1、An alysis of college stude nts con sumerpsychology and con sumer behaviorPaper Keywordscon sumer behaviorof collegestude nts purchas ingpower of con sumerpsychologyAbstract the educati onal experie nee of college stude nts and the campus en viro nment in which the special, makes them a rather specia
2、l com mun ity, con sumer groups, from college stude nts through the status and characteristics of con sumercharacteristics and con sumerpsychology tostart, summed up the impact college students spending four factors, and make a con clusi on.Consumer psychology is the object of consumer spe nding wit
3、h its own objective and subjective con sumer dema nd for a comprehe nsive resp onse from the process of understandingconsumer psychology through the willof the emoti onal developme nt process un til the process is a con sumer purchase decisi on-mak ing process. Con sumer psychology to a large extent
4、 reflects the purchasing decisi ons play a decisive role in their own characteristics, such as culture, education,psychology, etc., as a specialgroup of college stude nts the educati onal experie nee andicampus en viro nment in which the special, makes them acom mun ityrather special con sumer group
5、s , producedwith other con sumers in differe nt con sumer dema nd, with more specific con sumer psychology and con sumer behavior show special.First, collegestude ntsand Characteristics ofCon sumpti on(A Consumer Analysis of college students From the con sumer level, the data show that in 2006 about
6、 74.3 show that college stude nts on the level of con sumpti on inperce nt of college stude nts monthly consumption of 400 stude nts mon thly con sumpti on accounted for 10.5 % At theaboutstude ntaverageyuan, while 11.2% of theof 200 yuan, 600 yuan same time, a survey datathe economy there is a huge
7、 gap, such as Wuhan, amiddle-agedcollegestude ntsreachthehighestcon sumpti onof18,500yua n, whilethe lowestannualcon sumpti onison ly2,100 yua n.monthofcollegestude nts food expe nditure of 230 yua n, and the averagemon thly liv ing expe nses (480 yua n rate was 47.9%, whichcan be regarded as colleg
8、e students,“ Engel scoefficient ” , from the Iong-termtrend, the coefficientshow ing the overall upward trend.From the consumptionstructure, the currentcon sumptio n structure forcollege stude nts is no un ifiedcon clusi on. Most people think that the curre nt structure of college stude nts is un re
9、as on ablecon sumptio n,highcon sumptio n and waste. Performa nee in additi on to no rmal meals, books, statio nery and daily n ecessities, the other expenses of university students is relatively large, the proportion is high, such as travel, social spending (mainly students and friends for dinner a
10、nd gift-giving activities, etc.), con sumpti onof cultural and sportsactivities (danee, film and television, sports tickets andsports goods from thecon sumerpoint of view,con sumptio npatter ns,con sumer attitudes and behaviorcan be un ity, the same ideas or subjective motives lin kedto con sumerbeh
11、avior.Gen erally speak ing,collegestude ntscanstilllook at consumer forthe empiricalcon sumptio n,butshowed some specialcon sumpti onpatter ns:Thefirstis tourismconsumptiona surveyshowedthat46.5% of collegestude ntsduri ng theholidaysandtravelclassmates or friends,12.3% of thestude nts In the win te
12、r and summervacati ons and familytravel has bee n that tourism is more in terested in a college stude nt activities, tourism is see n as a meanin gful college studentshealthyconsumerbehavior, the second is thecomputer con sumpti on, the computer bega n to step 1995 into dormitories of college stude
13、nts, college stude nts has become largely an integral part of life, has become the most cha nge lifestyles and habits of college stude nts one of the factors, the third is the con sumer teleph oneandmobile phone, with the a reducti on in telecom muni cati ons charges again and again, 201 phone card
14、or IC card gen erally bloom in the uni versity campus, to mobilize college stude nts desire to buy, and the fourth is the love of consumption, is considered a campus talk about love love marriage But two people learn in life is also a corresp onding in crease in additi onal spe nding.(Two collegestu
15、de ntspsychologicalcharacteristicsan alysisof con sumerCon sumpti onpatter ns of college stude nts can be summarized as follows: First, the imbala nee of con sumpti on.Mainly, collegestude nts from differe nt regi ons, differe nt families andgeographical imbalanee of economic development and trade i
16、mbala nee, lead ing to family in come in equality Moreovereach of the different familystructures, todeterm inethe imbala nee in con sumptio n of collegestude nts, the sec ond is con sumer diversity. mainly related to the consumptionof college studentsliving, learningand cultural and recreati onal co
17、n sumer spe nding in three areas, and its compositi on show ing avariety of features.the one hand, the diversity of college students by their con sumptio nof householdin comelevels and lifestyleimpact, and therefore in con sumpti on levels, con sumptio n will show a nu mber of other aspects very dif
18、fere nt from the other depe nding on in dividual college stude nts n eed diversity. the stre ngth of dema nd for diversity is due to the different levels of diversity and needs arising from the three consumer-oriented. most college students are to meet consumption, based on the consumer as much as p
19、ossible to meet thelear ning,with the n ecessaryen terta inment spe nding to adjust their spiritual life.Second, the impact of college stude nts Con sumpti on An alysisCon sumpti on of college stude nts affected are many reas ons, mainly the follow ing aspects can be summarized as:The first family r
20、eas ons. Most college stude nts nowhave only one child, the pare nts of small childre n as their own family to take care of the focus of the object, the consumptionof their childrenis basically to implementpolicies to meet the supply, no matter how tough the child can not be bitter. After college, e
21、specially childre n, prefer to live frugally at home, not outside the“ bitterness ” ofthe child. favorable econo mic con diti ons, families, college stude nts, high con sumpti on provided the econo mic basis, creat ing aspects of the con diti ons in which they a sense of superiority, their high con
22、sumptio n to some exte nt misleadingto the studentson the role of economicconditionsfor families in general, the economy is alsoguara nteed.econo micallydisadva ntaged families ofte nhave to borrow money to meet the needs of their childre n .Second, the social environmental causes. Currently, there
23、are no correct view of con sumptio n, to bring college stude ntsa deep impact,in correctvaluesofthe formation of the universityhigh con sumptio n of psychology stude nts in rece nt years dueto rapideconomicdevelopment,people s livingsta ndards improve, some families have become rich first,and con su
24、mpti onpatter nshave greatly cha nged thetraditi onal con cept of con sumpti on by the stro ng impact of college stude nts con sumer psychology at the immature stage, the competitivecon sumerpsychology moregen erally, a direct impact on con sumer attitudes of college stude nts, schools are ofte n pr
25、ime loa ns do not go out, some poor families of the stude nts prefer to fight at home to the West by the East family and frie nds, do not want to school loa ns, the loa n as a shameful thing.Third, college students own or psychological reas ons. College stude nts are in the rapidly maturi ng, but no
26、t really mature stage, home care and care of young pare nts,school pressures facing the entran ce,manyparentslearn to avoid them to diversify energy , thefamily s economicsituation has never asked them toshare, and therefore hard-ear ned mon ey, manystude ntsdo not know, I do not know hard-headed, n
27、o financial man ageme nt process and experie nee in additi on to van ityat play, some people would rather sacrifice education, health, or some proper social resp on sibility, but also the escalati on in the level of con sumpti on. emoti onal con sumer spe nding is com mon in college stude nts.Fourth
28、,the weak and the man ageme ntofwork-relatededucati onhas beensuggestedthatcon sumptio nofcollegestude nts noware too highandun reas on able, which is weak and man ageme nt educatio n.Some n ewspapers, film and televisi onfor erron eousreports, one-sidedcoverage of some high consumptionand enjoyment
29、 of the subject, to the college students made the wrong consumer-oriented. Although college educators of stude nts for n ati onal educati on and glorious traditi on of educati on to help stude nts establish a correct outlook on life and con sumer attitudes, but the problem is not encountered strong
30、methods and measures, lack of education to the point, on some issues not timely and effective guida nee.Third, the basic con clusi ons and discussi onCollege students view on the issue of education spe nding has bee n a hot topic in theoretical circles, andsome more stude nts in colleges and uni ver
31、sities primarilyfor con diti ons and thrift and to stre ngthe n the releva nt man ageme nt educati on, some college stude nts think that scie nee should be to develop con sumer aware ness guide They set reas on ablecon sumerexpectati ons,to guidecollege students do have economy-minded consumers, the
32、y pay attentionto consumereducationand moral. Ibelieve that college studentsshould be strengthenedconsumerpsychology and consumer behavior to guidethe education,consumer educationof college studentsshould in clude the followi ng Content: The basic theory of con sumerand educati on markets, mainly co
33、n sumerattitudes, con sumer pla nning, con sumpti on structure and con sumpti onpatter ns, con sumer psychology, marketi ng,consumermarket and consumerknowledge,consumerkno wledge of educati on, primarily for popular con sumer choice, evaluation,appreciation , use, maintenance andprotecti on, con su
34、mer educati on, ecological aware ness, so that college studentsrecognize their own consumptionand social susta in abledevelopme nt, ecologicalbala nee,environmentalrelations, profound understanding of theecological n eeds of the extreme importa nee of the issueof concern for socialspe nding,enhance socialresp on sibility,Con sumer civilizati on, educati on, in clud ing material and spiritual civilizati on. Con sumpti on is a comb in ati on of two points of civilization,its consumptionof collegestude nts ethic
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