



1、附件2:杭州市晋升中学高级教师(含小中高)考试参考用书 1、经广大教师要求,原定的非英语教师考查英语水平参考教材“中学英语教材6册”改为:英语全国英语等级考试教材(第二级)(全国英语等级考试教材编写组编)(外文出版社出版)的前七章和刊登在杭州教育网上的“职称英语阅读补充材料”,网址:http:/weboahzedunet 掌握英语基本词汇1000个左右及基本句型、基本语法。 2、英语教师考查第2外语水平,可任选以下一本参考教材和一个语种。 日语:日本标准语(浙江工业大学徐萍飞主编)前八课 俄语:标准俄语(杭州师范学校董燮清主编)前八课 德语:标准德语(浙江大学外语学院成昆泉主编)前八课 法语:

2、标准法语(浙江大学外语学院唐珍主编)前八课 各语种掌握基本词汇800个左右(必考词汇200300个左右)及基本句型、基本语法。二、试题形式1、单项填空(15)2、翻译短文(20)3、汉译英(外)(15)4、阅读理解(25)5、写外语短文(25)三、其他事项 1、考试时间90分钟,满分100分。考试合格者将发给合格证书,有效期3年。 2、已参加市人事局组织的相关外语考试并获相应等级,经确认视同我局颁发的外语合格证书。 3、上述参考用书在外文书店有售。补充材料:Exams by Jo BertrandDo you remember that nasty feeling of sweaty palm

3、s? A wave of nausea comingover you? The sudden inability to talk your mouth is so dry? No, it's not the firstmeeting with the dreaded in-laws, although some parallels could easily be made. I'mtalking about waiting at the door of an exam room, convinced that you know nothingand that there'

4、;s no way you will get through this experience alive.Picture by Paul MillardWe've all been there at some point of our lives, whether it be for the 11+, theG.C.S.E French oral exam, university finals, the FCE exam., the list is endless.Somehow though we get through it. We survive to see another d

5、ay. But what hasalways baffled me is how people react so differently when faced with the prospect oftaking an exam.I don't know about you but I've always been insanely jealous of those people whoparty all year round, then the night before the exam flick through my course book,(theirs is empt

6、y because they didn't go to any lectures), and then somehow manageto sail through the exam with flying colours. In the meantime I'm there, present andcorrect at most of my lectures, panicking for weeks before my finals, and the nightbefore, not only am I trying to cram like mad everything my

7、 clever friend points out ismissing from my file as he flicks through my text books and observes that I've missedout a whole chapter of essential work that is bound to come up in the exam, (draw forbreath!), but I'm also panicking about packing my school bag.Once you're in the exam room

8、there is the obligatory ritual of snacks andrefreshments to be organised. It's essential that you line them up in edible order soas not to have to think too much whilst writing. The idea is also not to make too muchnoise during the exam. There's nothing worse than popcorn rustling in a cinem

9、a. Theexam room is no exception. So it's vitally important that the aforementioned sweetsare opened and ready to go. (1)Your packet of Polos should be completely opened.These should be sucked and not crunched at the time of consumption otherwise itdefeats the whole object of trying to avoid nois

10、e pollution. Finally, no cans or cartonsshould be taken into the exams as both are far too noisy.Next up is the bulging pencil case. You should of course have at least 2 pencils and 6pens. 2 black, 2 blue, 2 red. If you want to go for the novelty points then choose apurple, or green scented pen. Any

11、 attempt to make the examiner smile can't bewrong, can it? Don't forget your highlighter pens, one of each colour, tipex, blu tack,glue. You never know what might happen. You need a personal clock, although thespace on the table is becoming relatively limited at this point, so a watch is ana

12、cceptable option.As you turn your paper over, your mind inevitably goes blank for at least the first tenminutes and you start thinking back to the days when you had a life, in thepre-revision era. Suddenly though, fear takes over. You jab your foreheadincessantly with a pen in the hope that this wil

13、l encourage some sort of intelligentthought to flow from your brain to the paper via your biro. And miracles of miracles, itdoes. For the next three hours you write constantly, not even pausing for breath, letalone pausing to pick up a polo. In any case their destiny is to get sticky at the bottomof

14、 your bag because you stupidly opened the whole packet. But none of that mattersanymore because you're on fire. Nothing can stop you now. And three hours lateryou're mentally exhausted and your arm wants to drop off. But you've got through it,or at least you think you have.The post-exam

15、ritual involves everyone saying; 'Ok lets talk about anything otherthan the exam because that was absolutely awful.', and then you all proceed to talkabout nothing else but the exam for the next hour. Where you thought you'd donewell, now after having listened to what everyone else put,

16、well there's just no way youcould have passed. I wouldn't even pass myself if I were marking it; the answers I putwere so irrelevant. Quality not quantity is what we've always been told and I forgotthat golden rule. I have an aching arm for nothing.Now comes the wait. Why can't exami

17、ning boards devise (2) a wonderful markingsystem that can put you out of your misery within the next couple of days. Twomonths is an obscene amount of time if you ask me. Eventually the envelope arrives.A hot tip: when asked for your address you should always give your parents' addressto avoid h

18、aving to rush to the door for a week around the results day and thenactually having to open the dreaded envelope once it eventually arrives two days late,a sadistic delay intended so that you sweat it out some more. In any case your mumis scared enough as it is and is only too happy to pass on the g

19、ood news when itarrives on her doorstep. Lo and behold the day when I fail an exam! (4)I'm touchinglots of wood as I write this.Anyway, the upshot of all the stress and anxiety is that the hard work has paid off andeven though you don't quite get the A+ that your jammy friend got, you're

20、 ecstaticwith your well-earned B+.Though one thing I haven't quite worked out yet is what the attraction of exams is.(3)There must be something addictive about the stress related to them. I spent lastsummer doing a teaching course followed by a horribly stress-inducing exam inDecember. Nobody fo

21、rced me to do it. I actually volunteered and handed over ascary amount of money for the privilege. That's stressful in itself! Neither have I leamtfrom my school exam days as I still went through the same old emotions, and thesame old rituals and I'm very pleased to say it worked. Although I

22、'm still convincedthat it's not so much what I wrote in my exam that did it but how I wrote it. Theinfallible mint-scented biro strikes again!Do you have any 'tricks' for before, during or after exams?Do you think thatexaminations are the best way of evaluating a student's progre

23、ss? Do you know anyfunny or interesting stories or anecdotes related to exams?Technophobiaby Katherine BilsboroughTechnophobia - What?Technophobe: Someone who does not like, trust, or want to use technology,especially computers. (Macmillan English Dictionary)Picture by Sam Dunlop Technophobia is not

24、 a new term and technophobes have existed since theIndustrial Revolution and probably for a lot longer in some shape or form. Today weare living in the Age of Technology. Things that were once deemed Science Fictionare becoming a reality. We either accept these changes and move with the times orwe r

25、esist and become technophobes.Technophobia - Why?The reality is much simpler than saying that technophobes fear technologicaladvance. Technophobes are anxious because the environment in which they liveand work is changing. Most phobias are expressed by a strong physical reaction.People who are claus

26、trophobic suffer palpitations and anxiety attacks when they areenclosed in a small area. An agarophobic suffers in a similar way if they are exposedto the great outdoors. Technophobes, on the other hand, experience mildersymptoms. They suffer feelings of self doubt and anxiety. They often feel insec

27、ureand obsolete. Some worry that they will lose their job because they cannot keep upwith the times. In more extreme cases, technophobes convince themselves thattechnology will take over the world or that humans will be controlled by computersand robots. At other times they are afraid that if they p

28、ress the wrong button on theirkeyboard, the computer will explodeTechnophobia-Who?In most cases technophobes belong to older generations who were not brought upplaying with computer games and mobile phones. They have never sent a textmessage or heard of an i-pod. Not only do they not possess a DVD,

29、they still havenot worked out how to use their VHS. These examples seem to validate the oldsaying; "You can't teach a dog old tricks". It is understandable that technophobiaexists. Experts in the field of technology are becoming younger and younger. Beingtaught by somebody who is young enough to be your grandson goes against thelaws of nature. Traditionally information and knowledge has been passed down fromolder generations to younger generations. Young people were taught to respect theirelders in part because of the knowledge they possess. If thi


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