



1、2004年开放教育(电大英语)2练习答案Unit One 1. Put the following in to English (将下列句子译成英语)1) 我从来没丢过东西。Ive never lost anything2) 我已经有半年没有张明的言信了。I havent heard from zhang ming for half a year.3) 牛牛写作业花了两个小时。Niu Niu spent two hours on his homework.4) 我到处找小王,但哪儿也没找到他I have looked for xiao wang everywhere ,but have not

2、 found him anywhere.5) 你的运气不错 而且你工作又很努力。Youve lucky and youre working hard,too.Unit Two 4.put the following into English .(将下列句子译成英文)1)_ 你看过大夫了吗? Have you seen the doctor? _看过了。 Yes, I have . 什么时侯去的? When did you go ?_ 今天上午。 This morning. 2) 我们是两年前初次相识的,自那以后我们就成了好朋友。We first met two years ago ,and h

3、ave been good friend since then.3)他们来得及时,我们正需要帮忙。They came in good time ,we really needed help.4) 如果火车晚点,我也无能为力。 I can help it if the train is late .5)大家都知道他在偏故事 Everyone knows he is making up a story .Unit Three 3 put the following into English (将下列句子译成英文)1) 这雨已经下了一整天了。 The rain has been falling fo

4、r a whole day .2)_ 我已经写完作业了。你呢?Ive finished my homework .what about you?我已经写了两个小时,但还没写完。Ive been doing it for two hours , but havent finished it yet .3)自春节后,我的体重一直在下降。 Since the spring Festivel, Ive been losing weight .4)我九岁才上学。 I didnt start to go to school until I was 9.6) 别让雨把这个箱子淋湿了。Keep the box

5、 from the rain.Unit Four 2. put the following into English(将下列句子译成英语)1你们二个每天生产多少台电视机?How many TV sets are produced in your factory everyday?2 西餐要用刀叉来吃。Wester food is easten with knife and fork 2) 这片土地将用于盖一座工厂。The land will be used to build a factory.3) 现在许多重活都由机器来干了。A lot of heavy work is done by ma

6、chines now .4) 关于这场战争的新闻每两小时抱道一次。The news about the is reported every two hours Unit Five 3. Put the following into English (将下列句子译成英文)1) 目前这个地区正建起许多个建筑 Many new building are being built in this area.2) 据说旱灾中死了三个人,不过尸体尚未找到It is said the fire killed three people but their bodies havent been found yet

7、. 3)饭店位于市中心西南5公里处,在那儿你们会得到很好照顾 吃的也不会错 The hotel is 5 kilometres southeast of town centre you will be well looked after and fed there .5) 西安曾经是世界上最伟大的城市之一。当时它叫长安,是中国的首都。当然它现在不那么重要了,但仍以其众多的历史遗迹而著称于世。Xian used to be one of the greatest cities in the world. It was called Changan the capital of China, th

8、en, Of course it is less important now, but it is still world famous for its many historical sites. Unit Six 3) Put the following into English. (将下列句子译成英文) 1) 对不起,王先生 我可以同你说句话吗? Excuse me, Mry Wang, May I have a word with you?2) 有报道说,有一个不知姓名的人救了这个孩子。 Its reported that a man. Whose name is unknown, s

9、aved the child.3) 我找他已经找了好长时间,但还没找到他。 Ive been looking for him for a long time but havent found him yet.4) 在这儿你可以卖蔬菜,水果 食品等东西。Vegetables fruit and food can be bought here.5) 警方要求他们不要把这个案子的细节泄漏出去。The police asked them not to release the details of the case.Unit Seven 4)put the following into English (将下列句子译成英文)1) 明天下午3点我在电影院等你。I will be waiting for you at the cinema at 3 oclock tomorrow afternoon.2) 到今年年底,我们就能攒够5万元了。By the end of this year well have.3) 你必须与王彤分担这


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