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1、College Library Problems andcoun termeasures of work-study jobSummary provides vocati onal college library work-study purpose and sig nifica nee of the work, no ti ng that the curre nt work-study work and man ageme nt problems and the corresp onding soluti ons.Keywords College Library work-study pro

2、blemsand coun termeasuresInrece nt years, withthe vocati onalcollegeen rollme nt and con ti nuedreform, vocati onal collegelibraria nsand readers sharply disproporti on ateto therelative lack of libraria ns, while highlighti ng the problem of poor stude nts vocati onal colleges, stude nts About 20%

3、of people in households of poor stude nts in order to help them successfully complete their education, reduce the finan cial burde n, many vocati onal colleges from a limited part of the funds set aside for work-study activities carried out in many vocatio nal college work-study positi ons, the libr

4、ary with its unique charm much students of all ages. Since the commencement of work-study job, showing igreat positive role, but in practical work there have bee nsome problems, therefore, how torecog nizeandstre ngthe n the work-study stude nts man ageme nt, betterplay their role, it is worth for u

5、s to explore.First, work-study workun dertake nCollegeLibrary s purpose and meaning (a work-study program iscon ducive to carry out the developme nt of College Libraryenrollment as vocational colleges, vocational college library is facing a substa ntial in crease in readership literature exp onen ti

6、ally grow ing con diti ons in readershipcon ti nuesto grow, continue to exte nd service hours,servicescontinue to expand, deepen servicesunder thepremiseof library work quantityand qualityhasbee ngreatlyimprovedcomparedwiththepreviousrequireme nts,and books Museumstaff hasnotbee nin creasedsimulta n

7、eously,whiletheemerge neejofwork-studystude nts,effectivemitigatio nofthisphe nomenon.Become a new human iresources librarywhilethey come from the middle of college students,collegestudents can best represent the voice of the reader, the best un dersta nding of their read ing n eeds.Readercomments a

8、nd suggestionscan timely feedback to thelibrary, but also between the reader propagandalibrary,so that readers can fully effective use of the library, a library and readers to facilitate mutualcom muni cati onand understanding, the work of the library constantly improved and perfected.(Two to carry

9、out a comprehe nsive work-study program is con ducive to improvi ng the quality of college work-study refers to curre nt stude nts at the school duri ng their spare time, and actively participate in some much work to get some reward, to solve their own difficulties in life so that their successful c

10、ompletio n of their studies a paid service activities, it is adva ntageous to stude nts the con cept of labor, direct con tact with the com mun ity college stude nts to un dersta nd the com mun ity a wi ndow due to work-study students families more difficult, lifedistress will make them feel in feri

11、or sufferi ng, men tal burde n, affect ing physical and men tal health, The work-study program in the library can relieve stress in their lives, build self-c on fide nee, put en ergy into a no rmalschool life, vocationalcollege students as second classlibraryis a spiritualhomefor quality education i

12、simporta nt positi on. Libraries rich collecti on of resources to make them in crease theirkno wledge,broade n theirhoriz ons through bus in ess positi ons in the library on the exercise to hone their will, to un dersta nd the value of life.uni versity stude nts in in terpers onalrelati on ships,sel

13、f-ma nageme nt, problem solv ing, etc. capacity have bee n improved to vary ing degrees.Second, the curre nt College LibraryMan ageme nt Mode college work-study work-study in the library, most of the content of their work un skilled manual labor, after a short training can quickly qualifiedvocati on

14、alcollegesforwork-studyapproachtoman ageme ntcan bedivided in to twokin ds, oneis theestablishme ntof a schoolwork-studywork-studyofficefor cen tralized man ageme nt, the other is self-ma naged bythe employer. work-studycompe nsati onman ageme ntmode is also divided into two kin ds: one is paid by t

15、he un ified school work-study office, ano ther is issued by theemployer themselves.Third, work-study job problems (a work ing timeis difficult to guara ntee in order to provide stude nts with sufficie nt time to study, i n additi on to some of the n eed for regular duty positions, the library s work

16、-study jobsgen erally do not require time to work, stude nts n eed only a certain time You can complete the tasks, so that students can work flexibly arrange their spare time, but this has also brought some problems: learning tasks encoun tered heavy exams approach ing, meals intern ships, etc., som

17、e stude ntscan nothan dlethe relati on shipbetwee n lear ning and work, more casual attitude towards work, the task can not be completed on time naturally Some studentsdid not even leave it for a long time toleave, you n eed to find some one to replace temporarily bound to affect the work process.(T

18、wo uneven quality of student work uneven quality, efficiency and quality of the sector affected to some exte nt due to differe nt percepti ons of each pers on, a differentsense of responsibility,so the quality of thework will appear un eve n. Most of the stude nts are cherish the rare opport un ity

19、to work in a serious and resp on sible work, well done the task, but there are a few stude nts as ideologicalunderstanding,there is no positioning itselffor the staff, but that is a subsidized work-study positi ons , worki ng for some time that low wages and hard work, so in the work appears Nianqin

20、gpazhong,jerry, delay time,and eve n the phe nomenon of overstateme ntof work ingtime, the stude ntshad a n egativeimpact of four,work-study man ageme nt problems (one size fits all labor compe nsatio nsta ndardsexist un reas on ablequesti on,different jobs, different labor intensity, but all the sa

21、me remun erati on for work so will lead to a sense of imbala nee psychology stude nts, some stude nts asked to be tran sferred easily work positi ons.(Two work, lack of com muni cati on,lack ofaut onomy at work library lack of com muni catio n features: First, the lack of com muni cati onbetwee nlib

22、rary andstudent,if the studentdoes not know the contents oflibrary work, n ature of work and work requireme nts, but also do not know whether library can be adapted to work,the sec ondis the lackof com muni catio nandman ageme ntcen ter library,problems arise whe n theman ageme nt can not be resolve

23、d in time, three stude nts is the lack of com muni cati on and man ageme nt cen ter for labor compensationpayments for the time of issuanee,the amount of labor remun erati on, man ageme nt cen ters and libraries should have a clear un ified descriptio n.five, the solutio n is a good man ageme nt mec

24、ha nismdepends on a rigorous standardized system, scientific, humane management system is to carry out work-study Vocati onal College Library the fun dame ntal guara ntee.(One employing the concept of establishing a realistic idea of theso-called realisticemployme nt, work-study stude nts is not to

25、be see n as the main library, only a limited degree of leverage their work characteristics that greater mobility and randomn ess, accord ing to their Flexible worki ng time arran geme nts for stude ntsworki ng hours, in order to improve workefficiency.Librariesnecessary to follow the studentsspare t

26、ime to arrange their work, but also consider the actual characteristics of the work, in the midterm, final exams in the mon th, the stude nt atte ndance time Nature would be reduced, it is n ecessary to desig n a good time un its, so that they themselves choose their work ing hours, withoutaffecting

27、the learningof the premise, take thetime to complete the work.(Two libraries have to fight a certa in aut onomyfrom the work-studyarrangementsto facilitate unifiedman ageme nt of the school uni form, but if the employer is not some autonomy, it will reduce the employer s workefficie ncy. Library does not have the right to dismiss the employer, it is not timely hiring of addition


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