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1、备战2020年中考英语专题复习情景交际卷(真题)、单选题(共30题;共60分)1. Would you please tell me _? It's Mr. Black's.A. when the robot was boughtC. why the robot was made2. Wasn't Bob supposed to be here?. He will be here in five minutes.A. No wonderB. All right3. 一 a big clock on the wall?Yes, but it was broken in t

2、he earthquake.B. who the robot belongs toD. which city the robot was taken toC. Don't worryD. Enjoy yourselfA. Have you gotB. Did you haveC. Was there4 .Shall we go to the supermarket after school? I need to buy something.一 Let's meet at the school gate at 5: 00 p. m.A. It doesn't matter

3、B. Are you OK ?C. Why not?D. That's all right5 .Jesse, l really love your Chinese handwriting.A. Thank youB. Don't say that C. I don't think so D. You are welcome6 . My computer has caught a virus and it has gone wrong.A. I'm sorry to hear that.B. Don't mention it.C. It doesn'

4、;t matter.D. I'm sure it can work.7 .WeChat makes communication much easier.一 We can keep in touch with each other anytime and anywhere.A. With pleasure. B. I can't agree more. C. What a shame! D. Don't mention it.8 . I'm afraid I can't do well in the game.一 It's just for fun

5、.A. Take it easy.B. Sounds great.C. Thank you.D. What a pity.9 .一Andy has a headache and can't go to school today.一 I hope he'll be well soon.A. That's greatB. It doesn't matterC. I'm sorry to hear thatD. You are welcome10 .Jesse, I really love your Chinese handwriting.A. Thank y

6、ouB. Don't say that C. I don't think so11 .I think my English teacher is nice. He can make his classes interesting.A. I'm afraid notB. I think soC. I don't think so12 .一The game is too hard for me. I will certainly lose.一 You should never say no before you try.A. Forget it!B. Come on

7、!C. I'm sorry.13 . I don't like the short story The Gifts. I think it's too old. _ . Although it may be out of date, I still think it's moving.A. I don't think so B. It doesn't matter C. You're welcome 14.-I don't know what to say at the interview. Just be polite and

8、answer honestly.A. Don't mention itB. It's a pleasureC. Don't worry15 .The weather report says we will expect a sunny day tomorrow. I am going to go climbing with my classmates.A. Bad luckB. I hope soC. Sounds terrible16 .Susan, would you like another cake?. I'm full.A. Yes, pleaseB.

9、 My pleasureC. No, thanks17 .一You are not supposed to enter the teachers' office. Thanks, mom. I got it.A. unless you are allowed toB. if you want to ask questionsC. when you are asked to come in18 .I always feel nervous the night before the English test. I am sure you can make it.A. Take it eas

10、y. B. Good idea. C. It sounds cool.19 .Would you like to go to Shanghai Disneyland with me in July?D. I'm not sure11 D. Pardon me?D. That's all rightD. OK, thanksD. I'm afraid soD. Not at allD. I'm glad to hear that.A. Yes, I'd like to. B. It doesn't matter. 20.Sorry, Mrs. Sm

11、ith. I am late. Please go to your seat.A. All rightB. With pleasure21 .Simon, where do you want to eat?. I eat anything.A. I don't mindB. My Pleasure22 .I failed the physics test yesterday.C. Have a good time!D. You're welcome.C. That's OKC. Good ideaA. Bad luckB. Come onC. But I did wel

12、l23.We have won the first prize in the singing competition._!A. Have a good tripB. Wait a momentC. Never mindD. You're welcomeD. Certainly notD. Sorry to hear thatD. Congratulations24 .He was so busy preparing for the high school entrance exam that .A. he had enough time to watch football matche

13、s every dayB. he was free enough to go shopping onlineC. he had no time to do sports every day25 .一Would you like to go to the movie with me tonight?. See you then.A. No problemB. I'm not freeC. Yes, pleaseD. I'm not sure26 .Don't make noise in class!A. Sorry, I won't do it again B.

14、Of course, I will C. That's Ok D. Excuse me, I'm wrong27 .Hey, are you free for dinner tonight?My cousins are on the way, and I'll have dinner with them tonight.A. Take your time.B. I'm sorry, no.28 .Can I borrow your new comic books?. Here they are.A. What's up?B. What a pity!29

15、 .Hello, may I speak to Daisy?Hi!.A. This is Daisy speaking. B. She is Daisy.30 . 一At least three times.C. Well done.D. Why not?C. Sure.D. Thank you.C. What is Daisy.D. That is Daisy.A. How much do you pay for Treasure Island?B. How often have you read Treasure Island?C. How long does it take you to

16、 finish reading Treasure Island?D. How many times have you read Treasure Island?答案解析部分一、单选题1 .【答案】B【解析】【分析】句意:你能告诉我这是谁的机器人吗?一一是布莱克先生的。根据It's Mr. Black's.可知此处问的是机器人的归属,when问的是时间;who问的是人;why问的是原因;which city问的是地点,故选B。【点评】此题考查情景对话。根据答语确定从句的引导词。2 .【答案】C【解析】【分析】句意:一一鲍勃不是应该在这里吗?一一别担心,他五分钟后会到这里。A难怪,

17、B好的,C别担心,D玩得开心,根据 He will be here in five minutes可知,他五分钟后会到这里是个结果,故安慰 对方放心,故选C。【点评】考查情景交际,注意Don't worry的用法。3 .【答案】C【解析】【分析】句意:一一在墙上有个大的钟吗? 一一是的,但是在地震中它坏了。 根据题干中but it was broken in the earthquake,可知说话人询问对方墙上有一个大表, 划线部分则应用there be句型,即There be+ 名词+地点状语,表示某地有某人或者某物,此处是其一般疑问句,故答案选Co【点评】考查情景交际,注意理解句意

18、,选择正确答案。4 .【答案】D【解析】【分析】句意:一一我们放学后去超市好吗? 一一我需要买东西。一一行。我们下午5点在学校 见。A. It doesn't matter 没关系;B.Are you OK?你好吗? C.Why not?为什么不? D. That's all right 好吧。根 据Let's meet at the school gate at 5: 00 p. m.可知同意和对方一起去超市,应说好吧,故答案选D。【点评】考查情景交际。注意牢记日常交际用语。5 .【答案】A【解析】【分析】句意:Jesse,我很喜欢你的中国书法。谢朗A.Thank y

19、ou谢谢;B.Don't say that不要那么说;C.I don't think so我不这么认为;D.You are welcome不客气;当别人表扬自己,应向对方表示 谢意,故答案选Ao【点评】考查情景交际。注意牢记日常交际用语。6 .【答案】A【解析】【分析】句意: 一一我的电脑中了病毒,它坏了。一一很遗憾听到这件事。I'm sorry to hear that.很遗憾听到这个/听到这个感到很遗憾。对听到不好消息的答语;Don't mention it.别提了。It doesn't matter.没关系。道歉的答语;I'm sure i

20、t can work.我确定它能工作。故选 A。【点评】此题考查交际用语。要掌握常用的日常交际用语。7 .【答案】B【解析】【分析】句意:一一微信使得交流更加简单。一一我完全同意。我们可以在何时何地互相保持联系。A. With pleasure 很乐意;B. I can't agree more.我完全同意.C. What a shame!多可惜;D. Don't mentionit.没关系;根据 We can keep in touch with each other anytime and anywhere.可知此处是我完全同意。故选Bo【点评】考查情境对话。根据上下文的联

21、系确定句子中所缺的成分。从所给的选项中选出正确答案。8 .【答案】A【解析】【分析】句意:一一恐怕我在比赛中做不好。 一一别紧张,只是为了好玩。 Take it easy放松点; Sounds great听起来很棒;Thank you谢谢您; What a pity真可惜。从It's just for fun可知此处是进行安慰。 所以让人放松点,故选 Ao【点评】此题考查情景交际。根据语境和上下文的联系确定对话中所缺的成分。9 .【答案】C【解析】【分析】句意: Andy头疼,今天不能去上学。 A.That's great太棒了; B. It doesn't matte

22、r没关 系;C. I'm sorry to hear that 听到这个消息我很遗憾。根据 Andy has a headache and can't go to school today. 可知应说听到这个消息表示遗憾。故答案选Co【点评】考查情景交际,首先识记选项意思,然后根据句意确定。10 .【答案】 A【解析】【分析】句意: Jesse,我真地喜爱你们中国的书法。 谢谢。A.Thank you谢谢;B.Don't say that 不要那么说;C.I don't think so 我不这么认为; D.You are welcome 不客气。根据 Jess

23、e, I really love your Chinese handwriting.对于他人的表扬,应表达朗i意,因此答语应用thank you ,谢谢。故答案选 A。【点评】考查情景交际。注意牢记日常交际用语。11 .【答案】B【解析】【分析】句意:一一我认为我的英语老师很不错。 一一我也这样认为,他使他的课变得有趣。A.恐怕不;B.我这样认为;C我不这样认为;D.我不确定。根据句 He can make his classes interesting.可知 说话者同意对方的观点,同意对方观点一般使用I think so。故答案是B。【点评】考查情景交际,注意识记情景交际的常用语。12 .【

24、答案】B【解析】【分析】句意:一一这个游戏对于我来说太难了。我将一定输。一一加油!在你尝试前不要说不。A.算了吧;B加油;C对不起;D.对不起,再说一遍。根据 You should never say no before you try.在你尝试 前不要说不,可知是鼓励,故选 B。【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记选项意思,理解句意。13 .【答案】 A【解析】【分析】句意:一一我不喜欢短篇故事礼物。我认为它是太旧了。一一我不这样认为。尽管它可能是过时的,但是我仍然认为它是感动人的。A.我不这样认为;B.没关系;C不客气;D没关系。根据前句和后句可知两人观点不一样,所以是不这样认为,故选Ao【

25、点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记其选项意思,理解句意。14 .【答案】 C【解析】【分析】句意:一一我不知道在面试时该说什么。一一别担心。礼貌点,诚实回答。A: Don't mentionit别客气,对感谢的回答;B: It's a pleasure不用谢,对感朗i的应答;C: Don't worry别担心,表示安慰;D: OK, thanks好的,谢谢。对问候白回答。根据答语Just be polite and answer honestly.可知上句应该是安慰的话,故选 Co【点评】考查情景交际。理解选项意思,根据语境做出正确的选择。15 .【答案】B【解析】【分析

26、】句意:天气预报说我们预计明天会有晴天。希望如此。我要和同学们一起去爬山。A真倒霉;B我也希望如此;C听起来真可怕;D好像是;根据 expect a sunny day tomorrow ,希望 明天是晴天,表示赞同的回答是我也希望如此,故选 B。【点评】考查情景对话。根据语境确定最佳选项。16 .【答案】 C【解析】【分析】句意:一一Susan,你想要另一个蛋糕吗?一一不,谢谢。我饱了。 A.是的,请;B.不客气;C不,谢谢;D.不客气。根据I'm full,我饱了,可知不需要了,故选 Q【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记选项意思,理解句意。17 .【答案】 A【解析】【分析】句意:

27、一一除非你被允许,否则你不应该进入办公室。一一谢谢你,妈妈,我明白了。A.除非你被允许;B.如果你想问问题;C.当你被要求进来时。根据 not supposed to ,主句是否定句,因此 用unless,除非否则,引导一个否定意义的真实条件句,故选Ao【点评】考查情景交际,注意识记选项意思,理解句意。18 .【答案】 A【解析】【分析】句意:一一在英语考试前晚上我总是感到紧张。一一别紧张,我相信你可以做到。 A.别紧张;B.好主意;C.它听起来是酷的;D.听到那个我很高兴。根据后句 I am sure you can make it.我相信你可 以做到,可知是安慰不要紧张,故选 Ao【点评】

28、考查情景交际,注意平时识记选项意思,理解句意。19 .【答案】 A【解析】【分析】句意:一一七月份你想跟我一起去上海迪士尼吗?一一是的,我愿意。A.是的,我愿意;B.没关系;C.祝你玩的愉快;D.不客气。would like构成的一般疑问句的回答一般是Yes, I'd like或者Sorry,故答案是Ao【点评】考查情景交际,注意 would you like的肯定回答。20 .【答案】 C【解析】【分析】句意: 一一抱歉,Smith女士。我迟到了。 一一没关系。请到你白座位上去。A好吧;B很高兴,用于表示乐意做别人请求你的事;C没关系,用于回答道歉;D不客气,用于回答别人的道谢。根据

29、Sorry, Mrs Smith.抱歉,Smith女士,可知此处用于回答道歉,应用 That's OK.,表没关系”。故选Q 【点评】考查情景交际。注意理解选项意思,根据语境选择合适的答语。21 .【答案】 A【解析】【分析】西蒙,你想在哪里吃饭?我不在意。我吃任何东西。I don't mind.我不在意。Mypleasure.我的荣幸。Good idea.好注意。Certainly not.当然不是。根据 I eat anything.可知我不在意在哪 里吃东西。故选Ao【点评】此题考查情景交际。根据上下文的联系确定句子所缺的成分。22 .【答案】D【解析】【分析】句意: 一

30、一昨天我物理测试不合格。一一听到这个感到很遗憾。A. Bad luck运气不好;8. Come on加油;C. But I did well但我做得很好;D. Sorry to hear that很遗憾听到这个消息; 根据I failed the physics test yesterday ,可知应说很听到这个消息我很遗憾,故选D。【点评】此题考查情境对话。根据上下文的联系确定所使用的答语。23 .【答案】D【解析】【分析】句意:我们在唱歌比赛中得了第一名。 一一祝贺! A、Have a good trip旅途愉快;B、 Wait a moment 稍等;C、Never mind 没有关系;D、Congratulations 恭喜你。根据 We have won the first prize in the singing competition可知别人赢得比赛应说恭喜你,祝贺,故答案选D。【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记选项意思,根据句意确定选项。24 .【答案】 C【解析】【分析】句意:他是如此忙于准备高中入学考试,以至于他每天没有时间做运动。A.他每天有足够的时间看足球比赛;B.他是足够空闲来网上购物; C他每天没有时间做运动


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