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1、. Unit 4 Dont eat in class. 教学教学 课件设计课件设计 .Unit 4Dont eat in class.Section A grammar focus3c.What do we have to do at school or in the classroom?What cant we do ?Lets look and say some school or class rulers.教师寄语教师寄语:No rules, no standards. (没有规矩不成方圆。)没有规矩不成方圆。). We have to do some reading every mor

2、ning.We have to exercise every day.We have to work hard and help each other.We have to clean our classroom and keep it clean every day.We have to wear our school ID card. We have to do homework after school.Dont fight with others.=We cant fight with others.Dont arrive late for class.=We cant arrive

3、late for class.We cant eat in class.=Dont eat in the classroom. Dont have long hair for boys. =Boys cant have long hair . Dont sleep in class.=We cant sleep in class. We cant run in the hallways.=Dont run in the hallways. Dont play sports in the classroom or in the hallways.But we can play it outsid

4、e. .Dont talk in class.Dont talk with each other in class.Stop talking in class. Dont smoke . Its bad for your health.Dont play cards at school.Dont listen to music in the classroom. Lets talk about our family rules.eat in bedwatch TV latetalk loudly on the phoneget up late on Sundaysplay computer g

5、ames late at nightsing loudly at nightmake the bed after getting upclean the bedroomA: What do you have to do at home?B: We have toA: What cant you do ?B: We cant .Dont run in the hallways.Dont fight.What are the rules?We must be on time for class.Can we eat in the classroom?No, we cant, but we can

6、eat in the dining hall.Can we wear a hat in class?Yes, we can./No, we cant.Does he have to wear a uniform at school?Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.Grammar FocusWhat do you have to do?We have to be quiet in the library.情态动词can的用法1) 表示能力 “会, 能”Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉他吗?Jim can speak Chinese.吉姆会说中文。

7、I can dance and sing. 我能唱歌又能跳舞。2) 表示允许、许可, “可以”、“能”Can the students run in the hallway 学生们可以在走廊上跑吗? We can eat outside. 我们可以在外面吃东西。注意注意: 和大部分情态动词一样和大部分情态动词一样, can在否在否定句中定句中, 直接在直接在can后加上后加上not, 在疑问句在疑问句中中, 把把can放到主语前面放到主语前面, 并且没有人称并且没有人称和数的变化和数的变化。have to的用法的用法表示客观的必要性:表示客观的必要性:“必须,不得必须,不得不不”,在一定意义上

8、与,在一定意义上与must可以互换。可以互换。must没有人称,数和时态的变化。没有人称,数和时态的变化。have to有人称,数和时态变化。有人称,数和时态变化。 We have to do homework after school.They must be on time for class.She has to be quiet in the library.Do you have to go to school on time?注意注意: have to在否定句中在否定句中, 直接在直接在have to前面加前面加dont, 在一般疑问句中在一般疑问句中, 在主语前在主语前面加助动词

9、面加助动词do, 并且有人称,数和时态的变并且有人称,数和时态的变化。化。.肯定祈使句肯定祈使句Sit down. Come in. Eat at home.Lets go home.否定祈使句否定祈使句Dont sit down. Dont come in. Dont eat at home.Dont talk in class.祈使句用来表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召或者劝告等, 主语常是第二人称you,也就是听话者,因而you常省去。祈使句的开头是动词原形。句首或句末加上句首或句末加上please,若在句末加,若在句末加please,之前要用逗号,之前要用逗号隔开。隔开。祈使句的否定形式多以

10、祈使句的否定形式多以do not (常缩写成常缩写成dont) 开头开头, 再再加上动词原形。加上动词原形。.1. Sit down.2. Come in.3. Eat at home.Dont sit down.Dont come in. Dont eat at home.把下列祈使句改成否定句把下列祈使句改成否定句Practice: 4. Listen to music outside. 5. Do your homework at school. Dont listen to music outside. Dont do your homework at school.1. late,

11、dont, for school, arrive 2. music, listen to, in the classroom, dont 3. eat, cant, in the classroom, we Dont arrive late for school.Dont listen to music in the classroom.We cant eat in the classroom.Form sentences. 组句组句 .Dont smoke.No smoking!Dont take photos.No photos!Please turn right!Do you know

12、these?Dont park here. No parking.Dont turn left.Dont talk loudly!Dont talk!No talking!Library rules1. Dont talk.2. _3. _ _4. _ _Dont eat.Write the rules for the school library. 3aDont listen to music.Dont take photos.Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then write answers according to yo

13、ur school.3b3b1. Be quite? Q: Does she have to be quite in the library? (she/have to/in the library) A: Yes, she does.2. Eat? Q: _ (he/ have to/ in the dining hall)? A: _Does he have to eat in the dining hall?No, he doesnt. He can also eat outside.3. Listen to music? Q: _ (we/ can/ in the hallways)?

14、 A: _ 4. Wear a hat? Q: _ (we/ can/ in the classroom)? A: _Can we listen to music in the hallways?Can we wear a hat in the classroom?No, we cant.No, we cant.3c Make up five cool rules for your dream school. Share your rules with the class. Your classmates vote for the Coolest School!At my dream scho

15、ol, we dont have to come to school every day. We 1. We can eat in class.2. We dont have to come to school every day.3.4.用所给单词的适当形式填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Dont _(listen) to music in the library.2. Do we have to _(clean) the room every day?3. You cant _(wear) sunglasses in the classroom.4. Please _(arrive) at school on time (准时准时).5. John is often late for _ (class).classlistencleanweararrive将下面的句子改为祈使句,每空一词。将下面的句子改为祈使句,每空一词。1. You can come in. _ _, please.2. I can help you. _ me _ you.3. You cant eat in class. _ _ in class.4. You cant be late for school. _ _ late for s


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