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1、并列句;完成相关练习。一.语法填空:1. But the river wasn t changed in a few days even a few months.2. Once there lived a rich man who wanted to do something for the people of his town, first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help.3. The cars behind us were really getting out of control,we decided to go

2、 on ourway.4. I can not only improve my oral English also learn some customs in westerncountries.5. Recently a post saying that I do not have a BMW car, only a collection ofthousands of books has been spread on the net.6. Take China and America for example, “stamping one soot in China, may show one

3、s ang in America it means impatience.7. The next morning he had just about given himself up for lost he was spottedby a ship.四.总结:并列句:由两个或两个以上并列而又独立的简单句构成。常由并列连词连在一起。并列连词所连接的简单句被称为分句。并列句 : ;表因果;其它,1 .表递进关系:常用 的并列连词有 and, not only .but(also) neithernor, not but 等。One day John was late,his missed the

4、first class.Not only did he speak more correctly,he spoke more easily.2 .表选择关系:常用的并列连词有or, either or,otherwiseThe children can go with us,they can stay at home.You must tell the truth,you will be punished.Either you can do it by yourself,you can ask someone else to help you.Recently, some relevant g

5、overnment departments have made a new regulation that nostudents shall go to school at weekends during official holidays.注意:表并列时,在否定句中的and应改为or例如:I have apples and pears. 否定句就应为:I dont have apples or pears3 .表转折关系:常用的并列连词有but, yet, whereas, while注:作为但是,然而,最普遍的用法是 but . while表示对比;but不可放在句尾,而yet可放在句尾,

6、yet 在表示对照或对立时,则往往比较强烈, 时常出人意料.while (同whereas,多用while)表示对比;however用逗号隔开,可以放句首,句中,句末。Do you have a table for two?-1 m sorry,there aren t any seats now.Tom is tall his brother is short.She got up early,she failed to be there on time.It is not wrong of people to pursue wealth; , they should also try to

7、 learn to fulfill their knowledge.4 .表因果关系:常用的并列连词有so, forSomeone must be coming ,the dog is barking .That was our first lesson,she didn t know all our names.注意:for引导的分句是对前面的句子加以解释或推断,一般用逗号隔开.引导的句子不用于句首.so与because不在一句中同时出现.thus做副词,表示“in this way; like this (以此方式,如此,这样)” 后面可以用现在分词,动词不定式等作状语.so做因此”讲,多

8、为连词,后面需要跟完整的句子 .5 .祈使句+andor+将来时句子Think it over,you ll find a way.Be careful,you will be late.Take the medicine you will be better soon!6 . when还可以用作并列连词,其意思为“在这时,在那时“,相当于and at this/that time.我们在踢足球时下起了大雨。.改错1. Because I am rich, so I can buy myself lots of things.2. Can I use your pen, please?Oh,

9、I m sorry, and I don t have one.3. Work hard , or you will pass the driving test.4. Call a taxi, and you will miss the train.5. I came to see her, for she wasn t at home.6. We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, and , in fact, there were 40.7. He was about to have his meal while his t

10、elephone rang.8. His coat was completely wet , so it was raining hard outside.二、单句填空1. It is often said that the joy of traveling is in arriving at your destination inthe journey itself. ( 江苏 )2. Stand over there you ll be ablethteo osiel epainting better. ( 全国 )3. He found it increasingly difficult

11、 to read, _his eyesight was beginning to fail.4. In some places women are expected to earn money men work at home andraise their children. ( 四川 )5. He was about halfway through his meal _a familiar voice came to his ears.6. Start out right away,you ll miss the firSt tra)n.(7. We were swimming in the

12、 lake suddenly the storm started. ( 安徽 )8. The shop doesn t open until 11 a.m.it loses a lot of busSn侬徽)9. We are going to the bookstore in John s car. You can come with usyou canus there later. (全国 )10. At last, we found ourselves in a pleasant park with trees providing shade sat down to eat our pi

13、cnic lunch.语篇填空:阅读下列短文,在空格处填上适当的连词。1Lucy is going to have a date with her boyfriend. She wants to be more beautiful lovely, she loves him. She doesn t know her boyfriend likes yellow green, she just chooses yellow not green. When Lucy meets her boyfriend, he says “ I likeyellow green. I like blue. ”

14、2In the cartoon, the man enjoys being clever and wishes to do a great job., regretfully, he is lazy and certainly achieves nothing.In fact, you can see many such examples in life. Just as the old saying goes, “Diligenceleads to success,laziness results in failure. So me of my classmates are definite

15、ly clever, they desire to go to a famous university.Unfortunately, they are wasting time talking playing. There is no doubt that they will end in failure.In my opinion, diligence plays a very important role in life. Not only should we study hard we should practice a lot to achieve our goals.3Learnin

16、g English is not an easy job at all. First, you must keep on listening to English materials every day, listening is the basic part of English learning. Second, you should practice reading you will get slow in the understanding ofpassages. Third, it is of great importance to recite English in the mor

17、ning it s also good for you to read aloud in your spare time. Fourth, writing is necessary, youdon t have to write a lot so long as you learn the s kills of every kind of writing. Finally, you should keep calm when you meet with difficulties never give up.改错:Skiing is my favorite sport, even though

18、I had only skied for four days in my whole life! Last year my father promised that because my brother Victor did well in his exams, he would bring us for a special holiday. When Victor got straight A sDad said, “I promised a special holiday. I think I should keep my words. Victor s dreamreally snow.

19、 So we flew to Seoul at Christmas vacation, and then took a bus to Muju Resort. As we climb up the mountain, we saw some snow on the trees. We began to play snow! No one in my family had ever touched snow before. We were all like the little children. We picked it up, made snowballs, and threw it at

20、each other.AOnce upon a time, a rich man wanted to make a trip (旅行)to another town. He tried not only to take things to sell but also to take money to 1 things with. He 2 to take ten servants with him. They would 3 the things to sell and the food to 4 on their trip. Before they started, a little boy

21、 ran up to 5and asked to 6 with them.The rich man said to the little boy, “Well, 7 may go with us. 8 you are the smallest, the thinnest and the weakest of all my 9 , you can t carry a 10 load (担子).You must 11 the lightest one to carry. The boy thanked his master and chose the biggest load to carry.

22、That was bread.“You are 12 . said his master, “That is the biggest and the heaviest hnboy said 13 and lifted the load gladly.On the trip they walked for days and at last they got to the town. All the servants were tired 14 the little servant. Do you know 15 ? Most of the bread was eaten during the t

23、rip and a little was left when they arrived at the town.1. A. eatB. buyC. changeD. get2. A. decided B.likedC. hoped D. tried3. A. takeB. bringC. carry D. borrow4. A. cookB. eatC. buyD. drink5. A. themB. the servants C. the roadD. the rich man6. A. stopB. stayC. goD. talk7. A. youB. heC. ID. they8. A

24、. SinceB. IfC. BecauseD. But9. A. familyB. guestsC. servantsD. things10. A. heavyB. lightC. smallD. difficult11. A. eatB. chooseC. pick upD. understand12. A. braveB. rightC. cleverD. foolish13. A. sorryB. nothingC. angrilyD. good-bye14. A. besidesB. ofC. exceptD. with15. A. whoB. himC. thatD. whyBPe

25、ter s job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier to me sure that they were not smuggling anything into the country. Every evening he would see a factory worker coming _1_ the hill towards the frontier, _2_ a bike with a pile of goods of old straw on it. When the bike _3_ the frontier, Pe

26、ter would stop the man and _4_ him take t he straw off and untie it. Then he would examine the straw very _5_ to see _6_ he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man s pockets _7he let him tie the straw again. The man would then put it on his bike and go off down the hill with it

27、.Although Peter was always _8_ to find gold or other valuable things _9_ in the straw, he never found _10_. He was sure the man was _11_ something, but he was not _12_ to think out what it could be. Then one evening, after he had looked _13_ the strawand emptied the worker s pockets _14_ usual,he _1

28、5_ to him,“ Listen, I know you are smuggling things _16_ this fro ntier. Wonyou tell me wh atit is? I m an old man, and today s my last da y on the _1 7_. Tomorrow I m going toshall not tell _19_ if you tell me what you ve been smuggling. The worker did not say ai_20_. Then he smiled, turned to Pete

29、r and said quietly,“ Bikes.”1. A. towardsB. downC.toD.up2. A. fillingB . pullingC. pushingD. carrying3. A. arrivedB. appearedC.cameD.reached4. A. askB. orderC. makeD. call5. A. carefullyB. quicklyC. silentlyD. horribly6. A. thatB. whereC. howD. whether7. A. beforeB. afterC.firs tD.so8. A. luckyB. ho

30、pingC. thinkingD. wondering9. A. had beenB. hidden C.hidingD. have been10. A. nothingB. somethingC. everythingD. anything11. A. takingB. smugglingC. stealingD. pushing12. A. possibleB. strongC.ableD.clever13. A. throughB. thoroughlyC.uponD.up14. A. likeB. moreC. thenD. as15. A. toldB. criedC. orderedD. said16. A. crossB. pastC. acrossD. into17. A. thingB. workC. jobD. duty18. A. restB. backC. retireD. retreat19. A. everyoneB. anyoneC. no oneD.someone20. A. momentB. long timeC. sometimeD. some timeA: (B)1. (A)2.(C)3.


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