1、UNIT 1:
2、0; 内容提要单词:Birds; grapes; nuts; a peach; an orange歌曲:1. Hello again 2.Dont play in the
3、 street卡通故事:Dont play in the street行动故事:The banana skin多元智能发展语言技能看故事录像和听教师讲故事时能够理解内容;向别人打招呼并问好;唱歌(Hello again)。认知、运动和社交能力在词汇中仔细听并记住哪些单词被说过;在图画帮助下学习歌曲的歌词;按节奏和曲调唱歌;能跟上故事的叙述;从附页中取下拼图,然后将其放在正确的位置上并粘好;对照正确答案独立检查自己的答案。教材内容儿童用书p2歌曲(儿童用书录音带A2 Hello again)One, two , three , four, five, six,
4、 seven, eight, nine, ten . Hello again. Red and pink and brown, princess, sheriff, clown, schoolbag, pencil, glue, orange, white and blue (Come on!)Cornflakes, cheese and cake, lion, hippo snake, rain and wind sun, jump and clap and run. (Come on!) Teddy bear and plane, puzzl
5、e, ball and train, dogs and cats and birds, we know lots of words.(Oh yes!) 儿童用书p3听力练习(儿童用书录音带A5What is it?)1. Boy: Close your eyes.Girl: Ok.Boy: Open your mouth.Girl: Mmh.Boy: What is it?Girl: A peach.Boy: That
6、s right. 2. Boy: Close your eyes.Girl: Ok.Boy: Open your mouth.Girl: Mmh.Boy: What is it?Girl: A plum.Boy: Thats right. 3. Boy: Close your eyes.Girl: Ok.Boy:
7、Open your mouth.Girl: Mmh.Boy: What is it?Girl: A n orange.Boy: Thats right. 儿童用书p3听力迷宫(儿童用书录音带A5Whats on Maxs plate?)An orange, nuts, grapes, a pear, a peach. Whats on Maxs plate?儿童用书p4卡通故事(故事录音带1 Dont play in the street)Storyteller:
8、Its morning. Time to go to school Linda: Have an apple, Max.Max: Thanks. One, two, three. Apples, apples, I like apples, I like applesLinda and Benny: Stop it, Max
9、.Max: Apples, apples, I likeooooh! My apple!Linda and Benny: Be careful, Max! Oh, Max.Max: Thanks Linda. Thanks Benny.Linda and Benny: Dont play in th
10、e street Max!Max: Ok.儿童用书p5歌曲(儿童用书录音带A6 Dont play in the street!)Dont play in the street. Dont play in the street. Dont jump around and fight! Eyes wide open and ears wide open, look left and right, look left and right, look lef
11、t and right. Oh yes! Dont play in the street. Dont play in the street. Dont jump around and fight! Clever boys and clever girls, look left and right, look left and right, look left and right. Oh yes! Dont play in the street. Dont play in the street. Dont jump around and fight!儿童用书p6行动故事(儿童用书录音带A8 Th
12、e banana skin)Walk down the street. Youre hungry. Open your bag. Take out a banana. Peel it. Throw the skin away. Take a bite and walk on. You slip on the banana skin. Ouch!活动用书p3听力练习(活动用书用书录音带A1 Im hungry, Mum.)Maria: Im hungry, Mum.Mum: Have an apple, Maria.Andy: Can
13、I have a banana, Dad?Dad: Here you are, Andy.Andy: Thank you.Tom: Can I have an orange, Mum?Mum: Here you are, Tom.Tom: Thanks Mum.Sandra: Im hungry, Dad.Dad: Have a pear, Sandra.Sandra:
14、 Thanks. YummyKaren: Can I have a peach, Mum?Mum: Here you are, Karen.Karen: Thanks. Mum.Bob: Im hungry, Dad.Dad: Have some nuts, Bob.Bob: Thanks, Dad.Max: Linda, can I have some grapes?Linda:
15、 Here you are, Max.Max: Thank you, Linda. Grapes, yummy.Benny: Im hungry, Max. Give me some plums, please.Max: Here you are, Benny.Benny: Thank you.未配录音部分活动用书第2页顺着每条线来描 并分别在Linda, Benny, Max的T恤衫上画上相应的水果。 U
16、NIT 2: SHOPPING内容提要单词和短语:Potatoes; onions; carrots; green/red peppers; tomatoes; cucumbers短剧:At a shop歌谣:My vegetable soup卡通故事:The blue balloon听力练习:1. Going shopping 2.Good morning多元智能发展语言技能理解并能说出水果和蔬菜的复数形式; 学习新词组的发音和意义; 说出一个人喜欢或不喜欢哪种水果和蔬菜。认知、运动和社交能力能够和同伴一起听说对话;找出隐藏图画中的各种蔬菜并说出数量;将找出的蔬菜按数量涂色。 教材
17、内容儿童用书p7听力练习(儿童录音带A9Vegetables)One: PotatoesTwo: OnionsThree: CarrotsFour: Green and red peppersFive: TomatoesSix: Cucumbers儿童用书p9短剧(故事录音带2.At a shop)Linda, Benny: Good morning.Shop assistant:
18、 Good morning.Linda: Six tomatoes, four green peppers and three cucumbers please.Shop assistant: Six tomatoes, four green peppers and three cucumbers.Max:
19、160; Linda, the flowers please.Linda: No, Max.Benny: Oh! How much is it?Shop assistant: Two pounds.Benny:
20、60; Oh, Two pounds. Here you are.Linda, Benny: Good bye.Shop assistant: Good bye.Max: Good bye. Flowers, yummy儿童用书p10歌谣(儿童用书录音带A11.My vegetable soup)Potatoes tomatoes Tomatoes, potatoesC
21、ucumbers, cucumbers. Mmmh. Green peppers, red peppers.Red peppers, green peppers.Onions, onions. Mmmh.Carrots, carrots .All in my soup.My veggie, my veggie, my vegetable soup.儿童用书p10听力练习(儿童用书录音带A10.Going shopping)1. Girl: Good morning.Man:
22、160; Good morning.Girl: 3 tomatoes, 2 onions and 5 red peppers, please.Man: Alright. 3 tomatoes, 2 onions and 5 red peppers.Girl: How much is it?Man: One pound.Girl: Here you are.Man: Thank you.2.
23、160; Boy: Good morning.Man: Good morning.Boy: 5 cucumbers, 8 carrots and 8 green peppers, please.Man: 5 cucumbers, 8 carrots andMan: 8 green peppers.Boy: How much is it?Man: Three pound.Boy: Here you are.
24、Man: Thank you.3. Girl: Good morning.Man: Good morning.Girl: 6 tomatoes, 6 red peppers and 4 green peppers, please.Man: 6 tomatoes, 6 red peppers and 4 green peppers.Girl: How much is it?Man: Two pounds.Girl:
25、160; Here you are.Man: Thank you. 儿童用书p11卡通故事(故事录音带3. The blue balloon)Mouse: The blue balloon, please.Cat: Two pounds, please.Mouse: Here you are.Cat: Heres your balloon.Mouse: Help, help!Elep
26、hant: Look, we must help the mouse. Hippo, get on my back.Hippo: Lion, get on my back.Lion: Monkey, get on my back.Monkey: Snake, get on my back.Snake: Got you.Mouse: Thank you. Thank you, my friends.活动用书p6听力练习
27、(活动用书录音带2. Good morning)1. A: Good morning.B: Good morning.A: A blue and yellow ball, please.B: Here you are.A: How much is it?B: Two pounds.A: Here you are.B: Thank yo
28、u.A: Bye-bye.B: Bye.A: Look what Ive got.2. A: Hello.B: Hello.A: An apple, please.B: Here you are.A: Thank you. Bye-bye.B: Bye.A: Yummy.3.
29、 A: Good morning.B: Good morning.A: The red car, please.B: Here you are.A: How much is it?B: Ten pounds.A: Here you are.B: Thank you.A: Bye-bye.B: Bye.4.
30、60; A: Good morning.B: Good morning.A: The little black car, please.B: Here you are.A: Oh, its lovely .How much is it?B: Three pounds.A: Here you are.B: Thank you.A:
31、60; Bye-bye.B: Bye.A: Youre hungry, arent you?未配录音部分 1 儿童用书第7页下半部分让孩子根据自己的喜好来涂颜色。2 儿童用书第8页让孩子找出每种蔬菜的数量,按方格右侧提示的颜色将对应数量的蔬菜涂色。3 活动用书第4页让孩子数每种蔬菜的数量,将数量写在这页下面的方格中。4 活动用书第5页建下剪下41页中蔬菜和水果的图片,根据自己的喜好将相应的图画贴在第5页的两个竖栏中。 &
32、#160; UNIT3: IN THE HOUSE内容提要单词与短语:a sofa; a chair; a lamp; a table; a cupboard; a telephone; a TV; curtains听力练习:Theres a green sofa听力迷宫:Whats in Maxs room?卡通故事:Maisie and her bird歌曲:Maisie多元智能发展语言技能观看故事录像和教师将故事时能够理解故事内容;逐渐能够将故事。认知、运动和社交能力理解儿童用书录音带中的词组并在响应的图画联系起来;理解故事的叙述;从附页中取下拼图,放在正确的位置上并粘好;对照
33、正确答案独立检查自己的答案。教材内容儿童用书p12听力练习(儿童用书录音带A13 Theres a green sofa)Theres a green sofaan orange chair,a pink lamp,a grey table,a blue cupboard,a red telephone,a brown TV,and there are yellow curtains.儿童用书p12听力迷宫(儿童用书录音带14. Whats in Maxs room)Okay? Here we go:A green lamp,A blue table,Pink curtains,A red T
34、V,A blue cupboard,A brown chair,And a yellow sofa!Whats in Maxs room? 儿童用书p13-14卡通故事(故事录音带4 Mashie and her bird)Story teller: This is Maisie. Maisie likes birds.Mashie: The yellow bird. How much is it?Shop assistant: Ten pounds.Mashie: Ok, Here you are.Shop assistant: Heres the bird.Mashie: Wer
35、e home, birdie.Story teller: Look at this! A yellow sofa ,yellow curtains, a yellow table, a yellow lamp, a yellow TV, a yellow telephoneand a yellow bird.Mashie: Oh! Sorry birdie. Birdie? Where are you, birdie? Oh, sorry birdie.Storyteller: Maisies got an idea. She makes trousers for her bird. The
36、bird is sad.Friend: Trousers for a bird? Thats stupid .A bird is a bird. Mmh. Ive got an idea.Mashie: What a brilliant idea. Thanks.儿童用书p15歌曲(儿童用书录音带A15 Maisie)Her name is Maisie,And shes so crazy about yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, here we go.Shes got yellow jeans and shes got yellow socks.Shes g
37、ot yellow T-shirt and shes got yellow shoes.Shes got yellow sofa and shes got yellow lamp.Shes got yellow curtains and shes got yellow chairs.Oh, my dear Maisie,Im not so crazy about yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow,Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!未配录音部分1
38、0; 活动用书第7页让孩子剪下41页中的家具图片,再根据第7页方块给出的颜色将相应的图片卡粘上。2 活动用书第8页让孩子比较A,B两幅图,找出相同点和不同点。3 活动用书第9页先根据自己的喜好分别将A,B两图的家具涂上颜色。完成后A问B家具所涂的颜色,在自己的B图中涂上对应颜
39、色,B问A家具所涂的颜色,在自己的A图中涂上对应的颜色。都完成后共同检查所图颜色是否正确。4 活动用书第10页让孩子从43页中剪下数字和单词,做第10页中的题,根据计算结果将相应的单词图片粘好。 UNIT4: CLOTHERS内容提要单词与短语:socks; shoes; a woolly hat; a dress; trainers; a sweater; a coat; a skirt听力练习:1. Colour
40、the dress yellow 2.Susan is wearing a white T-shirt行动故事:1. Time for school2. Its raining3. Joe is at home.韵律诗:My dog卡通故事:The woolly hat 多元智能发展语言技能理解一段话并将相应的图画涂色;在图画的帮助下说韵律();逐渐能够讲故事;能够听出故事中的错误并改正;用英语清楚地表达加减法。认知、运动和社交能力看图片卡说出相应单词;两人一组活动时能够发出及执行有关颜色的指令;在图画迷宫中找出同样类型的服装并记录相应的数量;做简单的加减运算;选择性内容;对照正确答
41、案独立检查自己的答案。 教材内容儿童用书p16听力练习(儿童用书录音带A17.clothes)a woolly hat; a dress; a cap; jeans;a T-shirt; shoes; trainers; socks;a sweater; a coat and a skirt儿童用书p17行动故事(儿童用书录音带A18.Time for school)Time for schoolLook for your trainers. Theyre under your bed.Look for your sweater. Its under the cupboard.Loo
42、k for your coat.Shout, wheres my coat? Your dog jumps up. Woof.Theres your coat. In the dogs basket. Yuck!儿童用书p18韵律诗(儿童用书录音带A19 My dog)What makes my dog happy?Blue jeans, blue socks, red trainers, a yellow sweater,a red hat and a big bone on his mat.What makes my dog angry?Brown jeans, pink socks, o
43、range trainers, a pink sweater, a green hat and a big cat on his mat. 儿童用书p19卡通故事(故事录音带5 The wooly hat)Storyteller: Father Bear has a hobby. He makes woolly hats.Father Bear: Joe, this hat is for you.Joe: Oh! Thank you.Storyteller:
44、0; Joe is not happy.Joe: I hate it. Aaargh!Storyteller: Its time for school.Joe: Bye, Dad.Father Bear: Bye-bye, Joe.Joe: Bye-bye, woolly hat!Storyteller:
45、60; Ah! Its Fred, the fox.Fox: Oh, what a lovely hat.Storyteller: Fred puts the hat on. Joe is in the classroom.Other animals: Ah! What a lovely hat! Wonderful!Joe: Stupid me!活动用书p11和p43听录音并涂色(活动用书录音带3.Co
46、lor the dress yellow)Colour the dress yellow.Colour the shoes brown.Colour the cap pink.Colour the coat grey.Colour the hat green.Colour the skirt red.Colour the trainers black.Colour the socks orange.Colour the sweater blue.活动用书p12和p45听录音并粘贴名字(活动用书录音带4.Susan is wearing a white T-shirt)Susan is wear
47、ing a white T-shirt, a red sweater, a blue skirt, blue socks and yellow trainers.Debra is wearing a white T-shirt, a yellow sweater, a green skirt, yellow socks and white trainers.Frank is wearing a green cap, a green T-shirt, blue jeans, black socks and white trainersMike is wearing an orange cap,
48、a green T-shirt, blue jeans, green socks and blue trainers.活动用书p13行动故事(活动用书录音带5.Its raining)Its raining. Wheres your cap?Look under your bed. Look on the TV.Look in your schoolbag. Look under the cupboard.Look out of the window.Theres your cap. There are three little birds in it.活动用书p14行动故事(活动用书录音带6
49、.Joe is at home)Storyteller: Joe is at home. Hes sad.Joe: Stupid me. My lovely hat. Ah. Ive got an idea. I can make a woolly hat. Oh, no!Joes dad: Let me help you, Joe.Joe: Yes, please. Thank you, D
50、ad.Fred: Hello, Joe.Joe: Hello, Fred.Fred: What a lovely colour.Joe: Thanks, Fred. UNIT5 FAMILY内容提要单词:shirt; glasses; brother; sister; mum/
51、mummy; dad/daddy; grandpa; grandma; family;韵律诗:Im Emily故事拼图;Story1-3卡通故事:The raccoons and beaver歌曲:The clever raccoons听力练习:Situation 1-6 多元智能发展语言技能:理解儿童用书录音带中的韵律诗并根据录音带的内容涂色;全班、分组或单独说韵律诗;分角色表演。认知、运动和社交能力:用动作表演单词意思并根据图片卡说出单词;分组齐声说;或两人一组或单独说韵律诗。教材内容儿童用书p20韵律诗(儿童用书录音带A20Im Emily)Hi. Im Emily. And
52、Im the clown of my family.I put on my brothers glasses, my sisters skirt,My grandpas socks, my daddys shirt,My mummys shoes, and my grandmas hat.And then I look like that.儿童用书p21故事拼图(儿童用书录音带A21 Story1)1. Emily: Happy birthday, Grandpa.Grandpa: Thank you, Emily. Oh, my flowers.2. Tom:
53、0; The pizza is very good, Grandma.Grandma: Thank you, Tom.Emily: Can I have some ketchup, please?Grandma: Tom, help your sister.Tom: Here you are.Emily: Yuck!3. Mum: Three cucumbers, pleaseShop assistant: Here you are.Emi
54、ly: Can I have a banana?Mum: Yes, of course.Emily: Yummy!儿童用书p22卡通故事(故事录音带6 The raccoons and the beaver)Storyteller: The raccoons are going for a picnic. Dad, Mum, Rosie and her brother, Ronnie.Ronnie: Lets go to the river.Rosie:
55、; Yes, great!Mum and Dad: OK.Beaver: Help!Rosie: Its a beaver .over there.Beaver: Help!Rosie: Lets help him.Storyteller: Mum, Dad, Ronnie and his sister want to help. They swim across the river.Beaver: Help!Mum, Dad, Rosie, Ronnie: Pull! Pull!Crow: Cut off his tail. Cut off his tail.Dad:
56、 Go away.Mum: Ive got an idea.Beaver: Help! Help!Mum: Just a minute.Mum, Dad, Rosie, Ronnie: One, two three.Jump.Beaver: It works.Storyteller: The beaver is very happy. Mum, Dad, Rosie and her brother Ronnie are happy too.Rosie: Now lets have our picnic.All: Yes. Great. Mmh. Thats good. Yummy.儿童用书p2
57、3歌曲(儿童用书录音带A22 The raccoons)The clever raccoons are helpful, the clever raccoons are strong.Ronnie and Rosie, Dad and Mum, the clever raccoons, oh, here they come!Sh! Oh here they come! A bushy tail and two small ears, a funny face and a black nose.Thats Rosie, the clever raccoon, thats Rosie the cl
58、ever raccoon.Thats Ronnie, hes Rosies brother, thats Ronnie, hes Rosies brother.活动用书p17听力练习(活动用书录音带7 Grandma?)1. Max: Grandma?Grandma: Yes, Max.Max: I cant find my sunglasses.Grandma: Look, Max. Theyre on the TV.Max: Oh, thank you, Grandma.2: Max: I cant find my cap, Linda.Linda: Oh, Max!Max: Where
59、is it, Linda?Linda: Youre wearing it, Max.Max: Stupid me!3: Max: Grandpa, I cant find my scissors.Grandpa: There they are, Max. On the table.Max: Oh, thank you. Grandpa.4. Max: Mum, wheres my green sweater?Mum: Sorry, Max, I dont know.Max: Aaaaah, I know where it is. Its in my schoolbag.5. Max: Dad,
60、 I cant find my plane.Dad: Its over there, Max. Under the bed.Max: Oh, yes. Thanks.6. Max: I cant find my woolly hat.Benny: Look, Max. Its under the cupboard.Max: Thanks, Benny.未配录音部分1. 儿童用书第24页-先让孩子读出每幅图,然后将每行中不属于一类的那幅划掉。2. 活动用
61、书第15页-孩子用相应颜色的笔顺着线描,找出所有家庭成员最喜欢的食物。3. 活动用书第16页-让孩子在图中找出 Linda, Benny 和 Max。 然后在图画上涂色。 UNIT6: TIME内容提要听力练习:1. Woman: Mike, time for bed.2. Girl: Excuse me, Elephant. Whats the time?短剧:Late for school歌谣:Whats the time? 多元智能发展语言技能:能够询问和告知时间(整点时间
62、); 能够理解儿童用书录音带中的简单对话;能够理解有关时间的练习内容。认知、运动和社交能力:指定不同故事情境中所提到的时间;识别钟表上的时间(整点时间)。 教材内容儿童用书p25听力练习(儿童用书录音带A24 Talking about time.)1. Woman: Mike, time for bed.Boy: Oh, Mum.Women: Its nine oclock.Boy: Okay.1. Man: Oh, no. Stop it. What
63、s the time? Oh, its seven. Okay. Lets go.2. Girl 1: Whats the time, Ann?Girl 2: Five oclock.Girl 1: Five oclock! I must go home then.3. Ghost 1: Uuuuh. Whats the time?Ghost 2: Its twelve oclock.Ghost 1: Uuuuh.5
64、. Max: Whats the time, Linda?Linda: Ten oclock.Max: Im so tired.Linda: Go to sleep now.Max: Ok.6. Teacher: Ok, children. Its four oclock now. See you tomorrow. Children: Bye, Miss Baker. Teacher: Bye.儿童用书p26听力练习(儿童用书
65、录音带A25 whats the time?)1. Girl: Excuse me, Elephant. Whats the time?Elephant: Its nine oclock.Girl: Thank you, Elephant.2. Girl: Excuse me, Lion. Whats the time? Lion: Its one oclock. Girl: Thank you, Lion.3. Girl:
66、160; Excuse me, Dog. Whats the time? Dog: Its seven oclock. Girl: Thank you, Dog.4. Girl: Excuse me, Rabbit. Whats the time? Rabbit: Its three oclock. Girl: Thank you.5. Girl: Excuse me, Monkey. Whats the
67、 time? Monkey: Its five oclock. Girl: Thank you, Monkey.6. Girl: Excuse me, Cat. Whats the time? Cat: Its eight oclock. Girl: Thank you.儿童用书p27短剧(故事录音带7 Late for school.)Max: Good morning.Linda
68、 and Benny: Good morning, Max.Linda: Benny, this is my sweater.Benny: No, it is not.Linda: Yes, it is. Your sweater is over there.Benny: Let go!Linda: Give me my sweater!Benny: And you give me my trainers!Linda: Stop
69、 it, Benny!Benny: Give me my trainers!Linda: No! Stop it, Benny! Go away!Max: Hey, look what time it is!Benny: Nine oclock.Linda: Oh, no! Were late for school!Benny: Lets go. Hurry up!Linda: Ok. Lets go.M
70、ax: Bye-bye. Ha, ha, ha.儿童用书p28歌谣(儿童用书录音带A26 Whats the time?)Linda: Whats the time? Whats the time?Benny: Its seven oclock. Its seven oclock.
71、60; Get out of bed. Get out of bed.Linda: Oh, Im tired. Oh, Im tired.Linda: Whats the time? Whats the time?Benny: Its eight oclock. &
72、#160; Its eight oclock. Time for school. Time for school.Linda: Ok, lets go. Ok, lets go.Linda: Whats the time? Whats the time?Benny: Its one oclock. Its one oclock. Lets have lunch, Lets have lunch.Linda: Great. I am hungry.
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