必修二 1.4Unit 1 Cultural relics_第1页
必修二 1.4Unit 1 Cultural relics_第2页
必修二 1.4Unit 1 Cultural relics_第3页
必修二 1.4Unit 1 Cultural relics_第4页
必修二 1.4Unit 1 Cultural relics_第5页
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1、新课标人教版课件系列 高中英语 必修必修2- 2-1.4 cultural relics: 1.whats a cultural relic? 2.these relics belong to the world cultural heritage(遗产遗产) list. can you recognize these cultural relics? mount taishan the great wall , cultural site mount huangshan, cultural and natural site 黄山百丈泉黄山百丈泉 黄山百步云梯黄山百步云梯 黄山白龙桥黄山白龙桥

2、 the potala palace, lhasa,(布达拉宫布达拉宫 ) the temple of heaven(天坛天坛) capital cities and tombs of the ancient koguryo kingdom(高句丽王城、王陵高句丽王城、王陵) longmen grottoes(龙门龙门 石窟石窟) 3.do you know any other famous cultural relics in china? the mogao caves(敦煌莫高窟)(敦煌莫高窟) the peking man site at zhoukoudian the imperia

3、l palace of the ming and qing dynasties in beijing and shenyang qianning grand bronze bell of tang dynasty (唐、乾宁(唐、乾宁 大铜钟)大铜钟) the discovery histric and cultural relics duanzhou ink- slub(端砚)(端砚) stone inscriptions of tang dynasty gentleman libeihai 唐代李北海碑刻唐代李北海碑刻 a rare ming dynasty vase imagine debate: for: we should save all our cultural relics against: we should only save the best one. oral writing: today, we have a discussion on “should china save all of its cultural reli


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