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1、练习练习(linx)(1) 首页The Spring Festival Have you heard of the Spring Festival? It is also 1. the Chinese New Year.The Spring Festival is the 2. important festival in China.All Chinese families celebrate it. It is always in January or 3. .It is often cold at this time of the year, but people are happy.Fa

2、mily members get 4. and then have a bigcalledmostFebruarytogether第1页/共122页第一页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(1) 首页5. .After dinner, people like to 6. . TV. There is a great Spring Festival Gala on TV every year. Children have lots of 7. this day.Usually our parents get 8. ready for us.We always get presents 9. ou

3、r grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles.We like to let off fireworks at night.They are 10. wonderful.dinnerwatchfunpresentsfromreally第2页/共122页第二页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(1) 首页【语篇解读】本文介绍了中国春节的大致(dzh)时间及一些习俗。【答案详解】1.called 解析:句意:它也被称为中国的新年。be called被称作。2.most 解析:句意:春节是中国最重要的节日。important的最高级是the most import

4、ant,故填most。3.February 解析:根据常识可知春节一般在阳历1月或2月,故填February。4.together 解析:get together团聚,聚集在一起。5.dinner 解析:根据下一句的“After dinner”可知此处指“吃一顿大餐 (have a big dinner)”,故填dinner。第3页/共122页第三页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(1) 首页 解析:watch TV看电视,是固定短语。 解析:句意:孩子们这一天很开心。have lots of fun很开心。8.presents 解析:根据下一句“We always

5、get presents”可知此处指通常父母会为孩子们准备礼物(lw)。故填presents。9.from 解析:get presents from sb.从某人那里得到礼物(lw)。10.really 解析:此处应填一个副词修饰wonderful。句意:它们(烟花)确实很精彩。第4页/共122页第四页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(2) 首页 Philip is from England.Now he is studying in Beijing.He 1. up at half past six and has 2. at seven o clock.After that, he sa

6、ys goodbye to his parents, and leaves home for 3. . His school isnt very far 4. his home.He usually goes to school by bike, 5. sometimes if it rains, he goes to school by bus.It usually takes 6. twenty minutes by bike or ten minutes bygets/wakesbreakfastschoolfrombuthim第5页/共122页第五页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(

7、2) 首页bus to get to school.He says he likes riding his bike. One Sunday morning, Philip and his friend Li Qiang wanted to go to the Great Wall.7. about 7:00,they 8. a bus.There were a lot of people in it.Philip and Li Qiang gave their seats to two old9. .And one of the women thanked them.They took ma

8、ny 10. on the Great Wall.Philip said he loved Beijing very much.Attookwomenphotos第6页/共122页第六页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(2) 首页【语篇解读】本文介绍了来自英国的菲利普在北京的学习生活情况,并记述了某个星期天他和朋友李强去长城的路上给老妇人让座的经历。【答案详解】1.gets/wakes 解析:根据(gnj)时间“六点半”可知是指他六点半起床,故填gets或wakes。get up起床,wake up醒来。2.breakfast 解析:起床后吃早餐,故填breakfast。 解

9、析:句意:早餐后,他跟爸爸妈妈说再见,然后离家去上学。leave home for school离家去上学。4.from 解析:far from远离。句意:他的学校离他家不是很远。第7页/共122页第七页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(2) 首页5.but 解析:句意:他通常骑自行车去上学,但偶尔如果下雨的话,他坐公共汽车去。根据句意可知应填but。6. him 解析:It takes sb.time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事。这里sb.指代philip.故填him。7.At 解析:表示在几点钟用介词at。8.took 解析:句中缺少谓语,故应填动词。take a bus

10、坐公共汽车。再根据时态可知应填took。9.women 解析:根据下一句“And one of the women thanked them.”可知此处应填women。 解析:句意:他们在长城(Chngchng)上拍了很多照片。take photos拍照。 第8页/共122页第八页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(3) 首页 London is 1. capital of the UK with about 7.5 million people, so it is bigger and busier 2. . Cambridge.London is 3. the south

11、 of England and Its on the River Thames.It is famous 4. Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge.There 5. some villages and beaches on the coast of England.6. they are popular for holidays.You can visit England at 7. time of the year.Because 8. is never too hot in summer or too cold in 9. .But yo

12、udbetter take an10. in case it rains.thethanin forareSo anyitwinter umbrella第9页/共122页第九页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(3) 首页【语篇解读】本文简略介绍了伦敦的人口、地理位置、地标及气候。【答案详解】1.the 解析:the capital of 的首都。2.than 解析:引出比较对象时用than。句意:因此它比剑桥更大、更繁忙。 解析:in the south of在的南部。4.for 解析:be famous for因而闻名,是固定短语。5.are 解析:考查there be句型。be动

13、词后面(hu mian)的主语是可数名词复数形式,故be动词用are。6.So 解析:此句与前面的句子构成因果关系,故填So。句意:因此他们是度假胜地。第10页/共122页第十页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(3) 首页7.any 解析:根据下一句“因为它的夏天从不太热,冬天不太冷”可知这里任何时候都适合旅游,故填any,表“任何”。 解析:常用it指代天气。9.winter 解析:这里指冬天不太冷,故填winter。10.umbrella 解析:根据后面(hu mian)的“in case it rains”可知要带上雨伞,故填umbrella。第11页/共122页第十一页,共1

14、23页。练习练习(linx)(4) 首页 Our society is developing very fast, and our public transportation (交通(jiotng)is becoming 1. convenient (方便) than before.Although we live far 2. big cities and the highway is always crowded,we can easily 3. to big cities. There are four 4. to travel from London to Amsterdam,but

15、my first 5. is to go by train morefromgetways choice第12页/共122页第十二页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(4) 首页because 6. takes only four hours and I can enjoy the beautiful views.When I feel tired,I can have 7. rest.However, Its quite expensive.And going by car and boat or coach doesnt8. as much as going by train.When y

16、ou go by car, remember 9. parking in Amsterdam is not cheap, so Its 10. to stay outside the city centre, and travel by bus or by train.ita costthat better 第13页/共122页第十三页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(4) 首页【语篇解读】本文主要论述了从伦敦到阿姆斯特丹的四种交通方式的利弊。【答案详解】1.more 解析:根据“than before”可知这里用比较级。convenient的比较级为在前面加more。2.from 解析:句

17、意:尽管我们住得离大城市很远,高速公路总是(zn sh)拥挤,但我们能很容易到达大城市。far from远离。3.get 解析:get to到达。4.ways 解析:这里指从伦敦到阿姆斯特丹有四种旅行方式,故填ways。第14页/共122页第十四页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(4) 首页5.choice 解析:根据下文可知这里指“my first choice(我的首选)”。故填choice。 解析:it takes sb.+时间+ to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事,是固定句型。it在此作形式主语。7.a 解析:have a rest休息,是固定短语。8.cost 解析

18、:上一句提到乘火车很贵,这里紧接着说乘小车、船或客车的花费没有乘火车那么多。表“某事物花费多少钱”用动词(dngc)cost。9.that 解析:remember后面接的是宾语从句,且是陈述句,故填that。10.better 解析:it is better to do sth.最好句意:所以最好是待在城外,乘公共汽车或火车旅行。第15页/共122页第十五页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(5) 首页 Ba Jin was one of the most famous writers in the 20th century.He was 1. in Chengdu in 1904.In 19

19、27, he left his family and 2. to Paris.There, he met many important people and they helped 3. a lot.At last, he became a great writer.4. the age of 27, Ba Jin wrote a novel 5. Family and it was successful.born wenthimAtnamed /called第16页/共122页第十六页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(5) 首页 Family was Ba Jin s most popul

20、ar work.It tells about 6. life of three brothers from Gao family.The three brothers cant do what they like.7. they must do what their parents ask them to.8. describes a story about how they fight with the old society.Few years 9. , Cao Yu, a play writer,made the novel into a 10. .It was also very po

21、pular.theButIt laterplay 第17页/共122页第十七页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(5) 首页【语篇解读】本文主要(zhyo)介绍了我国著名的作家巴金的生平及代表作。【答案详解】1.born 解析:be born in出生于2.went 解析:句意:在1927年,他离开家去巴黎。go to+地点,表示去某地。3.him 解析:句意:在那儿,他遇到了许多重要的人物,他们对他帮助很大。help sb.帮助某人。这里指代巴金,故用代词宾格him。4.At 解析:at the age of在岁时,是固定短语。5.named /called 解析:句意:在27岁时,巴金写了

22、一部小说家,取得了成功。named/called意第18页/共122页第十八页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(5) 首页为“名字叫;命名为”。6.the 解析:这里特指高家三兄弟的生活,故填定冠词the。7.But 解析:本句与前一个(y )句子在句意上构成转折关系,故填But。8.It 解析:句意:家描写了一个(y )关于他们如何与旧社会斗争的故事。句子缺少主语,故填代词It,指代前面提到的小说。9.later 解析:表示几年之后,用副词later。 解析:曹禺是著名的剧作家,可推知他把家改编成了剧本。故填play。第19页/共122页第十九页,共123页。练习练习(lin

23、x)(6) 首页 People eat different food in 1. parts of the world. In some Asian (亚洲(y zhu)的) 2. , such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, people eat rice every day.Sometimes they eat it two or three 3. . a day.They usually eat it 4. meat, fish and vegetables. In Western countries, 5. as England anddiff

24、erent countries timeswith such第20页/共122页第二十页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(6) 首页America, people seldom eat rice.But they like bread and potatoes 6. .They have different7. to cook potatoes.Some people only eat fruit and vegetables.They 8. eat meat,they dont like food 9. animals.They only eat food from plants.They

25、 10. that food from plants is better for them than meat.bestwaysdon tfromthink 第21页/共122页第二十一页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(6) 首页【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了世界各地人们的主食。亚洲国家的人主要以米饭为主食。西方国家的人很少吃米饭,他们最喜欢吃面包和土豆。还有些人只吃蔬菜和水果。【答案详解】1.different 解析:句意:世界各地的人吃不同的食物。2.countries 解析:根据后面的举例,可知是指一些亚洲的国家,故填countries。3.times 解析:根据常识可知我们(w men

26、)每天吃两到三顿饭,故填times。4.with 解析:根据常识可知,我们(w men)吃米饭的时候,会有肉、鱼和蔬菜等。with表伴随。5.such 解析:such as例如,是固定短语。第22页/共122页第二十二页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(6) 首页 解析:句意:但是他们最喜欢面包和土豆(tdu)。likebest最喜欢7.ways 解析:句意:他们有不同的方法烹饪土豆(tdu)。故填ways,表示“方式,方法”。8.don t 解析:根据前一句“他们只吃水果和蔬菜”可知此处填don t。句意:他们不吃肉。9.from 解析:food from animals肉食类

27、食品。10.think 解析:这是一个宾语从句,且主句中缺少谓语动词,故应填一个动词。句意:他们认为来自植物的食物比肉对他们更有益处。think认为,想。第23页/共122页第二十三页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(7) 首页 Last Sunday I saw the worst storm in years.It came suddenly and went on 1. more than three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a 2. . The air was hot, and all was quiet.The

28、 strong wind started blowing (吹) into my room.3. of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew 4. of the open window.5. I ran out to catch the paper, big drops of rain began to fall.forrestPiecesoutAs/When第24页/共122页第二十四页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(7) 首页 When I came back into the house, it was6. har

29、der and harder.I tried very hard to close the 7. .Then I 8. a loud crashing (碰撞(pn zhun)的) sound from the back of the house.I ran out of my house to find out what 9. . A big tree 10. down and broke the top of the back room.rainingwindowheardhappenedfell第25页/共122页第二十五页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(7) 首页【语篇解读】本文讲

30、述了作者上周日遭遇暴风雨的一次经历。【答案详解】1.for 解析(ji x): go on for more than three hours持续了三个多小时。 解析(ji x):have a rest休息,是固定短语。3.Pieces 解析(ji x):pieces of paper许多张纸。piece在此是量词,pieces of一张张的,许多张的。4.out 解析(ji x):fly out of the open window从开着的窗户飞出去。5.As/When 解析(ji x):句意:当我跑出去追赶那些纸张的时候,大滴的雨开始落下来。表示“当的时候”用when或as。第

31、26页/共122页第二十六页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(7) 首页6.raining 解析:前面提到开始下雨了,故这里表示雨越下越大,再根据was可知应填raining。7.window 解析:根据上文提到的“open window”,可知这里表示关上窗户,故填window。8.heard 解析:根据sound可知应填动词heard。9.happened 解析:句意:我跑出房子去看看(kn kn)发生了什么。happen发生。10.fell 解析:句意:一棵大树倒了,砸坏了后面房间的房顶。fall down倒下,这里应用过去式,故填fell。第27页/共122页第二十七页,共123页。

32、练习练习(linx)(8) 首页 Great changes have 1. place in our study since our school began to carry on exploring learning strategies.In the past, teachers 2. on explaining the language points in class.We students just listened and took some notes.So we didnt have 3. time to think about problems by ourselves.W

33、e had to do much homework 4. class.takenkeptenoughafter第28页/共122页第二十八页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(8) 首页 5. now teachers show the problems to us first, then we discuss them for 6. while in pairs or groups.We try to find out the ways of 7. . problems, through which weve learned 8. to work with others.After clas

34、s, we can have different activities.For 9. , we can read books we like, go to the library or surf the Internet for useful information and so on. In a 10. , now we are the owners of our study and were happy.Butasolvinghowexampleword第29页/共122页第二十九页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(8) 首页【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了我们学校在学习方式上的改革。过去是老

35、师灌输知识,现在用问题引导学生自主学习;过去有很多家庭作业,现在我们可以参加很多课外活动。【答案详解】1.taken 解析:take place发生。根据“since our school began”可知用现在完成时,故填taken。2.kept 解析:keep on doing一直做某事。句意:在过去,老师们在课堂上不断地解释语言点。根据时间状语“In the past”可知用一般过去时,故填kept。3.enough 解析:(我们)由于上课一直在听课和记笔记,所以没有(mi yu)足够的时间去独立思考问题。故此处应填enough。第30页/共122页第三十页,共123页。练习练习(lin

36、x)(8) 首页4.after 解析:根据homework可知应填after。after class课后。5.But 解析:本段是拿现在与过去对比,在语意上跟前面的内容构成转折关系(gun x),故填But。6.a 解析:for a while一会儿。7.solving 解析:solve problems解决问题。介词of后面要用动词的ing形式,故填solving。 解析:考查“疑问词+不定式”结构。表方式用疑问副词how。句意:我们尽力找出解决问题的方法,通过这种方式我们学会如何与他人合作。9.example 解析:for example例如。10.word 解析:in a wo

37、rd总之。第31页/共122页第三十一页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(9) 首页 Last year, we had an English teacher from the United States.We 1. him Mr.Black.He often told us, “English is one of the 2. useful languages in the world.” He taught us very well.He was 3. with us all.In class, in order to improve our spoken English, he alw

38、ays gave us more time to 4. English.At first I could hardly understand any word, so I could not talk incalledmoststrict / popular/ good/patientpractice / speak/ read第32页/共122页第三十二页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(9) 首页English at 5. .However,I found English was not so hard soon and I could talk to my classmates in

39、English.So I began to like it very much. Now Mr.Black teaches in 6. school.This year we have a new teacher, Mrs.Green.She also teaches us very well.She often asks us to 7. interesting games in class and recite (背诵(bi sn) the texts after class.8. the help of the two foreign teachers, all of us have m

40、ade 9. in English. allanotherplayWithprogress第33页/共122页第三十三页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(9) 首页【语篇解读】本文分别(fnbi)介绍了我们去年的英语老师布莱克先生和今年新来的英语老师格林夫人。【答案详解】1.called 解析:句意:我们叫他布莱克先生。call sb.称呼某人为2.most 解析:one of +形容词最高级+可数名词复数,表示“最的之一”。句意:英语是世界上最有用的语言之一。useful的最高级是the most useful。3.strict / popular/ good/patient 解析:be

41、strict with sb.对某人要求严格;be popular with sb.受某人欢迎;be good with sb.对某人好;be patient with sb.对某人有耐心。均符合文意。 第34页/共122页第三十四页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(9) 首页4.practice / speak/ read 解析:句意:在课堂上,为了提高我们的英语口语,他总是给我们更多的时间去练习/说/读英语。这里填practice/speak/read均符合文意(wn y)。5.all 解析:notat all一点儿也不,根本不。句意:起初我几乎不懂任何单词,因此我根本不能用英语交谈。6

42、.another 解析:句意:现在,布莱克先生在另一所学校教书。another另一个。 解析:play games玩游戏,是固定搭配。8.With 解析:with the help of在的帮助下,是固定短语。第35页/共122页第三十五页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(9) 首页9.progress 解析:句意:在这两位外教的帮助下,我们所有人在英语方面都取得了进步。make progress取得进步,是固定短语。10.learning / studying 解析:句意:现在,我喜欢学习这个科目(km)。learn/study this subject学习这个科目(km)。根

43、据enjoy doing结构可以应填learning/studying。第36页/共122页第三十六页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(10) 首页 Today is my fathers birthday.My mother goes to Shanghai on business (出差(ch chi).My sister and I decide to make a meal for my father. My sister 1. a super turkey sandwich for my father.She puts some butter and turkey slices o

44、n two 2. of bread.Oh, she forgets to put some relish on the turkey slices.Its not delicious. Whatmakes pieces 第37页/共122页第三十七页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(10) 首页should I do for my father? Well, let me make 3. . banana milk shake for him.4. , I peel two bananas.Next, I 5. up the bananas.Then I put the banana and

45、 ice cream 6. the blender.Oh, I also 7. some yogurt into the blender.Finally I turn 8. the blender.About two minutes later, Its OK.After that I 9. some noodles for my father.Oh dear! I add 10. much salt to the noodles.Its awful but I think my father must like it.a Firstcut intopouron cooktoo 第38页/共1

46、22页第三十八页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(10) 首页【语篇解读】本文讲述了“我”和姐姐亲手为爸爸准备生日大餐的经过。姐姐为爸爸做了一个超级火鸡三明治,“我”为爸爸做了一份香蕉奶昔,并煮了一碗面条。【答案详解】1.makes 解析:做三明治用动词make,主语是第三人称单数,故填makes。2.pieces 解析:根据(gnj)常识可知,三明治一般都由几片面包组成,故此处填pieces。3.a 解析:shake是可数名词,故此处应填不定冠词a,表示“一份”。4.First 解析:根据(gnj)下文的“Next,Then”可知此处填First,表示“首先”。5.cut 解析:句意:接着

47、,我把香蕉切碎。cut up切碎。第39页/共122页第三十九页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(10) 首页6.into 解析(ji x):putinto把放入。句意:然后,我把香蕉和冰激凌放入搅拌机。7.pour 解析(ji x):pourinto把倒入。句意:哦,我还倒了些酸奶到搅拌机里。8.on 解析(ji x):turn on打开、启动(机器等)。句意:最后,我启动搅拌机。9.cook 解析(ji x):“煮面条”用cook noodles表示。10.too 解析(ji x):too much太多。句意:我放了太多的盐到面条里。第40页/共122页第四十页,共123页。练习练习(l

48、inx)(11) 首页 One day, a farmer 1. a bag of wheat to town.He didnt know what to 2. .when the bag fell off his horse.The bag was too 3. for him to lift.He hoped 4. . someone would come and help him. Before long a man came over.But the farmers heart sank when he saw the man, 5. hetookdoheavy thatbecause

49、第41页/共122页第四十一页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(11) 首页was the famous judge in town.The farmer was afraid to ask him 6. help. As soon as he came up to the 7. , the judge got off his horse and said, “You need my help, dont you? Let me help you.” Then he took one end of the 8. , and the farmer took the other.They lif

50、ted the bag of wheat 9. the horse.“Sir,” asked the farmer,“how can I pay you?” “Well,” the judge replied,“ 10. . you see anyone in need of help, do the same for him.”forfarmerbagonto if/when 第42页/共122页第四十二页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(11) 首页【语篇解读】本文讲述了一个(y )农夫和法官的故事。农夫在去城里的路上,马背上的麦子掉了下来。由于麦子太重,他一个(y )人抬不起来。这时,

51、城里最出名的法官刚好经过,可农夫不敢叫法官帮忙。但令人意外的是,法官竟然主动提出无偿帮忙。【答案详解】1.took 解析:句意:一天,一个(y )农夫带着一袋麦子去城里。表示携带某物用take。根据全文时态可知这里应用过去时,故填took。 解析:根据what可知应填do。句意:当袋子从马上掉下来的时候,他不知该做什么。3.heavy 解析:根据“tooto”结构可推知是麦子太重了,他抬不起来。故填heavy。4.that 解析:hope后面的宾语从句用that引导。第43页/共122页第四十三页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(11) 首页5.because 解析:前后两个句子构成

52、(guchng)果因关系,故用because连接。6.for 解析:ask sb.for help请求某人帮忙。7.farmer 解析:根据语境可知,当法官走近农夫时,他就下了马,并问农夫是否需要帮忙。故此处应填farmer。8.bag 解析:前面提到“a bag of wheat”,故此处应填bag。句意:然后他抓住袋子底下的一边,农夫抓住另外一边。9.onto 解析:onto the horse在马上。句意:他们抬起这袋麦子放到马上。10.if/when 解析:句意:如果你看到任何人需要帮助,像我帮助你一样去帮助他。根据句意可知这是一个条件状语从句,故用if引导,表示“如果”;也可用whe

53、n引导,表示“当的时候”。第44页/共122页第四十四页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(12) 首页 I have a friend called Kate.She is a fourteen-year-old girl.Her family come from Canada.They all 1. English.Today Kate 2. me to her birthday party.I was happy because she often helps me 3. my English.I hoped to give her a big surprise.But I didnt

54、know 4. to bring for her.My mother knew Kate liked dumplings.5. my mother and I made some 6. speak invited withwhat Sodumplings第45页/共122页第四十五页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(12) 首页for her.Kate s friends were in the room when I 7. there.She told me she liked the dumplings very 8. .The party started at five and we

55、all 9. “Happy birthday!” to her.We played games and danced to the music.She asked us to talk in English.Some of them told some English jokes.We had a 10. time and learned a lot, muchsaid good/great第46页/共122页第四十六页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(12) 首页【语篇解读(ji d)】一群小朋友围在一起庆祝生日。他们在跳舞。屋子里挂着彩带,气球。作者和妈妈送给Kate一盘

56、饺子作为礼物。【答案详解】1.speak 解析:考查动词。speak English表示“讲英语”。2.invited 解析:考查动词。invite sb. to do sth.表示“邀请某人做某事”。3.with 解析:考查介词。help sb.with sth.表示“帮助某人做某事”。4.what 解析:考查代词。不知道要给她带什么生日礼物。第47页/共122页第四十七页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(12) 首页5.So 解析:考查连词。因为“我”妈妈知道凯特喜欢吃饺子, 所以“我”跟“我”妈妈做了饺子。 前后有因果关系。6.dumplings 解析:考查名词。上文有提到,原词重现(

57、zhn xin)。 解析:考查动词。get there表示“到那里”,因为事情已经发生,要用过去式。8.much 解析:考查副词。like sth.very much表示“非常喜欢某物”。9.said 解析:考查动词。“说”后接具体的内容时用say。10.good/great 解析:考查形容词。have a good/great time 表示“过得很愉快”。第48页/共122页第四十八页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(13) 首页 Jim is a schoolboy who is eight and a half years old.His school is near hi

58、s home, so every day he goes to school on 1. .He usually 2. . back home early.But last Friday he came back home 3. from school.“4. . are you late today?” When he got home, his mother 5. him.footgetslateWhyasked第49页/共122页第四十九页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(13) 首页“Because my teacher wasnt 6. and let me go to her o

59、ffice.” he answered. “Why did you go there?” his mother asked. “Because she asked a 7. in class,” Jim said, “and 8. could answer except me.”His mother was very angry, “Why was she not happy?”“I dont 9. .” Jim answered. “10. is her question, then?” mother asked him again. “The question was Who put in

60、k on my desk? ” Jim said.happyquestionnobodyknowWhat第50页/共122页第五十页,共123页。练习练习(linx)(13) 首页【语篇解读】8岁半的吉姆因把墨水倒在老师桌上被批评,所以回家晚了。回家后他和妈妈进行了一场有趣的对话(duhu)。【答案详解】1.foot 解析:考查短语。on foot表示 “步行”。2.gets 解析:考查动词。get back home表示 “回家”。3.late 解析:考查副词。but表示转折,说明上周五他回家晚了。4.Why 解析:考查代词。男孩回家晚了,妈妈询问原因。5.asked 解析:考查动词。ask


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