



1、Unit4 then and now课题(学科和年级):小学英语六年级教材简解:本单元then and now 的话题是“过去和现在”,通过对比Mike 家人过去与现在的学习、工作和生活等方面,让学生感受科技如何改变生活。本单元是在前面的基础上对一般过去时的进一步呈现,将一般过去时与一般现在时 结合在一起教授,让学生能够灵活使用一般过去时和一般现在时的综合使用,这也是本单元的难点,需要重点练习。目标预设:学生能听懂会说会读写.ago, he/she. Now he/she.能听 懂会读 then and now,use,telephone,mobilephon e,a ny where,rad

2、io,make frie nds, all over the world.重点、难点:重点:句型:.ago, he/she. Now he/she.词汇:ago office newspaper news e-book with yesterday难点:句型:一般过去时与一般现在时的结合使用词汇:mobile phone等单词的读音以及动词过去式Step1:Warm ing up1.Greet ing2.Free talk:How old are you? What can you do?1 ,Im.I can.How old were you.years ago? I was.What co

3、uld you do?Say one senten ce:I could.I am.years old. I can.years ago, I was. I could.but I could no t.Step2:Prese ntati on1.th ink and an swerHow to get n ews(the n and no w)?/ how to call people(the n and no w)?让学生思考这个问题目的教授新词:telephone 、mobile phone、radio、newspaper、Internet2.Skim and findSkim the

4、passage and find: Who are in the passage?3.watch and tick看卡通,发现他们生活中出现了哪些变化,给出选项让学生选择the way to go travellings;!)the way to contact<iP<) peoplethe way to make friendsthe way to do shopping the way to have a restthe way to get newsPeople are changing.4.liste n and catch听录音,找出文章中出现的时间的词语:six yea

5、rs ago/ twenty years ago/thirtyyears ago/twe nty years ago5. read and fill in小组合作自读课文,完成表格NowMikeyearsagoMr Browntwent)p years AgoMike's grandpathirtyyears agoMrs Browntwentyyears ago6. retell the story根据部分提示及表格,学生小组自选小节复述课文7. read and imitate跟录音,朗读课文,注意模仿语音语调Step3 : PracticeFinish the exercise

6、on page 38ThenNowr cojlidrY * can do manythlnsGrandmaThenNow listened toandthe radio屮西忧h&a newsnews卩由p出r专* reddsTh tn* wroteto friends used theNow* wrftee* htas a mobile phoneat home and H the offlceM r& BrownThen made friends hfis e-friends taught t-lilngs does shopping on the JnttfmtrtMr BnowrStep4: con solidati on and exte nsion欣赏一些生活中的图片,这些图片出现在我们日常生活、学习中,让学生能够真实地感受到我们生活出现的哪些变化。并且讨论这些变化是有好处还是有坏处 的,讨论获得结果。St


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