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1、东海科学技术学院学 年 论 文题 目:我国绿色公路发展研究院 系:经济管理系学生姓名:王强专 业:物流管理班 级:C12物流2班指导教师:陈芳起止日期:2015.6.1.-2015.6.202015年 6月 14日目 录摘 要3Abstract3前 言3一、绿色公路的提出3二、国内外对绿色交通的研究现状4三、绿色公路的研究范围4四、绿色公路建设的关键技术5( 一) 绿色公路“ 碳补偿” 绿化带与“ 碳中性” 服务区设计技术5( 二) 公路水环境敏感区绿色施工技术体系5( 三) 绿色公路路域生态恢复全程动态跟踪与效果评价技术5五、绿色公路的建设中存在的问题及解决方案5(一)资源和能源的消耗问题5

2、(二)生态环境破坏问题5(三)安全和健康问题6六、绿色公路工程的具体实施6(一)要有一定的强制性保护措施、条例6(二)公路环境影响评价, 应从立项到建设影响后评估工作全过程实施6(三)改革投资施工管理体制, 强化公路生态工程综合设计, 提高绿色工程整体效益6七、建设绿色公路工程的作用和意义7(一)绿色公路研究与建设的重要作用7(二)绿色公路研究与建设的重要意义7结束语7参考文献7附录1:外文文献原文8附录2:译文12我国绿色公路发展研究摘 要随着我国公路建设的发展和经济的增长,对公路的功能也在不断的扩展中。从最初的满足运输需求和经济增长的需要,逐步扩大到对环境、景观、生态、土地以及人文等方面的

3、要求。本文探讨了国内外绿色交通和绿色公路的发展现状,对绿色公路的内涵及特点进行界定,确定了绿色公路建设的关键技术,建立了低碳理念下绿色公路建设的关键技术与应用体系,为全面、系统、深入地开展绿色公路建设提供了理论指导和技术支撑。关键词绿色公路、绿色交通、公路建设AbstractWith the development and economic growth of China's highway construction, highway features are constantly expanding. From the initial needs of transport deman

4、d and economic growth, and gradually expand to the environment, landscape, ecology, land and humanities requirements. This paper discusses the development of green road traffic situation at home and abroad and green, the connotation and features green road to define, identify key technologies of gre

5、en highway construction, the establishment of a key technology and application system under the concept of low-carbon green road construction for a comprehensive, systematic and thorough manner to carry out the green road construction provides a theoretical guidance and technical support.Key words G

6、reen roads, Green Transportation, road construction前 言绿色公路建设就是在绿色理念的指导下,对国内外的绿色交通现状的研究,运用一系列绿色技术解决绿色公路建设中存在的资源和能源的消耗,安全和健康和生态环境破坏等问题。关注绿色交通,是响应当今国际应对气候变化发展战略的必然要求;建设“ 畅通、高效、安全、绿色” 的现代交通运输体系是我国“ 十二五” 交通行业发展的主要任务。因此,对绿色公路的内涵及特点进行界定,开展绿色公路“ 碳补偿” 绿化带与“ 碳中性”服务区设计技术研究、公路水环境敏感区绿色施工体系研究和绿色公路路域生态恢复全程动态跟踪技术与效

7、果评价研究,并进行公路绿色能源开发利用技术研究和公路服务设施低碳节能技术应用研究,是构建可持续发展绿色交通的重要体现,开展绿色公路建设技术的研究势在必行。一、绿色公路的提出绿色公路的提出源于绿色建造,绿色建造在国外被称为可持续建造,是指 “以人为本”,建设方便、快捷、安全、高效率、低公害、有利于生态和环境保护的多元化城市交通系统,促进城市的可持续发展。绿色公路作为绿色交通的子概念,是指与交通系统中其他因素( 车、人等) 、以及交通系统外诸因素具有和谐关系的公路。总体而言,绿色交通中的绿色公路建设就是在绿色理念的指导下,运用绿色技术(包括先进的绿色生态防护技术),在公路建设过程的施工和运营阶段均

8、能达到经济效益和环境效益和谐的可持续发展。它将绿色的理念渗透到公路建设的计划编制、可行性研究、设计、建设、维护和管理等各个建设与管理环节。绿色公路的提出不仅有利于公路规划、设计、施工及运营维护各阶段环境建设,而且将降低成本,有利于资源优化配置。二、国内外对绿色交通的研究现状在低碳节能研究上,特别是在固碳释氧方面,国外学者已经取得了一定成绩。David J. Nowak等基于美国10 个城市的野外数据和国家城市树木覆盖数据,分析了碳储量和碳汇率数据有助于估计城市森林在减少大气中二氧化碳的实际和潜在作用。1在水环境敏感区绿色施工方面,国外学者Azizian Mohammad F等通过对颗粒橡胶沥青

9、混凝土的研究,探讨公路建设和维修材料对地表和地下水环境质量的影响 2 ;在公路路域生态恢复的研究方面,国外学者从生态恢复或与景观融合的某一方面阐述路域生态恢复技术。我国政府历来重视绿色交通的建设。绿色通道建设是我国国土绿化的重要组成部分, 主要任务是对公路、铁路、河渠、堤坝沿线进行绿化美化。坚持 以人为本的原则, 通过推广应用交通工程设计新技术、交通运营管理新方法, 建设方便、快捷、安全、高效率、低公害、有利于生态和环境保护的多元化城市交通系统, 营造与城市社会经济发展相适应的城市交通环境, 促进城市的可持续发展。我国政府在绿色交通的建设过程中体现出如下特点: 不断深入从简单绿化美化到以人为本

10、、和谐发展; 不断扩展从单独的生态恢复到安全、环境、能源、资源等多领域、多目标的统筹规划; 不断具体从概念指导型到技术、装备指导型。三、绿色公路的研究范围绿色公路的研究范围主要包括:理论基础、专题技术、支持技术以及工具与装备等方面的内容3。其中理论基础研究包括基本概念及基本概念之间的关系、生命周期工程、绿色特性分析等内容;专题技术包括针对环境问题、能源问题、资源问题、安全问题、健康问题、舒适问题等方面的研究;支持技术研究包括了数据库、知识库、供应链和产业链等。见表1:绿色公路的研究范围理论基础绿色公路的理论体系绿色公路的生命周期工程公路的绿色性分析绿色公路的管理系统研究专题技术针对生态环境问题

11、的绿色公路技术针对能源与资源问题的绿色公路技术针对安全与健康问题的绿色公路技术支持技术绿色公路的数据库和知识库绿色供应链与产业链工具与装备表1:绿色公路的研究范围框架四、绿色公路建设的关键技术 ( 一) 绿色公路“ 碳补偿” 绿化带与“ 碳中性” 服务区设计技术碳补偿,也叫碳中性,是指中立的总碳量释放,通过排放多少碳就作多少抵消措施,来达到平衡。公路是二氧化碳的高排放地区,减少二氧化碳排放,建设“ 绿色低碳公路” 是公路建设发展的方向。绿色公路“ 碳补偿” 绿化带与“ 碳中性” 服务区设计技术,是结合高速公路所处区域的自然地理特点及气候条件,通过估算公路中央分隔带和边坡以及服务区所选绿化树种的

12、固碳释氧能力和碳氧平衡效应,来确定公路绿化带和服务区绿地的植物组配模式,形成“ 碳补偿” 绿化带和服务区“ 碳吸收绿地” 的固碳设计技术,从而实现绿色公路的“ 碳中性” 4。 ( 二) 公路水环境敏感区绿色施工技术体系公路建设的施工扰动,容易对沿线水环境敏感区造成水污染和环境破坏,建立公路水环境敏感区绿色施工技术体系,是通过对现有公路路面和桥梁施工废水废渣的特点及废水处理存在的问题进行总结,分析在公路水环境敏感区采取不同的施工方案、施工技术对水环境可能造成的影响,从施工废水前端化解和路面径流的生态化处理、集资源化利用等方面,研究节能、环保的施工工艺和技术,建立公路绿色施工技术体系,最大限度地减

13、少废水、废渣等的排放,避免和减缓对水环境的不利影响5。 ( 三) 绿色公路路域生态恢复全程动态跟踪与效果评价技术公路建设,不可避免地对其路域生态环境造成影响和破坏。绿色公路路域生态恢复全程动态跟踪与效果评价技术,是根据高速公路的生态环境立地状况和特征,对其设计、建设直至竣工营运全过程的生态恢复和景观融合情况进行调查、监测和回溯分析,全过程跟踪考察资源利用、生态恢复、环境保护的变化和影响等情况,确定公路建设与绿色资源利用、环境保护之间的制约性关键因子及其影响和制约关系,实施生态恢复与环境保护的效果评价,反馈和指导公路建设和管理。五、绿色公路的建设中存在的问题及解决方案 (一)资源和能源的消耗问题

14、公路系统从修建到运营,需要耗费大量的资源和能源。比较突出的有土地资源、矿物资源、水资源以及修建和运营中的能耗6。绿色公路应有助于改善交通系统高能耗和过分依赖不可再生能源、不清洁能源的现状,体现自然资源、尤其是稀缺资源的减量利用、有效利用和循环利用。通过提高交通系统的能源和资源的利用率; 改善交通系统的能源资源消耗结构来改善这一问题。 (二)生态环境破坏问题公路的修建,不可避免的会对原有生态系统产生影响,包括减少耕地面积、改变周围水系结构、物种多样性减少、植被的破坏等7。绿色公路应具有良好的环境协调性。针对生态环境破坏这一问题,可以通过以下技术解决:路施工和附属设施制造过程中“ 三废”排放的减量

15、化技术和无害化处理技术;公路沿线自然环境和生态环境的保持、恢复、改善、再平衡技术;公路收费站、服务区生活垃圾、废水的处理技术;公路对于车辆尾气排放的影响分析及处理技术; (三)安全和健康问题公路的安全和施工及使用人员的健康是建设绿色公路的一个重要方面,其中包括道路设计安全、应急和救护设施、施工安全和人员健康、运营管理认证等8。安全保障问题是当前绿色公路所面临的最迫切需要解决的一个问题。可以通过公路及其附属设施和自然灾害对车辆交通安全的影响研究及避免、减少交通事故的技术; 危险品运输的相关安全技术和交通事故监控、应急处理技术等来减少交通事故死亡人数; 减少交通事故导致的经济损失。此外,绿色公路应

16、当保护交通参与者和影响者的身体健康,避免交通参与者的身体健康受到损害; 避免交通影响者的身体健康受到损害。六、绿色公路工程的具体实施 (一)要有一定的强制性保护措施、条例人们对绿色公路工程认识不同, 投资意识不一致, 观念不同, 具体实施程度也不一样, 必须有强制性法制措施。中国环境保护法起步晚, 但发展速度较快。 (二)公路环境影响评价, 应从立项到建设影响后评估工作全过程实施目前的公路环境评价工作是在建设项目的可行研究性阶段进行的。许多问题都需要在公路竣工并运行一定年份后对其进行实测验证, 即进行后评估。开展公路工程项目的后评价工作, 是提高环境影响技术评价水平, 完善环境影响评价制度的重

17、要环节, 这方面的工作要加快进展。 (三)改革投资施工管理体制, 强化公路生态工程综合设计, 提高绿色工程整体效益由现行的公路工程转变为绿色公路工程, 一般情况下必然要增加投资。从投资体制上要作出变动, 在公路建设进行投资时, 相应地附加环境建设资金或者将公路建设线路所经过的地区, 生态环境建设资金适度地转入公路建设项目中。现行的公路建设施工企业, 也应根据生态建设需求转变为绿色公路工程施工企业。(四)加强绿色公路工程的科学创新、技术研究、信息收集工作9。综合高效的公路生态工程, 重视公路生态工程的科学技术研究和大量收集已有的先进信息资料学习国外先进经验。(1)科学试验、攻克难关、逐步推广。采

18、用组合各种适宜技术, 特别是生态工程技术, 由生态工程技术人员科学确定试验地段、因地制宜、方案比选, 科学研究取得成功经验后逐步推广。(2)加强对公路影响环境后评价工作, 积极采集有效数据, 收集科学资料, 有效指导公路生态工程建设。(3)借鉴国外先进技术方法经验, 特别是环保生态工程发展较早、效益较好的适合中国环境特点的国家。(4)开展研究噪声小的路面, 改进路面表层结构, 改善路面混合料成份, 改进施工工艺, 来降低噪声。七、建设绿色公路工程的作用和意义 (一)绿色公路研究与建设的重要作用1、提高公路工程质量与抗灾能力, 减少损失, 增强交通持续发展的能力。2、提高资源利用率, 节约土地资

19、源, 提高社会经济的可持续发展能力。3、提高交通运输环境保护水平。4、加快实现生态规划, 提高生态建设效果。 (二)绿色公路研究与建设的重要意义1、把构建社会主义和谐社会的历史任务在交通领域落到实处, 使交通系统内部诸因素之间、交通系统与外部诸因素之间趋向和谐共处, 促进社会和谐; 2、使公路对自然环境和生态环境的破坏控制在人们能够接受的程度内, 同时使公路成为改善当地自然环境和生态环境的积极因素, 实现社会的可持续发展;3、通过提高绿色公路的能源与资源利用率、改善能源与资源消耗结构、扩大废弃资源的再利用途径和范围, 使交通系统在国家能源安全战略中发挥积极作用, 促进节约型社会的形成;4、安全

20、、健康和使人舒适的绿色公路贯彻了“ 以人为本”的社会发展思想;5、绿色公路的研究与建设将进一步促进人们对社会主义和谐社会的理解和认识, 进一步推动整个社会的绿色化进程10。结束语绿色公路,是绿色交通体系的重要组成部分,建立绿色公路建设关键技术体系,为绿色公路建设提供技术支撑; 并通过技术集成的方式,积极开发利用绿色能源,对服务设施采取低碳节能技术,以绿色发展为核心,整合和优化公路沿线资源,强化公路的绿色功能和服务品质,带动公路区位优势的提升,成为贯彻“ 资源节约、环境友好” 和“ 畅通、高效、安全、绿色” 理念的形象载体。做到“以人为本”,建设方便、快捷、安全、高效率、低公害、有利于生态和环境

21、保护的多元化城市交通系统,促进城市的可持续发展。【参考文献】1 David J. Nowak, and Daniel E. Crane. Carbon storage and sequestration by urban trees in the USA. Environmental Pollution,Volume 116, Issue 3, March 2002, Pages 381-389.2 Azizian Mohammad F; Nelson Peter O.Environmental impact of highway construction and repair materia

22、ls on surface and ground waters: Case study. Crumb rubber asphalt concrete. Waste Management, 2003,Volume:23,719-728.3马中南,高建刚,绿色公路的研究体系探讨J,公路交通科技,应用技术版,2006,78-794 管东生, 陈玉娟等。广州城市绿地系统碳的贮存、分布及其在碳氧平衡中的作用,中国环境科学, 1998,(05), 53-57。5 赵康,公路工程水污染对湿地的影响与保护对策,森林工程,2007 ,50-53。6徐淑雨,贾元华,高岩,高速公路对自然资源的消耗研究J,公路交通技

23、术,2006,125-1277袁卫宁,任征,高等级公路环境影响综合评价J,西安公路交通大学学报,1997,增刊。8谭西顺.建筑行业职业病危害及预防J,安全与健康,2004,9(17),213-214。9毛志兵,于震平.绿色施工研究方向J,施工技术,2006,12,67-69。10 王慧觉,杨运娥,公路可持续发展能力建设的要点J,武汉交通科技大学学报,2000,89-93附录1:外文文献原文An evaluation of sustainable design and construction criteria for green highway Sustainability has been

24、widely debated in the construction industry in recent years. Though various assessments have previously been developed to help improving sustainability of construction projects, those assessments seem missed the base network for cities and buildings which are highways. Therefore, there is the need t

25、o select variety of design and construction activities criteria for green highway and determine the weightage factor for every criterion in order to categorize which criteria that most contribute to the green practices based on the priority. The aim of this paper is to explain the determination of w

26、eightage for criteria of design and construction activities. The methodology processes begin with data collection by using questionnaires distribution to the expertise who involve in highway development and also green issues. There were 140 respondents had been chosen to fill in the questionnaires s

27、urvey. The data had been analysed using SPSS with factors analysis method. Results from the analysis show the evaluation of the criteria base on the important criteria in design and construction action of green highway1.Introduction In earlier decade, sustainable development idea has grown up from n

28、umerous environmental movements.Recently sustainable issues have been widely discussed especially in construction industry. Sustainable development is a key issue in order to meeting the environmental objectives and fulfils the demand of the large infrastructure projects due to increasing numbers of

29、 population growth and urban density . Sustainable design can be one of the factors that can minimize the impacts of the highway to the environment. Noise, ground and water pollution, habitat disturbance, land use, air, climate change vibration and contamination to plant and wildlife are the effects

30、 of construction and vehicle emissions . The impact can be changed by design, construction and management of road, parking and other facilities. The green highway rating system was introduced to determine the level of greenery and environmental friendly of the highway. Since roads run through the la

31、ndscape, road have point source impact and linear effect. Greenroads is the first green highway rating system that has been established in United States. It is a voluntary third party rating system for road project which seeks to recognize and reward the roadway projects that exceed the public expec

32、tation for environmental, economic and social performance . In the rating system, in order to maintain, support or endure the long term maintenance of responsibility, sustainable design becomes one of the most important criteria for giving a credit . Washington Internship for Students Engineering (W

33、ISE) has introduced the green highway rating system. The rating system is to make sure the highway design is sustainable, environmental friendly and giving less impact of environment damage which can be used for developing and classifying an environmentally and economically sustainable highway . In

34、the modern highway design, the new technology such as advance planning, intelligent construction and transport system and maintenance technique has been used to reduce the impact of highway to the environment. Nowadays, green rating system becomes a popular tool to confirm the green credential of bu

35、ilding. Most countries have developed their own green building rating system. The countries that already have the rating system are United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Philippine, European, Korea, India and Australia. Malaysia also owns the green bu

36、ilding rating system which is GBI. With the successful implementation of green building rating system, the rating system has been widened into the highway. There are three rating system for the highway that has been found which is Greenroads, Green Leadership in Transportation and Sustainable (Green

37、LITES) and Illinois-Livable and Sustainable Transportation (I-LAST). The evaluation for the green highway is not yet available in Malaysia. 2.Criteria As development of criteria for green highway, there were several green rating tools which are Greenroads, Green LITEs, and I-LAST had been reviewed a

38、s a summary of green highway criteria. The criterion are sustainable site, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, material and resources, indoor environment quality, innovation and design, project requirement, access and equity, construction activities, pavement technology, custom credits, plannin

39、g, design, transportation, lighting, management, and environmental. Clark et al. (2009) state that the rating system consist the explanation of different certification level and the total points that needed to obtain them. Starting with the least green to exceptional green, most of the certification

40、s are distinguished by four different levels. There are some common criteria that can be found in every green rating system such as sustainable site, water efficiency, energy efficiency, materials and resources and innovation. Tsai and Chang (2011) have developed the sustainable items for highway de

41、sign based on LEED and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) . The development process of this item involved the addition, integration and removal of the preliminary 45 items. The 45 techniques and 15 materials items have been categorize into 14 disciplines which consist of various number of technique a

42、nd material items. The sustainable criteria includes of geometrics and alignment, earthworks, pavement, drainage, retaining walls, slope protection, landscape ecology, transportation facilities, maintenance, bridges, sound insulation, tunnels, electrical and mechanical and lighting. But those criter

43、ia were different in every project especially during design and construction activities stage. Therefore, this paper attempts to identify the criteria and sub criteria according to the stage of construction by means of the nominal group technique which generate and prioritize a large number of issue

44、s within a structure that gives everyone an equal voice.3. Methodology 3.1. Nominal group technique There are a lot of references for the establishment of decision criteria for the evaluation but in Malaysia there are still lacks of reference. Therefore, we used the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) dev

45、ised to formulate the assessment of green highway . The objective of the technique is the exploration of ideas from a team of experts for decision making . Even Delphi and NGT provide advantages in obtaining: (1) independent idea generation, (2) structural feedback, and (3) independent mathematical

46、judgment. But, NGT would draw more attention from the expert team to each idea and increase opportunity for each member to assure that his ideas are part of the groups frame of reference . 3.2. Expert discussion and questionnaires Since Malaysia for the moment does not have any green highway rating

47、system, it is therefore, needs criteria verification thoroughly. The development of these criteria is largely based on conducting a comprehensive literature review. Criteria related to sustainable design and construction activities in other green highway rating systems were chosen based on literatur

48、e review. At the very beginning those sustainable design and construction criteria had been chosen separately. The criteria that had been selected through literature review were been discussed among the expertise that involve in highway development to select the most appropriate criteria. They would

49、 share their experience, opinion and suggestion on the best criteria in sustainable design and construction activities. The criteria are developed from a complete process across the project life cycle and enable all project participants to understand and contribute to the project sustainability. The

50、 comparison of 5 assessment tools had been taken from all over the world such United State, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore and Malaysia. Most of the tools had 9 to 14 criteria that related to sustainable design and construction activities. It shows that every tool had noted that design and con

51、struction activities had similar issues to be care about. The criteria are based on the green highway rating systems, highway project guidelines as well as a few related case studies. studies have been used as a guide that has similar criteria in indicating the criteria for this study. Most of the c

52、riteria for sustainable design and construction activities from those assessments had similar factors such quality, environment, waste, water, and pollution. All factors are related to each other during design and construction stage. 3.3. Factor analysis and weighted criteria Once the criteria had b

53、een finalized through questionnaires and expert discussion, the data had been analyzed using factor analysis to produce mean index and factor loading. A factor analysis was initially conducted on 29 items with oblique rotation (promax). However, three items were removed due cross loadings. The final

54、 model consists of 26 items. All tests are reported at the p<0.05 level (95% confidence level). Means have been calculated using only the number of respondents who chose a rating point answer. Reliability test are done in the beginning of the section analysis due to check the reliability of data

55、to be analyzed. 4. Result and discussion Table 3 shows the simple results of the experts weightings on each main and sub criteria. Those criteria had been discussed after the generated with factor loading and mean index to ensure all the weightage are reasonable in Malaysian practice in highway deve

56、lopment. The criteria of construction management plan had the highest weightage/point from other criteria. It shows that construction management plan is the most important criteria to achieve green highway development in Malaysia. The lowest weightage/point is equipment/machinery efficiency. It is b

57、ecause Malaysia still lack of fossil fuel sources. Most of Malaysians equipment and machineries still using biodiesel product since Malaysia is one of biodiesel and petrol producer. Quality management is a second important criterion in green highway development because as to achieve and maintain the

58、 green highway should have a good quality of design and construction method. Other criteria follow respectively based on their weightage/point noise mitigation, context sensitive design, erosion and sedimentation control and alignment selection. Those criteria had equal total of weightage/point. It show that they are related to each other and had same level of important during design and construction of green highway. 5. Conclusions Those main and sub criteria had been developed to a


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