1、公共政策学考试试卷一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)在每小 题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的, 请将正确选项 前的字母填在题后的括号内。1、公共政策学产生的标志(C) P2A.政策分析与管理的出版 B.政策科学的发展的出版 C.政 策科学:视野与方法的近期发展的出版 D.政策科学构想的出版2、公共选择理论是由著名经济学家(B )提出的。P32A.西蒙 B.布坎南 C.巴得什 D.霍恩3、公共政策执行必须遵循的特定原则,不包括( A ) P73A.主观性B.强制性 C.组织性 D.实务性4、由目标群体以自己的切身感受和对政策的个人理解来评定政策执行效果,这种公
2、共政策评估方法叫(B) P126A.专家评定法B.对象评定法C.自我评定法D.前后对比法5、公共政策执行的环境因素,不包括(A) P95A.生态环境B.经济环境C.政治环境D.文化环境6、按照监控的内容分类,公共政策监控可分为 (D ) P145A. 一般监控和专业监控B.内部监控和外部监控C.积极监控和消极监控 D .目标监控和关键点监控7、政策分析过程最关键而又困难的一个阶段是 (C ) P186A.规划方案B.预测结果C.问题构建D.确认目标8、在我国,财政主体主要运用的财政工具,不包括(B) P206A.预算 B.私人借贷C.税收 D.财政补贴9、一般认为,年率3%5%的物价上涨幅度,
3、可视为(D ) P243A.物价上涨快B.物价上涨慢C.物价不变D.物价基本稳定10、产业政策的特征,不包括(C) P277A.指导性B.稳定性和连续性C.波动性D.时代性和阶段性11、社会保障法是第一个由联邦政府承担义务性的、全国性的社会保障法,是由哪个国家提出的?( A) P312A.美国 B.英国 C.德国 D.法国12、下列选项中,属于条例、规章等形式的科技政策的是(B ) P374A.科技进步法B.科技拨款的暂行规定C.专利法D.专著法13、对科技活动活动的协调、控制,以达到预期政策目标的功能,属于科技政策的(D )功能。P381A.导向功能B.组织功能C.发展功能D.调控功能14、
4、教育政策的主体,不包括(C ) P401A.政府B.执政党C.社会组织D.立法机关15、教师法第三十五条规定,侮辱、殴打教师的,根据不同情况,分别给予 行政处罚或者(C) P409A.严重警告B.警告 C.行政处罚D.依法追究刑事责任16、1995年3月第八届全国人民代表大会第三次会议通过了( D ) P422A.义务教育法B.教师法C.高等教育法D.教育法17、通过思想教育,提高人们的思想觉悟、政治觉悟和认识水平来改造人们的思想方法和心理状态,这种公共政策监控手段是 (C ) P137A.监控手段B.法律手段C.心理手段D.经济手段18、公共政策评估的基本要素,不包括(C) P108A.评估
5、主体 B.评估标准 C.评估总结D.评估方法19、政策的投入与产出的比例关系,是指(D) P121A.政策回应度B.价值标准C.效益标准D.效率标准20、政策分析的最后一个环节是(B) P193A.确定目标B.效果评估C.方案比较D.问题的界定二、名词解释(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)1、政策评估(P108)2、政府预算(P207)- 2,l nes, ntme “,m-n-ce, a nd scui y.9, fa 0. , - repemt, w -ng. WihoU uSg ay hou_hod app.s s not a lwed 0 » on campus a y
6、m - bes mus led by-mple ad e-Oe f_1_ a nd ci -y t oie 1, houehod u_ of g>. in.cooi* to .0.proper intle e-pr.of reproof,clsng eater us toensr bed, ad anua tore.ay.he ck the caee nwrkes mus be - "cy ope. on, a _ydS.n - f 15 meters to” .t -bents 13, the a-se- n-s . ly e-s wl - pig-ay school Mr
7、C2016 xa ng sc manaent sys_ 1 teches ad s_ets the . ichool s ee-lura eves -pec s iegatd gve nance si olanw de.ppo. ad ful y.On Ie |sCool wk a Ies_e time, a. man-et of sCool e d hedsti C pobe mtee CrreCina,ente,,owsi g ove>me"lu.e - nt3 tta wthIe -ce.secCools soul d as ppy a. i a Ie bomrua ae
8、as fr p. bars-ent of of.cdet* accdi ngtdbaeet dsCool manne, t p-e 0fstdet s 4, evey d。"oresc00 1tt. .uuens, p. a. s ty 5 shoud s -e n. t e.ec sc a ehic. ad vaious eguai c orde, and ”Id,. ad grsp the crec anta st uuents ' s.cae ailt rrscee-s of teches in scool. on hig h alet ad - Liu la ping
9、 -me ntay 1ch.ol Mac.6 n XiaJ scool teches ad st-en. or1a.zHonsou of _y malg-et 1ysemogaizaion acv. s |e-eea ces a nd . ulent.to pla m-surs mu. be sgsc s t as <grre d timpl- ent.0” y fa or IC. it ie apro-1yle D puy De 9 >u- u inCageof-cuiy,, C a Civy shou d hae a speCIc reso.siiiy ppy - I sns
10、ae, phhsial mh. Ru. 3, (ctvi.s, lc.in, fed -es .oud le car.da nne. 4 .isasof d-. n the si" cmply w.-ic . saey reui _e. ech ajvfc mu. hae -ty,<megecy rrsponne pa nfr acie nts I, pC.C. hii ”I . n I ie pre. al<c-s 7, t he <ctvie s nea te rives esevoi. no te-cuiy rrquirmes.ft. Ogani Inorde
11、Srcthooeonlssuturednenotrmalstereapchoirtngmajoraccide ordernt,pwriothtei cntianng shtourudoefnetdsu'chaetiaoltnh;ystgurdentrowth, eunnasurinndgdithsaatppearanationanlc(epsrotpeortrye)pisorntot;lorsetp,otrot porfetvheeac cidentnotrtomianiwmriitzteent re hepoocrtciunrrterinceofpsliacfaettey, aacc
12、i corre ctidoenalnctse, follonwtrte,a pohleic"eprevenstt,arteion,a t scouwenesahcih othpepre,oeple' nssurGeosvaefretnymaenndt rsehall notduccoencloesses"prialthnecaiplec,ciadent.cc4owrding teek,otetahcehleorcsalarceonditionso,nmdaukteythe smyasnteamg,establish andiemmpernotvseytshteeml
13、e.a1d,etrshipvalhe principalis thueerse; stresnpgotnhseinbitlhiteyeofschooldsuacfaetitoy,ns,cmhaonoalgseementcoufrtiteyacuhnidert ngahcteivlietiaedesrsihnischopoolf Pressitodeensnture nsoercmuarlittyeawcohriknlgea dingogrrdoeur;pr.eTsphoenshiebaled ftoeras cchhoeroltostafethyelleeaaddeerrshi shiptpe
14、aamlwiasyrsesmpaoinntsaiibl needforc,liomspelecomneta cnttaatniodn disotfrtichte pacoclioucnteasbtilaittiyosnyss,tem. c2,asncvahsosoilngmosnutphlpyorsttfromthe policestatiuodneonnt skcnhoowollesafetdygaendabout safetyeducati heolnp,.e5,dsutrceationngtshheonuil ng teacdhbeers'dmivoerraslifieed i
15、ntdhuecfaotrimevoenr,yessatfaebtlyi edsuhcaatdioenfordisctautedendtslove, im provingeofclasdsuecsaptieornwquality,eoebksserhvould be taregtehteeds.tTuodecarryntosn'epsmyecrgheolncy issougeiscadlealcinhgawnigtes at anytime andtake phreevdeucati on inntiGveenmereaalsur,esse,lfno-helpa corndpomruat
16、lpunuialrsehscmueenkt anndowle codvgeret. cEomrperogrealnpcyunciall shsm(esnutch aso1n10s,t11u9d,e1n2t2s,1s2t0u,daenndtoutoftheclso on) uassesr cooomm,msocnhosoels mnsayeinont ebde.ucation.3,6t,unitsohredeesptaarbtlmientsshmentofumseajsotruadcecidennttStrreepeotrtpirnogpsaygsatnem. daorparticipate i
17、 nthe celebrati ons,as wellas partici pating i nother socialwork,wit houtapprovaloftheCorrectionalCe ntre,schoolpri nci pals consent,wit houtorgani zation. Withoutthea pproval ofrelevantde partments,mayorga nize student sto parti cipatein fire fighting , disa ster reliefand soon.7, school s shoul d
18、educatest udentstoobeythe schoolrulesa nd reg ulations,o ntime,on time home topreventa cci dents.8,school to schooli nspecti onsona reg ularba sis,found hidden i ntime,and in s evere case s,itis har dto eliminate immediatelyclosed, and re porte d to thel ocal people's Government,education,and ru
19、leoflaw secti on. 9,the school shoul d always checkt he inter nalwalls,retai ningwall s,ponds,raili ngs, handrails, door s, Window s,stairca sesand avariety ofsports,extracurricularactivities,facilitiessuch as firesafety,infrastructuresecurity,unsafefacilityto immediately repairand demoliti onto ens
20、ure thatteachers a nd st udentswork ,learn, live ve nuesand facilities aresafe andreliable.S ong LinXi ang Li uJia pi ng elementaryschool March2016song Lin Xiang LiuJiapi ng primaryschoolfire safetysystems to enhancefire safety, protecti on ofpublic pr opertya ndthe lifeand property safetyofteachers
21、andst udents,schoolfire safety intoday-to-daymanagement,isdevelopi ng thefollowing fire safety system. 1,strengthenfiresafetyeducationofthewhol eschool.Accor ding to therequirements oftheFire ServicesAct,sothat everyonehas ofkeepi ng firecontrol safety, protecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire preve
22、ntion,reports offire3、公共政策(P6)4、公共政策执行(P69)5、教育政策(P401)三、简答题(本大题共3 题,每小题5 分,共 15 分)1、简述公共政策的功能。(P9)2、 简述公共政策执行环境(P95-98)3、简述公共政策评估的方法。(P124-126)四、论述题(本大题共2 题,每小题10 分,共 20 分)1、联系实际,试述我国政策监控主体的活动内容和方式。(P140)2、论述公共政策执行的过程(P76-88)五、案例分析题(本大题共1 题,共 10 分)我国西部地区某县政府召开会议,讨论退耕还林还草的工作,在会场上各位领导经过简单的讨论,最后以多数压倒优
23、势表决通过决定,按照70%还林,30%种草的比例退耕;会上有人提出该县大部分地不宜退耕还林的看法,但没有得到多数人的支持。事实上, 该县由北到南,降水量从100 毫米到 500 毫米不等,而在一般情况下林木在500 毫米以下降雨量的气候中难以成活。因此, 该县所规定的林草比例必然导致北部造林成活率低的问题。国家已多次强调,要以“宜林则林,宜草则草 ”的原则进行退耕还林还草的工作,但西部地区许多地方未做到这一点。根据上述材料,运用公共政策学知识,分析该县退耕还林政策不合理的原因,并提出你自己的解决方法。lectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,found
24、hidden i n time for rectification,maintenance,a nd securit y.9, do notusean open flame in the classroom, pr ohi bit burni ng stove,litca ndles,mosquitorepellent,nosm oking,a nd banningmessyw iring. Without using any household a pplia nce s isnot al lowed. 1e,andeducatefamiliesa ndchil dren readyt o
25、fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nschools,to masterproperusageak-pr oof,explosion-proof,fireproof, closing valveafter use to ensure security. 12, di ningr oom mustbequalifie d,and annualtesti ng ofpressurevessels,t o regularly che ck, theLiuJia pi ngelementary schoolntsystem 1 teachers andstudents, the
26、surrounding areaoftheschoolgoverna ncecover s persona land foodhygi ene, culturalevents a ndot heraspect s, integrated gover nanceshallobtainwiy.Onthe sur roundinge nvironme nt inschool sshoul dbe closelymonit ored.2,schoolworkat thesametime,shoulofficialsorthe poli ce stati oninatimely manner,topro
27、tectthe safetyofstudent s. 4,everyday beforeschool,tea cher s remind st udents,pay attenti on to traffic safety.5,shouldeducatest ude nts to respect soci alethics,and various regulations,maintaining publi corder,a ndfightthe bad g uys,and graspthe correctways a nd mea ns of maintai ning a nd impr ov
28、ing st ude nts'self-care abilit y.6,theestabli shmedpay attenti on tothe saf etymanagementofschoolenvironme nt, shoul d takethe i nitiativeto contactthe distri ct police stati on,the villageCommittee,Correctional Centre,T ownship g overnme nt,busine ss manageme ntand other departme ntstodo agood
29、job management.3,tea cher on d utywiththe exception ofinspecti ons i nschools, shouldalso payattentiontoenvironmentalinspecti onsnearthebyoperation operati on, gasta nk and stovesafetydistance of1.5 meters, toprevent accidents. 13,the adverseconseque nces caused by ignori ng fire safetyregulations,
30、willbepunishe d,untilinvestigate dforlegalresponsibilit y.Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016Xia ngs,on hig halertand de ployed.Song Lin Xiang LiuJiapingeleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 song Lin Xia ng Li uJiaping primaryschoolteachers andstude nts orga nizationsoutofsafetymanageme
31、ntsystemorganizati onactivitie s betweentea chersa nd st udents,to draw up aprecise pl an a nd se curitymeasures mustbesigned bytntofstudents a nd avarietyofaccidents, accordi ng to different situati ons reporte d schoolsagreed uponCorrecti onal Centeragree d toimplem ent.Organi zationtothe field re
32、lativelyfaroractivitiesrequire approvalby theDe puty Dire ctorof theE ducation公共政策学考试参考答案一、单项选择题1 10 CBABA DCBDC1120 ABDCC DCCDB二、名词解释1、政策评估(P1088政策评估的主体依据一定的标准和程序, 对政策效果(效率、价值、问题等) 进行的一种估量和评价,目的在于取得有关这些方面的信息,作为决定政策变化、 政策改进和新政策的依据。2、政府预算(P207)政府预算作为一种控制财政收支及其差额的机制,在各种财政政策手段中居 于核心地位,它能系统、明显地反映政府财政政策的
33、意图和目标, 是财政政策的 主要手段。3、公共政策(P6)公共政策是公共权力机关和其他政治团体为了实现一定时期内的公共管理目标,而制定和实施的一系列行为准则、规范的总称。4、公共政策执行(P69)公共政策执行是指为了达到预期政策目标而将政策方案付诸实施,把政策内容变成现实的动态过程。5、教育政策(P401)教育政策是指政党、政府等公共权力组织在一定时期内,为了实现一定教育 目标制定、实施的,对各类教育活动进行调控和管理的行为规范、准则。三、简答题1、简述公共政策的功能。(P9)(1)指导功能(2)控制功能(3)协调功能(4)分配功能2、简述公共政策执行环境(P95-98)政策环境是指政策制定系
34、统之外的一切与之相关的因素,在政策执行时的环境 包括经济、政治、文化等环境。- 2,l nes, ntme “,m-n-ce, a nd scui y.9, fa 0. , - repemt, w -ng. WihoU uSg ay hou_hod app.s s not a lwed 0 » on campus a ym - bes mus led by-mple ad e-Oe f_1_ a nd ci -y t oie 1, houehod u_ of g>. in.cooi* to .0.proper intle e-pr.of reproof,clsng eater
35、us toensr bed, ad anua tore.ay.he ck the caee nwrkes mus be - "cy ope. on, a _ydS.n - f 15 meters to” .t -bents 13, the a-se- n-s . ly e-s wl - pig-ay school Mr C2016 xa ng sc manaent sys_ 1 teches ad s_ets the . ichool s ee-lura eves -pec s iegatd gve nance si olanw de.ppo. ad ful y.On Ie |sCo
36、ol wk a Ies_e time, a. man-et of sCool e d hedsti C pobe mtee CrreCina,ente,,owsi g ove>me"lu.e - manne, t p-e of stdet s 4, evey d。"oresc00 1tt. su-ns, p. a. s ty 5 shoud s -e ns tesec sc a ehics ad vaious eguai c orde, and ”Id2s ad grsp the crec anta st uuents ' s.cae ailt rrsce-s
37、 of teches in scools on hig h alet ad - Liu la ping -me ntay 1ch.ol Mac16 nXiaJ scool teches ad st-e ns or1a.zHonsou of _y malg-et 1ysem>u- u incageof-cuiy,- c a civy shou d hae a spedc r-on.ily ppy - I sns , phhsial mach. Ru-3,s, lcain, fed -es s.ud le careda nne. 4 a. asof d- a n the st" c
38、mply wit-ic e saey reui -e. 5ech ajvfc mus hae -ty,- egecy rrsponne pa nfr acie nts I, pcncs hii ”t -i“ pral 1ccdes , t he 1c. s nea te rives esevois no te-cuiy rrqurrmes.f teOgani s-ent 4ntrowth, eparticipate i nthe celebrati ons,as wellas partici pating i nother socialwork,withoutapprovalofthenci
39、pals consent,wit houtorganipartments,mayorga, disa ster reliefancci dents.8,school to schoolnize student sto parti cipatein fire fightingreliable.S ong LinXi ang Li uJia pi ng elementaryschool March2016song Lin Xiang LiuJiapi ng primaryschoolfire safetysystems to enhancefire safety, protecti on ofpu
40、blic pr opertya ndthe lifeand property safetyofteachersandst udents,schoolfire safety intoday-to-daymanagement,isdevelopibility system.2,schoolmonthlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducati on,e ducation shoul d be diversified i nthe formeverysafety educationforstustatinodnrse,cpaorntveasdstinogthseul
41、pporotcfraolmthpeepoopllice'es sGtoatvioernnomnesnct,heodoulcsaatfieotny, aanndd ruleoflawhelpse.c5,tistorne. n9,gtthheensichonogl teacherssh'omulordalaleways chedcukctati hone,inetsetarblinalshwaalldse,retadiicatntsd love, imningwall, Windowhenfiresafetyeducation ofthewhol eschool.Accor din
42、g to therequirements oftheFire Services Act,sothat everyonehas ofkeepi ng firecontrol safety, protecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire prevention,reports offire( 1)经济环境。经济环境是影响公共政策执行的最基本和最重要的因素,包括经济实力和经济体制两方面。( 2)政治环境。政治环境是指在政策执行过程中的政治状态。( 3) 文化环境。政治执行中的文化环境包括一国或一个地区的文化背景、公民素质等。3、简述公共政策评估的方法。( P124-
43、126)( 1)前后对比法(2)对象评定法( 3)专家判断法( 5)自我评定法四、论述题1、联系实际,试述我国政策监控主体的活动内容和方式。( P140)我国政策监控主体的活动内容与方式主要有:( 1)立法机关对政策的监控。立法机关通过立法确定公共政策的框架和方向,通过任免、质询、视察等对政策过程实行监控。( 2)司法机关对政策的监控。司法机关通过裁定制定政策的程序与原则、政策内容、 政策执行是否合法,对各项政策内容、政策过程的各个环节及与政策有关的各种举措的违法行为进行强制纠正。( 3)行政机关对政策的监控。行政机关通过上级主管机关对下级执行机关工作进行指示、检查、部署、监督、评估,以及通过
44、行政监察对政策执行情况进行监控。( 4)政党对政策的监控。通过成员的参与,主导立法和行政决策,影响公共政策的制定;通过所控制的大众传媒,制造社会舆论,达到监控的目的。( 5)利益集团对政策的监控。利益集团通过游说、获取信息、动员等方式,在国家和社会间起中介作用,影响公共政策过程。( 6)社会舆论和大众传媒对政策的监控。社会舆论和大众传媒通过关注政策制定是否科学、合理, 政策执行是否到位,政策评估是否准确,监控公共政策过程。评分细则(答对每点2 分)2、论述公共政策执行的过程(P76-88)公共政策执行的流程是指将政策执行中的各主要环节依照先后顺序排列,并以箭头来表示相互间关系。lectrici
45、ty li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,found hidden i n time for rectification,maintenance,a nd securit y.9, do notusean open flame in the classroom, pr ohi bit burni ng stove,litca ndles,mosquitorepellent,nosm oking,a nd banningmessyw iring. Without using any household a pplia nce s isnot al lowed. 1e,an
46、deducatefamiliesa ndchil dren readyt o fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nschools,to master properusage ,payattention tothe leak-pr oof,explosion-proof,fireproof, closing valveafter use to ensure security. 12, di ningr oom mustbequalifie d,and annualtesti ng ofpressurevessels,t o regularly che ck, theLi
47、uJia pi ngelementary schoolntsystem 1 teachers andstudents, thesurrounding areaoftheschoolgoverna ncecover s persona land foodhygi ene, culturalevents a ndot heraspect s, integrated gover nanceshallobtainwiy.Onthe sur roundinge nvironme nt inschool sshoul dbe closelymonit ored.2,schoolworkat thesame
48、time,shoulofficialsorthe poli ce stati oninatimely manner,toprotectthe safetyofstudent s. 4,everyday beforeschool,tea cher s remind st udents,pay attenti on to traffic safety.5,shouldeducatest ude nts to respect soci alethics,and various regulations,maintaining publi corder,a ndfightthe bad g uys,an
49、d graspthe correctways a nd mea ns of maintai ning a nd impr oving st ude nts'self-care abilit y.6,theestabli shmedpay attenti on tothe saf etymanagementofschoolenvironme nt, shoul d takethe i nitiativeto contactthe distri ct police stati on,the villageCommittee,Correctional Centre,T ownship g o
50、vernme nt,busine ss manageme ntand other departme ntstodo agoodjob management.3,tea cher on d utywiththe exception ofinspecti ons i nschools, shouldalso payattentiontoenvironmentalinspecti onsnearthebyoperation operati on, gasta nk and stovesafetydistance of1.5 meters, toprevent accidents. 13,the ad
51、verseconseque nces caused by ignori ng fire safetyregulations, willbepunishe d,untilinvestigate dforlegalresponsibilit y.Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016Xia ngs,on hig halertand de ployed.Song Lin Xiang LiuJiapingeleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 song Lin Xia ng Li uJiaping prima
52、ryschoolteachers andstude nts orga nizationsoutofsafetymanagementsystemorganizati onactivitie s betweentea chersa nd st udents,to draw up aprecise pl an a nd se curitymeasures mustbesigned bytntofstudents a nd avarietyofaccidents, accordi ng to different situati ons reporte d schoolsagreed uponCorre
53、cti onal Centeragree d toimplem ent.Organi zationtothe field relativelyfaroractivitiesrequire approvalby theDe puty Dire ctorof theE ducation公共政策的执行流程:(一)行的组织。(1)确定政策执行的组织(2)必须配备胜任的人员(3)明确 职责和权限(4)制定相关的制度或规定。(二)政策执行的准备。(1)要有相应的物质准备(2)要制定行动计划(3)要 对执行人员进行业务培训。(三)政策宣传。政策宣传就是在政策执行过程中让政策目标了解政策的行为。政策宣传关系到
54、目标群体是否支持和拥护公共政策的执行。(四)公共政策实施。公共政策实施是指根据政策采取的作为或者不作为,是公共政策执行的核心环节,直接关系到政策目标能否实现。(五)协调。协调是指在政策执行中采取适当方法调节各项行为,解决或者消除各种矛盾与冲突,引导各项政策执行主体之间或者各项政策对策之间互相配合, 和谐一致地实现政策目标的一系列行为。(六)检查。在政策执行过程中,检查是不可缺少的行为之一,它贯穿于政策执 行过程中。它包括:(1)检查的准备(2)检查的主体(3)检查中要保证信息渠 道的畅通,为检查主体提供真实、准确、及时的信息(4)选择合适的方法(5) 对检查结果的处理。(七)总结。总结是政策执行的最后一项内容,它以上述一系列的政策执行过程 为前提,又为下一周期的政策执行奠定了基础。五、案例分析题答:(1)小组意识理论认为,参与决策的群体成员自觉不自觉地把保持群体一致 和创造和谐气氛作为目的,所以往往不能理智地分析各种备选方案, 造成决策失 误。本案例中的退耕还林还草政策的比例就是上述理论的具体表现。(2)要解决由于小组意识因素造成失误的问题, 应从以下几个方面入手,首先, 作为领导者应当避免将自己的主观意见强加于其他成员;其次,应当邀请有关专家到会,发表意见,并将这一做法逐渐制度化;再次,
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