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1、初一英语周练 7B unit1 一、选择填空(30分)1._is your telephone number? Its 84581868. A. How muchB. WhatC. Whats D.How long2. We read 10206 like this:_A.one thousand, two hundred and six B. one thousand, two hundreds and sixC. ten thousand, two hundred and six D. ten thousands, two hundreds and six来3.Which room do

2、you_?A. to live B.1ive inC.1ive D.1iving4.Mary is always _1eave the classroom.A. first B. first student toC. the firstD. the first to5. I think Maths is _ important subject. A. a.B. anC. theD. /6.There are over _students in their schoo1.A. hundreds B. nine hundreds C. hundreds of D.nine hundred 7.Ev

3、ery year, we plant _trees.          A. five millions of      B. five millions C. million of D. millions of8. There are about seven _workers in that factory.A.hundreds B.hundreds of C.thousand of D.thousand9._ the students will go to th

4、e island for the picnic.A. Two hundreds of B. Two hundred C. Two hundred of D. Hundreds of 10. Mary has _ bedroom in the new flat.A. shesB. hersC. her ownD. her owns 11. The teacher asked those boys _ so much noise.A. do not makeB. not make C. not making D. not to make 12. That tennis ball is one of

5、 _.A. Jane fatherB. Janes father C. Jane fathers D. Janes fathers13.My cousin has a small garden many beautiful flowers. A.of B. with C.about D. in 14.The swimming pool is .A.50-metre longB.50 metres long C. long 50 metres D. long 50-metre 15. We like to sit on the floor and _ the sea.A.look out B.l

6、ook for C.look out at D.look out of16. 一Excuse me, May I speak to. Jill,please? 一_.A. Yes, I am B. Do you know him? C. I am speaking D.This is Jill speaking.17.Kate, apple on the table is for you. Eat it before you go to school. Thanks,Mum. apple a day keeps the doctor away. A. the; An B. an; An C.

7、an; The D. the; The18. He really doesn't know how football. Can you teach him? A. plays B. playing C. to play D. play19. It's 9 o'clock in the morning. It's time . A. to wake up him B. for wake him up C. for wake up him D. to wake him up20. classmates like new things. Look! Millie an

8、d Kitty now. A. All my; are both shopping B. My all; both shopping C. All my; both are shopping D. My all; shopping both21. When do you get up Sunday morning?I usually get up 8 in the morning. A. in; at B. on; in C. on; at D. in; on22. The girl red doesn't like black clothes. A. wears; wearing B

9、. puts on; dressing C. dresses; in D. in; wearing23. I am going to take an important exam. A. Really? B. All right. C. Wish you good luck. D. Glad to hear that.24. What is your new scarf ? Wool. A. made from B. made of C. made in D. made25. Dad, my shoes arc old. I want to buy a new . A. shoes B. on

10、e C. it D. pair26 . He never others. A. plays tricks on B. plays trick on C. play tricks on D .play a trick on27. Why you seem so ? Because my birthday is coming. A do; happy B are; happily C are; happy D do; happily28. ? Only five dollars. It's very cheap. A. What time is it B. How much do you

11、want C. How much is it D. What's wrong29. basketball is that under the desk ? I think it's my brother's. A. Who's B. Which C. Whose D. Which30. Can I have snacks? Sorry,we don't have . A. any; any B. some; any C. some; some D. any; some二完形填空:(10分) We see many animals, like rabbit

12、s, bees, dogs, birds, sheep,but do you know 31 these animals say things? First,let's see a rabbit. When a rabbit sees 32 dangerous(危险的),it runs away at once. When it runs, its tail moves up and 33 .When others see this, they run away, 34 .Many other animals use this kind of language(语言). When a

13、bee has found some food, it goes back to 35 home. It cannot tell 36 bees where the food is by speaking to them,but it does a little dance in the air. This may tell other bees 37 the food is.Some animals say things by 38 sounds like a man does. For example,a dog barks when a stranger(陌生人)comes near.

14、Some birds can make several 39 sounds, each with its own meaning. In a word, every animal 40 its own language.31. A. how B. when C. why D. where32. A. nothing B. something C. anything D everything33. A. up B. again C. down D on34. A. also B. too C. either D. back35. A. their B. they're C. its D.

15、 it's36. A. the other B. small C. all the D. many37. A. what B. how C. where D. whose38. A. making B. make C. taking D. take39. A. strange B. interesting C. useful D. different40. A. there is B. there are C. have D. has三、阅读理解(10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMost cities and town

16、s in China have night markets(市场). During the day, these streets are quiet. At night, they become crowded(拥挤的)and lively. Usually, people get there at three or four in the afternoon. By 6:00, the streets are like rivers of people. Night markets are fun places to shop. You can buy clothes, shoes, and

17、 many other things. If you think the price is too high, you can bargain with the seller. You can also buy nice food. When you are hungry, you can Sit down for a meal. Smelly tofu is popular, but it really smells bad! The best thing is that everything in night markets is cheap!41. We can find night m

18、arkets A. only in the countryside B. in every town in China C. in a supermarket D. in most cities and towns42. What's the meaning of the underlined word "bargain” in the passage? A.付款 B.讨价还价 C.争吵 D.打架43. The best advantage(优势)of night markets is that .A. you can eat delicious foodB. you can

19、 buy different thingsC. you can walk aroundD. you can have a good time without paying too much moneyB English speaking people say many“thank you”every day. Early in the morning when a teacher asks a student,“Good morning. How are you?”, his answer should be.“I'm fine, thank you. And you?" T

20、his is the first "thank you" of a day. When you hear “Your skirt is nice.” you say“Thank you. I'm happy you like it.” At your birthday party, When people give you something and say“This is for you. Happy birthday!”,youalso answer, “Thank you."When your friend helps you clean the c

21、lassroom after school, you say“thank you" to him. When you hear people say to you "Your English is very good.” , how do you answer it? 44. When people say to an English girl,“You look beautiful today.”she will say .A. "Yes, I'm always beautiful.” B. "No,not at all.”C. “Do you

22、 think so?” D. "Thank you. I'm happy to hear it.”45. When someone says "thank you" to you, your answer is “ ”A. Not at all. B. That 's OK C. It's all right. D. A, B or C 四、词汇检测(根据所给音标或中文写出单词的正确形式,每空一个单词):((共10分) 47. The twins' father often goes running in the park /twa

23、s / a week.48. Some of the students don't like to eat 'vedtblz/ at school. 49. How many Chinese (英雄)does Daniel know?50. Lily is interested in (收集)stamps.51. Look! Her hair clip (与相配)her new blouse very well.五、动词填空(用所给动词的适当形式填空)(20分)52. Thank you for (tell ) me about the Christmas Day in the

24、 USA.53. My sister seldom (play ) volleyball now.54. We hope (visit) Hong Kong during the winter holiday.55This pair of blue jeans (not fit) you very well.56. It's six o'clock in the morning. Simon (have) breakfast.57. We often talk about (study ) hard at school.58. Tom,why not (wash ) the d

25、ish after supper?59 Is your brother at home now?Yes, he is. He ( lie ) on the bed.60. Would he like (watch) the football game with us?61. How much each hat (cost)? It's 15 yuan.六、用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)62. There are many (potato) on the table.63. We are learning the (five ) lesson.64. This is Daniel. He is a friend of (I)65. S


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