已阅读5页,还剩58页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 新 起 点 英 语一 年 级教 案(下 册)教材分析整体结构1. 一年级下册共设六个学习单元和两个复习板块。2. 学习单元覆盖了六个话题:教室(classroom)、房间( room)、玩具(toys)、食物(food)、饮料(drink)和服装(clothes)。每个话题均包含语音、词汇和功能句三项学习内容。其中语音学习为暗线,采取整体学习的方法,通过歌谣、歌曲和对话的输入,让学生在活泼、自然和真实的语境中感知、模仿并习得英语语音。词汇和功能句的学习为明线,通过真实自然的语境,借助歌谣、歌曲、对话、TPR活动和各种游戏,运用实物、图片、录音、录像等多种媒介,帮助学

2、习感知、模仿并习得语言。3. 两个复习板块分别复习一三单元和四六单元的词汇和功能句。单元结构一年级下册的单元结构如下:开篇页:情景化地呈现本单元的主要词汇和句型。其主要功能是导入话题,让学生在图片和句子构建的语境中感知话题内容。Lesson 1:A项以生动的画面和旋律优美的歌谣呈现本单元的基本词汇;B项用TPR等活动操练词汇;C项再次学唱A项的歌谣,巩固单词发音,培养英语语音意识。Lesson2: A项情景化地呈现本单元的主要功能句;B项通过趣味性的活动或游戏,帮助学生操练功能句。Lesson3:A项通过综合活动或游戏引导学生运用本单元第一、第二课的词汇和功能句,同时也滚动复现前一个或几个单元

3、的词汇和功能句;B项通过现实生活中的标识,引导学生识别和认读大写英文字母。Review&Rewards:该板块具有复习(建构)和评价(激励)的双重功能。首先,它引导学生复习本单元一三课的所有板块,发展学生的学习策略,实现其建构功能;其次,它具有评价和激励功能学生每复习完一个板块,可以得到一个小贴片作为奖励,将其贴在本页相应的位置上。这样,学生复习完第一三课所有板块并张贴完小贴片后,就能把一幅优美的画面补充完整,从而直观一体验到学习的成就感。Story time:通过与话题内容相关的趣味性小故事,一方面复现该单元的词汇和功能句,另一方面培养学生听故事书的能力,并初步进行阅读启蒙,提高学生

4、学习英语的兴趣。Unit 1 Classroom单元教学目标语言技能目标:第一层次:1、 能够听懂、会说与教室有关的三个词汇: chair, desk, blackboard,以及三个表达位置的词汇:in, on, under。2、 能够听懂、会说有关询问和表达位置的功能句: Where is ? Its in/on/under ,并能在恰当的环境中初步运用。3、 能够听懂简短的课堂指令语,如: Put your in/on/under 等,并作出相应的反应。4、 能够借助日常生活图片识别、会说大写英文字母A,B,C,D。第二层次:能够借助图片听懂本单元的小故事。其他目标:1、 能够跟随录音大

5、胆模仿说唱歌曲和歌谣。2、 能够对英语学习保持兴趣,并积极参与课堂上组织的各种活动;能做到有序参与,积极使用英语。3、 能够在活动中逐步养成爱护教室的课桌椅和学习用品的习惯。Lesson 1一 教学内容 1 单词:blackboard chair desk in on under 2 句型:Put the (in on under) the .二 教学重点 所列单词能够达到见到实物会说英语。三 教学难点 blackboard desk 两词的正确发音。如:/e/这一音素的发音。四 教学工具 教学图片 教学挂图 教学实物 作为评价用的星星五 教学过程 1 Welcome every boys a

6、nd girls. How are you? How did you spend your winter holidays? Lets introduce each other. T: Good morning boys and girls? Ss: Good morning teaching. T:Lets see: Whats in the classroom?(教) 2 Listen to the chant:(这时可以让学生们边听边看,进一步熟悉教室的布置, 从而来激发学生的学习的热情。) 3 教授新单词T: Draw “the blackboard” on the paper. An

7、d then teach the words pronounce.(老师读完之后,学生跟着读此单词的发音。这样依次类推逐个教授后面的新单词。在教授的过程之中,老师要注意到学生之中去指导。尤其是单词的发音。T: Now I will introduce you my picture. (教师需要边指着自己在黑板上画的图画边介绍) This is blackboard. This is chair. This is desk. And then students who can introduce your picture with us? (这一组练习最少要找五至六位同学上来进行表演练习。) 4

8、 Play a game. 用单词卡片来猜单词。猜对者要给以适当的奖励。)5Tom: Its in the box. Yes Tom, you are right. (这时给Tom一个小星星,以作为奖励。其目的就是要激起其他同学踊跃回答问题的积极性。)利用这种方法把剩下的介词on under教给学生。另外这里值得一提的是:在教师教授新介词的时候,教师一定要注意自己的教学肢体语言的应用,如在假装找不到自己的球在哪里时,一定要真的装作自己的东西丢了,从而表现出神态上很着急的样子,眼睛左找又找的,这样就会给同学一种真正的语言环境,使课堂一下子与生活实践相结合,体现出教学的真实效果。6Practice

9、 Two students is a group. Do the game. (学生在活动时,教师要走到学生们当中去,了解一下学生对这几个介词的掌握情况,如果学生有发音的问题,教师这时就可以边了解边指导。这里还要注意学生对介词短语的正确应用,他们是否把定冠词忘记,这些对于以后的英语学习都很重要。)7The teacher says “ Oh, whose school things are these? (The teacher points the things on the floor.) Oh ,who can help me put them together. (The teache

10、r put the things) “This is a pencil. Put the pencil in the pencil case. That is an eraser. Put it in the pencil case, too. And then put the pencil case in the backpack. At last put the backpack in the desk.Two students is a group. And do it after the teacher and finish Part B.8. Ss learn to chant: 六

11、 板书 Lesson 1Classroom blackboard chair desk in on under Put the (in on under) the .Lesson 2 Where is the blue ruler?一 教学内容 1. 句型: Where is the ruler? Its in (on under) the .二 教学重点 Where is the ruler?句型中定冠词the 的使用与理解。在此处the 的含义。三 教学难点 对于这一课当中的关于定冠词the的特定含义,虽然小学不要求掌握,但是此处应该从教学的环节当中去教会学生对此词的理解。关键在于此处应强

12、调特指的含义。四 教学用具 学习用品 动物玩具 教学挂图 水果 教学用的评价表五 教学过程 1 Revision 2 Presentation(1) Listen and hold up it.The sentences are :Where is the ruler,the ruler, theruler?Where is the ruler?Its under the desk.(2) Number and hide .T: I will number from one to ten. When I finished number and the students must hide yo

13、ur things. When I will say “ten” you must stop. “One, two, three, fourten.”T: All the students stand up and round a circle. Then walk round the circle. When I say “stop” ,you all find other friends things. But when you find the things, you must say “Where is the ”? At last which students find the th

14、ings more and more, then you will win. The teacher will give you a gift.(3) Put the same things together.(4) Group workTwo students is a group. Talk about the game just now. But must use “Where is the? Its (in on under) the desk.”(5) listen and try to understand it.(6) Listen and repeat.Play the tap

15、e, then get the students follow the tape and repeat the sentences.六 HomeworkContinue to play the game with your parents after class.七 板书 Lesson 2 Where is the ruler? Where is the ruler? Its in (on under) the .Lesson 3教学内容: 运用Where is复习Lesson 2 和第一单元的知识。教学目标: 初步培养学生综合运用语言的能力。教学重点: Where is the ruler?

16、 Its in (on under) the .教学难点:综合运用语言的能力。教学准备:书,录音机,磁带,图片教学过程:Step1 Greeting Good morning, everyone!Hello, everyone.Step2 Revision1.Review the words: in on under 2.Review the chant lesson 1.Step2 Presentation1. Look at the picture and answer my questions.Where is ?2. Ss do exercises in pairs.3. Ss lea

17、rn to know the letters: A B C D and think: Where can you these letters? 板书设计:Unit3 Where isA B C D Lesson 4教学内容:1. Story Time教学目标:1知识与技能目标:复习本单元单词和句子2过程与方法目标:(1)让学生跟着录音用自己的文具表演(2)继续学习指令用语。只要求学生能听懂并反应,不要求学生会说。(3)学生根据挂图内容进行问答练习。3情感态度与价值观目标:能够对英语学习产生初步的兴趣并积极参与课堂上的各种活动教学重点:学习 Put the (in on under) the .

18、 Where is the ruler? Its in (on under) the .教学难点:表演这个故事。教学准备:录音机,磁带,图片,挂图教学过程:Step1 Greeting Good morning, class!Hello, everyone.Step2 Revision1. Review the words: in on under 2. Review the sentences : Put the (in on under) the . Where is the ruler? Its in (on under) the .Step3 Presentation1. Showin

19、g a picture and say the story in Chinese.2. Ask students to listen to the story.3. Play the story again and ask students to remember the story.4. Showing the picture and tell the story in English and do the action.5. Ask students to read the story.Step4 Practice Ask some students to go to the front

20、of the classroom, then act it.Step5 Homework1.Review words and sentences of unit 1.2 Listen to tape of unit 1. Lesson 4 教学图片板书设计:Unit 2 Room单元教学目标 语言技能目标 第一层次:1. 能够听懂、会说与房间有关的四个词汇:light, bed, door, box,以及两个表示位置的词汇: near, behind。2. 能够听懂、会说询问在某个位置有什么物品的功能句及回答:Whats behind/near/?A chair/bird/并能在恰当的情境中初

21、步运用。3. 能够听懂简短的课堂指令语,并做出相应的反应。4. 能够借助日常生活图片识别、会说大写英文字母E, F,G,H。第二层次:1. 能够借助其他学科知识,独立或在教师的带领下完成本单元的小智力游戏。2. 能够借助图片读懂本单元的小故事。其他目标1. 能够跟随录音大胆模仿说唱本单元的歌曲和歌谣。2. 通过本单元的智力游戏,培养学生一定的观察能力和逻辑推理能力。3. 通过歌曲和游戏活动,提高学生学习的兴趣和积极性。一、教学内容:关于房间物品位置的问答对话。二、教学目标:语言知识和语言技能目标:1、能够听懂、会说四种房间内部分物品的英文名称及方位单词:light, bed, box, doo

22、r, near, behind.2、能够听懂、会说询问和回答物品名称的功能句: Whats behind the door?.并能在恰当的情境中初步运用。3、能够听懂课堂简短的指令,并做出相应的反应。4、能够利用生活中的图片认识字母EFGH。情感态度目标 能够积极参与课堂上组织的各种活动,做到有序参与,积极使用英语;能 够在各种活动中学会与他人合作,具有合作意识。 学习策略目标能够借助图片和动画听懂本单元的小故事。三、教学重点: 1、能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下用英文问答有关房间物品位置话题的话语。 2、能够使用所学单词与句型描述房间物品和询问。3、能够初步认读教材中的主要文字,如有关房间内物

23、品的单词和语句。4、能够利用生活中的图片认识字母EFGH。四、教学难点:能够在教师的帮助下初步读懂英文故事五、教学用具准备:1、单词卡片2、教学录音磁带和录音机。3、教学光盘。4、本课所需直观教具。六、学生分析: 进行本课的学习时,已经属于本册教材的后段,可以让同学们谈谈自己房间内的设施,从而引入对本课的学习。由于这是一年级的第一年的教学,师生都还比较陌生,所以如何创设一些比较新颖的教学游戏活动,如何采取评价措施,如何加强学生对英语学习的兴趣就变得尤为重要。七、教学课时安排:4课时第一课时 Lesson 1一、 教学内容:1、新单词:light, bed, door, box, behind,

24、 near. 2、询问信息的问答语:Where is? 二、教学目标:1、能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与房间有关的4个单词。2、能够听懂教师的问答语:Where is ?并做出相应的回应。3、能够跟随录音大声模仿说唱歌谣。三、教学重点:学习四个房间词汇的英文表达。四、教学难点:教学中的“Where is ?”指令语的理解,学生能大致明白能够跟着指令做动作即可。五、课前准备:教学录音磁带、 单词卡片、录音机、图片。六、教学过程:Step1、 Warming up(热身活动)1、Greetings. Good morning, everyone!2、Sing an English son

25、g.Step2、 Leading in(导入).1、Show a picture of room.2、Listen to the tape-recorder. Lets listen to a chant about room. Answer a question: What kind of things can you hear? Students listen to the chant and try to find the answer.Step3、 New lesson(新课)1、 Showing the pictures of room. Teach students new wor

26、ds.2、 Play the tape-recorder again and point the things.3、 Students listen to the chant and try to say after it.4、 Teach the students to sing the chant.5、 Sing the chant following the tape-recorder.Step4、Exercises.(练习)1、教师将挂图贴在黑板上,教师发出指令,如Point to the 学生指出相应的物品。2、说说自己房间里的物品及位置。 教师通过部分实物,引导学生指一指,说一说自

27、己房间里的东西都在哪里。3、小组活动教师教授全班学生提问语Where is ?2人为一组,一个人提问,一人边寻找边回答。 4、Listen and chant again.Step5、Homework(作业)1、Listen to the tape and read words three times.(听录音跟磁带读)2、Listen and sing the chant.Step6、板书设计:Unit 2 RoomLesson 1light, bed, door, box, behind, near 第二课时 Lesson 2一、 教学内容: 1、学会询问并做出回答What behind

28、/near the? 2、完成B Lets play部分练习。二、教学目标: 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与询问方位有关的2个句子。三、教学重点:初步学会询问位置并做出回答。四、课前准备:教学录音磁带、 单词卡片、彩笔。五、教学过程:Step1、 Revision(复习)1、Greetings. What do we learn yesterday?2、唱一唱第一课时所学的歌谣。Step2、 New lesson(新课)1、 教师举起指着房间内的实物说一说都是什么。This is a chair. Whats behind the chair? Teaches the new sen

29、tence “Whats behind the?” 2、指着桌子 Whats this? Whats on the table?Step3、Exercises.(练习)1、B部分 Lets play 2、Practise to say the dialogue to partners.Step4、Homework(作业) Listen to the tape and read after the tape.(听录音跟磁带读Part A)Step6、板书设计:Unit 2 RoomLesson 2Whats behind the ? A. 第三课时 Lesson 3一、 教学内容: 1、复习上学

30、期学到过的有关文具和前两课时有关房间物品的单词。 2、学习字母EFGH。二、教学目标: 1、综合运用本单元交际用语Whats near the?2、能够认真听录音,并跟录音大声跟读。三、课前准备:PPT演示、教学光盘、 单词卡片(教师准备)六、教学过程:Step1、 Warming up(热身活动)1、Greetings. 2、TPR活动 Point to the3、Sing a song.Step2、 Leading in(导入).1、 Show the pictureT:What do you see in the picture?让学生说一说看到的物品名字。Step3、 New less

31、on(新课)1、 教师任意指着一种食物问What is it? Where is? 所有同学一起回答。2、 师生示范Step4、Exercises.(练习)1、 对比两幅图片,说一说不同之处。2、 分组活动两人一组进行询问练习。1、 学习英文字母EFGH(1)呈现字母照片,What letters do you see?(2)说一说,指一指 说一说你在生活中还见过哪些字母的图片。Step5、Homework(作业)1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape.(听录音跟磁带读)2、P15 Lets stick.Step6、板书设计:Unit 2 Ro

32、omLesson 3 第四课时 Lesson 4一、教学内容: Story time 1、故事梗概:Lily的妈妈给她准备了一个礼物,Lily根据图片提示在房间的各个角落寻找并最终找到了礼物小熊在椅子底下。 2、新的语言项目:find寻找 二、教学目标:1、让学生通过阅读图画故事,培养初步的阅读理解能力。三、教学重点:1、能够阅读本课的故事。2、能够分角色表演本课的故事。四、课前准备:教学挂图、教学光盘、头饰(学生课前准备)、小奖品。六、教学过程:Step1、 Warming up(热身活动)1、Greetings.2、Sing the song of this unit.Step2、 Lea

33、ding in(导入).1、 Teacher shows the picture. (教师出示本课教学挂图) Look! What can you see on the picture? Can you guess the story?Step3、 New lesson(新课) 1、教师播放光盘,学生给图片标上序号。2、学生读图理解故事。 I have a gift for you. Go and find it. Ok. Near the light? On the desk? On the bed? Under the chair? Yeah! Its under the chair! T

34、hank you, Mum. 3、教师播放录音,学生边听边模仿动作。 4、学生跟录音朗读。 5、小老师带读。Step4、Exercises.(练习)1、学生在小组内互教互学,两人先齐读课文,没有问题后可以分角色对话。2、学生根据自己准备的头饰,扮演故事中的角色。3、师生共同评选表现好的小组和个人给与奖励。Step5、Homework(作业)1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape.(听录音跟磁带读)Step6、板书设计:Unit3 toys单元教学目标语言技能目标第一层次:1. 能够听懂、会说与玩具有关的六个词汇:car,ball,plane,d

35、oll,bear,train.2. 能够听懂、会说表达索要玩具的功能句及答语:Can I have?Sure.Here you are./Sorry,no.并能在恰当的情境中初步运用。3. 能够听懂简短的TPR指令语,并做出相应的反应。4. 能够借助日常活动图片识别、会说大写英文字母I,J,K,L.第二层次:能够借助图片读懂本单元的小故事其他目标1. 能够跟随录音大胆模仿说唱歌曲和歌谣2. 通过歌曲和游戏活动,提高学习英语的兴趣和积极性3. 能够在故事的学习中体会和他人分享的乐趣。 Lesson 1一 教学内容 1 New words: train car boat bear doll bal

36、l plane. 2 Sentences: We can play, night and day, With a train, a boat and a plane. 3 Revise the old sentences : Whats this? Its a What colour is it? Its 二 教学重点 本课新学的单词。三 教学难点 对The chant 能够听懂而且理解其中的含义。个别新接触的单词的发音。四 教学用具 教学卡片 教学录音带 教学实物五 教学过程 1 Revision Revise the colours : red yellow blue white blac

37、k pink purple brown The teacer takes out many different bloons and ask the Ss : “ Whats this? And what colour is it?”(这一环节复习的要仔细而且叫到学生回答问题的范围面要广。因为这一环节的设计主要是为了复习上册书对颜色的掌握程度。只要了解清楚了才能顺利进行下面知识的教学。 Listen and hold up the right colour pencil. 2 Presentation Teach new words. The teacher takes out many di

38、fferent pinwheels. And ask the students “ are the colours beautiful?” And then who can tell me what it is? If the Ss cant say it. The teacher can help the Ss say out the righr answer. “ The boys and the girls this is a pinwheel. P-I-N-W-H-E-E-L. Its Chinese name is “风车 ”Can you make it? Ok! Let me t

39、each you make it.(教师发给学生制做风车用的材料。这一环节的设计主要目的是通过学生动手操作的能力的培养,使学生在轻松的教学环境下,掌握所学知识。) The friends I carried many toys for you . Do you want to see them? Ok! Lets see them one by one. (下面把后面该教的单词依次教给学生。3 Practice The teacher arrived a bag before class. There are many toys in it. At that time the teacher

40、ask a student come up the front of the classroom. And then get her carry a thing from, but her eyes cant see. 4 Consolidation Give a trace picture and get the Ss trace it. And when do it they must say “Whats this ? and What colour is it? 最后进行比赛,看哪一组的同学最快哪组就是最后的胜利组。教师要对获胜的组给予肯定。Lesson 2一 教学内容 1 Learn

41、 to new a chant. 2 Revise the words: FG: girl bed armchair lamp pencil case telephone desk book TV car plane chair 3 句型: Whats your favorite toy?二 教学重点 通过学唱新儿歌来复习巩固上节课所学的单词。 句型:Whats your favorite ? 的广泛应用。 能听懂新儿歌。三 教学难点 句型中:Whats your favorite toy? 对于favorite 一词的发音矫正。和对于这一句型更深一层次的应用。 儿歌不但能听懂而且还要能达到会

42、说出完整的。四 教学用具 教学录音磁带 教学挂图 彩笔 用于评价用的小红旗五 教学过程 1 Revision Revise the old words : the teacher use the teaching cards to revise the old words. Take out one of them and ask the Ss “Whats this? Is it a pinwheel?” Ss: No, its a teddy girl. T: What colour is it? Ss: Its yellow. Listen and hold up the right t

43、he picture. FG: when the teacher say a name of toys and the Ss say out its English name. Like this do it one word by one word. The aim is get the Ss to master those words. 2 Listen an match the right picture. Use the colour pencils to number the toys.(这里教师要做出一定的评价,对于表现优秀的学生教师要进行表扬,同时对于难度学生教师不要放弃,而且还

44、要鼓励他们。) 3 Listen to the new chant. When listen to the chant ,the teacher can help the Ss understand it using her body language. About listen it three times. 4 play the game with the Ss. Listen to the tape and get the Ss play the game by yourself. When play the game the Ss say the chant. 5 Ask and an

45、swer The teacher takes out many different toys and ask the Ss “Whats your favorite toy?” Is the pinwheel or teddy bear? And I favorite toy is plane. What about you? At that time the teacher can get the Ss come up the front of the classroom and choice a favorite toy and then say “my favorite toy is ”

46、 Pay attention to the pronounce the word “favorite” 6 Lets sing the chant together. Lesson 3一 教学内容 This is a butterfly page. The content is learn to how to go shopping. I want something. I like something. Lets do something. Can I have something? Sure. Here you are. Thank you. Me, too. 二 教学重点 通过复习学过的

47、单词进一不来复习购物时的交际用语。三 教学难点 交际用语的使用和上下句的搭配。如: Can I have that doll, please? Sure . Here you are. Thank you.四 教学用具 教学挂图 教学录音磁带 把教室装扮成适合购物的环境。另外还要准备一些小朋友购买的东西。五 教学过程 1 T: Today we will go to the shop to buy something . tomorrow is my daughters birthday. I want to send her some presents . But I dont know w

48、hat does she like present. The boys and the girls can you help me to choice a good present for my daughter. Ss: OK! T: Lets stand up and go! (教师带领学生一起到准备好的英语教室。) 2 S1: Can I have that doll, please? T1: Sure. Here you are. S1: Thank you. S1: I like your panda. Its nice. S2: Lets play together. S3: I

49、want this red ball. S4: Me too. S5: I like that car. Its great. (学生在进行语言交际的时候,教师也要进入其中。先要以购买者的身份出现,然后以营业员的身份出现。主要是让学生体会不同角色的感受。并且在购买的过程当中教师还可说些本课以外的表示购物用的交际用语,主要的目的是为了照顾不同层次的学生的学习的需要。 3 Group work. The teacher give every group a task. And ask them to finish the task. At this time the teacher will be

50、 the assistant. T: Can I help you, the boy? B: Yes. I want a ball. T: What colour is it? B: I like this red ball. T: Sure. Here you are. B: Thank you. T: Youre welcome. At that time get the Ss own will be assistant and go to buy something for the teacher. 4 Act out the dialogue . continue this exerc

51、ise about three and four group. At last the teacher will find some good students and then praise them. 5 Listen to the tape and say .通过练习听力进一步熟悉课文的内容,以达到教学的目标。六 Homework After class try to buy something with your parents.Lesson 4一 教学内容 1 A new chant 2 Learn to new letters. They are : Q W E R T.二 教学重

52、点 1 对 The new chant 要能够听懂,而且能够达到会说。 2 对新学的字母要能够在键盘上实现盲打,而且见到这些字母要会读。三 教学难点 由于新授的儿歌比较长,所以学生接受起来比较难。四 教学用具 教学挂图 教学录音磁带 假键盘五 教学过程 1 Revision Revise the words: They are “ plane boat ball pinwheel” Get the Ss close their eyes. And the teacher put those picture on the blackboard. But the back is on. After

53、 do it , the teacher get the Ss open their eyes. Guess the pictures what are these? The teacher point the first picture and ask the Ss : “ what is it?” And then do it after all. (这一环节的设计主要是为了学习新的儿歌扫除障碍。及解决词的问题。) 2 The teacher give some pieces of the paper to the Ss. And then get the Ss make them after the teacher. FG: after making out of the paper plane and the teacher says to the Ss “ Make a plane, make a plane. Then fly it away.”这时教师要用肢体


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