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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Non-verbal Communication in Intercultural CommunicationDuring the process of intercultural communication, people pay more attention to verbal communication and ignore non-verbal communication. However, non-verbal communication plays an important role in intercultural communication. If w

2、e ignore the non-verbal communication, communicating with each other will be impeded by the differences of understanding of the non-verbal communication. So, if we communicated with foreigners smoothly and successfully, we must pay more attention to the differences of non-verbal. Therefore, this pap

3、er will focus on the non-verbal communication to avoid misunderstanding.1. The study on non-verbal communication1.1 The definition of non-verbal communicationWe do not only communicate our thoughts and feelings through the use of words, we also convey our ideas and experiences through non-verbal cha

4、nnels. Non-verbal communication is commonly used to describe all human events which transcend spoken or written words. That is to say, it refers to all those communication except verbal behavior.1.2The study on non-verbal communication abroadThe scientific study of non-verbal communication primarily

5、 started after World War II. One of the most influential pre-twentieth century works was Darwins Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals in 1872. This work spawned the modern study of facial expression. In 1950s, there was a significant increase in the number of non-verbal research efforts. In

6、 1956, Ruesch and Kees produced a book entitled Non-verbal Communication: Notes on the Visual Perception of Human Relations. This was the first book to use the term nonverbal communication in its title. The 1960s produced a nuclear explosion of nonverbal studies. There were extensive studies on spec

7、ific areas of eye behavior, personal space and pauses. The 1970s proved to be a mature period on non-verbal studies. The 1980s were a time of further development of non-verbal communication studies. Some non-verbal researches focused on identifying the ways a variety of non-verbal signals work toget

8、her to accomplish common communicative goals. 1.3The study on non-verbal communication at homeThe research on non-verbal behavior in our country began from 1980s. Scholars such as Hu Wenzhong, Bi Jiewan, Den Yanchang and Liu Runqing have done some research work. There is an increasing amount of rese

9、arch findings in this area. However, it is far from enough. Most of people still pay less attention to non-verbal communication. In summary, seeing the non-verbal communication from domestic and foreign perspectives, many scholars begin to pay more attention to the non-verbal communication.2. The cl

10、assifications of non-verbal communicationMany scholars have different definitions of the classifications of non-verbal communication. I make a generalization of the classifications of non-verbal communication based on He Daokuans opinion and the textbook of dynamic intercultural communication.1) Kin

11、esics, including posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and touching.2) Chronemics, consisting of informal time (pace of walk and life, and punctuality), perceptions of past, present, and future; and monochromic and polyphonic time. 3) Proxemics, about attitude toward spatial distance an

12、d arrangements, territoriality.4) Paralanguage, comprising non-verbal sounds and silence;5) Object language, made up of general appearance, dress, smell, and personal artifacts.3. The differences of non-verbal behavior between China and AmericaA great deal of non-verbal behavior is rooted in our cul

13、ture. Non-verbal behaviors are not innate and influenced by the native culture. Chinese culture is different from American culture. Chinese culture is influenced by Confucius ideology. American culture is influenced by Christian ideology. Different cultures lead to different non-verbal behaviors. So

14、 I will analyze the differences of non-verbal behaviors between china and America.3.1 I will analyze the differences of proxemics between china and America.3.1.1 I will analyze the differences of postures between china and America. Due to different values and norms, different postures appear between

15、 china and America. Americans pay more attention to informality; however, Chinese pay more attention to formality and rigid rules. For example, when American students answer the teachers questions, they dont need to stand up to answer the teachers questions. However, Chinese students must stand up t

16、o answer the teachers questions to show the respect for the teachers. 3.1.2 I will analyze the differences of gestures between china and America. Different gestures have different meanings between china and America. For example, in America, people can point to objects and even at people with the ind

17、ex finger, while in china pointing with the index finger is considered rude. 3.1.3 Thirdly, I will analyze the differences of facial expressions between china and America. Different facial expressions have different understandings in the different contexts between china and America. For example: whe

18、n receiving praise, Americans respond “thank you” with smile. However, in china, this behavior may be considered too conceited. 3.1.4 Fourthly, I will analyze the differences of eye contact between china and America. Different cultures have the different customs of using eye contact. In America, whe

19、n children communicate with adults, they use eye contact with each other appropriately to show the character of honesty. However, in china, when children communicate with adults, they always dont use eye contact straightly in order to show the respect for adults. 3.1.5 Fifthly, I will analyze the di

20、fferences of touch between china and America. The touch behaviors between china and America are great. For example, the behavior of kissing is open in public to express the meaning of welcome in America. However, in china, the behavior of kissing is not accepted in public. 3.2 I will analyze the dif

21、ferences of Chronemics between china and America3.2.1 Chronemics is the study of time. The Chinese concept of time is different from the American concept of time. Americans pay more attention to punctuality. They always say that time is money. We should not waste our time unless we were doing some t

22、hings. However, Chinese pay less attention to punctuality. We always say that please take it easy. 3.2.2 The differences of monochromic and polychromic between china and America. Monochromic refers to do only one thing at any one time. People in America tend to do only one activity at a time. Howeve

23、r, polychromic refers to do more than one activity at a time. People in china tend to do more than one activity at a time. For example, it is not strange to see shop assistants calculate price for one customer, show another customer goods, and greet to their acquaintances simultaneously. 3.3 I will

24、analyze the differences of proxemics between china and America.Proxemics includes spatial distance, spatial arrangements, and peoples attitudes towards territoriality.3.3.1 I will analyze the differences of spatial distance between china and America. Generally speaking, American culture that stresse

25、s individualism demands more space than Chinese culture that stresses collectivism. Americans try hard to avoid close contact with each other on buses and other public vehicles. However, in china, where any seats are not reserved on bus, three or four people may crowd together.3.3.2 I will analyze t

26、he differences of spatial arrangements between china and America. In America, the students seats are arranged in a round circle. They tend to talk with those opposite them rather than those seated and standing by them. However, in china, the Chinese often experience alienation and uneasiness when th

27、ey face someone directly or sit on opposite sides of a desk or a table from someone; it makes them feel as if they are on trial.3.3.3 I will analyze the differences of territoriality between china and America. In America, they pay more attention to the personal territoriality. They do not touch othe

28、rs possessions without others permission. However, in china, we always touch each others possessions to show friendliness. 3.4 I will analyze the differences of paralanguage between china and America. 3.4.1 I will analyze the differences of nonverbal sound between china and America. Due to the diffe

29、rent social and living circumstances, Chinese tend to speak in a loud manner to convey the necessary information. However, Americans only make a speech in a loud manner. At the same time, quite a few Chinese words have double vowels which make Chinese language sound louder.3.4.2 I will analyze the differences of silence between china and America. Americans hold a kind of p


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