that makes no sense.谁有一百块面额的钞票Hey, doesnt anyone here have a hundred dollar bill, anyone?你带钱包了吗Do you have your wallet?我就装作你问的是大家吧Ill pretend that youre directing that question to everyone.谢谢Thank you.好了Okay.我以前在联调局的时候When I was in the FBI,有个朋友教了我几招I had a friend who ta

47、ught me a few things.-能麻烦你一下吗 -很荣幸- Will you do the honors? - It would be my pleasure.黑光灯照亮我的世界Black light my world.咖啡和淀粉这些成分存在于Coffee and starch are ingredients in.假钞Counterfeit currency.对Yeah.这招挺酷的Thats a cool trick.你能表演一下袖中藏手帕那招吗Can you do the one with the handkerchief in your sleeve?怎么 这不是我的钱Wha

48、t? Its not my money.这不是你的钱 因为这根本不是钱Its not your money because its not money at all.彼得 重要的是你Pete, its important that you -安娜丽斯 请别说话 我还没说完Annalise, be quiet, please. Im not finished.现在不是时候Not now.贱人 我才不管Bitch, I dont care你是不是为美国总统工作if you work for the president of the United States.-好了 -你要出来单挑吗- All r

49、ight. - You want to take this outside?-我来搞定 -我不需要- I got it. - I dont need it.好了 好了All right, all right.好吧 我要打那. 给我两秒钟Okay, cause Ill pop that - give me two seconds!我必须承认I got to admit,马西鲁斯还真的更上一层楼了Marcelus has really stepped up his game, though.用假钞购买真货I mean, buying real product with fake money再把货物

50、倒卖换真钞and then selling that product for real money -这可真厉害thats top-notch.通常黑市交易无迹可寻Usually, black-market deals are impossible to trace.要不是你因纵火烧证据被抓I mean, he was home free他还稳操胜券till you got caught burning the evidence.现在我们知道他从哪儿买来Cause now we know where hes buying it from又打算卖给谁and who hes trying to s

51、ell it to.你算是把他的事全搞砸了You kind of messed up his whole thing.我不知道这一切是怎么回事I had no idea any of this was going on.-你得相信我 -你为什么老看着他- You got to believe me. - Why are you looking at him so much?彼得 有时候好人Look, Pete, sometimes good people也会做出很糟糕的决定make seriously bad decisions.我认为你也是其中之一I think youre one of t

52、hose people.但我们做事要有底线But this is where we draw the line.一边是你可以继续好好生活On one side, you go on living your life.另一边是你永远都被关着On the other, you never walk out of here again.现在告诉我们真相还不算太迟So its not too late to start telling us the truth.我说过了 我什么都不知道I told you. I dont know anything.我只负责开车Im just a driver.当世界

53、上最笨的罪犯You dont get a prize可拿不到什么好彩头for being the worlds dumbest criminal.你有罪 彼得Youre guilty, Pete.我们随时能证实这点Any minute now, were gonna confirm that,到那时你想自救就太晚了and its gonna be too late for you to help yourself.他看起来像是会游泳的吗Does he look like he can swim?彼得 因为你就要淹死了Cause, Pete, youre drowning right now.唯

54、一能救你的就是我的船And the only preserver is on my boat.看着可真难受That was real tough to watch.有什么发现What do you got for me?我们分析了案发现场的DNAWe analyzed the DNA from the crime scene, and -你可能想坐下And you might want to sit down.这些坏蛋Each and every one of these bad guys在维克和罗伊被杀时were in that warehouse都在仓库里around the time V

55、ic and Roy were murdered.到处都是他们的头发Found their hair all over the place.这个花招耍得不错Which is a pretty cool trick,毕竟此刻他们都在服刑considering all of them are serving time as we speak.这么说我们的案发现场被伪造了So our crime scene was salted?是的 用了监狱理发师收集的犯人头发Yes, with inmate hair. Collected by prison barbers.监狱分别在代托纳 坦帕和盖恩斯维尔I

56、n Daytona and Tampa and Gainesville.凶手在掩盖自己的踪迹The killer was covering their tracks.不管你们信不信Believe it or not,我有一次遇到过这样的情况I rolled in a board just like this once.走路步伐都充满干劲I had a pep in my step.我以为我很快就能拿下马西鲁斯I thought I was this close to taking down Marcelus.伪造现场 那是他的作案手法Salting - thats his M.O.马西鲁斯没有

57、买凶Marcelus did not hire a hit man for this.他亲自下的手He did this murder himself.好吧 但如果马西鲁斯是新崛起的伪钞之王Okay, but if Marcelus is the new king of counterfeit,他为什么要破坏自己的买卖why would he sabotage his own deal?这是下一个要解之谜Thats the next part of our puzzle.我建议你们把所有线索I suggest you take all the pieces,都摆到桌上 再拼起来dump the

58、m on the table, and you put them together.因为我可真讨厌不得不介入Because I would really hate to have to step in取代你们and take it from you.我很乐意看你试试Id love to see you try.小心你提的要求Careful what you ask for.彼得现在是什么情况All right, so where does this leave us with Pete?维克有慢性阻塞性肺病Vic had chronic obstructed pulmonary disease

59、.对这些结节的分析表明Analysis of these nodules reveal该疾病是打印机油墨中的尘埃粒子引起的that the disease was caused by airborne particles from printer ink -这是长期制造假钞的结果a consequence of spending time making counterfeit currency.在你编造些愚蠢故事Now, before you waste any more of our time浪费我们更多时间之前coming up with some stupid story,你要知道 我们

60、解锁了维克的手机know that we unlocked Vics cellphone.我们发现你们俩最近几周经常通电话We got lots of chatter between you two in the last few weeks,这么频繁通话在马西鲁斯的雇员间很不寻常and that much talk is very unusual between Marcelus employees.仓库里的空手提箱有一条蓝色线The empty briefcase from the warehouse had a single blue strand.想知道是从哪来的吗Care to gu


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