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1、unit 1 basic knowledge of business letter writing section 1 functions of business letters and criteria and general procedures for business letters writing 1. functions of business letters 2. criteria for business letters 3. the general procedures for business letter writing to inform, which refers t

2、o conveying the vast amount of information needed to day-to-day operations of the business;to influence, which means that messages included in a business letter should also influence the readers attitudes and functions. a. courtesy in our letters, we should always keep in mind the person we are writ

3、ing to, see things from his angle, visualize him in his surroundings, see his problems and difficulties and express ideas in terms of his experience. b. correctness correct grammar, punctuation and spelling are basic requirements for business letter writing. also, we should choose the correct level

4、of language and use accurate information and data in our letters. c. clearness (clarity)清楚清楚 意思表达明确,要注意: 避免用词错误: 注意词语所放的位置: 注意句子的结构: a. explain yourself clearly; b. avoiding ambiguous sentences and needless jargon; c. statements in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs; d. conciseness 简洁简洁 避免废话连

5、篇 避免不必要的重复 短句、单词的运用 a. in the fewest possible words; b. briefly but completely; e. consideration 体谅体谅 写信时要处处从对方的角度去考虑有什么需求,而不是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。 a. try to put yourself in his place; b. emphasize the you attitude; c. emphasize positive, pleasant facts; f. completeness 完整完整 一封商业信函应概况了各项必需的事项,如邀请信应说明时间、地点

6、等,确忌寄出含糊不清的信件。 a. provide all necessary information; b. answer all questions asked; c. give something extra, when desirable; g. concreteness 具体具体 a. to make the message specific; b. dont try to write in a literary style; c. use action rather than camouflaged verbs;(1) determine our purpose of writin

7、g a certain letter.identify who the readers are.organize the message, which is to be contained in the letter.write a draft. polish the writing.basic knowledge of business letter writing section 2structures and layout of business letters 1.layout of a business letter 商业信函的商业信函的格式格式 2. structure 构成构成

8、3. the ways of writing parts 各部分的内容、各部分的内容、作用及注意事项作用及注意事项 4.addressing envelopes信封的书写方法信封的书写方法layout of a business letter 1.商业信函的格式four major forms(1)indented form 缩格式(2)blocked form 齐头式(3)modified blocked form 改良齐头式(4) semi-block style with indented paragraphs混合式 st g angsgatan 143 stockholm , 105

9、45 sw eden telex: 53892 sh e l e c ss o ur r eference n o. h /w t 008 tel: 46-8-738-6000 your r eference n o. fax: 46-8-738-6016 e -m ail: hw lee d ate: 30th m arch, 20- m essrs. w illiam & w arner 105 r oller r oad sydney, a ustralia a ttention: m r. d onnason, m arketing d ept. d ear sir, r e:

10、 shipping a dvice of freezers w ith reference to your order n o. f256 of february 5 for 1,000 sets of freezers, w ere pleased to inform you that the goods have been loaded on board the s/s “peace”, w hich is sailing for your port on a pril 1st. w eve sent a telex to the above effect this m orning. p

11、lease insure the goods as contracted and m ake preparation for taking the delivery. w e are now m aking out the necessary docum ents for negotiation. w e assure you that our goods w ill be found satisfactory upon arrival at your port. w e also hope that w e can close m ore business w ith you in the

12、future. yours faithfully, t he e lectrolux c orp. h oris d e w olley h oris d e w olley (m anager) 缩格式示例日期靠右具体收信人和事由居中段首缩格结尾敬语和落款偏右 1 j&j plaza new brunswick, nj 089333 u.s.a. tel: 732-524-0400 fax: 732-525-0622 e-m ail: carrie date: 22nd july, 20- soft health care product corp. room 2301 yili b

13、ld, 35 nanjing road, shanghai, china attention: m r. wang , import dept. dear sir, re: sham poo weve received your letter of july 10th enquiring about our johnsons baby shampoo with natural lavender, but unfortunately, the stock of this product is running low due to the heavy demand. but we will inf

14、orm you as soon as the new supplies come up. we sell a wide variety of babys shampoo. all of them are made of the no m ore tears formula. for your reference, we enclose an illustrated catalogue of our shampoos and we hope you will find it interesting. we hope that we can close business to our mutual

15、 advantage in the future. yours faithfully, johnson & johnson d o r i s f e r g o s o n doris fergoson (m anager) 齐头式示例除信头外全部左对齐s a m s u n g e l e c t r o n i c s 3 1 0 t a e p y u n g -ro 2 -g a , c h u n g -g u s e o u l, 1 0 0 -1 0 2 , k o re a t e l: 8 2 -2 -3 7 0 6 -1 1 1 4 o u r r e fe re

16、 n c e n o . o d l -1 1 e -m a il: q s l s a m s u n g c o rp .c o m y o u r r e fe re n c e n o . d a te : 2 3 rd d e c e m b e r, 2 0 - s h a n d o n g s c ie n c e & t e c h n o lo g y c o . l td . 2 1 /f b rig h t p la z a 1 3 8 j in n i r o a d , j in a n s h a n d o n g , c h in a a tte n

17、tio n : m r. z h o u j u n , im p o rt d e p t. d e a r s ir, r e : o u r o ffe r fo r p d a t y p e iii-h t h a n k y o u fo r y o u r in te re s t in o u r la te s t p e rs o n a l d ig ita l a s s is ta n t t y p e iii-h . a s re q u e s te d , w e o ffe r y o u 5 0 0 s e ts o f p d a a t u s d 1

18、 4 0 p e r s e t f o b in c h o n fo r s h ip m e n t in f e b ru a ry, 2 0 -. w e re q u ire p a y m e n t b y l /c . b e c a u s e th e re is a n in c re a s in g d e m a n d fo r th is p ro d u c t, o u r p ric e is n o n -n e g o tia b le . w e lo o k fo rw a rd to y o u r re p ly. y o u rs tru

19、ly, s a m s u n g e le c tro n ic s l a v is k im l a v is k im (m a n a g e r) 改良齐头式示例案号和日期靠右落款偏右 缩格式缩格式( indented style ): 封内地址和其需要分行的地方的后一行,都比前一行缩进二格或三格;信的正文,每一段的开始一行都缩进若干格(一般与称呼末一字母取齐)。 齐头式齐头式 ( blocked style ):凡是用打字机打上去的每一行字,包括(完全或绝对齐头式)日期、封内地址、事由和结尾礼词,都是从左边的空白边缘打起。 改良齐头式改良齐头式( modified blocked

20、 style ):这种格式,除日期,签名部分外,其他部分每行开头都与左边空白边缘看齐。 混合式混合式 ( semi-blocked style with indented paragraphs ):封内地址及其他需要分行的部分,采用齐头式,而第一段开始行采用缩格式,两种格式的混合采用所以称之为混合式。 letterheaddate: _ inside address_ salutation: _ _ _ _ _complimentary close,signaturebodyletterhead date:_ inside address_ salutation: _ _ _ complime

21、ntary close, signature body letterhead _ _ complimentary close, signatureinside address_ salutation:date:_body2. structure 构成构成(1)essential parts 必要部分the letterhead 信头the date line 日期the inside name and address 收信人名称地址the salutation 称呼the body of the letter 信文the complimentary close 结尾敬语the signatur

22、e 落款(2)optional parts 附加部分the attention line 具体收信人the subject line 事由the reference notation 案号11. the enclosure 附件12. the carbon copy notation 抄送13. the postscript 附言组成部分分项示例1. china national cereals, oils & foodstuffs imp & exp corp.8 jianguomen nei dajiebeijing 10005, chinatelephone: 86-10

23、-6526-8888fax: 86-10-6527-6028e-mail: 2. our ref. your ref. date: 15th november, 20-信头日期3.messrs h. ronald & co. 556 eastcheap london, e.c. 3, england8.attention: import dept.4.dear sirs,9.aquatic products收信人名称和地址具体收信人称呼事由5. we thank you for your enquiry of 5 november. in compliance with your re

24、quest, we are sending you herewith a copy of our illustrated catalogue and a quotation sheet for your reference. all prices are subject to our confirmation for our aquatic products have been selling well this season. therefore, we would suggest that you advise us by a fax in case of interest. we awa

25、it your early favorable reply. 6. yours truly, 7. china national cereals, oils and foodstuffs imp & exp corp. sig. _ (manager)结尾敬语信文落款10. qs/an11. enclosures12. cc our shanghai branch office13. p.s. we require payment by l/c for a total value not exceeding usd50,000.案号附件抄送附言3. the ways of writin

26、g parts 各部分的内容、各部分的内容、作用及注意事项作用及注意事项 (1)the necessary parts a. letterhead 信头信头 abc company(公司名称)(公司名称) 10 broadway street(门牌,街道)(门牌,街道) new york(城市名称)(城市名称) u.s.a.(国家名称)(国家名称) tel: (1212)41965253 fax: (1212)41965364new color textiles imp&exp corporation(公司名称)(公司名称)7f 160 youyi road(门牌,街道)(门牌,街道)

27、shanghai(城市名称)(城市名称)p.r.c(国家名称)(国家名称)the name of the firmits address and postal codefax numberinternet addresstelephone numbertelegraphic and telex addresse-mail addresstrademark or a brief slogan, etc.eastern textiles imp. & exp. co.,ltd.34297 shangcheng road, shanghai, chinatel: 6606811 fax: 6

28、507631 http:/e-mail: 名称、地址a uk address: air environmental mechanicalequipment limited2076 west main streetdevon, ex14 0rau.k. 公司名称门牌号街道城市邮编国家中国地址名称用英文写sinochem jiangsu import and export corporationjiangsu international business mansion,50 zhonghua road, nanjing210001, p.r. china 单位名称门牌号大楼名称街道邮编城市国家信

29、头和收信人名称、地址 英语:名称在上,地址在下 地址先小后大 中文:名称在上,地址在下 地址先大后小b. how to write the date the location: usually placed two lines below the last line of the letterhead, mostly at the right margin or at the left margin for full block style. the order: day/month/year (english practice), or month/day/year (american pr

30、actice) 25th october, 2006 october 25th, 2006 october 25, 2006the date should be placed two lines below the letterhead. for the blocked style, you put it on the left. for the modified blocked form, you put it on the right.the date should be typed in full and not abbreviated: september, not sept. oct

31、ober, not not give the dates all in figures for they many cause confusion. for the date use 1,2,3,here are the recommended forms. stick to one form once you have chosen it. there is no comma between the month and the year in british english. 3 april 2000 (be) april 3, 2000 (ae)日期位置:美式:在信头和收信人

32、名称地址之间英式:通常在收信人名称地址之下 均可以齐头,也可以靠右写法:美式:月-日-年英式:日-月-年美式日期举例interstate products, inc. 511 interstate court sarasota, fl 34240 usa date: april 4, 20- shandong foreign trade (holdings) corporation limited 51,taiping road qingdao, 266001 china 日期英式日期举例office systems pty. ltd. 124 oak street tel (61-2)419

33、 3209 chatswood fax (61-2)419 4011 england e-mail .uk aqueous technologies 291 caxton street sante fe u.s.a 18 november, 20- dear sir or madam, 日期日期写法注意事项 “月份”最好用文字,如: 1.2nd may, 20- 2.2 may, 20- 3.2 may 20- (comma can be omitted) 4.september 21st, 20- 5.september 21,20- 避免月份用数字,如11/12/20-c. inside

34、address封内地址封内地址 this is the name and address of the recipient. it is typed at the left-hand margin two lines below the date. 1) if the letter is addressed to a specific person, name of the receiver (the receivers department) name of the company the address of the company city name country name c. in

35、side address封内地址封内地址 2)if the receiver is not specific, name of the department name of the company the address of the company city name country namems. cecilia greensales managerabc company123 berry driveminneapolis, mn55106u.s.a.vice presidentmessrs. j. harvey & co.66 high streetanytown, ay1 2b

36、fchina national machinery import & export corp.36, jianshan roaddalian, 116023peoples republic of chinachina national machinery import & export corp.36, jianshan roaddalian, 116023peoples republic of chinaattention: mr. wang, export managerd. salutation 称呼称呼 salutation should be placed two l

37、ines below the inside address.i. the customary formal greeting:dear sirs, (mostly seen in british; in the plural; using comma after it)gentlemen: (mostly seen in america and canada; in the plural; using colon after it; no “dear” before it)if the firm or company is managed by women, you can use: dear

38、 madam,madam:dear mesdames, if you do not know whether the recipient is a man or a woman. use dear madam or sir.d. salutation 称呼称呼 ii. a less formal and warmer greeting: if the receiver is known to the writer personally, a less formal and warmer greeting is used as follows: dear mr. smith, dear mrs.

39、 johnson, my dear mr. wang, (here “dear” cannot be written in capital.) my dear miss long,称呼 位置:必须齐头 写法:对男士(正规):dear sir, 或dear sirs,或gentlemen:对女士(正规):dear madam, 或dear mesdames,对关系密切的商业伙伴:dear jack,词首字母全大写,用逗号或不用标点符号gentlemen后用冒号 if you know the appropriate departmental head, youd better address t

40、he letter to him or her, by his official title not by his or her name. when the recipient holds a special title ,such as doctor, professor, address him/her by this title.e.事由 the subject heading is often placed one line below the salutation. this is used to call readers attention to the topic of the

41、 letter, therefore it is a good idea to underline it or make it in boldface letters.e.事由 位置: 1.称呼和正文之间 2.齐头式靠左,缩格式居中 3.要加下划线 表示的是该信函的主题 1. re: your order no.463 for1,000 wide-screen tv sets 2. sheep wool subject: proposed delay of the deliveryre: proposed delay of the delivery in re: invoice no. 112

42、0subject: account no. 689 proposed delay of the deliveryf. body of the letter信函正文信函正文 if you write the letter first, you should write your purpose or the question you refer to in the first paragraph. for example: were writing in the hope of establishing business relations with you. we confirm cables

43、 exchanged as follows:f. body of the letter信函正文信函正文 if you reply to a letter, you should refer to the date, reference or the contents of the previous correspondence. for example: we refer to your letter dated october 25 for the order of 500 sets of tv sets. in reply to your mail request of june 16,

44、were offering as follows:f. body of the letter 信函正文信函正文 in business letters, in the last paragraph you can summarize what you write in the letter or present your demand or desire. for example: in view of the above, we sincerely hope youll not think us unaccommodating. please look into the matter as

45、one of urgency and let us have your cable reply by return. we look forward to your early reply.f. body of the letter信函正文信函正文 if your letter is written in more than one page, you should not use the paper with the printed letterhead as the second and the third pagethe usual practice is:haliano cement

46、 225 april, 2006haliano cement co. 2- 25 april, 2006page 2haliano cement co. 25 april, 2006haliano cement co. 25 april, 2006 page 2eastern textiles imp. & exp. co.,ltd. -2- april 16, 2004mr. smith april 16, 2004, page 2mr. smith april 16, 2004 page 2-page 2- eastern textiles imp. & ex

47、p. co.,ltd. april 16, 2004eastern textiles imp. & exp. co.,ltd. 2- april 16, 2004g.结尾敬语 the complimentary close is a polite way of ending a letter. the expression used must suit the occasion and match the salutation.g.结尾敬语 位置:齐头式靠左对齐,缩格式偏右 正规场合下常用:1.yours faithfully,2.yours truly,3.faithfully yo

48、urs,4.truly yours,第二个单词小写,用逗号或不用标点符号称呼与结尾敬语的对应关系salutation close occasion dear sir(s) dear sir or madam (mmes) yours faithfully faithfully yours standard and formal closure gentlemen ladies/gentlemen yours (very) truly very truly yours used by americans dear mr. malone yours sincerely/ sincerely bes

49、t wishes (u.k.) best regards/ regards (u.s.) less formal and between persons known to each other h.落款 a letter should be signed by hand in ink . as many hand-written signatures are illegible, the name of the signer is usually typed below the signature and followed by his job title or position . leav

50、e 3 lines for a handwritten signature.h.落款yours faithfully, ciba-geigy chemicals co. pam lotispam lotis pam lotis inspection coordinator yours faithfully, pam lotispam lotis pam lotis inspection coordinator for ciba-geigy chemicals co. yours faithfully, l. van lindel. van linde l. van linde manager,

51、 qad software co. 结尾敬语手写签名打印签名职务公司名称 第一人称复数,被动态写的信件,签名应是公司。如果签名人不能代表公司,只是被授权。 签名:pp or per , pro, or “for”. example: for/pp the overseas co,ltd (signature) marketing director 全权代表公司的人签名: yours sincerely (signature) b. davis managing director the oveaseas yours faithfully, ( (signature

52、) )cathy kurtzmarketing manager yours faithfully, the international trading company ( (signature) ) cathy kurtz marketing manageryours faithfully, for china national import & export co., ltd. ( (signature) ) george morganyours faithfully, per pro ( (or p.p.) ) china national import & export

53、co., ltd. ( (signature) ) george morgani.具体收信人 位置: 1. 收信人名称地址之下 2. 齐头式靠左,缩格式居中 3. 要加下划线 表示的是承办本信件的具体个人或部门 1. attention: mr. h. a. donnan, export manager 2. attention of mr. cave 3. to the attention of mr. liu ming j.附件 位置: 落款之下,左对齐 说明该信件有附件 1. enclosure 2. enc. 3. encl. as stated 4. enclosure: broch

54、ure if you have enclosure, it is placed below the carbon copy. enclose can be abbreviated as enc. example: j. cooper 2 invoices enclosed or 3 enc./enclosure 3 or enclosure: /b/ lading k.抄送 位置: 附件之上,左对齐 表示该信件同时抄送给他人 1. 明抄:cc marketing department 2. 暗抄:bcc mr. simpson carbon copy,收信人知道被抄送blind

55、carbon copy,收信人不知道被抄送,只出现在发给被抄送人的信件里 in this case you write c.c. below the signature at the left margin. cc is the abbreviation of carbon copy. example: yours faithfully for the overseas (signature) w. black marketing director c.c mr j. cooperl.附言 it is placed one line below the enclosure. in most cases, postscript is regarde


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