1、五年级下册英语课课练2016 四年级英语下册全册课课练2016 年小学英语四年级下册全册达标练习题Unit1 My school 第一课时一、选择 .1、 The library isthefirst floor. A in B toC on2、 Is this a? A teachersoffice B teacher office3、 is the canteen? A When B Where二、连线.1. Go to the garden.Play football.2. Go tothe teachers office.Read a story-book.3. Go to the p
2、layground.Water the flowers.4. Go to the canteen.Hand in thehomework.5. Go to the library.Eat some noodles 第二课时一、在每句的错误下画线并改正。1 Welcome to us school. () 2Its on the one floor.() 3That is a teacher desk. () 4It is a lights.() 5is this your library? ( )二、选择。1 .This is classroom.A me B my2 .school is b
3、eautiful.AYour B You3. Do you have a garden? A Yes,it is. B Yes,we do.第三课时一、根据意思把单词补充完整。c_p_ter(计算机)b d(写字板)f_n(风扇)l t (灯)th_s(这,这个)th_t(那,那个)二、连词成句.1 is this computeryour ?2 my school is that . 3 have a new I computer . 4do have four you lights ? 第四课时一、看单词写出汉语意思art room washroomgymTVroommusic room二
4、 、 按 要 求 写 出 正 确 形 式 1you_(形容词性物主代词)2 teacher_(所有格形式) 3 two(序数词 )4 fan_(复数形式)第五课时一、英汉互译.1.看,这是我的学校。 2.Is this thelibrary?3.Is thattheTVroom?No,it isnt.4美术教室在一楼。 .二、读一读,排序 A Oh,its so big.Is this the art room?B Thank you.C Look,this is my school.D No,it isnt.Its the music room.E Wow! Your school is c
5、ool!F The art room is on the second floor.第六课时一、 _读一读, 写一写 teachers desk picturefloorwall Is this a teachers desk? 二、 读一读, 选一选 A Whats on it? B Is this a TV.C Is that a picture? D Is this a teachers desk?Mike:Amy:Yes,itis.Mike:Amy:Lets go and have alook.Mike:Amy:No,itsacomputer.Mike:Amy:No,itsa map.
6、 Unit 2 Whattime is it?第一课时一、选择 1 Its time lunch.A to B forC of2 is it? Its seven oclock. A How much B What time 3 I goto school8:00.A at B for Cto 二 、 连 线12: 00English class4: 00dinner6:00home2:00lunch10:00music class第二课时一、读一读,写一写 Onetwo three fourWhat time is it?Its two oclock.二、连词成句 1 over school
7、 is2 now is time whatit3 is dinner it fortime4 lets to go playgroundthe5 oclock two itis第三课时一、 _英汉互译1 one2二 3 三 4 十 5 four 6 seven7eight8 six二、补全句子 1. Whatis it now?2.Its two.3.Its time lunch.第四课时一、根据所给信息回答问题get up6:35music class 10:00go to school 7:10 lunch 11:20gohome 4:30P.E.class 3:15What time d
8、o you getup?Do you have lunch every day?What time does music class start?Do you go home at fouroclock?二 、 利 用 所 给 信 息 写 出 句 子 1 6:30 getup27:05go toschool314:35gohome421:00go tobed第五课时一、读一读,完成句子 go toschool 8:00 P.E.class 2:00Chinese class 10:10 go to bed 9:30music class 11:00Itsoclock. Its time to
9、.Itsten. Its time for.Its oclock. Its timefor.Its ten. Its time for.Itsthirty. Its time to. 二 、 排 序 ( )Im ready!( )Oh!Its6:30.Its time to get up.( )Hurry.Its 7:05.Its time to go to school!( )Breakfast is ready.( )Oops.( )Its8:00.Its time for English第六课时一.补全单词m_s_c (音乐) Ch_n_s_ (语文) _ngl_sh( 英语) m_th
10、 ( 数学)cl_s(s 课程) 二 . 补全句子 1. Look_myclock.What time is it?2. Its timemusic class.3. Where is theshort. Unit 3 Weather 第一课时一、读一读,连一连springAcool E.greensummerB.warm F.brightC.coldGwhitefall D.hot H.goldenwinter 二、 补全单词w_ther 天气 c_ld 寒冷的c_l 凉爽的w_m 暖和的h_t 炎热的第二课时一、选择正确的字母或字母组合完成单词() c_lAoo B.ee C.or( )
11、w_m A.er B.ar C.ur( ) l_ts A.a Bu C.e( ) f_tball A.oo B.ee C.ea( ) w_ndy A.i B.a C.e二、排序()No,you cant.Its cold.( )Its warm today.You can wearyour new shirt.()Mom,can I wear my new shirt today?( )Its hottoday.Can I wear my T-shirt?( )Yes,you car®三课时一、选择不同类的 一项 ( ) A.socks B.she C.shoes( ) A.hot
12、B.warm Cwhite( ) A.cold B.coat C.pants( ) A.football B.warmC.ball( ) A.china B.Harbin C.Kunming二、根据所给信息填空北京 18 度 拉 萨 10 度 广 州 27 度 长 春 0 度 clothes jeans,sweater,pants,coat,shirt,skirt,shorts(1)Its 0 in Changchun.Its.Weshould wear.(2)Its 18 in Beijing.Its.We should wear.(3)Its 10in Lhasa.Its.Weshould
13、 wear.(4)Its 27 in Guangzhou.Its.Weshould wear.第四课时一、读一读,写一写warmcold rainy Itscool.Is it cold?二、连线 Its rainy.Hold on to your hat.Its windy.Put on your boots.Its sunny. Open up your umbrella.Its snowy. Put on your sunglasses.Its cloudy. Take your raincoat第五课时一、 选 择 () Itrainy today.A.is B.are C.am( )
14、 Whats theweatherin Beijing?A.in B.like C.for( ) Its warmtoday.play football.A.Lets B.LetC.It( ) ItscoolKunming.A.in B.on C.for( ) What are you? Notmuch.A.do B.is C.doing 二、排序( ) Whats the weather like inBeijing?( ) Not much.( ) Its sunny.( ) Hi,Amy.What are you doing?( ) Hello!( ) Its rainy today.H
15、ow about NewYork第六课时一、选择。() Is it_? Yes, its_.A.cloudy,hotB.windy,warmC.rainy,cool( ) Whats the weather like today? A.Its warm.B.Lets play football.C.You can wear a shirt.( ) Its _.Put on your raincoat.A.windy B.snowy C.rainy( ) Its hot today.Can I _my T-shirt?A.put on B.wea C.wear on二、连线。Great!Is i
16、t cold?Whats the weather like in Beijing?No,you cant.Can I wear my new shirt?They are on thebed. Lets play football.Yes,it is.Where are mysocks?Its warm today. Unit4 At the farm 第一课时一、选择适当的字母或字母组合完成单词() sh_pA.eaB.ee C.eo( ) g_tA.aa B.oa C.ua( ) th_teenA.orB.ir C.ur( ) tw_nty A.e B.a C.u( ) carr_t A.
17、e B.a C.o 二 、 从 B 栏 中 选 出 A 栏 中 的 应 答 语 A BWhat are they?A.Yes,theyare. How many sheepare there? B.No,it isnt. Are these pigs?C.Twenty.Is it donkey?D.Theyre hens. 第二课时一、选择。( )Are they horses?A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,theyare. C.No,they are( )How manydo you have?A.sheepsB.sheepesC.sheep()What_these?They are
18、 cats.A.amB.is C are( )Look at the .They are lovely.A.rabbits B.arabbit C.rabbit( )I can ride a.A.hen B.horse C.cat二、排序 ( )Are they sheep?( )They are goats.( )Oh,this farm is so big.( )No,they arent.( )They are fat.第三课时一、英汉互译猫 兔 子 猪 鸭 子 狗 sheep henlamb goatAre they ducks?No,theyarent.二、 选择 ( )What d
19、o you see in thepicture?A.Two. B.I see five cats. C.I see two pig.( )Howmany horses are there?A.Thirty B.They are thirty. C.I havethirty.( )Are they cows? A.Yes,it is. B.No,they are.C.Yes,they are.( )What are they? A.Its a lamb. B.They aresheep.C.They are hors睇四课时、分类 eleven cat potato fifteen rabbit
20、 thirteen duck onion twelve horse twenty carrot dog cucumberNumbers:Animals:Vegetables:二、 _ 找出划线部分读音不同的词( )A.cat B.fat C.rabbit D.cake( )A.twelveB.twenty C.eleven D.we( )A.light B.isC.fiveD.nine( )A.noB.nose C.box D.go( )A.upB.computer C.hundred D.but 第五课时一、排序。 () No,they arent.( ) Are those carrots
21、?( ) Theyreonions.( ) Look!Are they tomatoes?( ) What are these?( )Yes,they are. 二、连线。柿子potatoes 胡萝卜duck 土豆rabbit兔子carrots 鸭子tomatoes 第六课时一、读一读,写一写 eleven twelve fifteen thirteen twenty 二、选择适当的句子填入对话中。A:Welcome to my farm.B:A:Look,theseareA:Yes,theytomatoes.B:They are big and red.are.B:Doyouhavemany
22、animals?A:Yes,thisway,please.B:A:No,theyre goats. B:Do you have anyhorses?A:Letscount.A&B:One,two There twelve.(2)Yes,I do.(3)Wow,its sobig.(4)Are they carrots?(5)Are they sheep?Unit 5 My clothes 第一课时一、 英汉互译sweaterT-shirt蓝色的连衣裙 红色的 夹 克 衫 黄 色 的 衬 衫 I like the bluedress.二、根据所给内容做完整回答 .1. Is this a
23、sweater?(毛衣)2. What is it?(T 恤衫)3. Is this your dress,Sarah ?连衣裙)4. What is让?(夹克衫)第二课时一、英汉互译夹克衫 衬衫裙 子 连 衣 裙 redblueyellowgreenwhitecolour二、 读一读, 连一连 1 What colour is it?Oh!Its your baby brothers! 2 Isthis your skirt,Alice?Its on the bed. 3 Whose is it?Its blue.4 Is that your shirt,Dad?Yes,it is.Than
24、k you. 5Where is my dress?No,my shirt is yellow. 第三课时一、读一读, 写一写 redblueyellowgreenIs thisyour T-shirt?No,its not.二、_ 连词成句1it is whose cap(?) 2 Mike this your is jacket(?) 3 like the sweater theI white green withskirt(.) 4 is what itcolour(?) 5 my skirt is where(?) 第四课时一、看一看,选一选1sk_tA ri B ir C er2 j
25、_et A ack B ake Ccak3 ess A tr Bdr C br4 gr_A ean BeemC een5 wh A ait B iet C ite 二、 写出与所给单词同类的三个单词1 pants 2 red 3 six 第五课时 一、翻译.1、 What are they?2、 These are your babypants.3 、 Our neighbour has a newbaby?二、读一读,连一连 1 、 What are these?A Blue.2、 What colour is it?B Yes,it is.3、 Is this your skirt?C O
26、ver there.4、 Where are my shoes? D Its my jacket.5、 Whose jacket is it? E Its 7:30.6、 What time is it?F They are mynew pants.第六课时一、补全对话 A: What these?B: These are my pants.A: Where are my shorts?B: Whatare they?A: black andwhite.B: Look,they are the bed二、选择 1 Look!These my greensocks.A is B are C ha
27、ve2 is it? Its orange.A What time B Whatcolour3 I have a new skirt my birthday party.A on B to C for4Whose is the dress? ItsA me B Chen Jie s C she Unit 6Shopping 第一课时一、找朋友expensive forty-five dress bluecolorful sixty T-shirt yellow ninety-one pretty skirt whitecheap:red:eleven:sweater:二、画出你的 _衣物并说出
28、它们的颜色和价格如:This is my skirt.Its green.Its 52 yuan.第二课时一、选择 ()I help you?A.Can B.Is C.Are( )How _isit?A.many B.much C.Are( )Look _that dress.Its pretty.A.at B.toC.in( )How muchthey?A.isB.areC.am( )Its_expensive.A.much B.many Ctoo 二、读一读,写一写(1)Zoom has a new shirt,but its too.(小的)(2)The skirt is pretty,
29、butits too(大 )(3)The pants are (长 的 ),and those jeans are(短的)(4)A:The dress is .It fits me well.is it?B:ten yuan.第三课时一、写出对应词或反义词 cheap big long hot warm二、用所给词填空much manycool time T-shirt(1) Whatis it? Its three.(2) Is this your?Yes,it is.(3) Howis it? Its ten yuan.(4) Howdogs are there? Ten.(5)Itsto
30、day.I can put on my new jacket. 第 四 课 时 一 、 英 汉 互 译bootsslipperssandalssneakers大 的长的 苹果 习惯 二、连线 Put on your sneakers. Wiggle your toes.Put on your sandals. Run in the park.Put on your boots. Dance in your room.Put on your slippers. Splash in the puddles.第五课时一、把正确答语的序号写在括号里。( )How much are the slippe
31、rs? A.Its twelve yuan.( )Can I help you?B.Yes,please.( )Are they cheap?C.There are 12.( )How many desks are there? D.No,they areE.Theyre 78 yuanX、连词expensive.( )How much is the T-shirt?成句 shoes, your, are, those .much,that,pretty,how, is,dress?youri,s, computer,this? 补全单词 _ppl_苹 果b_n_n_香蕉p梨 w_t_m_l_
32、n西瓜二、读一读,写一写 How much are they?Theyre three yuan.Can I help you?Thats fifteen yuan._r_ng_橙子pep小学英语五年级下册二单元各课时练习课时一 习 题 精 选 一 、 看 图 填 空 What is the weather like in Spring? . What s the weather like inShanghai? 二、 . 阅读 I like reading books.I have a book about the monsters. Green monster has three hand
33、s and one foot. She is lazy. She likes eating chocolates. I like Spider-man very much. He has 8 feet. He can climb the trees. What s the Red Monster liShe is pretty. She likes singing and dancing. touches her. She is turning into a princess.1. What s the Red Monster like?2. How many feet does the Sp
34、ider-man have?3. Who sugly?4. Spider-man 是谁? A 蜘蛛侠B蓝魔 C 奥特曼 一、 根据句意,填入单词所缺的字母,使句子意思完整。1. Sunday is the first day of a week. Mis the second day.2.I like apple best. Apple is my favourite f.3. It s 12:00 nhave l together.4. These grapes are too s. Pleasegive me some sweet grapes.5. Your hands are very
35、 dirty脏的).Please goand w them.二、Read and write T (true) or F (false)Hello. My name isMillie. I m thirteen years old. I m a good boy. I often play volleyball so I fit and healthy. For breakfast, I always have some bread and an egg and I drink a glass of orange juice. I sometimes have rice with fish a
36、nd an apple for lunch. I really love apples, because An apple a day keeps the doctor away (离开).In the evening, I sometimes have a glass of milk or a cup of green tea and some biscuits. For dinner, I often have soup, meat and vegetables. I like vegetables because they are fresh and healthy. They areg
37、ood for me. Look at me! How tall and strong I am now!( ) Millie is 1this year.( ) Millie likes football very much.( ) Millie often drinks orange juice for breakfast.( ) Millie likes apples because they re healthy.() I often have vegetables for dinner.根据实际情况,回答下 列 问 题 1.What s Yao Ming( 姚明 )like?2.Wh
38、at syour favouritefood?3. Are there any tallbuildings in Shenzhen (深圳)?4. What can you do at home? 二、情景运用你想知道你 _买的东西多少钱,你应该说 How much is it? B. How many are they?C. How old are you?()8.你是售货员,你见到顾客常说A. Howmuch are they? B. What time is it? C. Can I help you?( )9.你想知道 今天天气是不是很凉爽,你问 A. Is it cool today
39、? B .Is it red? C.Isthis my ruler?( )10.你觉得买的东西太贵了,你说A. It tosocheap B. It s too smaCll. It oosetxpensive 一、选择1. ( )There_ atall tree and some flowers near my home.A. is B. are C. have2. ( ) You' re tie(累了). Please go to the _and have a sleep.A. living room B. study C. bedroom3. ( )Can Tom and J
40、ack use the computer? Yes,_.A. he can B. we can C. they can4. ( ) Let s play_ ches-s-toGgretahte! rA. . a B. the C. /5.( ) Look! There is a bridge o_ the river. The boat is o_ the riverA. over on B. over over C. on onX、题中有五个句子分别描述了一 幅图画 ,请将图片的字母标号填在相应句子前面的括号内。ABCD E ( )1. I like to eat fruit.( ) 2. Our Chinese teacher is very kind.( ) 3. I like beef. Its healthy.( ) 4. What day is it today? Its Friday.( ) 5. I often do my homework on Saturdays. 课时五 习题精选一、根据图片回答问题(1)(2)1.What does the girl usually do in the morning?2W. hat is
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