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1、B5U3 Word-activity1. :_; 方面,层面 eg. Techonology changes is everywhere and affects every_ of life.2. impression 印象,感想,印记 ph1.对对的印象:_ eg. I have a good impression of this handsome boy. The teacher got a bad impression of the naughty boy. ph2. 给给某人留下印象:_ eg. Mike always leaves a deep impression on his l

2、eaders. Harry Potter makes a amazing impression on his teachers in Hogwarts.have/get a good/bad impression sb./sth.aspectaspectleave/make an impression sb./sth. _ ph3. 被所感动;对有印象:_ eg.All people are impressed by/with the great performances of Class 10. ph4. 使某人铭记某事:_ eg. Mother rabbit impressed on th

3、e little rabbit the danger of wolves. The teacher impressed the importance of English on/upon me. _ 令人印象深刻的 eg. She was very _ in the job interview.impressbe impressed by/with.impress sth. on/upon sb.impressiveimpressive3. constant 时常发生的,连续不断的_4. _在前的,早先的;_ ph在之前:_ eg. Previous to this, he never fel

4、t needed by others. Previous to coming here, I prepared the worst situation.constantlypreviouspreviouslyprevious to5. uncertain 不确切的;无把握的; ph. 对不确定,没把握:_ eg. Were uncertain about the future. I am uncertain of my ability of completing this task. _ _(反义)确定的,有把握的be uncertain about/of .uncertaintycertai

5、n6. _ 指导;向导;导游导游 eg. a tour _ (导游)(导游) a _ to Grammar (语法指南)(语法指南)7. expertise 专家意见;专门知识(技能等) _ 专家&熟练的,知识或经验丰富的8. _药片 _ 太空舱;胶囊9. steward乘务员,服务员 _ 女乘务员10. _ 道路,开口,开端; _11. sideways 往一侧,侧着 = _ + _ 小路,小巷,人行道。guideguideguideexperttabletcapsulestewardessopeningopensidewayssideway12. surroundings _(汉意

6、)(汉意) 周围的_ 环绕_ ph.被环绕着:_ eg. The thief was surrounded by many angry people. The old-fashioned house is surrounded with many beautiful trees.13. _ 容忍,忍受; _ _ ph.不能容忍某事或做某事:_ eg. Mike cant tolerate the betray(背叛)of his best friend. I couldnt tolerate eating mustard(芥末).周围的事物,环境周围的事物,环境surroundingsurro

7、undbe surrounded by/withtoleratetolerancetolerantcant/couldnt tolerate sth./ doing sth.14. combination 组合,结合 _ eg. The Tower of London remained part of royal palace and prison_. 伦敦塔是部分皇宫和监狱的合体。15. lack _(汉意)ph.缺少,缺乏:_ eg.As he is very rich he lacks (for) nothing. lack 缺乏,短缺的东西; ph. 缺乏东西:_ eg. a lack

8、 of food/money/skills Every day we sit in the class and are in a lack of exercise. _缺乏的combinecombined缺乏,没有缺乏,没有lack (for) sth.a lack oflacking16. adjustment 调节,调整 _17. ph1. make adjustment(s )_ 调整;调节; eg. I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation. ph2. adjust (oneself) _ 适应 eg.

9、 I soon adjusted to my new work.18. 面膜:facial _ 拓 masquerade _(汉意)(汉意)mskred; (音标)(音标)19.(困境后)恢复,完全复原:_20. carriage _ (汉意)adjusttotomask化妆舞会,假面舞会化妆舞会,假面舞会be back on ones feet四轮马车,运输工具,客车四轮马车,运输工具,客车21. press 按;压; _压力; _ 使沮丧 请写出下面句子中press的汉意: we should support the freedom of the press. This dictionar

10、y is published by the Oxford Unicersity Press. eg. 摁按钮:press the _22. fasten _ (汉意)_ wide _; weak _; strong _; _23. 安全带:_pressuredepress报刊新闻业报刊新闻业出版社、出版界出版社、出版界button系牢,扎牢系牢,扎牢fastwidenweakenstrengthstrengthensafety belt24. ph.看不见: _ 看见:_ ph. 在视野之外:_ 在视野之内_ 眼不见,心不烦:_25. 打扫,横扫:_26.(英英释义):_ : to shine

11、 very brightly for a short time.lose sight ofcatch sight ofout of sightin/within sightout of sight, out of mindsweep upflash 使闪光,使闪现使闪光,使闪现27. _ 开关,转换; ph. 把转换到:_ eg. He switched the conversation from one subject to another. ph. 打开(电灯,电视):_; 关上(电灯,电视):_28. timetable时间表 = _ + _ (同义词):_29. _ 筋疲力尽的;疲惫不

12、堪的; _ 30. ph. (快捷而悄声地) 移动,溜进:_switchswitch. from A to Bswitch onswitch offtimetablescheduleexhaustedexhaustslide into31. _ 乐观的 _乐观主义 _ 悲观的 _ 悲观主义32. ph. 加速:_; 速度:speed; ph.以的速度:_ eg. My dad drove at a speed of 60 miles per hour.33. desert dezt_(汉意) dzt _(汉意)34. _ 巨大的;庞大的:同义词:_ _ _ eg. He knows so mu

13、ch about the subject. His konwledge is enormous.optimisticoptimismpessimisticpessimismspeed upat a speed of.沙漠,荒原沙漠,荒原抛弃抛弃enormouslargehugegiant35. _ 模仿;仿造 eg. Dont _ others. Just be yourself. _ 模仿,仿效;36. moveable _ (汉意)= _ + _37. _ 公民,居民,市民; 【词根】citi:与城市有关的; eg.花旗银行(纽约城市银行): 38. type 打字 _打字员 _ 打字机3

14、9.post 张贴,邮递 _ 邮资 _ 邮政编码imitateimitateimitation可移动的,活动的可移动的,活动的ablemovecitizentypisttypewriterpostagepostcode40. instant _(汉意)& _(汉意) ph. 一就:_ eg. I turned on the radio the instant I went into my house. ph.立刻:_; 一会儿:_ eg. I couldnt answer _. 我一时答不上来; He took off his coat_ and jumped into the wat

15、er. 他立即脱掉衣服,跳入水中 instant _ 方便面:_ 速溶咖啡:_立即的,立刻的立即的,立刻的瞬间,片刻瞬间,片刻in an instantthe instantfor an instantfor an instantin an instantinstantlyinstant noodleinstant coffee41. receiver 接受者;接收器;电话听筒 _42. efficiency 效率,功效 _效率高的,有能力的。43. 红丝带: Red _44. _ 布置,安排; _清楚,处理45. _ 生态学;生态46. _ 贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的 _贪婪,贪心receiveefficientribbondisposedisposalecologygreedygreed47. swallow 吞下,咽下; swallow _ (汉意) ph.吞没;耗尽;吞并;侵吞:_ eg. It was terrified to see the elephant was swallowed up by the huge snake.48. recycle _(汉意) eg. Steel, iron, gla


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