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1、译林牛津版高二英语必修五unit1 知识点及语法总结Welcome to the unit &ReadingI. 重点单词1. betray. vt.1) 出卖;背叛 He would rather die than betray his country to the enemy.2) 显露;泄露 The expression on her face betrays her anger.2. pretend. vt/vi1)vt. 假装,佯装, 后接不定式和从句做宾语。She pretended to be reading. 她假装在看书。2)vi. 假装She wasnt reall

2、y crying, she was only pretending. 3. admit. vt1) 承认;供认admit doing sth. 承认做某事 admit to sb. 向某人承认He admitted his crime. 2) 许可进入,准许进入 admit sb. to/into- 接纳某人进入.; 吸收某人参加.He is admitted to Nanjing University this year. 3) 容纳, 容许The cinema admits about 2000 people. 4) admit of 容许有; 有.可能; 容有.的余地His illnes

3、s admits of no delay. 4. swear. vt/vi 发誓;郑重承诺;咒骂swear to sb. / swear that 从句 向某人承诺发誓swearswore -sworn5. focus. n/vt/vi1) n. 焦点,注意力put focus on 集中注意力于.2) vi/vtfocus on集中注意力于.近义词组:concentrate on pay full attention to devote to6. guilty. adj 有罪的1) be guilty of “犯了罪”In the process of gaining our rightfu

4、l place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. 2)be found guilty 被判决有罪Maggie could be sentenced to up to three years in prision if (he was) found guilty.7. remark. Vt / n 评论make remarks on sth = make comments on sth 对作出评论8. apologize. vi 道歉apologize to sb=make an apology to sb 向某人道歉9. sensitive.

5、adj 敏感的;体贴的 be sensitive to 对体贴,敏感10. blame. n/vt 责备1) n. put blame on sb 责备某人2) vt. blame sb for sth 因某事责备某人 blame sth on sb 把某事归咎于某人 He blamed his faiure on his teacher.sb be to blame= sb should be blamed 主动形式表被动You are to blame. 你应该受责备。11. gifted. adj = talented 有天赋的1) be gifted for/as 有天赋2) have

6、 a gift for有天赋II. 重点词组1. beg sb to do sth 恳求某人做某事2. stare at 凝视glare at 怒视gaze at 瞪眼看3. keep ones word 守诺言break ones word 食言have a word with 与交谈have a words with 与吵架4. feel like doing 想要做某事sound like 听起来像5. go straight to 径直去6. spy on 监视watch over 看管7. keep pace with 与协调一致keep up with 跟上8. as a resu

7、lt of 由于because of= due to=owing to 由于as a result 结果result in 导致result from 源于,由于9. turn into 转变成turn up 出现,出席turn out 结果是turn sb down 拒绝turn around 转身;逆转turn to 转向10. as well as 和as well 也 may as well 不如不妨11. shout at 朝大喊( 生气,愤怒)shout to朝大喊(指远处)12. make some cruel remarks 咒骂某人,说坏话13. even though 即使

8、14. can not help doing sth 禁不住做某事cant help but do sth 只好做某事cant help to do sth 不能帮助做某事15. accuse sb of sth 指控某人某事inform. of 告知approve of 同意warn of 警告III.重点句式1. I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz, saying how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark. (page 2)(1)“must+完成时”

9、表示对过去事情语气比较肯定的推测。对现在推测,用must be. They must have been laughing behind my back. (page 2) 他们在我背后一定是笑得合不拢嘴。 “must+完成时”结构的反义疑问句,疑问部分应根据must后的动词形式采用相应的形式,可用have (has),也可用did。但若句中出现了过去时间状语,则只能用did。He must have read it, hasnt /didnt he? 他一定读过它,是吗?He must have left yesterday, didnt he? 他昨天一定走了,是吗? 表示推测的否定结构要

10、用“can not /cant”, 或者是can +其他具有否定意义的副词。例如:You cant be tired youve only been working for an hour. 你不可能疲倦,你只工作了一小时。(2)., saying how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark 是非谓语动词doing做原因状语;how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark 是how 引导的名词性从句做say的宾语。2. I thought that Hannah must

11、 have told everyone about my grades after promising me not to.(page 2) 1) must have told 表示对过去推测; 2)after promising me not to=after she promised not to tell anyone. a. after引导的状语从句,当从句的主语she与主句的主语Hannah 一致时,从句的she 可以省略,同时从句的谓语动词promised 要变成非谓语形式promising; b. promising me not to 属于 to do 不定式省略动词do 的情

12、况,在某些动词后,如:promise, like, hope, want 等,为避免与上一句to do中的动词重复,可省略to后的动词。3. I cannot help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me. (page 3)1)if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me为wonder 的宾语从句2)wonder vt. (对).感到奇怪; 想知道,不知道 I wonder if/whether you 可用来客气地提出请求;wonder后可

13、接其他连接词引导的宾语从句。例如:I wonder if youd give me some advice. I wonder who he is, where he came from and why he came. wonder后可接“疑问词动词不定式”作宾语:例如:They waited and wondered what to do. there is no wonder that 从句 : 难怪.There is no wonder that you were late for school, for your bike broke down.4. He accuse me of

14、some bad things just to hurt me. (page 3)1) accuse sb of sth= charge sb with sth 指控某人.2)just to hurt me属于非谓语to do形式,在句中做目的状语,类似的词组还有:only to (表示出乎意料的结果),in order to/ so as to (表示目的)5. If so, the problem lies with you, not her.(page 5)(1) If so是个条件从句,so代替上文内容。not也有同样用法,构成省略句式:if not。又如:She may not be

15、 free today. 她今天可能没空。 If so, well have to put the meeting off. 如果是这样,这会就得延后了。Get up early tomorrow, if not (you dont get up early), you will miss the first bus. 明天你得早起,否则(你不早起),你会错过首班车。(2)lie with“是的责任;取决于”。例如: The solution to the problem lies with you. 解决该问题的办法落在你的肩上。7. I have no doubt he will succ

16、eed.(page 7)doubt作名词常用句型 have no doubt意为“毫无疑义;毫无疑问”,其中doubt是名词。例如: I for one have no doubt that hes lying. There is no doubt that“毫无疑问”, that从句是同位语从句。例如: There is no doubt that Mary is qualified for the job. no/without/beyond doubt“无疑地;必定”The truth of the report is beyond all doubt. He was without d

17、oubt the very worst kind of reporter. Those who left were attracted, no doubt, by higher pay. Task &ProjectI. 重点单词1. acquaintance. n 泛泛之交 make acquaintance with sb 结识某人2. anchor. n. 锚;vt. 扎根于be anchored in=be based on 根植于3. attitude. n. 看法,态度have positive attitude towards sth/sb4. cautious. adj

18、小心谨慎的be cautious about=be careful aboutcaution. N 小心5. eager. adj 急切的be eager to do =be dying for = long for= look forward toeagerness. N6. respond.vi 回应,回复respond to 回复reply to 回应react to 回应response.n 回复in response to sth 对做出回复7. mercy. n 仁慈at the mercy of 在的支配下8. committed. adj 尽心尽力的be committed t

19、o doing sth= be devoted to doing=be absorbed in doing=concentrate on doing=be bent on doing=be occupied in doing 投入做某事commit. Vt 致力于commit to doing sth 致力于做某事commit to sth 致力于某事commit suicide 自杀commit crime犯罪9. regardless. Adv不管,不顾regardless of = in despite of= despite +名词或名词性从句,意为“ 尽管”regard. Vt 看做

20、regardas = think of as= look on as= consideras II. 重点词组1. get through 接通电话;渡过get on/along with 与相处get over 克服get across 使明白2. be anchored in 根植于3. be based on 以为基础sb baseon 某人把基于之上on the basis of 在的基础上4. regardless of 不管不顾5. end up 结果end up+形容词/ done/ doing/ 介词短语,表结果是end in 结果是in the end 最后6. rely o

21、n 依赖depend on 依赖 依靠7. thanks to 幸亏but for = thanks to +名词表示与事实相反时,主句用虚拟语态,例如:Thanks to your help, we would not have finished the task.8. get along with 与相处get along with sb 与某人相处get along with sth 某事进展9. have different attitudes towards 对有不同的看法10. be cautious about 对小心谨慎11. be eager to 急切盼望.12. on t

22、he way to sp 在去的路上on the way to doing 即将.in this way 如此一来in the way 挡道,碍事13. have a quarrel with 与某人争吵quarrel with sb与某人争吵14. make an apology 道歉apologize to sb道歉15. in conclusion 总结in a word总之in short 简言之in all 总共in brief 简言之16. look back on 回顾look through 看穿;浏览look down upon 小看,瞧不起look up to 敬仰look

23、 into 调查III. 重点句式1. They are still sitting on the sofa, continuing the same conversation on the same topic.continuing the same conversation on the same topic,在句中作伴随状语,主句主语they与continue是主谓关系,故用doing非谓语形式。2. When asked, they usually hesitate before responding.此句完整形式为 When they were asked, they usually

24、 hesitate before they respond. 属于状语从句的省略,当状从的主语与主句的主语一致时,从句的主语可省略,从句的谓语动词变为非谓语动词形式。3. We have to realize: boys share activities, while girls share feelings.1) while 意为“然而”,并列连词表对比转折。2) while还可意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句=though, 例如:while the weather is terrible, they still arrived here on time 4. The qualities t

25、hat boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same, regardless of the basis of these friendship.1) that boys and girls consider important in a friend 是定语从句,先行词是qualities; 2) seem to do 表示“似乎,好像”,属于to do 非谓语形式,其形式还有:seem to be doing( 表进行时态)/ seem to have done(表示过去已完成)3) regardless

26、of 表示尽管,做让步状语。5. I end up returning to the train station and spending the rest of the day in the waiting room.end up+形容词/ done/ doing/ 介词短语,表结果是,例如:1) He ends up successful after years of efforts.2) He ends up in prison because he was charged with robbery.3) He ends up finishing the task ahead of ti

27、me.4) His efforts end up paid off.6. Friendship means being committed to others.1) mean. vt.意谓, 想要, 预定 vi.用意, 有意义 mean to do sth. 打算做某事 mean doing sth. 意味着做某事I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot.He means this house for his daughter.习惯用语: be meant to do照道理,照规矩;应该,必须;得要;He was meant for /

28、to be a doctor.mean sb. for准备让某人干某工作mean much to sb. 对某人很重要; 对某人很可贵mean a great deal mean. adj.低劣的, 卑鄙的, 普通的, 吝啬的, 简陋的,不舒服的 Peter's father was very mean; he never gave Peter any new clothes.2) be committed to sb 表示对某人很投入,真诚 7. The best way to have a friend is to be a friend.to have a friend系to d

29、o 非谓语形式做后置定语;to be a friend 是to do 非谓语形式做表语。 Grammar: to do/ doing语法知识 :非谓语动词一、动词不定式 The Infinitive Form of Verbs动词不定式是非谓语动词形式之一,它不能充当谓语,但具有谓语动词的主要特征,即时态和语态的变化;可以有自己的宾语和状语,构成不定式短语。1. 不定式的形式肯定式to do sth.Hed like to play basketball this afternoon.否定式not to do sth.No one likes to be looked down upon.进行

30、体to be doing sth.He pretended to be reading when the teacher came in.完成体to have done sth.He seemed to have known the result.被动式to be doneHe certainly deserves to be sent to prison.完成被动式to have been doneHe seems to have been elected a model worker.2不定式的用法不定式可以用来做主语、表语、定语、状语、宾语、独立成分,表示比较具体的意义。(1)做主语 动

31、词不定式短语To master a foreign language is no easy job.To see this film is to waste time.To solve this problem is out of the question 为平衡整个句子,避免头重脚轻,常用it做形式主语,而将真正主语不定式放后面,用于这种形式是一些特定的结构。例如:1)谓语部分是系表结构,表语是某些形容词或名词。例如:It is foolish to act in this way.It sounds reasonable to do it this way.It appears likel

32、y for them to arrive. It is a good idea to think this way.2)某些动词做谓语时。例如:It took much time to do this.It makes us excited to think about that.It needs hard work to finish the job.It does no good to say like that.(2) 做表语表示打算、计划、命令和要求,有时可见用appear, seem, happen等做系动词,常做主语的名词有:wish, aim, duty, hope, idea,

33、 mistakes, plan, purpose, suggestion.等抽象名词,也可以是what引导的主语从句。例如:Such questions are to be avoided.What he said proved to be true. He seems to be ill.(3) 做定语做定语时不定式一般紧跟其所修饰名词或代词后面。例如:He kept on saying really mean thing to hurt me.He was the first one to come this morning.He didnt have the chance to go t

34、o school in the past.如果不定式是不及物动词时,应注意其相应介词的搭配。例如:He has nothing to worry about.She is a very nice person to work with.There was only a small cold room to live in at that time.(4) 作状语不定式作状语可以表示目的、原因和结果。 表目的常用in order to, so as to, so+形容词/副词+as to,such+名词+as to等结构但so as to只能放在主句之后。Check your homework

35、so as to avoid mistakes. She goes home (in order) to see her grandmother every week. 表结果常用only to do, enough to do, tooto do等句型,不定式短语作结果状语具有“意料之外”之意。He is too excited to speak anything.I hurried to his house, only to find him out.原因 She seemed s

36、urprised to see us. He is sorry for what he did to think of his past. 不定式作条件状语时谓语动词通常含有will, shall, should, would, can, must等。 You will do better to get her support. You must get u

37、p early not to miss the train. 不定式作方式状语时,通常采用as if 或 as though + to 的结构,其意为“好像要”。He raised his hand as if to hit me. She took out a pen and a piece of 

38、;paper as though to write something. (5) 做宾语 某些及物动词要用动词不定式作宾语, 以下及物动词常用动词不定式作宾语:agree, ask, attempt, begin, care, choose, continue, decide, desire, determine, expect, forget, hate,hope,intend, learn, like, love,

39、0;manage, mean, offer, prefer,pretend,promise, refuse, start, try, want, undertake,  wish等。例如:I want to tell you about Zhao Jie. (page 7)We agreed to meet here but so far she hasnt turned up yet. Mary

40、 begged to go with us. 动词不定式作宾语时,如其后有补足语,则可以用先行语it作形式宾语,而将真正宾语动词不定式后移,用于该形式的常见动词有:believe, consider, declare, feel, guess, imagine, judge, know, make, prove, realize, report, see, show, suppose, think, understand, find等。例如:I felt it useless for us

41、60;to say anything further. I made it a rule to get up early, take a cold bath, and then do some running. I consider it better not to go. (6) 做宾语补足语 带to的不定式做宾补有相当数量的及物动词或

42、短语可以接带to的不定式做宾补。例如:I shall try to persuade her to see the doctor. The villagers didnt allow them to do this. I will ask them to leave the company. I shall persuade him to take the medic

43、ine.He called on his friends to help him. 不带to的不定式做宾补也有一些及物动词后接不带to的不定式作宾补,常见的有使役动词类:make, let, have;感官动词类:see, watch, look at, notice, observe, hear, listen to, smell, feel等。但在被动结构中要带to (let除外)。例如:Someone saw him enter my room. He was seen to enter 

44、my room.The boy made the baby laugh by making a face at him.The baby was made to laugh by making a face at him.(7)“疑问词+不定式”相当于这些疑问代词和副词引导的名词性从句。常见引导该形式的动词有:decide, find out, forget, inquire, know, learn, remember, see, settle, think, understand, wonder等,在句子中可以做主语、宾语或表语。例如:What to do next has no

45、t been decided. = What will do next has not been decided.What worries me most is how to do it. = What worries me most is how we will do it.I dont know when to leave. = I dont know when we will leave.It is not yet decided whether to discuss this.= It is not yet decided whether we will discuss this.(8

46、) 不定式的省略动词不定式中再次出现与前面相同的动词只留下不定式符号to, 省略其他以避免重复。例如:I thought that Hannah must have deliberately told everyone about my mark after promising not to (tell everyone about my mark).We wont tell anyone about your call unless you want us to (tell anyone about your call).Will you join us?

47、60; I should love to (join you).   The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street but his mother told him not to (ride his bicycle in the street).(9) 不定式的主动形式表被动意义 不定式作定语时,若其逻辑主语是句子主语

48、或宾语时,则可以用主动式表示被动。the important thing to remember is that both of them are friendships. (page 18) 但有时既可用主动形式也可用被动形式,意思不太一样。比较:Have you anything to send? (to send 的执行者是“你”。)Have you anything to be sent? (to be sent的动作执行者是 “他人”。) 形容词easy,difficult,hard,cheap,expensive,fit,nice,dangerous,comfortable, ex

49、citing, funny, heavy, important, good, interesting等后面接不定式作状语时,常用主动形式表被动意义, 可用it做形式主语的句型替换。This book is easy to read. = It is easy to read the book.(这本书很容易读。)We found the man difficult to deal with. =It is difficult for us to deal with the man.(我发现这个人很难对付。) 在tooto中, 不定式的主动式可以表示被动意义。The plane is too f

50、ar away to see.(10) 动词不定式的复合结构 不定式的复合结构“for sb. to do sth.”可充当多种句子成分。一般情况下,不定式动作的执行者就是句子的主语。有时不定式的动作执行者不是句子的主语,此时不定式for sb.来充当不定式to do sth.的逻辑主语。例如:I dont think it advisable for him to learn medicine. (宾语)This is for you to d

51、ecide. (表语)She waved the red flag for the car to stop. (状语)The article is too difficult for a child of ten to understand. (状语)The order for them to climb the mountai

52、n was given. (定语) For a child to learn everything is impossible. (主语) 不定式的复合结构做主语时,常见用两种特定句型: “It is + adj. for / of sb. to do sth.” 和 “It is + n. of sb. to do sth”。1) 在 “It isfor /of sb. to do sth.”句型中,for sb.和of sb. 有区别。for sb.前应是表事物性质的形容词如eas

53、y, important, necessary, possible等,sb和这些形容词逻辑主谓关系不能成立。而of sb. 前应是表性格特征的形容词如good, kind, nice, brave, clever, careless, foolish, silly, stupid等,其逻辑主谓关系能够成立。例:It is easy for us to understand the sentence. We are easy逻辑主谓关系不能成立故用介词for。It is clever of you to do that.You are clever逻辑主谓关系能够成立故用介词of。It is r

54、ight/wrong for/of you to do that.形容词right, wrong后接for sb和of sb都对。2) “It is + n. of sb. to do sth”句型中常见名词多是抽象名词如pleasure, pity, mistake, honor等,不定式的复合结构其实对抽象名词做了细节说明。例如:It is a great mistake for them to agree with you. It is a matter of honor for us to keep our standards as high a

55、s possible. It is a great pleasure for me to live with you. (11) 不定式的时态和语态 动词不定式有不同的时态。一般式说明行为在谓语动词所表示的行为之后,多数是那些表愿望的词:want; hope; expect等。I want to go home.I hope to see you.说明行为与谓语动词表示的行为同时发生,多数是些省略不定式符号的词,一般是复合宾语。I saw him come in.He helped him (to) carry things.完成式说明行为动词在谓语动词表示的行为动词之前发生。I'm

56、sorry to have troubled you. He is said to have come here.He seemed to have known it.进行式不定式的进行式所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。它强调不定式动作正在进行或持续进行。They seemed to be getting along quite well. = It seemed that they were getting along quite well.二、动名词动名词是一种非谓语形式,起名词的作用,但带有动词的特征,可以有自己的宾语和状语,构成动名词短语。1. 动名词的形式:肯定

57、式doing sth.It will be nice getting scholarships to the university.否定式not doing sth.I am sorry for not having kept my promise.完成体having done sth.I remember having asked her to wait us.被动式being doneI dont like being left at home in the evening.完成被动式having been doneThe house showed no sign of having be

58、en damaged.2. 动名词的用法动名词句法作用表句 子 成 分例 句主 语Swimming is a best sport in summer.There is no telling what will happen.宾语直接宾语We enjoyed seeing the film.短语动词宾语I am thinking of taking over the job.介词宾语After having finished his work, he went home. 表 语What like best is swimming in the sea.定 语He looked me

59、 with questioning eyes.(1) 做主语 动名词做主语表示比较抽象、习惯性和经常性的意义,在传统语法上和不定式做主语表具体意义有区别, 随着语言不断进步, 这种区别正在逐渐消失。例如:Moving to a new town or area can be a trying time. (page 12)Saying is easier than doing. Collecting stamps is a good hobby. 为平衡整个句子,避免头重脚轻,常用it做形式主语,而将真正主语不定式放后面,用于这种形式是一些特定的结构。例如:1) 谓语部分是系表结构,表语是某些形容词。例如:Its interesting planning a holiday. Its rather tiring walking around in a city.2) 当use,good,waste,bore,fun,shame,encouragement,等名词作表语时,通常用it作形式主语,把作


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