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1、中国第一家中外合资银行中国第一家中外合资银行最贴近中国市场的外(合)资银行最贴近中国市场的外(合)资银行The First Joint-Venture Bank in ChinaBest Acquainted with Chinese Market银行简介银行简介 A Brief Introduction 厦门国际银行成立于厦门国际银行成立于1985年年8月,是中国首家中外月,是中国首家中外合资银行,注册资本合资银行,注册资本10.69亿元人民币,总部设在中亿元人民币,总部设在中国厦门。国厦门。Established in August 1985, Xiamen International B

2、ank (XIB) is the first Sino-foreign Joint-Venture Bank in China, with registered capital of RMB 1.069 billion. The Head Office of XIB is in Xiamen.银行简介银行简介 A Brief Introduction在香港、澳门分别拥有附属机构在香港、澳门分别拥有附属机构厦门国际投资有限公司和澳门国际厦门国际投资有限公司和澳门国际银行股份有限公司(下辖银行股份有限公司(下辖1111家分行)。家分行)。XIB has its subsidiaries of Xi

3、amen International Investment Ltd in Hong Kong, and Luso International Banking Ltd. in Macau which runs 11 branches.在北京、上海、福州、珠海、厦门等地设有分行及多家同城支行,在泉在北京、上海、福州、珠海、厦门等地设有分行及多家同城支行,在泉州设有代表处。州设有代表处。In Chinese Mainland, XIB operates branches and a number of sub-branches in cities including Beijing, Shangha

4、i, Fuzhou, Zhuhai, Xiamen, and a representative office in Quanzhou.银行简介银行简介 A Brief Introduction与分布在与分布在6060多个国家和地区的近多个国家和地区的近200200家中外银行建立了代理行关系,家中外银行建立了代理行关系,商务联系遍及全球。商务联系遍及全球。XIB has established correspondent banking relations with nearly 200 banks from more than 60 countries and regions, with bu

5、siness links all over the world. 连续多年入选英国连续多年入选英国银行家银行家杂志杂志”世界世界10001000大银行大银行”和和”亚洲亚洲200200大银行大银行”。The British Journal, The Banker has listed XIB among the Top 1000 banks worldwide and Top 200 banks in Asia for several successive years.股权结构股权结构 Shareholding Structure银行分支机构银行分支机构 Subsidiaries and Br

6、anches总总 裁裁President审计委员会审计委员会Examination Committee首席审计官首席审计官Chief AuditorXIBXIB稽核部稽核部MIC监监 事事 会会Supervisory Board薪酬委员会薪酬委员会Remuneration Committee风险管理委员会风险管理委员会Risk Management Committee关联交易控制委员会关联交易控制委员会Related Transaction Control Committee董事会(股东大会)董事会(股东大会)Board of Directors (Shareholders Meeting)常

7、董会(董事会)常董会(董事会)Executive Board (Board of Directors)银行公司治理架构银行公司治理架构 Corporate Governance总裁办公会总裁办公会Presidents Meeting总裁总裁(总经理总经理)办办公室公室Administrative Dept.发展研究部发展研究部R&D Dept.人力资源部人力资源部HR Dept.总总 务务 部部General Affairs Dept.风险管理部风险管理部Risk Manage-ment Dept.风险评估部风险评估部Risk Evaluation Dept.计划财务部计划财务部Pla

8、nning and Finance Dept.押押 汇汇 部部 Bills Dept.总经理办公会总经理办公会General Managers Meeting科技发展与安全管科技发展与安全管理委员会理委员会IT Development & Safety Management Committee质量管理质量管理委员会委员会Quality Management Committee新产品委员会新产品委员会New Product Development Committee资产负债管理资产负债管理委员会委员会Assets and Liabilities Management Committee反

9、洗钱委员会反洗钱委员会Anti-money Laundering Committee信贷委员会信贷委员会Credit Committee总裁办公会总裁办公会Presidents Meeting总总 裁裁President副总经理副总经理Deputy General Manager资金营运部资金营运部Fund Operation Dept.科科 技技 部部 IT Dept.首席信息官首席信息官CIO银行管理架构银行管理架构 Management Structure法律事务室法律事务室Legal Affairs Office市场营销管理部市场营销管理部Marketing Dept.资产总额资产总额

10、 Total Assets存款余额存款余额 Customer Deposit Outstanding各类贷款余额各类贷款余额 Loans Outstanding税后利润税后利润 After-tax Profit股东权益收益率(税后)股东权益收益率(税后)Return on Equity (after-tax)资产收益率(税后)资产收益率(税后)Return on Assets (after-tax)不良资产率不良资产率 Non-performing Asset Ratio不良贷款率不良贷款率 Non-performing Loan Ratio主要业务指标与上市银行比较主要业务指标与上市银行比较

11、 说明:说明:1.香港上市银行不良贷款率指的是不履行贷款率;香港上市银行不良贷款率指的是不履行贷款率;2.数据来源:各行数据来源:各行2008年年报。年年报。 以客户为中心,提供安全、便捷的金融服务以客户为中心,提供安全、便捷的金融服务Customer-oriented, providing safe and convenient financial servicesCustomer-oriented, providing safe and convenient financial services 崇尚智慧经营,在国内率先引入综合授信额度贷款、建筑贷崇尚智慧经营,在国内率先引入综合授信额度贷

12、款、建筑贷款、楼宇按揭、贷款转售等新业务款、楼宇按揭、贷款转售等新业务Advocate management with wisdom, taking the lead in China to Advocate management with wisdom, taking the lead in China to introduce new products such as consolidated facilities, construction introduce new products such as consolidated facilities, construction loans

13、, mortgage loans, loan resale, etc.loans, mortgage loans, loan resale, etc. 提供个性化的贴心服务提供个性化的贴心服务Customized and considerate servicesCustomized and considerate services注重高品质的客户服务注重高品质的客户服务Focus on High Quality Customer Services 营销管理、组织扁平化和集约化,提升服务效率营销管理、组织扁平化和集约化,提升服务效率Flat and centralized marketing m

14、anagement and organization to Flat and centralized marketing management and organization to improve efficiency in servicesimprove efficiency in services 在国内第一家通过国际结算在国内第一家通过国际结算ISO9001ISO9001质量体系认证质量体系认证First bank in China accredited with ISO 9001 for international First bank in China accredited wit

15、h ISO 9001 for international settlementsettlement 发挥跨境内外经营优势,大陆与港澳机构整体联动发挥跨境内外经营优势,大陆与港澳机构整体联动Advantages in combined and coordinated management in Advantages in combined and coordinated management in Mainland China and Hong Kong and Macau SubsidiariesMainland China and Hong Kong and Macau Subsidiari

16、es注重高品质的客户服务注重高品质的客户服务Focus on High Quality Customer Services 创新求变创新求变Encourage Innovations以人为本以人为本Recognize Human Merits团结奉献团结奉献Value Cooperation and Dedication开拓进取开拓进取Advocate Development and Assertiveness以人为本的科学管理以人为本的科学管理 Scientific Management which Recognizes human merits一、建立具有特色的人力资源管理体制一、建立具有

17、特色的人力资源管理体制 Build HR management system with characteristicsBuild HR management system with characteristics 打造高素质的经营管理团队打造高素质的经营管理团队Building a high quality managerial teamBuilding a high quality managerial team 广纳贤才,量才使用广纳贤才,量才使用Attracting talents, and use them according to their abilitiesAttracting

18、talents, and use them according to their abilities 合理的绩效考核和收入分配制度合理的绩效考核和收入分配制度Appropriate performance assessment and income distribution Appropriate performance assessment and income distribution systemsystem 双阶梯晋升机制双阶梯晋升机制Double-ladder promotion mechanismDouble-ladder promotion mechanism 员工职业生涯规划员

19、工职业生涯规划Career planning for employeesCareer planning for employees以人为本的科学管理以人为本的科学管理 Scientific Management which Recognizes human merits二、不断夯实基础管理二、不断夯实基础管理 Continue strengthening fundamental managementContinue strengthening fundamental management 建立健全各项规章制度建立健全各项规章制度Building and perfecting regulatio

20、nsBuilding and perfecting regulations 管理标准化、规范化和精细化,如推行手册管理、过程管理、管理标准化、规范化和精细化,如推行手册管理、过程管理、量化管理、预案管理、建立应急机制等量化管理、预案管理、建立应急机制等Promoting standard and refined management, such as implementing Promoting standard and refined management, such as implementing management by manuals, process management, qua

21、ntified management by manuals, process management, quantified management, premeditated management, emergency response management, premeditated management, emergency response mechanism, etc.mechanism, etc.以人为本的科学管理以人为本的科学管理 Scientific Management which Recognizes human merits二、不断夯实基础管理(续)二、不断夯实基础管理(续)

22、Continue strengthening fundamental managementContinue strengthening fundamental management(continuedcontinued) 以国际标准为标杆,实施国际会计准则以国际标准为标杆,实施国际会计准则Implementing International Accounting StandardsImplementing International Accounting Standards 优化业务流程,实现风险、财务、人力、审单等大集中优化业务流程,实现风险、财务、人力、审单等大集中Streamlining

23、 business flow, realizing centralization of risk control, Streamlining business flow, realizing centralization of risk control, financial management, HR management and processing of billsfinancial management, HR management and processing of bills以人为本的科学管理以人为本的科学管理 Scientific Management which Recogni

24、zes human merits风险风险 Risk外部审计外部审计 External Auditing 分级授权审批分级授权审批 Authority to approve at appropriate levels双人双职双责双人双职双责 Dual people and Dual Responsibility相关岗位部门监督制约相关岗位部门监督制约 Supervision and constraint by relevant depts.总行垂直管理总行垂直管理 Direct Management from Head office内部稽核内部稽核 Internal Auditing定期不定期对

25、帐、盘点定期不定期对帐、盘点 Regular & Irregular accounting checking 系统分析与预警系统分析与预警 Systemic Analysis and Precaution第五道防线第五道防线 Defense Line 5第六道防线第六道防线 Defense Line 6第四道防线第四道防线 Defense Line 4第三道防线第三道防线 Defense Line 3第二道防线第二道防线 Defense Line 2第一道防线第一道防线 Defense Line 1第七道防线第七道防线 Defense Line 7第八道防线第八道防线 Defense

26、Line 8健全的内控机制健全的内控机制 Perfected Internal Control贯彻风险管理的贯彻风险管理的“8 8只眼只眼”原则:原则: Implement the “eight eyes” principle in risk management Implement the “eight eyes” principle in risk management 一双眼睛看对象、一双眼睛看对象、 一双眼睛看度量一双眼睛看度量一双眼睛看预警、一双眼睛看内控一双眼睛看预警、一双眼睛看内控First pairs of eyes on the object, First pairs of

27、eyes on the object, Second on the measurement, Second on the measurement, Third on pre-warning, Third on pre-warning, Fourth on internal Control.Fourth on internal Control.以诚信经营为底蕴的风险管理文化以诚信经营为底蕴的风险管理文化 Culture of Risk Management with Faith management as the essence全面风险管理体系建设:全面风险管理体系建设: Building of

28、 overall risk management systemBuilding of overall risk management system 全员风险管理、全过程风险控制、全方位风险管理全员风险管理、全过程风险控制、全方位风险管理Risk management by the entire personnel; risk control along the Risk management by the entire personnel; risk control along the whole process, omnipresent risk managementwhole proces

29、s, omnipresent risk management以巴塞尔新资本协议为标准,建设内部法评级系统以巴塞尔新资本协议为标准,建设内部法评级系统Taking Basel II new capital accord as the standard to build internal Taking Basel II new capital accord as the standard to build internal rating systemrating system引入信贷风险预警系统以及压力测试等全新风险计量手段引入信贷风险预警系统以及压力测试等全新风险计量手段 Introduce n

30、ew risk measurement methods such as credit risk pre-Introduce new risk measurement methods such as credit risk pre-warning system and pressure tests, etc.warning system and pressure tests, etc.以诚信经营为底蕴的风险管理文化以诚信经营为底蕴的风险管理文化Culture of Risk Management with Faith management as the essence全面风险管理体系建设:全面风

31、险管理体系建设: Building of overall risk management systemBuilding of overall risk management system设立专门的合规经理,负责全行合规工作,加强合规文设立专门的合规经理,负责全行合规工作,加强合规文化培养化培养Appoint compliance manager to take the charge in the Appoint compliance manager to take the charge in the compliance work, and to enhance culture of comp

32、liance compliance work, and to enhance culture of compliance 建立科学的健康指标体系,定期进行评分,以实现动态建立科学的健康指标体系,定期进行评分,以实现动态反馈和及时预警反馈和及时预警Build scientific healthy Indexes System, and assess the system Build scientific healthy Indexes System, and assess the system regularly to maintain dynamic response and timely p

33、re-warning.regularly to maintain dynamic response and timely pre-warning.以诚信经营为底蕴的风险管理文化以诚信经营为底蕴的风险管理文化Culture of Risk Management with Faith management as the essence 总体目标:总体目标:成为一家具有自身特色和竞争优势、获得优良国际资成为一家具有自身特色和竞争优势、获得优良国际资信评级(银行评级达到国内股份制银行的领先水平)信评级(银行评级达到国内股份制银行的领先水平)的精品上市银行的精品上市银行 General Goal: Building XIB into a high quality listed bank General Goal: Building XIB into a high quali


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