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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?第一课时一、教学内容: A Let s learn / Make a map and talk、教学? 求 :1.、 、 、? : hospit ? al , cinema? ,Post Office? , bookst? ore2.、 、认sc? ience museum? 。3.、 、认 句型:“Where is the librar? y? It'snear the post office? 的替换操练。4. 会唱歌曲 Where is the hospit? al? 5.学 学?学 , 学?学意识。、教学? 析1、掌握Let

2、's learn?的 会? 和。2、会?和掌握?会3.掌握句型:“ Where is the librarmus? eum的 ? y? It's near the? 。post office?的? 替换操练。、教具:录 机、录带。五、教学:1. Warm-up(1) Greeti? ng(2) 师 对话,复介in ? , on, under, behind? ,in front of, near, next to.2 新课呈现(Presen? tation? )Let's learn(1) listen?and sayT: I want to post the lett

3、er? . Where can I go? (post officeOh, I feel bad, I need to see a doctor? .Where can I go? (hospit? al)I m ok now, I want to see a film, Where can I go? (cinemaI need to buy some books, where can I go? (bookst? ore)? )? )Q: Where is the post office? ? (It s near the hospit? al.)E: We also can say“it

4、 s next to the hospit? al.Can you guess what meanin? g of“next to?(Its the same as near.)(2) Make a map and talkThere are other two buildi? ngs. Look at this one, this isa scienc? e museum? . The other one is librar? y.In the map, there are 2 blanks?A and B. Now, please?guess?where are they?Sence: I

5、 want to go to the librar? y, but I don t knowhow to get to the librar? y? Can you help me?Q: Excuse ?me, How can I get to the librar? y?A:Q: Where is the librar? y?A: Listen? to the tape, read after it.(4)Make dialog? ues(5)Next week, we will have a long holidato Beijin? g. I prepar ? e a map. But

6、itcan help me write it on Bb?(6)Do the same with partne? rs.六、 Homewo? rkCopy the 4-skille? d words, each 5 times.七、课后反思:? y. I want to go s too small, who第 课时一、教学内容: A Lets try/ Lets talk、教学? 求 :1. 复?: hospit ? al ,cinema? ,post office? ,bookst ? ore , scienc ? e museum?2、 、 、 句型:“Where is the muse

7、um ?shop?It's near the door3.、 、认:ask,sir ,intere ? sting和 ? 句子 :Is there a.? I want to. What a great museum? !、教学? 析1、学 句型: “ Where is the museum ?shop? It's near the door2、? 介 。、教具卡、录 机、录 带。五、教学:1.Warm-upLet s doGo to the bookst? ore.Buy some books.Go to the post office? .Send a letter? .G

8、o to the hospit? al.See the doctor ? .Go to the cinema? .See a film.Go to the museum ? .See some robots ? .2.Revisi ? on复?: hospit ? al ,cinema? , post office? ,bookst ? ore ,scienc ? e museum? .教师?卡 ,五? , 后? ,学?。3.presen ? tation?Let s try(1)(2)课 一录 ,学?后Let s try?呈现的? 的和? 。? 。(3)全对? 。Let s talk( 1)

9、Let s talk录?,学带?录 ,where isthe museum?shop ?where is the post office? ?录 后? 学?,教师板:Its near the door. It's next to the museum? .教师讲解:“ near 表 附近,“ next to表相邻,它的范围比n? ear 小。后 学? “near 和“ next to讲 学? 围的建筑物。( 2)讲解“ A talkin? g robot !What a great museum ? !,(3)学?句的?意思。( 3)跟 、领Let s talk.(4)课?文。4.Co

10、nsol ? idatio? n and extens ? ion(1)扮演L? et s talk的内 ? 容,一 表演? 对话,(2)后一?学表演?。教学 A. Talk about the places?in your city/town/villag? e.:教师板museum?,学? 共? 黑板上,如:一 学?学?park ,librar范:的共?称,? y, zoo,school ?,T: Is there a zoo in our city? S:Yes, there is.T: Where is it?S: It s near the park.后学?一?练。5.Homewo?

11、 rk(1) 录跟对?话。(2)练?。第 课时课时1., ,和?: crossi?ng,turnleft,gostraig ?ht,turnright.2., ,:Italia?n,restau?rant.3.,句 子 :Whereis theItalia ? nrestau? rant?Turnrighthere?No,turn left.?。教学1.:, ,和?:crossi?ng,turnleft,gostraig?ht,turn right.2.:go straig? ht 的和? 拼 。教具安排1 的教学课 ? 件。2和卡?。3 录机和带 ?。教学一 热身( Warm-up)1师候。

12、2.sing a song:Where is the hospit复 (Revisi ? on)1. 游戏: whats missin? g? al?:全ore,cinema ? ,hospit? al,卡: scienc ? e museum? ,postoffice后教师?一?卡,学:? ,bookst ? Whats missin? g?为?的学?的加。2. 游戏:句子接龙:教师一?共的?称,接一学?复教师?称?的上加?一的?称。,如?的,的?的话?判局。如:T:I can see a hospit? al.S1: I can see a hospit? al and a post of

13、fice? .S2: I can see a hospit? al ,a post office?and a cinema? .、新课呈现(presen ? tation? )1.教学:turn left turn right(1)学排一?,后的学?的学?的上,教师“子,和学 一? “ 子。 的时候教师?意 范l ? eft和 ri ?ght ,如、的? 。(2)后教师? 一?和?复ri ? ght 和 left,板: right和 left,带righ ? t和 left。(3):做做:教师 指令:show me your right/left hand/leg/ear/foot.全学? 指

14、令,边做边:My right/left hand/leg/ear/foot.后一? 学指令,学边?边做。(4)的?:turn left,补充板:turn right, 学教师? 一边做? 的 势边t ? urn left。 步骤教学t ? urn right。(5)训练:上?学讲?一字排,教师指令: turn right, turn left, 学 边? 、边 复:turn right, turn left。?判 局,的学为?。接?学指令?续。2. 教学:go straig? ht(1) 教师 黑板上 ?is straig? ht. 板 :“ 小的游戏操练子 一? 直线,指直线 :This l

15、inestraig? ht ,带stra ? ight 。 后采?:教师?,学小。教师如小?,学?。( 2)教师“直走:go straig? ht 。板 补充go straig? ht 。带go straig? ht 。3. 教学 : crossi ? ng字? 的介绍:This is a crossi? ng.板cros ? sing ,带cros ? sing 。 后采 “ 小的游戏操练 。4. 游戏:插红旗:上一?学,?学的? 指令: go straig? ht,turn rightleft, stop 红旗插 指?的, 时的睛。, turn?。5. 教学 B.Let s learn(1

16、)教师课文?,课文录? ,全 静 ,理解课文。(2)板 : Italia?n restau? rant ,学?的意思带? 。(3)学,教师B,Let s learn 的 ? 录 ,学 句跟? 。、巩固 拓展(Consol ? idatio ? n and extens ?ion )1 教学 be a tour guide(1)教师课上? 的黑? 板上,对学 介绍? :Chen Jie is trying? tobe a tour guide for Oliver? in Beijin? g. Can you help her? For exampl? e,now we are in front

17、 or Tiananmen. Go straig ?ht and you can see the Palace?Museum? .(2)学一?。2 :老外 警察: 教师扮演? 老外,学 扮演警察 ? , 警察为老外 ? 指 。 师范的? 上,学 一? , 扮演警察 ? 老外 对? 话。如:T:Excuse?me, sir. I want to send some postca? rds. Is there a post office?near here?S:yes, there is.T:Where is it?S:It s near the school? .T:How can I get

18、to the post office? ?S:Go straig? ht . You will see a crossi? ng. Then turn right. You will seeit.T:Thank you.S:Youre welcom ? e.五、家庭业(Homewo? rk )1.录,跟对话和?。2. 练 。3. 为家?游。第 课时课时1., ,2,句子Turn right at和:I like? : pizza, street? . get. How can I get to the? 。教学1.:,和to the ? Turn right at2.:介? at? : I l

19、ike?和 on 。How can I get? 。教学一 热身( warm-up)1师候。2.sing a song:Where is the hospit? al?复 (Revisi ? on)1. 全?:scienc ? e, museum ? , post officecrossi ? ng, cimema ? , hospit? al, turn ,right , left , straig?学拼?。? ,bookst ? ore,? ht,一2. 游戏: 鼻子:上一?学,?学的指?令: go straig? ht,turn right, turn left, stop 鼻子插指 的

20、? , 时的?。、新课呈现(Presen? tation? )1.教学pi ? zza, street?教师pi ? zza 的? 介绍 : This is pizza. Itn food and is very popula? r in the world now. s a kind of Italia ? 板 : pizza , 带领学?、,后采“小的游戏操练?。教师st ? reet的介绍? : This isa street? . Our school ?isonStreet ? .板 : street? ,带领学? 、。2.教学句子 Ho? w can I get to the ?

21、Turn right at教师?的学?边意,学对?话:T: I m hungry ?now. Is there a restau? rant near our school? ?S: Yes, there is.T: Please ?tell me how I can get to the restau? rant.S: Turn right. Go straig? ht . Turn left at the crossi? ng.T: Thanks? .S: Youre welcom ? e.板 : How I can get to the? Turn right /left at带 。3.

22、:“红领指小?4.:学一?,一扮演?的,一扮演热?指的“红领,黑板上?的学边?意 展 对? 话,如:S1:Excuse ?me.Is there a pet hospit? al near here?S2: Yes, there is.S1: How can I get there?S2:Go straig? ht and turn right at the post office? .You ll see a shop. The pet hospit? al is next the shop.S1:Thanks? .S2:Youre welcom ? e.对话后,教师一 学?表演? 对话。4

23、.教学 B. Let s talk(1) 教师B Let s talk的?, 求学 带?:Where istherestau ? rant? How can they get there?后? , 学?。(2)教师A Let s talk的?,to the park on Dongfa? ng Street? .What an intere, 学? stingfilm!It s next?句子的意?思 带 。(3)B Lets talk的?,句后,全跟。、巩固 拓展(1.一 ,Consol ? idatio扮演B? .Let? n and extens? ion )s talk? 的内容,后

24、一 学?表演? 。2. Talk about a cinema : 对? or restau ? 的? rant you like. How can you get there?,?走。教师一?学范? :T:I like Jinyi Cinema? .S:How can you I there?T: Turn left an Jiang bin park. Then turn right at DongfaGo straig? ht . You llsee a museum? . JinyiCinema?is? .? ng Restau ? rant.next to the museumS:T

25、hanks? .后学? 一? 练 。4. : I m GPS.:教师的?新? ,一?,?一卡? ,如:、物、物、表?的一共?。学一?,一?司机,一How can get to the zoo?Go straig? ht . Turn left at the schoolat the park. The zoo is next to the park.五、家庭业(Homewo? rk )1.录,跟对话和?。GP? S为? . Then go straig航。如:? ht and Turn left2. 练 。3.为家?如学?走家里。第五课时B Read&Write一、教学? 求1 学?

26、具? 的,?的? 识和? 。2?型? 的信息,训练上新 的?力。3、理?教的?理解 。4、?的信息?文章概况。5、句子?。、教学 、1、?型? 的信息,训练上新 的?力。2、理?教的?理解 。、教学:多媒体课件。、教学步骤和建? 议Step1Prepar ? ation歌曲 入。Where is the hospit? al?Step2Pre-readin? g1、一,一1)教师呈现?的插?,What are they for ?学后,教师领:Do you know these things? 。?2 ) 学?的 识? ,?的?近排。2 、教师学?,学教师介绍 :Wu Yifanand his

27、?预测。friend ? s wanted?togo totheItalia? n restau ? rant,How did they go there ? What places Step3 In-readin ? g?did they pass by ?1、第一求学? ,线?的。2、第求学? 课文,第的?。3、第教师课? 件展 课文,录。学跟,的?、。Step4Post-readin? g1、学?课文,文现?的介。2、学一?,课文信息?,一?的线?。比比的? 文漂亮、 。3、师Ti ? ps for pronun ? ciatio ? n 板块的练 。1)教师Li ? sten ,loo

28、kand say 的录 , 解句? 子的?:一况,句,句?,一句? ,句?里? 求,气婉, 。2)教师一?句,学句? 子 判? 什 。3)教师一?句子, 学? 归 ,理 。Robin has GPS .Is it far ?Where is the restau? rant ?It is a cat . Are you a studen? t ?Who is he ? .Step5.Progre? ss1、做相 的?练 。2、Summar? y:what have you learne? d today ?3、Homewo? rk :学对话? 。第六课时一、教学? 求1录 , 后判? 任务。2

29、力? 学? 的 力,学 的? 力水平。 3 、复的?,学思?,学学会?总结。、教学 、1的?力?学,学 思?的力,学的?,学学会?总结。? 力水平。 2 、复、教学:多媒体课件。、教学步骤和建? 议Step1Prepar ? ation歌曲 入。Where is the hospit? al?Step 2.Presen ? tation?Step3 .Practi? ce1、Listen ?and tick the places?you hear .Write the words under the pictur? e.1)教师学?,的?,对? 的做?理。 后教师? 录 。2)教师? ,测学3

30、)教师对?,学Listen ?again and answer1) 教师带领学?第一 :什? ,?。?的?对的? .Where does the boy want to go ?学?整句子。?学。 2 、 ? 里2) 教师学?教的?,如?学局?,后录?第? 。3) 师共对?。Step4Produc ? tion Lets wrap it up1、教师学?,造句。2、学? 的,学 学?加? 多的,如:north ,south, west ,near,复?和归的的? 。 Step5.Progre? ss1、做相 的? 练 。2、Summar? y: what have you learne? d

31、today ?3、Homewo? rk : 学 做 测。n A教师寄语:(Well begin is half done.?成功 一半)ng aims(学习目标 )1.能够听、说、读、写短语: on foot、by bus、by plane、by taxi 、by ship 、by train。2.Learn: H? H?B .3.?学?流。u(重难点 )1.learn: on foot、 by bus、by plane、x.2.能够听、说、读、写句子:H?H? BxO导学探究Step1 : 预习温故(用时5 分钟).Nice to see you again.S: Nice to see y

32、ou ,too.2. Go over : How are you ? How old are you ?Step 2.(? 用时 15 分钟 ?)1.用图片 tax? ,图片?些单词。老师教读:xx .3.T: How do we get there?H?.B,g.,S: Great!S:By bus.OB.( 分?操练).Hc ways can you find?S:sevenQ: What are they?S: on fx.听录音仿读对话 ,并 演对话。Step 3. 合作流 师 共建(用时10 分钟)?Write and say. O/ train.HB?2.强调 by 短语和 on

33、foot: by+?乘坐固定搭配相当于wal?k 之义。3. 适当拓by? plane/air by ship/sea 相 含义。Step 4.标检测(用时 5 分钟)一、 一读一读 记一记。() 1.onfootA. 步B. 乘地铁C.乘租车() .A.乘租车B. 乘地铁C.骑自车() 3. by trainA.骑自车B.乘租车C. 乘飞机() 4.by planeA. 乘地铁B. 乘飞机C. 步() 5.by taxiA. 乘飞机B.乘租车C. 乘轮船、?合适 单词?句子完整。.(怎样?.(学 ) On foot. .3._(骑自 车) .H(到那儿 )?._(公园 )。学:学到?_当 作

34、?一 学习目标?词和句?子: Unit 1How do you go there? !on footby busby planeby taxiby trainHow do you get there?By bus ./on foot.2'.ng aims(学习目标 )1.能听懂Let?分句?子。2.能用单语?图?。3.Learn: H ,.?mes I come by bike.Impor(重难点 ). H?B. y, I come on foot.mes I come by bike.2.流利朗读 Le? t's talk分 对话并能?词问答。导学探究Step1 : 预习温故

35、(用时.on foot/xHH5 分钟)g?u?S:from your home?.xthe new words:xmesseStep 2.(? 用时 15 分钟 ?)1.T: How d?S:I come on foot.,.y, I come on foot.?mes I come by bus. (学用2. Learn Let's talkto the tape and find how the peo.s.3. 听录音仿读对话pa? ge14.Mrs. Smith: by car/walkAmy: on foot/ by busMike: by bikeStep 3. 合作流

36、师 共建(用时10 分钟 ?)?mes,多操练 )1.学 朗读并?演 Let's talkand cross.3.略讲,mes句?句? 。Step 4.标检测(用时5 分钟)一、 一,读一读。._ _(步3.I go by _ _( 租车._ _(乘火车)_ _(乘地铁).、连词成句(标点1.do,there ,.3.oftenIby学:学到you, bike ?用 )。how,get?.come .?_Step 5.当 作?1. 诵 Let's talk P142. 写 重点 ?句子:Unit 1How do you go there?'H?,mes I come by bike.37教师寄语:(,! )ng aims(学习目标 )1、学习单词并?握:slow, slow down ,stop2、学习并握句 ?型:1.Stop and wait at a red light .light 3.Go at a green light 3、?规则 即红灯停、绿灯、黄灯等一等.、(重难点 )握学习目标单?词和重点句 型?。Step1 : 预习温故(用时 5 分钟).,2.T:H?S: Usua yI come on foot.


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