为什么人们厌恶工作why people hate work_第1页
为什么人们厌恶工作why people hate work_第2页
为什么人们厌恶工作why people hate work_第3页
为什么人们厌恶工作why people hate work_第4页
为什么人们厌恶工作why people hate work_第5页
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1、why peoplehate workmiserythe average personenjoys less thanHALFtheir work timewhich results inMILLIONSlost hours ofproductivityand the kind ofSTRESSthat kills peoplewe ask peoplewhat contributes toENJOYMENTand what gets in its waythe3CAUSESofmiseryCO-WORKERSmake us miserablewhen they causeCONFLICTor

2、 are negativestop recruitingASSHOLESemployHAPPY PEOPLEwho give a crapresolveCONFLICTorganiseCOLLABORATIONdont rewardCOMPETITIONcreateCO-OPERATIONMANAGERSmake us miserablewhen they areUNSUPPORTIVEand dont do what they shouldLEAVE7 out of 10 peoplebecause of their managerstopPISSINGpeople offSHOW UPav

3、oid bullshit meetingWALK AROUNDunplug yourself from your PCpeople need toCELEBRATEget stuffDONEbeHEARDhavePURPOSEbe treatedFAIRLYTOOLSmake us miserablewhen they dont work properlyDONT WORK AT ALLor change too oftenget rid of theCRAPPY STUFFwhat contributes most toENJ YMENT?it isntBEAUTIFUL BUILDINGSCOMFY CHAIRSFUNKY KITCHENSFANCY HR PROGRAMSFRIENDSteam mates that act likeeven when theyre notCAREmanagers thatand do the right things rightthings thatWORKand make work betterEASYwhen you know howwe measure enjoymentSIMPLEPRACTICALCOS


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