1、写作题型与篇章结构写作从命题语言形式上可以分为三类:1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are never satisfied with what they have. They always want something more or something different. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.该题型的篇章结构:第一段:引言(表明观点:支持/反对)第二段:支持/反对理由一第三段:支持/反对理由二(第
2、四段:支持/反对理由三)第五段:结论(归纳或重申观点)2. Some schools encourage their students to take part in team sports, such as football, baseball, and basketball. Other schools place greater emphasis on such individual sports as tennis, running, and swimming. Which type of sports program would you recommend for teenagers
3、? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.该题型的篇章结构:(1)第一段:引言(用自己的语言解释命题,肯定两种观点的合理性)第二段:第一种观点的合理性第三段:第二种观点的合理性第四段:结论(自己的观点及两至三条理由或倾向于折中的观点)(2)第一段:引言(略提及自己反对的观点的合理性,转折后,明确表明自己支持的观点)第二段:自己支持的观点论据一第三段:自己支持的观点论据二(第四段:自己支持的观点论据三)第五段:结论(重申自己的观点)3. Inventions such as eyeglasses and the sewi
4、ng machine have had an important effect on your lives. Choose another invention that you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice.该题型的篇章结构:第一段:引言(明确话题)第二段:讨论话题第一方面第三段:讨论话题第二方面(第四段:讨论话题第三方面)第五段:结论(总结前面提到的几个方面)范文1:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has h
5、elped improve standards of education. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.I disagree that television has helped improved standards of education for a number of reasons. The first and probably the most important reason is the programming. Around the world it is movies, sit-com, so
6、ap operas, pop music and talk shows which dominate TV screens. There may be nothing wrong with these, and they are certainly popular with audiences, but the content of these programs has not helped to make people better educated.Typical television programs have also had a bad effect on viewers? Atte
7、ntion span, that is, on how long they can concentrate. Most TV programs do not require much concentration and young viewers, especially, get used to this. Education, on the other hand, does require concentration and young people find this increasingly difficult.Another characteristic of television i
8、s that it encourages a passive attitude in viewers instead of an active one. Most popular TV programs encourage an uncritical response, but education requires you to think about what is presented to you, to react to it and in some way to make use of it. In addition, passive TV-watching has often tak
9、en the place of more active pursuits such as reading, music, playing board games and conversation, all of which are more educational than a typical evening of TV.Finally, it seems to be true that television makes it difficult for viewers, especially young ones, to distinguish properly between fact a
10、nd fiction. This confusion, which is really another kind of uncritical response, again works against educational principles.Television has done many good things. It entertains lonely, old and sick people; it certainly helps countries economies by selling products, and can be very informative by brin
11、ging news from around the locality, the country and the world into peoples homes. However, by making people passive and uncritical, television has a negative effect on education.范文2:There have been many arguments in recent years whether nuclear energy should be used to generate electricity. Do you t
12、hink nuclear energy should or should not be used for this purpose in your country? Which side do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides. People who support using nuclear energy
13、to produce electricity usually give some or all of the following reasons. The first argument is that it is potentially cheaper than any other way. The second is that other ways of producing electricity require nonrenewable resources, such as coal and oil, and one day these will be used up. This, the
14、y say, is not the case if we use nuclear energy. The third reason is more of a political one: some countries do not have the raw materials, such as coal, oil or water, which are needed to generate electricity and so they have to depend too much on other countries.People who attack using nuclear ener
15、gy for generating electricity generally say that it is too dangerous, both now and in the future. They point to severe nuclear accidents, such as Chernobyl, and some others in the United States, and say that the effects are so bad that the risk of an accident, even if the risk is very small, is not
16、worthwhile. They also often say that there will be problems in the future of how to store the dangerous waste from old nuclear power stations, which can be deadly for thousands of years.As far as my own country is concerned, I believe there are two main reasons why it should not try to use nuclear e
17、nergy at this time. Firstly, we have plenty of oil and hydroelectric energy from which to generate electricity. Secondly, if countries like the United States and Russia can suffer nuclear accidents, it would be very difficult to guarantee safety in my country. Furthermore, we have many better and mo
18、re urgent things to do with the money.常用词语与表达法1. Introductory: generally speaking, generally, as a general rule, comparatively speaking, comparatively, in general, in a sense, in one sense, in a way, to some extent, to a certain degree, in my opinion, in my view, to my mind, as for me, as far as I a
19、m concerned, on a personal level, at an individual level, from a (personal and psychological) perspective, in some cases, in some respects, on a larger scale, at a local level, to take the idea further, to take the above point to an extreme, putting the discussion in a wider context, following the s
20、ame line of, traditionally, unfortunately, obviously, undoubtedly, practically speaking, simplistically speaking, economically speaking, financially speaking, in terms of, at the risk of sounding too cold, in a slightly cold calculation, at the risk of sounding too direct.2. Comparison: similarly, l
21、ikewise, in the same way, equally important, like, bothand, the same as, (have) in common, in a not dissimilar way3. Contrast: on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, otherwise, unlike, in sharp contrast, whereas, rather than, conversely, instead, by contrast4. Exemplification: for exam
22、ple, for instance, as an example, as a case in point, as an illustration, such as, namely, that is, like, say5. Enumeraion: first, second, in the first place, initially, first of all, to begin with, to start with, first and foremost, in the second place, next, also, besides, furthermore, moreover, i
23、n addition, what is more, beyond that, for one thing, for another, finally, supremely, eventually6. Cause: because, because of, as, since, for, owing to, due to, on account of, as a result of7. Concession: although, nevertheless, however, but, yet, admittedly, it is true but, in spite of, even thoug
24、h, granted that, at the very worse8. Emphasis: chiefly, especially, indeed, in fact, certainly, particularly, to be sure, actually, above all, surely, most important of all, even worse, no doubt, needless to say, more often than not9. Result: thus, so, consequently, hence, therefore, accordingly, as
25、 a result, for this reason, as a consequence, on that account, it follows that10. Summary: in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, on the whole, finally, to sum up, to conclude, in a word常用句型Argumentation1、 The idea of is not without advantages.2、 Nonetheless, pound for pound, I reckon that i
26、s more advantageous.3、 My view is that4、 Likewise, common sense tells us that5、 Many people would claim that6、 I also see a more serous reason for preferring to 7、 A, by contrast, is blessed with advantages.8、 Another reason why I would usually prefer to is that 9、 I can see that many of the advanta
27、ges of seem obvious.10、 What is also worth noticing is that11、 It might also be noted that12、 If we turn our attention to ,we see that13、 There is no evidence to suggest that14、 The chief strength of is 15、 A further reason why I advocate an attitude of is that Exemplification1. I can think of no be
28、tter illustration of the idea than the example of 2. I can think of no better illustration of the view than the fact of 3. Numerous other examples might be given easily, but these will suffice.4. we may cite a single example of 5. history presents many examples of 6. The situation is not rare, it is
29、 one of many examples I have encountered.7. one very amusing example of this is Conclusion1. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that 2. Taking into account all these factors, we may safely reach the conclusion that 3. Judging from all the evidence offered, we may s
30、afely come to the conclusion that 4. All the evidence supports an unmistakable conclusion that 5. All the analysis justifies an unshakable view that 6. All the evidence confirms a sound idea that 7. Personal experience leads me to the conclusion that 8. I agree with the above statement because it se
31、ems to me that 9. Above all, I have supported the statement that it is better to because 10. To be fair, I must own up the advantage that , but I firmly believe that 听力模拟题一Question 1-4Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.NOTES ON SOCIAL PROGRAMMEExa
32、mple Answer Number of trips per month: 5 visit places which have: · historical interest · good 1 · 2 Cost : between 5.00 and 15.00 per personNote : special trips organized for groups of 3 peopleTime : departure 8.30 a.m. return 6.00 p.m.To reserve a seat : sign name on the 4 3 days in
33、 advanceQuestion 5-10Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.WEEKEND TRIPSPlaceDateNumber of seatsOptional extraSt Ives5 16Hepworth MuseumLondon16th February 456 7 3rd March 18S.S. Great BritainSalisbury 18th March50Stonehenge Bath 23rd March168 For fu
34、rther information:Read the 9 or see Social Assistant: Jane 10 Question 11-13Complete the sentences below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.RIVERSIDE INDUSTRIAL VILLAGE11 Riverside Village was a good place to start an industry because it had water raw materials and fuels
35、such as and .12 The metal industry was established at Riverside Village by who lived in the area.13 There were over water-powered mills in the area in the eighteenth century.Question 14-23Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.THE URBAN LANDSCAPETwo a
36、reas of focus:·the effect of vegetation on the urban climate·ways of planning our 14 betterLarge-scale impact of trees:·they can make cities more or less 15 ·in summer they can make cities cooler·they can make inland cities more 16 Local impact of trees:·they can make l
37、ocal areas more 17 cooler more humid less windy less 18 Comparing trees and buildingsTemperature regulation:·trees evaporate water through their 19 ·building surfaces may reach high temperaturesWind force:·tall buildings cause more wind at 20 level·trees 21 the wind forceNoise:
38、183;trees have a small effect on traffic noise·22 frequency noise passes through treesImportant points to consider:·trees require a lot of sunlight, water and 23 to grow听力模拟题一答案和听力原文Answer Key1 shopping/ variety of shopping2 guided tours3 more than 12/ over 124 notice board5 13th February6
39、 Tower of London7 Bristol8 American Museum9 student newspaper10 Yentob11 coal firewood12 local craftsmen13 16014 cities/ environment15 windy16 humid 17 shady/ shaded18 dangerous19 leaves20 ground21 considerably reduce/ decrease/ filter22 low23 space/ roomAudio ScriptsQuestion 1-4MAN: Good morning.WO
40、MAN: Good morning. How can I help you?MAN: I understand that the school organizesumm, trips to different WOMAN: Yes, we run five every month(example): three during weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips.MAN: What sort of places?WOMAN: Well, obviously it varies, but always places of historical in
41、terest and also which offer a variety of shopping(Q1), because our students always ask about thatand then we go for ones there we know there are guided tours(Q2), because this gives a good focus for the visit.MAN: Do you travel far?WOMAN: Well, were lucky here, obviously, because were able to say th
42、at all our visits are less than three hours drive.MAN: How much do they cost?WOMAN: Again it varies-between five and fifteen pounds a head, depending on distance.MAN: Ah haWOMAN: Oh, and we do offer to arrange special trips if, you know, there are more than twelve(Q3) people.MAN: Oh right, Ill keep
43、that in mind. And what are the times normally?WOMAN: We try to keep it pretty fixed so that, that students get to know the pattern. We leave at eight-thirty a.m. and return at six p.m. We figure its best to keep the day fairly short.MAN: Oh yes. And how do we reserve a place?WOMAN: You sign your nam
44、e on the notice board(Q4). Do you know where it is?MAN: Ah ha. I saw it this morning.WOMAN: And we do ask that you sign up three days in advance so we know weve got enough people interested to run it, and we can cancel if necessary, with full refund of course.MAN: Thats fine, thanks.Question 5-10MAN
45、: And what visits are planned for this term?WOMAN: Right, well Im afraid the schedule hasnt been printed out yet, but we have confirmed the dates and planed the optional extra visits which you can also book in advance if you want to.MAN: Oh thats all right. If you can just give some idea of the week
46、end ones so I can, you know, work out when to see friends, etcetera.WOMAN: Oh sure. Well, the first one is St Ives. Thats on the thirteenth of February(Q5) and well have only sixteen places available cos were going by minibus. And thats a day in town with the optional extra of visiting the Hepworth
47、Museum.MAN: Oh rightyeahthat sounds good.WOMAN: Then theres a London trip on the sixteenth of February and well be taking a medium-sized coach so therell be forty-five places on that, and, lets see, the optional extra is the Tower of London(Q6).MAN: Oh, Ive already been there.WOMAN: After that there
48、s Bristol(Q7) on the third of March.MAN: Where?WOMAN: BristolB-R-I-S-T-O-L.MAN: OK.WOMAN: Thats in a different minibus with eighteen places available, oh, and the optional extra is a visit to the S.S. Greet Britain.MAN: OKWOMAN: Were going to Salisbury on the eighteenth of March and thats always a p
49、opular one because the optional extra is Stonehenge, so were taking the large coach with fifty seatsMAN: Oh good.WOMAN: And then the last one is to Bath on the twenty-third of March.MAN: Oh yes. Is Bath the Roman city?WOMAN: Yes, thats right, and thats in the sixteen-seater minibus.MAN: And wheres t
50、he optional visit?WOMAN: Its to the American Museum(Q8)- well worth a visit.MAN: OK, well thats great, thanks for all thatWOMAN: My pleasure. By the way, if you want more information about any of the trips, have a look in the student newspaper(Q9).MAN: OK.WOMAN: Or, have a word with my assistant; he
51、r name is Jane Yentob(Q10) - thats Y-E-N-T-O-B.MAN: Right, Ive got that. Thank you very much for all your help.WOMAN: Youre very welcome. I hope you enjoy the trips.Question 11-13Good afternoon everybody and welcome to Riverside Industrial Village. To start your visit Im just going to give you a bri
52、ef account of the history of the museum before letting you roam about on your own. I wont keep you long. OK? Now, from where were standing youve got a good view of the river over there. And it was because of this fast-flowing water that this site was a natural place for manufacturing works. The wate
53、r and the availability of raw materials in the area, like minerals and iron ore, and also the abundance of local fuels, like coal and firewood(Q11), all made this site suitable for industry from a very early time. Water was the main source of power for the early industries and some of the water whee
54、ls were first established in the twelfth century, would you believe? At that time, local craftsmen(Q12) first built an iron forge just behind the village here on the bend in the river. By the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the regions rivers supported more than a hundred and sixty(Q13) water m
55、ills-and many of these continued operate well into the nineteenth century. But then the steam engine was invented and then the railways came and the centers of industry were able to move away from the rivers and the countryside and into the towns. So, industrial villages like this one became very ra
56、re. So thats the history for you. If youd like any more information, you can ask me some questions, or you can read further in our excellent guide book.Question 14-23Good day, ladies and gentlemen. I have been asked today to talk to you about the urban landscape. There are two major areas that I will focus on in my talk: how vegetation can have a significant effect on urban cli
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