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1、新塘三中八年级英语综合练习(二)一、听力部分( 30 分) 一、请听句子,选择恰当的答语。听二遍。 (10 分,每小题 2 分)1._ Mostlike to watch TV .2._By watching TV they can knowmany things about their _ and about the world.3.Of _ they can also learn over the radio.4._But they can learn better and moreon TV.5._ they can hear and watch at the same time.二、听

2、录音,选出你所听到的句子。听二遍 (10 分,每小题 2 分) ( )6. A.Miss Zhao isone of the most popular teacher in the school .B. Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the school.C. Miss Zhao is one of the most popular doctors s in the hospital .D. Miss Zhao is one of the most popular students in the school.( )7. A.

3、GuiLin is a famous place with water and hills.B. GuiLin has famous hills and water .C. GuiLin is famous for its hills and water .D. GuiLin is not famous for its hills and water .( )8. A.I don t like anything this morning.B. I don t feel like anything this morning.C.I would not like anything this mor

4、ning.D.I would like something this morning.( )9 A .The little boy made faces at me .B. The little boy makes faces at me .C. The little boy laughs at me .D.I made faces at the little boy .( )10.A.Our hometown is getting beautiful and beautiful.B. Our hometown is getting more beautiful and more beauti

5、ful.C. Our hometown is getting more beautiful and beautiful.D. Our town isn t getting more beautiful and more beautiful .三、请听短文 , 选择最佳答案。听二遍 (10 分,每小题 2 分)11. Mike wan ted to sleep_ that ni ght.A. in the old mans hoBu.sien a restaurantC. in his own houseD. in his friends house12. Mike stopped his ca

6、r because _ .A. he saw a friendB. he wanted to ask the wayC. a man asked him to stop D. he wanted to pick an old man13. The old man took Mike to _ .A. his own houseB. Mikes houseC. the Sun RestaurantD. Mikes friends house14. When they passed the restaura nt, the old man did nt stop Mike becauseA. he

7、 wanted Mike to send him home B. he didnt know the restaurant C. he didnt see therestaurant D. he wanted to invited Mike to sleep in his house15. How do you think Mike would feel when he heard what the old man said in the end?A. Excited.B. Tha nkful.C. Funny. D. Un happy.二、笔试部分(105 分)一、单项填空(每小题 1 分,

8、共 15 分)()1._Bill Gates is clever and enjoys_, he became a famous computerscie ntist.A. read ing very much bridge C. play ing golfD. iximpnKyr(气;血I you hocjr_ “g I Cci.n h加_ .A.anything nothing B. anythinganythingC. somebodyanybody D. some t .沁 iiuthiig()3.1 ts not easy for him to go to En gla

9、 nd. He can_speak En glish_write it.ei the-or B, ne it her-nor C. both壮】门臼IX Ko?, onl y-ouT. kil so()w1 s Tom I y very i I Ib(_?Ho1s i n hospi,A.I dontthink so B.No, he isntC. 1 I叫心 沁 h III;:.;:hl:沁()5* Wo_ l.h c schoo I mcc 11 ii i. _ tomoA. didn;l*rdins B, won1ins C, won1L-*wi 11 rain

10、Fk will willrain()6 ln Japan poop I c ml自丨让o门对.?A.So are we B.So we are C.So do we()7.wHo j your sc I f to some soup, chi Idrcn , _ ,A.No, just a little B.Ok,心 屮儿C. Tl urk you lUdel icious()8. The farmers are all busy_ the n ext year.A. gett ing to ready forB. gett ing ready forC. to get ready toD.g

11、et ready to ()9. A:Would you please not make so much no ise here?B:_ we ll be as quiet as we can .A. Sorry, we will beC. Sorry, we wontwont()10. I_go to bed_ I fini shed my homework.B. No, we wontD. Yes, weD.won t, un tilD. lostA. Excited.B. Tha nkful.C. Funny. D. Un happy.A. didn t, when B. /, unti

12、lC. didn t, until()11. Sorry, I_my pen at home this morni ng.A. forgotB. leftC. missed()12. The weather in the south is warmer tha n_.C. i n the n orth D. it in the n orth()13. Pass_ pen , please.A. me , his B. my, mine C. your, your D. her, he()14 A:_ were you not at school last year?A. the northB.

13、 that in the northB:For less tha ntwo daysA.How often B.How long C.WhenD.What time()15.Beethoven was one of_ in the world .A.more famous musicia nsImusicia nsC. most famous musicia nsD. most famous musicia n二、完型填空(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)(A)Mr. Black works in a hospital ,as a good 16 ,the people in the townl

14、ike him. He is always 17 to the patients and looks them over very carefully.18 he is always busy and has no time to have a rest .Onemorning Mr. Black got to the hospital and saw there was a fat woman“ 20 ,madam? ” the woman. “My husband 挤进去)”Black. “ You have to lose some weight( 减23 your coat if yo

15、u do all what I say .” saidB. dan gerous C. cold D. kindC. SoD. BecauseB. waiti ng-room C. parkD. zooB. How are youD. How old are youC. shopD. prese ntB. It s a pleasureD. It s myfavouriteC. sellC. easy C. car(B)morning. Allto visit the zoo. I went by bus and came back 27On my way to school in the a

16、fter noon. I saw two little boys 28_by the river.Oneof them was crying. I went up to them and asked, “Whatreyou crying for? ”29_ boy said, “He fell over a stone(石头)and hurthis leg. rm his younger brother, I amafraid I cant take him back home ” When he saidthis, he was going to cry, 30_ said, “Dont w

17、orry. Letme 31 you. ” Then I carried the elder brother and took the younger to their home.B .the most famousin the1_ He called her in his office and asked,“Itwasmybirthdayyesterday,sir . ”saidgaveme a21 .But Icouldn t put my way in it (“_22_ ,”saidMr.肥).You llbeableto“youare24 ,sir, adear25_ !”B. fa

18、rmerC. policema nD.t matterwearwrongB.busB.B.Wehad 26_classes thisD. washD. safeD. truckstudents in myclass went_foot*therich woman.He bought menot a coat ,buttheTheir home is far 32 our school. It took me an hour and ahalf 33 the two boys to their home. Whenl was on myway to school again, it was ha

19、lfpast two. I ran to school as fast as I could, 34 I was late_for class. After class, I told my teacher all the story. She 35 witha smile, You did agood deed!()26 、A. notB. noC.not a any()27 、A.byB. onC.inIbviih()28、 sta ndIX standing()29 、A.The otherB.A nother C.OtherDJJse ()

20、30 、A.alsoB.too已 itnerb, yer()31、 helpC.helpi ng口helped()32 、A.forB.awayC.toD.from()33、A.takeB.tak ingC.tookto lake()34 、A.AndB.The nC.ButD. So()35 、A.saidB.spokeC.toldltalked、阅读理解:(每小题 2 分,共 40 分)(A)A young manonce went into town and bought himself a pair of trousers.Whenhe got home, he w

21、ent upstairs to his thatthey were about two in ches (英寸) He wentdownstairs to the kitchen.there.“The newtrousers are too long,(缩短)by about two in ches. Could one His mother and sisterwere busy and noneof them said any thi ng.But as soon as his mother had finished washing up, she went quietly upstair

22、s to herson s bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches. She came dow nstairswithout say ing anything to her daughters.Later on, after supper, the elder sister rememberedher brother s trousers.She was a kin d-hearted(热心的)girl, so she went quietlyupstairs without say ing anything to anyone, an

23、d shorte ned the trousers by two inches.The youn ger sister went to the cin ema, but whe n she came home she, too,remembered her brother s trousers. So she ran upstairs and did as hermother and sister had done.You can imagine (设想)the look (形象) on the young man s face when he put thetrousers on the n

24、 ext morning.()36. The young man s trousers were_ for him at first.A. a bit too longB. very good C. not too long D. too short()37. The young man s mother and sisters didn t answer because theywere busy_in the kitche n.A.cook ingB. making teaC. wash ing clothesD wash ing cups, glasses and so on()38.

25、His elder sister shorte ned the trousers_ the eve ning B. after soon as she fini shed the wash ingbedroom and put them on. He foundtoo long.His mother and two sisters werewash ing up the tea-th ings (茶具)he said. “ They n eed shorte ningof you do it for me, please? ”D. after she came

26、 back from the ci nema()39.The next morning the young manfound that the trousers were_in ches too short for him.A. two B. fourC. sixD. eight()40. We can imagine that when the young man put the trousers on the n ext morning,he would feelA. happyB.excited C. surprisedD. tha nkful(B)Do you live in a ci

27、ty? Do you know how cities began? Long, long ago, the worldhad only a few thousa nd people. These people moved from place to place. Theymoved over the land, hun ti ng(打猎)ani mals for food.No one knows how or when those people learned about growing food. But whe nthey did, their lives cha nged. They

28、did not have to look for food any more. They couldstay in one place and grow it.People began to live near one another, And so the first village grew. Many peoplecame to work in the village. These villages grew very big.When machines appeared(出现),life in the villages changed again. Factorieswere buil

29、t. More and more people lived n ear the factories. Cities bega n to come intobeing( 产生).Some of them grew very big.Today, some people are moving back to small tow ns, can you tell why?()41. Lon g, l ong ago, people moved from place to place()43. What happe ned whe n factories were built?_A. People b

30、egan to live in the factories.B. More and more people lived n ear the factories.C. There were many machines in the factories.D. Mach ines were very useful.()44. Which of the followi ng is me ntio ned(提到)in this story?_A. All people like to live in big cities.B. It s good to live near a factory.C. So

31、me people don t like to live in big cities.D. Factories are good.()45. The ma in idea( 中心思想)of the story is that ._A. factories were built after the cities grew big.B. people like to hunt ani mals.C. people lived and worked n ear each cities bega n to come into being.(C)Alice, (35 years

32、old )A. i n the sky()42. The storyB. i n treesC. on landsays, “But when they did,“they ” mean?_.B. CitiesC. PeopleD. by flyi ngtheir lives cha nged.D. VillagesWhatI like shopping, but shopping with young children is not a good thing.I have to look after them when rm shopping. I go shopping with my h

33、usbandonly when I buy something for him. Whenl look at a cheap dress, he always says, Itsbeautiful on you. But whenl have an expensive one in myhands, he always says, Idont think it fits (适合)you well. So I ofte n goshopp ing with my frie nds. Its fun. I like shopp ing alone, too.Maria,(26years old )

34、I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping on weekends. There are toomany people in shops. I dont like shopp ing with other people.It usually takes me muchtime to buy things because I never buy the first thing I see. Ialways look around other shops to find the samething cheaper. rm good at f

35、indingcheap things. I dont like buying food in small shops or street markets. I think food insupermarkets is fresh (新鲜的 and cheap. 根据两位女士各自对购物的看法,完成下列各题。()46. Both Alice and Maria like shoppi ngA. with frie nds B. aloneC. on weeke ndsD. on weekdays()47. Alices husba nd says, I dont thi nk it fits yo

36、u well.Itmea nsA. the dress is not good for herB. an expe nsive dress is notalways goodC. he wan ts his wife to buy a cheap dress D. Alice is very fat()48. Why does it take Maria much time to buy thin gs?A. Because she likes going around.B. Because there are too many people.C. Because she wants to f

37、ind the same thing but cheaper.D. Because she likes buying expe nsive thin gs.()49. From what Maria says we know ._A. many people like shopp ing on weeke ndsB. things are cheaper on weeke ndsC. people dont like shopp ing on weeke ndsD. she likes shopp ing on weeke nds ()50. Maria likes to buy food .

38、A. in a small shopB. in a supermarketC. i n streetsD. i n street markets(DIt was a cold Christmas Eve (圣诞夜).A girl was selli ng flowers in the street. Shecame to a beautiful house and kno cked at the door. A man came out. The girl askedhim to buy some flowers. But he said he did nt want any. The gir

39、l left the house, satdow n at the comer of the house, felt cold, tired and hun gry.Suddenly she felt she was becoming light. And slowly she began to fly into the sky.She flew higher and higher, at last she found herself above the clouds. Manypeoplecameto meet her. At the head of them was her granny.

40、 The girl told her that she had toget moneybecause her parents were badly ill. Granny told the girl not to worry andgave her manybeautiful clothes and delicious food. The girl smiled happily.It was snowing heavily. The next morning someonefound the girl sitting there witha smile on her face. . But s

41、he could nt sta nd up any more.()51. The story happe nedA. on a Christmas Eve B. on. Christmas DayC. i n the morni ngD. i n the after noon()52. The girl was in the street.A. walk ing with a warm coat B. cryingC. selli ng flowersD. eat ing someth ing()53. The man did nt buy any flowers because he .A.

42、 did nt like them B. did nt want anyC. did nt like her D. did nt know her()54. From this story, we know the girl was from ._A. a rich family B. a big family C. a poor family D. the sky()55. The. sentence She could nt sta nd up any more meansA. she always sat there . B. she wan ted to sit thereC. she

43、 did nt want to sta nd upD. she died四.句型转换(15 分,每小题 3 分)1. Guangzhou is such a beautiful city.(改为感叹句)_ Guan gzhou is!2. My man ager is not free eno ugh to see you today.(改为同义句)My man ager is_see you today.3. Lear ning a foreig n Ian guage is useful.(改为同义句)4. Sally is not a student. Annie isn t a stu

44、dent either.( 合并句子)_ a stude nt.5. Plants are more important than we are.(改为同义句)We are_ pla nts.五、书面表达(15 分)2004 年元旦,星期六,天气晴朗,初二(1)班举办英语晚会。请根据以下内容写一 篇日记,词数 60-80.注意格式.可能遇到的生词:特别:especially努力:tryour best形式英语晚会时间2004 年元月 1 日晚 7: 00- 9: 00地点本班教室出席对象英语教师、全班学生内容昌歌、跳舞、讲故事、做游戏等感受度过了一个愉快的夜晚;我们表示要更加努力学好各门功课,

45、 特别是英语口语(15 分)一. 朗读(5 分)Bill had a small plane and he made the geese follow him. The whole autu mn, he went on short tripsin his pla ne and the young geese flew after him.When the cold weather arrived, Bill flew to Virgi nia in the Un ite d States, about 600 miles from hishome in Can ada. The geese followed him all the way. Bill left


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