1、As a fun dame ntal stude nts with harm ony toteach ingAbstract:“ school lear ning is not withouten thusiasm kno wledge from a head stuffed into ano ther mind, but spiritual com muni cati on betwee n teachers and students. ”1 in today s classroomteachingreform,requiringstudentsas themainshouldnotbe t
2、he“ mouthpiece ” of the teachers, today s classroom teach ingrequiresteachersandstude nts toin teractharm onio usly,rathertha nmecha ni cal“duck ”stude nt-ce ntered,harm oniousin teracti on betwee nteachers and stude nts to empathy,in timacy,men talcompatibility,thusstude nts willteachercari ng,con
3、siderate produce in timacy to“ pro divisi on, the letterof its Road ” 2Keywords: scientificconcept of developmentto astude nt-ce ntered con cept of harm onyCurre ntly, our school teachers actively carry out thescie ntific con cept of developme ntto lear n big bigdiscussi on “ activities. Through thi
4、s activity, I am profoundly came to realize: the scientific development con cept is equally applicable to the school, we do all thework, especially teachingwork, has a very importantsig nifica nee.The scie ntific con cept of developme nt, each pers onis required to impleme nt, only if every one in v
5、olved in thegoal to which to go, to be able to eve ntually achieve thescie ntific con cept of developme nt as an ordinary teacher,how the guida nee of thescie ntificcon ceptofdevelopme nt to do their job, I think first of all want to do the followi ng:An understanding of the scientific concept of de
6、velopme nt conno tati onAdhere to the people-ce ntered scie ntific con cept ofdevelopme nt, and calls for a comprehe nsive, coord in atedand susta in ablemanner to promote the comprehe nsivedevelopme nt of econo mic, social and huma n esse nee andcore of the scie ntific con cept of developme nt is t
7、o adhereto the people-orie nted. 3At prese nt, we have to be based on the con ti nu ous developme ntof material civilizatio n and spiritualcivilization,active man adhere to the people-oriented,adhere to promote the comprehe nsive developme nt, thegoal of the development of China s socialist society-
8、ro und social progress and all-ro und developme nt of the people. create thecon diti onsfor thecomprehe nsive developme nt ofSecond, grasp the n ature of the scie ntific con cept of developme nt in the field of teach ing: stude nt-ce nteredIs the core and esse nee of the scie ntific con cept of deve
9、lopme ntpeople-orie nted,comprehe nsive,coord in atedand susta in able developme nt is the basiccontent, that is, to do any one thi ng to be reached reflects the dignityof human life, to meet the wishes of thepers on s life purpose, to create a harm onio us,healthy,positive social atmosphere in scho
10、ol work, everything should be student-oriented,build relaxed, democratic,harm onious campus en viro nment. As teachers, we want to establish a correct view of students, convinced that the potential for student learning, respect for the students personality, recognition of the dominant position of th
11、e stude nts in learni ng, the con cept of harm ony to pen etrate into their own teach ing, creat ing an equal, i nteractive, and harm onious atmosphere in the classroom.For example, in one of the city s craftsmen school ope n class author in the sec ond class teach ing of the the no vel < ;&It; n
12、ecklace > >, the first link in a drama,“I dreamed of ” refresher import, the second linkpacket select ing cards, poker A , K, Q, J, on behalf of a plot of the novel, a panel discussion of psychological and pers on ality traits of the hero Mathilde, and third aspects of the stude nts on how we
13、should look at Mathilde“ talkabout their views on this issue, and guide students free debate, the last link in the form of drama con ti nued the n the end of the no vel, the comb in ati on of reality and talk about life withemoti on.classroom throughout thestudent as the main body, I act as a“ moder
14、ator ” role,timely be induced to allow students in the classroom“stage ”enjoy the show themselves,the classroomatmosphere is more active tha n ever show their stude nts in Stage, exercise the courage to exercise his ability to express,at thesame time lear ning thetextbookkno wledge, the experie nee
15、of life in the no vel sen time nt this point, the classroom teach ing received to a sig ni fica nt effect.Third, the use of the con cept of harm ony teach ingAdvocate the scie ntific con cept of developme nt ofthe wave field of teachingstudent-centeredlearningdominance of respect for the stude nts,
16、the teach ing of thecon ceptof harmonyis a generaltren d.4thatthecon ceptof harm onypen etrateinto teach inggo?Followi ngwant to teach in stateharm onywiththeteach ing situati on is set to be harm onious two aspects to explore.(One to teach state harm onyThe so-calledharmoniousstate of teachingthete
17、achers to love teachingcareer, love students,good atregulati ng their emoti ons, good teach ing mood, teach ing methods, teach ing both emoti onal harm ony.First, teachers have a love life of the heart.“ Thereis no love, no education. ” 5 If a teacher does not love his work, not love educatio n stud
18、e nts, it is impossible to be strict with themselves, can not systemic into the cause of educatio n carefully to infect stude nts with their own true feeli ngs, i n order to win the love and esteem of stude nts, and therefore has a love of harm ony teach ing premise.Secon dly, teachers must have goo
19、d teach ing mood.Teachers to be good at regulati ngtheir emoti ons.Teachers do not temper, it is a very high level, but usuallyhave to always pay atte ntio n to their own emotio ns and the face of stude nt expressi on. teachers in the classroom teachingmust be kept full, exciting,pleasantmentaloutlo
20、ok wholehearted en thusiasmin fectedstude ntsinteach ing, the author paid great atte ntio n to this life, and always have things go wrong occurred, such as discomfort in con tradicti on, home, work did not go well a variety of reas on s, result ing in a bad mood, but no matter how the bad feeli ngs
21、of the in dividual into theclassroom can doclass always full of emoti on into the classroom, gestures of betwee neverywhere magical charisma,sin cerity,trust,and always give students a look of encouragement. enhance emoti onal com muni cati on betwee n teachers andstudents,to create a harmoniousatmo
22、sphere of theclassroom teach in g, improve teach ing efficie ncy.Agai n, teach ing methods harm ony:1 teacher to play the role of an“equal in chief ” .Lend a hand in teachingteachers attitude ofequality, a democratic con scious ness, and strive to make themselves become the friendsof the students in
23、 thehearts of students learning collaborators,the attitude ofthe facilitator in the classroom,I often try to use theIanguage classroom teaching “ the dialogue teachingno wadays“dialogue ”is one of the teaching methodsused inhigh-freque ncyvocabulary.Kli ngberghadproposed:“All teachingin the broadest
24、 sense ofthedialogue” so-called“ the dialogue teaching” is Anemphasison dialogueor interactionof teachersandstude ntsto reach in depe ndentlear ning and thefreedevelopment of the teaching, the teachers and studentsbased on mutual equality, trust and respect on the basis oftwo-way com muni cati on th
25、rough con versatio n and liste n,learn togethertheway in the new curriculumrequiresteachers andstudents to“dialogue ”,frankstude ntscom muni catewithstudents, so thatstude ntsin theclassroom tokeephappy. their thinkingis more activethan ever, to find their own problems, an alyze problems,to solve th
26、e problem , so as to promote the emotional excha nge of teachers and stude nts,classroomatmosphere of harm ony.Method of democracy, the creation of classroom democratic and harm onious atmosphere.Use democratic and harm onious teach ings to in spire stude nts to take the in itiative, and positive th
27、inking.I strive to lear n some outsta nding teachers good teach ing methods such as classroomimpleme ntati onof twowelcome three provisi ons allowed.“ Welcome questio ned,welcome to argue ” allow an error, allowing corrections, allow ing reservati ons about“ The day-e nd January tiredto create a dem
28、ocratic and harm onious atmosphere of the classroom teach ing.For example, in the the novel <&It; necklace > ;& gt; teach ing third sessi on, ask stude nts on how we should look at Mathilde “ talk about their views on this issue, or irony, or sympathy, or certainly, or sympathize with greater t
29、ha n satire or satire tha n sympathy, and so on, to guide stude nts to comb ine the lifestyle of people in real life as well as his (their dreams, especially comb ined with his side s peers - Artisan school boys and girls dream and his (their values consumer mindset, the concept of love, en courag i
30、ngstude ntsto speak their min ds, freedebate, the eyes of the beholder, the wise see wisdom.Links to free papers Downl oad Cen ter (B harm onious teach ing sce narios setStude nt discipli nary lear ning attitude and emoti on,to a large exte nt determ ine the set of teachers teach ingsee narios. Lan
31、guage teach ing each link is full of harm ony, vitality, vigor, I according to the characteristics of the Ianguage subjects, carefully set up teachingscenariosplay the lead ing role of the prin cipal role of stude nts and teachers to achieve the fullest, to form a harmonious classroom atmosphere.Car
32、efully set the teacher-student harmonious the creative classroom resonance structure.For example classroom the first five minutes, the stude nts just after recess, the atte ntio n sudde nly hard to concen trate,the stude ntsspeak ingtrai ningcan bearran ged.: Impromptu speech, idiom stories, exercis
33、es dem on strated,the Un ited States,appreciati on,etc.conten t.: Stude nt Stude nt ID rotati on sort, the school bell rang, stude nts turn went to the front of the podium and bega n perform ing at each less on, prepared in adva nee, and custom content. the n let other stude nts simple Reviews revie
34、ws to find adva ntages. This will not only train student s verbal ability to stimulate students interest inlearning, but also adjust the classroom atmosphere, to enable students to quickly enter the state, natural and harm onious tran siti on to lear n a new less on.2. Carefully set up the seenario
35、related to the content of the text.Set up the seenario related to the content of thetext, the students exposure to them or imagine thelearn ed,orlear nedto expresscha nt,or an alogperforma nces,result ingin avivid andharm oniousatmosphere,such as the authorin 2008NC 2 classestaught XiaYan &It;&It;&g
36、t;>bondedlabor, usingmultimediacourseware showsa groupof photos oftoday s migrant workershouses, combinedwith theschool accommodati on and they chat:Accommodation of studentsTeacher: This classmoved into their dormitory, dorm fans, air con diti oning, a live 10 people, how do we feel?Health:Fortu
37、nately,just a little crowded, broughtsometh ing bad placed.Teacher: If we add 10 people into your dorm, we imag ine how to live the law?Health: plus 10 in dividuals? A dormitory 20 people?Impossible toTeacher:fan,air-c on diti oneddormitories,Zhuode ng, there are lockers full move out, the space wil
38、l10be bigger, does not it?Stude nts: No, that hot dead nothing else how to live?Is only plus a bunk, can not live 20 people.Teacher: Oh, I only said 10 people in side, did not intend for extra beds ah the con trary, should be in side the bed full out.Stude nts: where we sleep?Teacher: wood floor is
39、covered in two long pla nks,sleep ing 10 people in each row, just 20 people.Health: Do not scary, teacher, and that is not in jail it?Multi horror!Teacher: Well said! “Go to jail,” the word used well is bon ded labor accommodati on - cell-like accommodationsso we want to meet the existing livingen v
40、ir onment, not to compla in about the accommodati on!And than bondedlabor accommodationconditions,weare not in heave n?Fin ally, I ask stude nts with pare nts to talk about the feelings of their own comfortableliving conditions,andlead to the stude nt experie nee of emotio n.Harmonious emotio nal fa
41、ctors. Mi ning textbookLan guageless on is not only a portrayal of theobjective thin gs, emoti onal harm onious carrier, the author uses the multimedia creati on vivid and realistic sce ne for stude nts immersive, so more likely to stimulate stude ntsin terest in lear ning. Practice shows that emoti onal factors make the teachers to use teach ing materials emoti ons of stude nts are n urtured.Such as lear ning to Xu << > ;& gt; Farewell toCambridge, I use multimed
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