1、An alysis of e-commerce developme nt inChina Problems and Soluti onsPaper Keywords: e-commercedevelopme ntissuescoun termeasuresAbstract: With the rise of the In ternet,e-commerce hasbee ncon siderabledevelopme nt,particularly in the developmentof small and mediumen terprises more rapidly, but also
2、in the developme nt of some of the problems, this paper combinedwith oure-commercedevelopme nt in the emerge neeof someproblem, the corresp onding resp onse strategies.First, what is e-commerceE-commerce fromEnglish Electronic Commerce, is the use of computer tech no logy, n etwork tech no logy and
3、telecom muni cati ons tech no logy, the en tire bus in ess (trad ing) in the process of electronic, digital and network. From here we can see, e-commerce shouldin cludetwo physical,electro nicmeans and bus in ess activities, and make use of the Internet Platform.In e-commerce trade, was the virtual
4、into the physical in formati on, aba ndon the traditi onal paper-baseditest, mode of operation and cash into a simple network operati on, com muni catio nbetwee n buyers and sellersthrough the Intern et, logistics and distributio n, and ultimately complete the tran sacti on trad ing activities.Throu
5、ghout thetran sacti on process,e-commerce tran sacti on process in thefollowi ng stages:1, the excha nge of in formatio n: the seller of their productsthrough the In ternet to publish in formatio n, and buyers through the In terneton the in formati onthey n eed tochoose the goods the seller and the
6、buyer both sides at this stage is the stage and there is no real com muni cati on betwee n trad ing activity takes place .2, reached a consen sus: this stage on the basisof com municationbetween buyers and sellers in thecommodity con tracts, whether B2B or B2C, at this stage are substantial, they wi
7、ll complete the product of the in itial tran sacti ons.3, the commodityexchange:This stage is thestage of e-commerce tran sacti ons, the seller will provideto the buyer of goods, and buyers will have the funds topay, the seller of merchandise through the logistics and distributi on to buyers, on li
8、ne tran sacti on.E-commerce through the In ternet to reach, in time and space has bee n expa nded, the market has bee n expanding space, circulationand cost price has beenreduced,as the productof tran sacti ons a newdevelopme nt model.Second, the issue of e-commercedevelopmentinChinaE-commerce is th
9、e new commodity tradingmodel, which many compa nies paid in sufficie nt atte nti on to electro nictools that just a simple e-commerceapplicati ons, can not promote the developme nt ofen terprisesforcon sumers,because thetraditi onalcon cepts,the credibility ofe-commercenot a certaindegree ofadaptati
10、on,it sa buyer s market andtheChinese are notun related,the con ceptn eeds tobeimproved.Fromthe gover nmentpointof view,theman ageme ntofe-commerceman ageme ntsystemhasnot improved following is the performaneeof somespecific questi ons:1, bus in ess:Chin esecompa nies are still in therestructuri ng,
11、 the moder n en terprise system has not bee n well established, the en terprisein formati ontech no logyhas just established a con siderable bus in ess has failed to recognize the role of e-commerce, the importaneeofe-commerce is not eno ugh, some en terprises because of their own in dustry, but als
12、o to atte nd to e-commerce, but we should see, e-commerce is not only to cha nge the way goods trade, it will becomemain stream,small andmediumen terprisedevelopme ntshould rely one-commerce, to take place win the competiti on. 2, the market: the field of e-commercetransactionscan bedividedin to B2B
13、 or B2C, the en trepre neursandbus in essandpers onaltran sacti onsbetween the tradingbetwee ntheChin esemarket isstill in the stage ofnon-sta ndard,marketsupervisi onand control measureshave not bee n well impleme nted, lead ing to repeated fakeand shoddy goods,consumersin consumer attitudesn atura
14、lly weak and n eed to observe buying process intothe process will take some of the market affects the stability of e-commerce development, therefore, China smarket, to cultivate a sound mechanism as soon as possible, so as to promote the developme nt of electr onic commerce.3, Safety: This should be
15、 the most worth explori ng e-commerce. Protectio n in electro nicBusin ess in the security of the tran sacti on process, a prerequisite for developme nt of e-commerce as e-commerce, although the n etwork is a virtual trad ing, butof physicalexcha nge,the disclosure ofn etworkin formati on,will great
16、ly in flue neeand eve n un derm inethe no rmal tran sacti onsrelative our case, most of thefrom other coun triessecurity techniquesare borrowed and to e-visa, for example, is still in the applicati on of the SSL protocol, and SEL also fully operati on al, so, along with security in formatio n man ag
17、eme nt issues there.4, the dispute resolution:E-commerce andIn ternet-based build, due to In ternet conn ectivity and openness,although the connectionto the informationspace to expa nd, but also brings the difficulty of deali ng with disputes. Ofte n are cross-regi onaland in ter nati onaltrade tran
18、 sacti on, but a dispute, who arbitrati on, based onthe prin ciple, how to make cross-regi onal issues such as arbitrati on also, this is also an urge nt n eed for appropriate laws and regulationsto make e-commercedisputes beguara nteed.5 Financial Services: e-commercetransactionson the In ter net n
19、 eeds, tran sacti on settleme nt funds on the desig n,which requires appropriatefinan cialservicessystem associated with it. I have been opposed to, the financial services e-commerceis still in the initial stage,many of the procedures are not yet ripe, and eve n a lot of e-ba nking finan cial servic
20、eshas not yet ope ned, inadditi on, all state-ow ned specialized ban ks, our n etwork is not unifiedcom municationsplatform of choice, is notcon ducive to cross the in ter-ba nkbus in ess conn ectivity,in teroperability,and Cen tral Bank finan cialsupervisi onand macro-controlpolicy. In addition,the
21、 line of creditsta ndards are not the same, can not be uni versal, can not achieve the on li ne credit card payme nt.These have seriously hin dered the developme ntof electro nic commerce.Third,China s developmentof e-commercestrategies1, cha ngingcon cepts:either fromgover nmenttobus in ess,or toin
22、 dividuals,thedevelopme ntof electronicresponse have a correctun dersta nding, from the con cept to be updated.2, focus on prioritydevelopme ntofintern ati onale-commerce, foreig n trade en terprises topromote the first step, and the n outside to in side use, andthen gradually developedin the domest
23、ic trade in8of B2B, B2C ande-commerce, first the developme nt promote developme nt.3, e-commerce is the key to improv ing coord in ati on separatio n of departme nts, regi ons closed, is they might e-commerce. Although Chi na has established a Mi nistry of In formatio n In dustry, to effectively promote e-c
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