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1、2005年12月大学英语六级CET6真题及答案2005 年 12 月大学英语六级 CET6 真题及答案2005 年 12 月大 学英语六级 CET6 真题及答案 part ilistening comprehension (20 mi nu tes)secti on a1.a) the dea n should have con sulted her on theappo in tme nt.b) dr. holde n should have take n over the position earlier.c) she doesn t think dr. holden has made a

2、wise choice.d) dr. holde n is the best pers on for the chairmanship.2 .a) they ll keep in touch during the summervacationb) they ll hold a party before the summervacationc) they ll do odd jobs together at the schoollibraryd) they ll get back to their school once in awhile3. a)peaches are in seas on

3、now.b) peaches are not at their best now.c) the woman didn t know how to bargain.d) the woma n helped the man choose the fruit.4. a)they join the physics club.b) they ask for an exte nsion of the deadli ne.c) they work on the assig nment together.d) they choose an easier assig nment.5. a)she admires

4、 jean s straightforwardnessb) she thi nks dr. brow n deserves the praisec) she will talk to jea n about what happe nedd) she believes jea n was rude to dr. brow n6. a)he liked writ ing whe n he was a childb) he enjoyed reading stories in reader s digestc) he used to be an editor of reader s digestd)

5、 he became well known at the age of six7. a)he shows great en thusiasm for his studiesb) he is a very versatile pers onc) he has no tale nt for tennisd) he does not study hard eno ugh8 a) joh n has lost somethi ng at the railway stationb) there are several railway stati ons in the cityc) it will be

6、very difficult for them to find joh nd) the train that joh n is tak ing will arrive soon9. a)its rapid growth is ben eficial to the worldb) it can be see n as a model by the rest of theworldc) its success can t be explained by elementaryeconomicsd) it will con ti nue to surge forward10. a)it takes o

7、nly 5 minu tes to reach thecampus from the apartme ntsb) moststudentscan t afford to live in thenewapartme ntsc) the new apartme nts are not available un til next monthd) the new apartme nts can accommodate 500stude ntssecti on b11. a)therole of immigra ntsin the constructi on ofamerica n societyb)

8、the importa nee of offeri ng diverse courses ineuropea nhistoryc) the need for greater cultural diversity in theschool curriculumd) the historic landing of europea ns on theVirginia shore12. a)he was won deri ng if the speaker was usedto liv ing inamericab) he was tryi ng to show frien dli ness to t

9、hespeakerc) he wan ted to keep their conv ersati on goingd) he believed the speaker was a foreig ner13. a)the us population doesn t consist ofwhite europeandesce ndants onlyb) asian tourists can speak englishaswell as nativespeakers of the Ian guagec) colored people are not welcome in the un itedsta

10、tesd) america ns are in n eed of educati on in theirhistory14. a)by mak ing lawsb) by enforcing discipli nec) by educat ing the publicd) by hold ing cere monies15. a)it should be raised by soldiersb) it should be raised quickly by handc) it should be raised only by america nsd) it should be raised b

11、y mecha ni cal mea ns16. a)it should be attached to the statusb) it should be hung from the top of themonumentc) it should be spread over the object to be unveiledd) it should be carried high up in the air17. a)there has been a lot of controversyover the use offlagb) the best athletes can wear uni f

12、orms with thedesig n ofthe flagc) there are precise regulati onsandcustoms to befollowedd) america nscan print the flag on their cushions orhan dkerchiefspassage three18. a)p uni shme nt by teachersb) poor academic performa neec) trua ncyd) ill ness19. a)the board of educati onb) pri ncipals of city

13、 schoolsc) stude nts with good academic recordsd) stude nts with good atte ndance records20 . a) punishing stude nts who damage schoolpropertyb) reward ing schools that have decreased thedestructi onc) promoti ng teachers who can preve nt thedestructi ond) cutt ing the budget for repairs and replace

14、mentspart ii readi ng comprehe nsion (35 minu tes)questio ns 21 to 25 are based on the follow ingpassage.passage onetoo many vuln erable child-free adults are beingruthlessly( 无 情 的)manipulated into parent-hood bytheir pare nts , who think that happ in ess among olderpeople depends on having a grand

15、-child to spoil. weneed an organization to help beat down the persistentcampaigns of grandchildless parents. it s time toestablish planned grandparenthood, which wouldhave many global and local ben efits. pagepart of its mission would be to promote the risksand realities associated with being a gran

16、 dpare nt.the staff would in clude depressedgrandparentswho would expla in howgrandkids break lamps, bite, scream and kick. otherswould detail how an hour of baby-sitting often turnsinto a cryingmarath on. more gran dpare nts would testify that theyhad to pay for their grandchild s expensive college

17、education.planned grandparenthood s carefully writtenliterature would detail all the joys of life grand-child-free a calm livi ng room, extra money forluxuries duri ng the golde n years, etc.pote ntial gra ndpare nts would be rem in ded that,without grandchildren around, it s possible to havea conve

18、rsationwith your kids, who-incidentally-would havemore timefor their own pare nts .mea nwhile, most childre n are vuln erable to theeno rmousin flue neeexerted bygran dchildlessparentsaiming topersuade their kids to produce childre n . they will takea call from a persiste nt pare nt, eve n if they r

19、eloaded with works. in additi on, some pare nts makehan dsome money offers payable upon the grandchild s birth. sometimes these gifts not only coverexpenses associated with the infant s birth, butextras, too, like a vacation. in any case, cash gifts canweaken the resolve of eve n the n oblest pers o

20、n.at planned grandparenthood,childrentargeted by theirparents to reproduce could obtainnon-biasedinformationabout the insanity of hav ing their own kids. thecatastrophic psychologicaland economic costs of childbearing would beemphasized.the symptoms of morning sicknesswouldbelisted and horrors of ch

21、ildbirth pictured. a mon thly newsletter would contain stories about overwhelmedparents and offerguida nee on how childless adults can resp ond to thediffere nt lobby ing tactics that would-be gran dparents employ.whe n i thi nk about all the problems of ouroverpopulated world and look at our boy gr

22、abb ing atthe lamp by the sofa, i wish i could have tur ned to planned gran dpare nthood whe n my pare nts were putting the gran dchild squeeze on me.if i could have, i might not be in this parenthoodpredicament( 窘境).but here s the crazy irony, i don t want my child-free life back . dylan s too much

23、fun.21. what s the purpose of the proposedorganization pla nned gran dpare nthood?a) to en courage childless couples to havechildre n.b)to provide facilitiesandservices forgrandchildlesspare nts.c)to offer coun seli ng topeopleonhow to raisegran dchildre n.d)todiscourage people fromin sisti ngon hav

24、 ing gran dchildre n.22. pla nned gran dpare nthoodwould inelude depressedgran dpare nts on its staff in order to_.a) show them the joys of life grandparentsmay have inrais ing gran dchildre nb)drawatte nti onto the troubles anddifficultiesgran dchildre n may causec) share their experieneein raising

25、grandchildrenin amore scie ntific wayd) help raise funds to cover the high expe nse ofeducati onfor gran dchildre n23.accord ing to the passage, some couplesmayeve ntually choose to have childre n because_ .a) they find it hard to resist the carrot-a nd-stickapproachof their pare ntsb) they have lea

26、rn from other parents about thejoys of hav ing childre nc) they feel more and more Ion ely ad they growolderd) they have found it irratio nal to rema inchildless24. by saying“ my parents were puttingthe grandchildsqueeze on me ” (line 2-3,para.6), the authormeans thata) her pare nts kept pressuri ng

27、 her to have achildb) her pare nts liked to have a gran dchild in theirarmsc) her pare nts asked her to save for the expenses of rais ing a childd)her parents kept blamingher for herchild s badbehavior25.what does the author really of the idea ofhaving childre n?a) it does more harm tha n good.b) it

28、 con tributes to overpopulati on.c) it is troublesome but reward ing.d) it is a psychological catastrophepassage twoquestio ns 26 to 30 are based on the follow ingpassage.ask most people how they defi ne the america ndream and cha nces are they ll say, “ success. ”the dream of in dividual opport uni

29、ty has bee n homein america n since europea ns discovered a “newworld ” in the western hemisphere. early immigrantslike hector st. jean de crevecoeur praised highly thefreedom and opport unity to be found in this new land.his glow ing descriptio ns of a classless society whereanyone could attain suc

30、cess throughhonestyand hard work fired theimaginationsof many european readers: in lettersfrom anamerica n farmer (1782) he wrote.“ we areall excited at thespirit of an industry which is unfettered(无拘无束的)andunrestrained,because each person works forhimself wehave no princes, for whom we toil (干苦力活),

31、starve, and bleed:we are the most perfect society now existi ng in theworld.”the promise of a land where “the rewards of a man sindustry follow with equal steps the progress of hislabor” drew poorimmigra nts from europe and fueled n ati onal expansion in to the western territories. pageour national

32、mythology(神化)is full ofillustration theamerican success story. there s benjamin franklin,the very model of the self-educated,self-mademan, who rose frommodest orig ins to become a well-k nown scie ntist,philosopher, and statesman. in the nineteenth century,horatio alger, a writer of fiction for youn

33、g boys,became american s best-selling author withrags-to-riches tales. the notion of success haunts us:we spe nd millio n every year read ing about the richand famous, lear ning how to“ make a fortune in realestate with no money down, ” and “dressing forsuccess. ” the myth of success has eve n inv a

34、ded ourpers onal relati on ships: today it s as important to be“ successful ” in marriage or pare nthoods as it is tocome out on top in bus in ess.but dreams easily turn in to ni ghtmares. everyamerica n who hopes to “ make it ” also knows thefear of failure, because the myth of success inevitablyim

35、plies comparison betweenthehaves and the have-nots,thestars and theanonymous crowd. under pressure of the myth, webecome indulged in status symbols: we try to live inthe“ right ”neighborhoods, wear the “right ” clothes, eat the“right ”foods. these symbols of disti ncti on assure us andothers that we

36、 believe stron glyinthe fun dame ntalequality of all, yetstrive as hard as we can to separate ourselves fromour fellow citize ns.26. what is the esse nee of the america n dreamaccord ing to crevecoeur?a) people are free to develop their power of imagin atio n.b) people who are hon est and work hard

37、cansucceed.c) people are free from exploitati on andoppressi on.d) people can fully enjoy in dividual freedom.27. by saying “the rewards of a man s industryfollow withequal steps the progress of his labor ” (li ne 10, para.1), the author means_ .a) the more dilige nt one is, the bigger his returnsb)

38、 laborious work en sures the growth of an industryc) a man s bus in ess should be developedstep by stepd) a company s success depends on itsemployees hard work28. the characters described in horatio alger snovels arepeople who_.a) succeed in real estate inv estme ntb) earned eno rmous fort unes by c

39、ha ncesc) became wealthy after starti ng life very poord) became famous despite their modest orig ins29. it can be in ferred from the last sentence ofthe sec ondparagraph that_ .a) bus in ess success often con tributes to asuccessful marriageb) america ns wish to succeed in every aspect oflifec) goo

40、d pers onal relati on ships lead to bus iness successd) successful bus in ess people provide goodcare for theirchildre n30. what is the paradox of america n cultureaccord ing tothe author?a) the america n road to success is full of nightmares.b) status symbols are not a real indicator of aperson swe

41、alth.c)the america n dream is no thi ng but anempty dream.d) what americansstrive after oftencontradictstheirbeliefs.passage threequestio ns 31 to 35 are based on the follow ingpassage.public distrust of scie ntists stems in part from theblurri ngof boun daries betwee n scie nee and tech no logy,bet

42、wee ndiscovery and manufacture. most government,perhaps allgover nmen ts, justify public expe nditure on scie ntificresearch in terms of the econo mic ben efits the scientific en terprise ha brought in the past and will bring inthe future. politicians remi nd their voters of the splendid mach ines o

43、ur scie ntists have inven ted, the new drugs to relieve old ailme nts(病痛), and the new surgical equipment andtechniquesby whichpreviously in tractable (难治疗的)con diti onsmay now betreated and lives saved. at the same time, thepoliticians dema nd of scie ntists that they tailor theirresearch to econom

44、ics needs , that they award a higherpriority to research proposals that are near themarket and can be tran slated in to the greatestreturn on inv estme nt in the shortest time. depe ndent,as they are, on politicia ns for muchof their funding, scie ntists have little choice but tocomply. likethe rest

45、 of us, they are members of a society that ratesthe creati on of wealth as the greatest possible good.many have reservations, but keep them to themselvesin what they perceive as a climate hostile to thepursuit of un dersta ndingfor its ownsake and the idea of aninquiring,creative spirit.pagein suchc

46、ircumsta ncesnooneshould be toohardonpeoplewho are suspiciousof conflicts of interest.whe n welear n that the dist in guished professor assuri ng us ofthe safety of a particular product holds a con sulta ncywith the compa ny maki ng it, we cannot be blamed forwon deri ng whether his fee might con ce

47、ivably cloudhis professi onal judgme nt. eve n if the professorholds no consultancy with any firm, some peoplemany still distrust him because of his association withthose who do, or at least wonder about the source ofsome his research funding.this attitude can have damagi ng effects. it questions th

48、eintegrityof individualsworking in a professionthat prizesin tellectual hon esty as the supreme virtue, and playsinto the hands of those who would like to discreditscientistsbyrepresenting then a venal ( 可以收买的).this makesit easier todismiss all scientific pronouncements,butespecially thosemade by th

49、e scientists who present themselves as experts .the scie ntist most likely to un dersta nd the safety of anu clearreactor, for example, is a nuclear engineer declaresthat a reactor is un safe, we believe him, becauseclearly it is n ot to his adva ntage to lie about it. if hetells us it is safe, on t

50、he other hand, we distrust him,because he may well be protect ing the employer whopays his salary.31. what is the chief con cer n of most governments whe n itcomes to scie ntific research?a) support from the votes.b) the reducti on of public expe nditure.c) quick econo mics returns.d) the budget for

51、 a research project.32. scientist have to adapt their research to economicneeds in order to_ .a) impress the public with their achieveme ntsb) pursue knowledge for knowledge ssakec) obta in funding from the gover nmentd) tran slate kno wledge into wealth33. why won t scientists complain about thegov

52、ernment s policy con cer ning scie ntificresearch?a) they thi nk they work in an en vir onmenthostile to the free pursuit of kno wledge.b)they are accustomed to keeping theiropinions to themselves.c) they know it takes patienee to win supportfrom the public.d) they thi nk complia nee with gover nmen

53、tpolicy is in thein terests of the public.34. accord ing to the author, people aresuspicious of theprofessi onal judgme nt of scie ntists because_.a) their pronoun ceme nts ofte n turn out to bewrongb)sometimes they hide the source of theirresearch fundingc)some of them do not give priority tointell

54、ectual hon estyd) they could be in flue need by their associati onwith theproject concerned35. why does the author say that public distrustof scie ntists can have damagi ng effects?a) it makes thi ngs difficult for scie ntists seeki ngresearchfun ds.b) people would not believe scie ntists eve n when

55、 they tellthe truth.c) it may dampen the enthusiasm of scientistsforin depe ndent research.d)scientists themselves may doubt the value oftheir research findin gs.passage fourquestio ns 36 to 40 are based on the follow ingpassage.in many ways, today s bus in ess en vir onmenthas cha nged qualitativel

56、y si nee the late 1980s. theend of the cold war radically altered the very nature ofthe world s politics and econo mics. in just a fewshort years, globalizatio n has started a variety oftrends with profo und con seque nces: the ope ning ofmarkets, true global competiti on, widespreadderegulati on(解除

57、政府对.的控制)of in dustry,and anabun da nee. ofaccessible capital. we have experie need both the benefits and risks of a truly global economy, with both wallstreet and main street(平民百姓)feeling the pains ofeconomic disorder half a world away.at the same time, we have fully en tered thein formatio nage, st

58、art ing breakthroughs in in formati ontech no logyhaveirreversibly altered the ability toconductbusin essuncon stra ined by the traditi on al limitati ons of timeor space.today, it s almost impossible to imagine a worldwithout in tra nets, e-mail, and portable computers.with stunningspeed, the inter

59、net is profo un dly cha nging the waywe work, shop, do bus in ess, and com muni cate.pageas a con seque nee,we have truly entered thepost- in dustrial economy, we are rapidly shifti ng froman economy based on manufacturing andcommodities to one that places the greatest value onin formatio n, service

60、s, support, and distributi on. thatshift, in tur n, place an unprecedented premium on“ knowledge workers, ” a new class of wealthy,educated, and mobile people who view themselves asfree agents in a seller s market.bey ond therealm of in formati on tech nology, theaccelerated pace of tech no logicalc


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