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1、内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线绝密·启用前外研版(三起)英语六年级下册Module 8 单元测试卷题号一二三四五六七总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、选择题1.选出与另外两个单词划线部分发音不同的选项。(1)AmoreBwordCborn(2)AcupBhungryCput(3)AlaughBbecauseCautumn(4)AeasyBmistakeCbaseball(5)AbreakfastBheadCtheatre2.Its easy _ mistakes with English words

2、. ( )AmakingBmakesCto make3.Amy asked Sam _ some cups for the party yesterday. ( )AbroughtBbringingCto bring4.Lingling was sad. She made lots of mistakes _ her maths. ( )AofBonCwith5.They are laughing because they are _. ( )AangryBhungryChappy6.Mum _ her dress. Then she went to the theatre. ( )Awear

3、Bput onCwore on7.Im wearing a hat and dress. Its going to _. ( )Abe hotBhotCsunny8.These children had some cups on _ heads. Why? ( )AtheirBthereCthem9.He is scared _ theres a lion. ( )AsoBbutCbecause10.Why _ you here? ( )We are playing hide-and-seek.AdoBareCwere11.-_ are you wearing a raincoat? (

4、60;  )-Because its going to rain.AWhatBWhyCWhere评卷人得分二、填空题12.Sam saw some _ (classmate) in the classroom.13.Tom _ his cap _ (穿上) and went to the playground.14.You made many mistakes with Chinese _ (字).15.Daming _ (bring) some new balls for the baseball game yesterday.16.We had cups on our heads

5、 and laugh _ (更强烈地).评卷人得分三、连词成句17.a, why, raincoat, you, wearing, are (?)_18.planned, game, play, they, to, baseball, a (.)_19.easy, make, its, with, English, to, mistakes, words (.)_20.do, cups, heads, your, on, have, why, you (?)_21.there, because, lion, a, is (.)_评卷人得分四、补全对话A: Hi, Amy.B: Hi, Ling

6、ling.A: 22.B: Because its going to rain.A: 23. There are no clouds (云朵) in the sky.B: The radio says that its going to rain today.A: Oh. 24.B: 25.There is going to be a baseball game.A: Wow. Can I come with you?B: Of course. 26.AIm going to the playground.BWhy are you wearing a raincoat?CWhat are yo

7、u going to do?DBut its sunny now.EPlease put your raincoat on first.评卷人得分五、任务型阅读A Funny Story: Tuesday or ThursdayLast Tuesday, I got up and put on my sports clothes. Then I took some snacks and my lunchbox with me. I didnt take any books to school. Why? Because It was spring outing day. When I came

8、 into the classroom, all the children were sitting there and reading books. They were looking at me quietly. Then they began to laugh.A boy stood up and shouted, “Sir, spring out is THIS THURSDAY. NOT TODAY.” I was so embarrassed. Then I shared my snacks with my children. They were very happy.You se

9、e, its easy to make mistakes with English words.27.Was the spring outing day on Tuesday?_28.What did the children begin to do when the teacher came into the classroom?_29.How did the teacher feel?_30.What did the teacher do with his children?_31.What did the story tell us?_评卷人得分六、阅读理解Whats your plan

10、 for the weekend?In the US, lots of people usually play or watch baseball games together. Its one of their favourite games. Why? Baseball is not as fast as basketball. People can relax (放松) at a game. They can talk, and get to know other people.Baseball is also the game between fathers and sons. The

11、y play together. So many boys begin to play baseball when they are very young. They are very proud of being baseball players on the school team. They practise very hard. It takes them hours to play and practise together after school. When there's a baseball game, all the family members will come

12、 to root (全力支持) for the school team. They will cheer (欢呼) for them.32.People can _ when they play baseball at the weekend. ( )Aget to know othersBhave a big dinnerCplay basketball33.Boys begin to play baseball when _. ( )Athey are very oldBthey are very youngCthey are happy34.Its _ for the children

13、to practise baseball. ( )AhardBinterestingCeasy35.It takes _ to practise baseball after school. ( )Along timeBan hourCshort time36.Why do children want to be a baseball player? Which statement (表述) is NOT RIGHT? ( )ABecause its amazing to be a school team player.BSo their family can watch the baseba

14、ll game.CBecause their family root for them.评卷人得分七、书面表达37.看图写话:看图,写出故事原由。包含以下内容:play football, happy, kick the ball very hard, hit the flower pot, fall down,surprised, sorry要求:1.语言准确流畅,层次清晰,符合逻辑;2. 书写规范,不少于六句话;_参考答案1.(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)A(5)C【解析】(1)AC选项划线部分的发音均为/,B选项划线部分的发音为/,B不同,故选B。(2)AB选项划线部分的发音均为/,C选

15、项划线部分的发音为/,C不同,故选C。(3)BC选项划线部分的发音均为/,A选项划线部分的发音为/a/,A不同,故选A。(4)BC选项划线部分的发音均为/s/,A选项划线部分的发音为/z/,A不同,故选A。(5)AB选项划线部分的发音均为/e/,C选项划线部分的发音为/,C不同,故选C。2.C【解析】It's easy to do sth.“做某事是容易的”。3.C【解析】句意:昨天艾米让萨姆为聚会带些杯子来。ask sb to do sth请求某人做某事,故选C。4.C【解析】句意:玲玲很伤心。她在数学中犯了很多错误。of表示从属关系,on在上面,with在什么方面,所以C符合句意,

16、故选C。5.C【解析】句意:他们正在笑因为他们_。angry生气的;hungry饥饿的;happy高兴的;根据句中的laughing(笑),可知他们很高兴,故选C。6.B【解析】句意:句意:妈妈穿上裙子。然后她去了剧院。根据后一句中的went ,可知句子为一般过去时,谓语动词为动词过去式。wear指穿着、戴着,表示状态;put on指穿上、戴上,表示穿衣服的动作,put的过去式为put,故选B。7.A【解析】句意:我戴着帽子,穿着裙子。会很热的。is going to+动词原形,hot和sunny都是形容词,be是动词原形,故选A。8.A【解析】句意:这些孩子们头上戴着一些杯子。为什么?the


18、tes。13.     put     on【解析】句意:Tom戴上他的帽子然后去操场了。由went可知是一般过去时,put的过去式是put,put on戴上,故答案为put;on。14.words【解析】句意:你在汉字里有很多错误。Chinese words汉字,故答案为words。15.brought【解析】句意:大明昨天为棒球比赛带了一些新的球。yesterday是一般过去时,bring的过去式是brought,故答案为brought。16.more【解析】句意:我们头上戴着杯子,笑得更强烈了。结合本节课所学

19、,横线处填more,故答案为more。17.Why are you wearing a raincoat?【解析】a一,why为什么,raincoat雨衣,you你,wearing穿,are是,根据所给的问号,可知句子是一个疑问句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:你为什么穿着雨衣?故答案为Why are you wearing a raincoat?18.They planned to play a baseball game.【解析】planned to计划, game游戏, play玩, they他们, baseball棒球, a 一个。由句子符号可知是陈述句,根据词义可连成句子:他们计划打一场

20、棒球比赛。故答案为They planned to play a baseball game.19.Its easy to make mistakes with English words.【解析】easy容易的,make mistakes犯错,its它是,with English words用英语单词,to动词不定式符号,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:用英语单词很容易出错。故答案为Its easy to make mistakes with English words.20.Why do you have cups on your heads?【解析】do助动

21、词,cups杯子,heads头,your你们的,on在,have有,why为什么,you你们,根据所给问号,可知句子是疑问句,根据词义连成句子:为什么你们头上有杯子?故答案为Why do you have cups on your heads?21.Because there is a lion.【解析】there is有,because因为, lion狮子, a一个。由句子符号可知是陈述句,根据词义可连成句子:因为有一只狮子。故答案为Because there is a lion.22.B23.D24.C25.A26.E【解析】(1)下句说:因为要下雨了。可知这句是why引导的特殊疑问句,B

22、你为什么穿着一件雨衣?符合语境,故选B。(2)下句说:天空中没有云。结合选项,可知这句说现在天气晴朗,D但现在天气晴朗。故选D。(3)结合上下语境及选项,可知这句问要做什么,C你要做什么?故选C。(4)这句回答要做什么,A我要去操场。符合语境,故选A。(5)上面说要下雨,可知这句建议先穿上雨衣,E请先穿上你的雨衣。符合语境,故选E。27.No, it wasnt.28.They began to laugh.29.He felt embarrassed.30.He shared his snacks with the children.31.Its easy to make mistakes

23、with English words.【解析】(1)问句句意:星期二是春游日吗?根据A boy stood up and shouted, “Sir, spring out is THIS THURSDAY. NOT TODAY.”,可知星期二不是春游日,答语为否定回答,故答案为No, it wasnt.(2)问句句意:当老师走进教室时,孩子们开始做什么?根据Then they began to laugh.,当老师走进教室,孩子们开始笑,故答案为They began to laugh.(3)问句句意:老师感觉怎么样?根据I was so embarrassed.,可知老师感觉很尴尬,故答案为

24、He felt embarrassed.(4)问句句意:老师对他的孩子们做了什么?根据Then I shared my snacks with my children.,可知老师对孩子们分享他的零食,故答案为He shared his snacks with the children.(5)问句句意:这个故事告诉我们什么?根据You see, its easy to make mistakes with English words.,可知这个故事告诉我们英语单词很容易出错,故答案为Its easy to make mistakes with English words.32.A33.B34.A

25、35.A36.B【解析】(1)句意:人们可以_当他们在周末打棒球。由句子They can talk, and get to know other people.可知他们可以互相了解,故选A。(2)句意:当_男孩子们开始打棒球。由句子So many boys begin to play baseball when they are very young. 可知是当他们很小的时候,故选B。(3)句意:对于孩子们来说练习棒球是_。由句子They practise very hard. It takes them hours to play and practise together after school.可知练习很辛苦,故选A。(4)句意:放学后花费_练习棒球。由句子It takes them hours to play and practise together after school.可知是很长时间,故选A。(5)句意:为什么孩子们想要成为一个棒球运动员?哪一个是不对的?由句子They are very proud


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