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1、This document specifies the general quality requirements for “Sleeping Bag' and other similar products. It is used as a general guideline for inspection if clients have n o t d e f i n e d their requi r ement .此文件为针对箱包及类似产品验货的通用标准。如果客户没有特别的要求,在此定为通用 的验货指南1. Inspection Criteria of Product / Packa

2、ge产品/包装验货标准Product:产品Must be without any unsafe defect for using;不允许有在实际使用中任何对使用者造成伤害的缺陷;Should be free of damaged,broken, scratch, crackle etc. Cosmetic / Aesthetics defect;不应有任何损坏,破碎,擦伤,或碎裂等外观缺陷;Must be conform to the shipping market legal regulation / client ' s requirement;必须符合销往国当地的法规以及客户的要

3、求;The construction, appearance, cosmetics and material of all units should comply with client ' s requirement / approved samples;产品的结构,外观,材料等必须符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致;s requirement /All units should have full function complying with client approved samples;产品功能必须符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致;The marking / label on un

4、it should be legal and clear.产品上的标记/标签必须符合法规要求且清晰明确。Package:包装All units will be adequately packaged, and constructed from suitably robust materials, such that it arrives in store in a merchantable condition;产品要有足够强度的材料构成的充分包装,使得货物以可销售的状态到达目的仓库;The packaging material can protect the goods from damage

5、 during transportation;在运输过程中,包装材料能防止货物受损;The shipping mark, bar code, label (such as price label), should conform to client ' s spec. and/or approved samples;箱麦,条形码,标签(例如:价格标签)应符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致;The package should comply to client ' s requirement / approved samples;包装必须符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致;Text of

6、 illustration, instruction, label and warning statement etc. must be clearly printed in user ' s language;图解,说明书,标签,警告声明等应清晰地印有使用者语言;The illustration and instruction on the packaging must conform to the product and its actual performance.包装上的图解和说明书必须与实际产品及其功能保持一致;The method and material of palle

7、t/crate etc. should be approved by client.栈板/板条箱包装的材料及方式必须经客户批准3. Inspection Plan & Defects classification检验计划及缺陷分类Sampling procedure & Defects Definition, please refer to SHOP-HI001 GeneralInspection Operation Procedure抽样程序以及缺陷定义,详见 SHOP-HI001通用检查程序 -最终随机检查。Acceptable Quality Limit:可接受的质量限C

8、ritical 0 Non-conformity is not allowedAQL 1.5 For Major Non-ConformityAQL 4.0 For Minor Non-ConformityItemcodeDetails详细说明Sample size & DefectsClassification抽样数量及缺陷分类Criti cal致命Major严重Minor轻微1Packaging Check包装检查At least the square root of the total number of cartons or defined by client, and che

9、cks all cartons/pallets/cra tes that were selected for sampling.至少是总箱数的平方 根,否则就由客户特别 指定,要对所有抽取的 卡通箱/栈板/板条箱 进行才查.Details please refer to SHWI-HI-G-001具体请参照产品包装验货通用作业指导书相关章节2Aesthetics / Appearance Check外观检查G-IIAInstruction (sheet)/warning/warranty说明书/警告语/质保书/印刷材料Details please refer to SHWI-HI-G-001具

10、体请参照产品包装验货通用作业指导书相关章节BAppearance of unit 产品外观Material DefectsMaterial torn on shell面料破XMaterial torn on lining fabric里料破XMaterial holes on shell面料破洞XMaterial holes on lining fabric里料破洞XThin parts on leather薄皮料XScars on leather皮料有疤痕XXGrain spots on leather皮料有粗纹XScratches on leather刮花XXWoven fabric de

11、fects - (Broken yarn)布疵(断纱)XXWoven fabric defects - (Missed yarn)布疵(缺纱)XWoven fabric defects - (Filling bars)布疵(横档).XWoven fabric defects - (Coarse yarn)布疵(粗纱)XWoven fabric defects - (Slubs)布疵(大肚纱)XXCleanlinessDirt脏XXStain污渍XXOil spots油点XXOil stain油渍XXWater spots水点XXWater stain水渍XRust stain锈渍XXPen m

12、ark钢(原子)笔痕XPencil mark铅笔痕XChalk mark粉笔痕XXGlue stain胶水渍XXGlue mark胶水痕XXUntrimmed thread ends线头未剪清XXLoose thread松缝线XDust attached on fabric surface脏污纤维附在织物表面XLoose fibers attached on fabric surface松散纤维附在织物表面XFinger prints on mirror surface锚固指印XDust attached on mirror surface镜间锈迹(脏污纤维附在织物表面)XXLoose fib

13、ers attached on mirror surface镜巾花(松散纤维附在织物表面)XAppearanceColor shade variation between two parts色差XXColor off tone脱色XCreases mark皱痕XWrinkle mark起皱XFold mark折痕XXUnmatched checks/、对格XXUnmatched strips/、对条XXVisible position hole定位孔XXVisible position mark定位记号.XStitching DefectsBroken stitches断线XSkipped s

14、titches跳线XXRun-off stitches线落坑XXUneven stitching线迹不匀XXIrregular stitching线迹不规则XXWavy stitching线迹起波浪XXInsecured back stitching回针不良XLoose stitch tension线迹张力松XXUneven stitch tension线迹张力不匀XXUneven stitch density线迹密度不匀XXMissed stitching漏车缝XMissed bar tack欠有枣XUnmatched join stitching驳线不良XXMissed sewing op

15、eration漏车缝工序XNeedle chewing针痕';XXSeaming DefectsOpen seam开缝XPuckered seam缝起皱XXPleated seam缝打折XTwisted seam扭缝XPuckering起皱XXFrayed edges散口XMisaligned seam缝不对称,XMisplaced bar tacks错打枣位置XAccessories & TrimmingsScratches挂花XXPoor plating电镀不良XSharp edges利边XSharp points利点XRust生锈XWrong type错款XColor d

16、ischarged脱色XMalfunction of zipper拉链失灵XZipper slider running not smoothly拉链/、顺畅XXMissed zipper teeth拉链掉四XMissed zipper puller掉拉链头XWavy zipper拉链起波XXPoor setting of zipper拉链安装/、良XHanging threads obstructed zipper function挂线阻断链:,BXSnap missed欠按钮XSnap detached按钮掉XRivet missed欠怫钉XRivet detached怫钉掉XStuds m

17、issed欠按钮XStuds detached按钮掉XEyelets missed欠眼孔XEyelets detached眼孔掉,XSnap misplaced按钮错位XXRivet misplaced怫钉错位XXStuds misplaced按钮错位XXEyelets misplaced眼孔错位XXSnap badly fitted按钮不合XRivet badly fitted怫旬不合XStuds badly fitted按钮不合XEyelets badly fitted眼孔不合XSnap deformed shape按钮变形XRivet deformed shape怫旬变形XStuds d

18、eformed shape按钮变形XEyelets deformed shape眼孔父形XPress studs difficult to fasten按扣开合难XMissed buckles欠搭扣XMissed rings欠搭环XMisplaced buckles搭扣错位XXMisplaced rings搭划、错位XXBadly fitted buckles搭扣不合XBadly fitted rings搭划、不合XMissed lock欠锁XMissed key欠钥匙XMisplaced lock锁错位XXLock malfunction锁失灵XPoor sewing decorative

19、trimmings饰物缝合不良XXMisplaced decorative trimmings饰物错位XXBadly fitted decorative trimmings饰物不合XHandle & Shoulder StrapMissed handle straps欠手带XMissed shoulder straps欠肩带XFrayed edges散口XTwisted handle straps提手带打扭XTwisted shoulder straps肩带打扭XSize & ShapeDimension not conform to size specification错尺寸

20、XSize failed for fitting test of dummy装配不合XDifferent shape错形XDeformed shape义形XEmbroideryMissed embroidery欠绣花XMisplaced embroidery绣花错位XBroken embroidery stitches断绣线XIncorrect embroidery stitches density绣线密度不对XUneven embroidery stitching绣线不均XXColor off shade or not as specified绣线脱色XWrong embroidery错绣花

21、XBroken quilting stitches绐棉断线XMissing quilting stitches欠绐棉XPrinting DefectsMissed printing欠印花XMisplaced printing印花错位XPrinting faults - (Printing stain)印疵(印污迹)XXPrinting faults - (Off printing)印疵(印花移位)XColor off shade or not as specified印花脱色XWrong printing错印花XLabels & HangtagsMissed label欠商标XMiss

22、ed hangtag欠挂牌XWrong label错商标XWrong hangtag错挂牌XLabel insecurely stitched商标车缝不牢XLabel folded by stitching商标车折XXPart of label sewn inside seam商标部份被车入缝XLabel sewn reversed (Label up-side-down)商标颠倒XLabel sewn reversed (Label back face out)商标车反.XPacking DefectsWrong folding size折叠尺寸/、对XWrong folding metho

23、d折叠方法/、对XWrong hangtag挂牌错XWrong tissue paper垫纸用错XMissed hangtag欠挂牌XMissed tissue paper欠垫纸XMissed silica gel欠防潮剂.XPolybag torn胶袋破XMiscellaneous DefectsWrong size label错尺码商标XOdor异味XMildew发霉XWet item受潮XDamp item受湿X3Bar Code verification条形码检测S-1Bar code can not be scanned条形码/、能被扫描XWrong bar code label i

24、s used错误的条形码X4Field Tests & Data Measurement现场测试及数据测量AMetal detection check (if applicable)金属探针测试(若适用)G-IIAny metal particle found by Metal Detector通过金属探测仪器发现金属碎屑XBAssembly test (if applicable)组装测试(若适用)S-3Can not be assembled or difficult to be assembled不能组装或组装困难XCUnit size check测量尺寸S-1The measu

25、red data is out of± 5% tolerance测量出的数据超出土 5妫差范围XDUnit weight check重量测量S-1The measured data is out of± 5% tolerance测量出的数据超出土 5妫差范围XEZipper cycle usage test拉链循环使用测试S-1Pull the zipper head and slide back and forth toits full stop travel for 10 times全程往返拉动拉链头,重复10次Any defect or loss serviceabi

26、lity缺陷产生或功能丧失XFTrolley cycle usage test (if applicable)拉杆循环使用测试(若适用)S-1When locking system is released, the tubes should move up and down under a force between 1.5-2kgf当拉杆锁死装置释放时,拉杆应能够在1.5到2公斤力的作用卜上下滑动The tubes could move up and down within a force of 1.5kgf or could not move up and down under a for

27、ce more than 2kgf.小于1.5公斤力,拉杆可以上下滑动;或在大于2公斤力的作mr不能上下滑动XGHandle/Belt strap strength test手柄/背带强度测试3 samplesLoad the sample with 0.5kg/liter or the designedload evenly distributed, lift the sample by itshandle/belt strap and hang for 1 hour.产品按照每升0.5公斤或额定负裁进行加载,用手柄/背带吊起1小时Handle/belt strap damaged; sea

28、m broken; productdamaged手柄/背带损坏,缝合处破损,或产品破损Fail the shipmentHConnector cycle usage test接头循环使用测试S-1Fit the connector to its stop & release, 10 times接头安装到位然后释放,重复10次Crack or fracture接头开裂XISimulation Usage Test (if applicable, for trolleycase only)模拟路面测试(若适用,仅针对拉杆箱)1 sampleUnder a load of 0.5kg/liter or labeled claims for1 hour running as actual use产品按照每升0.5公斤或额定负裁进行加载,根据实际使用状况运行1小时Unit malfunction or structure fracture产品功能失效或结构破损Fail the shipmentJStuffing material check (if applicable)填充物检查(若适用)k1 sampleDissect the unit and visual examine the stuff


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