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1、unit 1Useful expressions 课堂出勤率同学们之间的竞争压力谁都不想那也太丢人了熬夜熬出了眼袋脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪在某人的心里心怀抱负、成绩拔尖的高材生为自己下几个阶段的人生做好了规划attendance at classes peer group pressure No one wanted the humiliation of wear the bags under ones eyes pale, sleepy faces at the back of ones mindthe high flyers with the top grades have the next s

2、tages of ones life mapped outMore unit 1 Useful expressions 追随的人生足迹做好了遭到反对的心理准备加入一个暂时报酬高的行业沿海水域没什么风浪挤满了被拽下来放弃了漫长的逃亡之战follow sbs path through lifebrace oneself for some resistance togo into a career which pays well just at the momentno surf on the coastal waters brim withbe pulled backgive up ones le

3、ngthy struggle to escape unit 2 Useful expressionsMore1. 巨大变化1. the enormous transformations2.简要地概括2. neatly sum up 3.做复杂的刺绣3. produce intricate embroidery4.表彰她对的贡献4. in appreciation of her contribution to 5.社会建构5. social construction6.获得思想、理性和理解力6. acquire thought, reason and understanding7.无法跟他们讲理

4、7. they cant be reasoned with8.8.训导和体罚8. discipline and physical punishmentUnit 2 Useful expressions9.截然不同9. radically different10.灵界10. a spirit world 11.有几分敬畏11. with some reverence12.通灵12. in contact with the spirit world13.缺少能力和责任心的13. incompetent and irresponsible14.符合西方的观念14. fit into Western

5、ideas 15.把外界的观念强加给15. impose outside ideas onto 16.持续的吸引力16. continual fascination17.从跨文化角度17. from a cross-cultural perspective unit 3 Useful expressions 11.11.一丝神秘的微笑一丝神秘的微笑11. an enigmatic smile12.12.履行自己的职责履行自己的职责12. go about ones duties13.13.让某人走入让某人走入的世界的世界13. engage sb. in ones world14.14.视觉才

6、能和艺术潜质视觉才能和艺术潜质14. visual talent & artistic promise15.15.为为而感到高兴而感到高兴15. revel in16.16.磨颜料、调颜色磨颜料、调颜色16. grind paints & develop the colors 17.17.矜持庄重矜持庄重17. strict modesty18.18.偿还债务偿还债务18. settle the debt19.19.引发某些问题引发某些问题19. provoke some questions20.20.穿耳洞穿耳洞 20. pierce sbs earlobe21.21.一部备

7、受推崇的小说一部备受推崇的小说 21. a thoroughly rewarding novel22.22.一部制作精良的影片一部制作精良的影片 22. a well-composed filmunit 3 Useful expressions 1.1.身穿异国服饰身穿异国服饰1. wear an exotic costumeMore2.2.侧身回眸,望着侧身回眸,望着2. peer over ones shoulder straight out at 3.3.画面的背景一画面的背景一片漆黑片漆黑3. be set against a dark and unspecified backgrou

8、nd4.4.焦点焦点4. focal point5.5.女人普遍特征女人普遍特征5. general attributes of womanhood6.6.室内家居室内家居6. domestic interiors 7.7.改信天主教改信天主教7. convert to Catholicism8.8.在传统意义上在传统意义上8. in a conventional sense9.9.背离事实背离事实9. distort the truth10.10.无法解释的背景无法解释的背景资料的缺失资料的缺失10. unexplainable lack of background informationU

9、nit 4 Useful expressionsMore1.一脸的茫然和沮丧1. look blank and dispirited2.外出工作2. be off to work3.能够理解3. come to grips with4.大惑不解4. be utterly mystifying to5.很可能的是5. it is a safe bet that 6.在普通的日常工作中6. in the common everyday job7.费用非常高7. prohibitively expensive8.好追根究底的孩子8. inquisitive childrenUnit 4 Useful

10、 expressions9.变得破旧9. wear out 10.一天中任何一个时间里10. at any given moment during the day11.在空白处作批注11. jot notes in the margins 12.打听在哪儿12. ascertain the whereabouts of13.用红笔愤怒地打个记号13. make an angry red mark 14.一式五份重新打印14. be reproduced in quintuplicate15.好好想想15. mull over 16.我不知道16. it beats meMore1. track

11、 down Unit 5 Useful expressionsMore2 才华横溢3.第三个任期4.熟知某事1.跟踪到,追捕到5.支持减少二氧化碳 排量6.反对死刑2. a razor-sharp intellect3. the third term of office4. know sth. inside out5. pro-low carbon emission6. anti-capital punishmentUnit 5 Useful expressions7.7.进步自由派进步自由派7. a progressive liberalMore8.脱口秀8. talk show9.有成功的

12、机会9. in the running for10.载入名人堂的体育明星 10. hall-of-fame athletes11.打了个响指11. click ones finger12.耸肩12. shrug ones shoulder13.13.撇嘴撇嘴13. curl ones lipsUnit5 Useful expressions14.自然而然的优越感15.刺骨寒风16.热烈的窃窃语声17.商业提案18.免单19.募集捐款20.白宫办公厅主任14. effortless superiority15. icy breeze16. Intense whispering17. busine

13、ss proposition18. waive payment of the bill 19. raise donations20. White House Chief of StaffBackBackUnit 6 Useful expressions1.有一点儿进展1. make a dent2.站在那里一动不动2. dead solid still3.过山车3. thrill ride 4.被困其中4. stuck in the middle5.把自己的人生 都回顾了那样5. in any kind of life-flashing- before-my-eyes sort of way6

14、.令人胆战心惊的瞬间6. chilling moment7.中队长7. battalion commander8.纽约消防局8. New York Fire Department9.救援队9. rescue operations Unit 7 Useful expressionsMore1.在公休日1. on bank holidays2.坏事成三2. Bad things always happens in threes. 3.经得起任何科学试验的检验3. stant the scrutiny of any scientific study4.稍稍有些不好4. marginally bad5

15、.糟糕透顶5. extremely bad6.在一定范围内6. on a spectrum 7.持续的提醒者7. a constant reminder8.困扰在脑海里8. stick in the front of the mindUnit 7 Useful expressions9.两个月的跨度9. two month timescale10.延长时间跨度10. extend the timescale11.正式最初的预言11. confirm the original prophecy12.坏事扎堆12. Bad events cluster together. 13.心情抑郁13. s

16、uffer depression14.降低身体的抵抗力14. lower the bodys defences 15.使人容易生病15. make sb. vulnerable to illness16.使人反应不像以前灵敏16. make sb. less alert and responsive MoreUnit 7 Useful expressions17.翻来翻去的麻烦事17. a chore of flicking backwards and forwards18.全国地形测量局的地图18. an ordnance survey19.阴影区域19. in the shaded are

17、a20.尴尬的位置20. in an awkward position21.诅咒自己倒霉21. curse your misfortune22.允许邻近的页码有重复22. allow overlaps between adjacent map pages23.选择性记忆23. selective memory24.掷钱币24. toss a coin25.在一会儿的时间理强迫自己费力和承受压力25. a moment of exertion and stressUnit 9 Useful expressionsMore1. 传给下一代传给下一代1. hand down to the next generation2.使用世袭姓氏使用世袭姓氏2. adopt hereditary surnames 3.主要特征主要特征3. a dominant feature 4.身体特征身体特征4. a physical attribute 5.祖籍祖籍5. a place of origin6.地理学描述地理学描述6. geographic description7.道德品


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