2、发布版 次IssueRev发布或修改情况Issue or Revision Description编制人Origin by日期Date校核人Check by日期Date审核人Approve by日期Date批准人Authorize by日期Date本文件持有者This Document is Owned byOPMT QA/QC Department Manager联合管理团队质量部经理PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY WAS VALID AT THE TIME IT WAS PRINTED. FOR AN UP-TO-DATE COPY, PL
3、EASE VISIT CQMCP1NET硬拷贝为非受控文件,只表明其印制时为有效版本,最新版本请查阅局域网站版本号Revisi on修改内容Change Descripti on修订位置Change Locati on目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS1.0范围SCOPE 32.0目的PURPOSE 33.0定义DEFINITIONS 34.0 责任RESPONSIBILITIES 错误!未定义书签。5.0 参考文件REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 错误!未定义书签。6.0 监造原则及最低监造等级错误!未定义书签。SURVEILLANCE PRINCIPLE/ MINIMUM S
4、URVEILLANCE LEVELS 错误!未定义书 签。6.1 监造原则Surveillance Principle错误!未定义书签。6.2 压力容器和换热器 Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchangers .错误!未定义书 签。6.3 动设备Rotating Equipment.错误!未定义书签。7.0 附录ANNEX 错误!未定义书签。ANNEX 1 设备监造原贝U SURVEILLANCE PRINCIPLES .7Annex 2静设备最低监造要求Minimum surveilla nee requireme nts for static equipment8
5、Annex 3泵的最低监造要求Minimum surveillanee requirements for pumps .-10Annex 4压缩机的最低监造要求Minimum surveillanee requirements for compressors .12Annex 5分供泵和压缩机主要部件的最低监造要求Mi nimum surveilla nee requireme ntsfor main components of sub-supplied pump and e ompressor 141.0 范围 SCOPE本规范定义了在重庆化医项目执行阶段应用于承压设备供货商工作监督的最低要
6、求。This specification defines the minimum level of surveillanee to be applied to the work of suppliers of pressure containing equipme nt duri ng the impleme ntati on phase of the CCPHC Project.本规范将用于制造的设备,如压力容器、换热器、泵和压缩机。This specification shall be applied to fabricated equipment, such as pressure ve
7、ssels, heat excha ngers, pumps, compressors.虽然本程序没有逐一说明,但是其他设备如往复式压缩机、汽轮机、燃气轮机、燃烧加热 器、锅炉、阀门、散装管材、嵌入式设备如混合机和过滤器等都将按照类似监造要求进行Although not specifically covered by this specification, other items such as reciprocating compressors, steam turb in es, gas turb in es, fired-heaters, boilers, valves, pip ing
8、 bulks, in-line items such as mixers and strainers etc. shall be developed similar surveillance requireme nts.EPC/EP承包商应按照监造活动规范进行。EPC/EP con tractor or supplier shall meet all requireme nts in this procedure.2.0 目的 PURPOSE本程序目的是建立承压设备供应商设备监造的一个通用方法。The purpose of this specificati on is to establish
9、 a com mon approach to surveilla nce of suppliers of pressure containing equipme nt.3.0 定义 DEFINITIONS关键性等级Criticality Rat ing在设计、制造和故障后果方面评估一个设备的重要性A method of assess ing the importa nce of an item with respect to its desig n, manufacture and con seque nce of failure.监造Surveilla nceOPMT和/或EPC/EP承包商
10、监督检验设备供货商的设 计、制造,检查测试活动,确保其符合项目和规定要求Mon itori ng by OPMT and/or EPC/EP Con tractor of suppliers desigma nu facturi ng, in spect ion and test activities to en sure complia nce to Project and Statutory requireme nts.PMI用仪表检定公称合金组成Verification of nominal alloy composition by means of in strume ntatio n
11、.带位号项目Tagged Item指定唯一标记号的设备或特殊管道,如压力容器、换热器、 泵、压缩机、成包单元、控制泄压阀、伸缩接头和列在设备 清单、特殊管道清单和仪表一览表中的其他项目Equipme nt or special pip ing item allocated a unique tag number e.g. pressure vessel, heat exchanger, pump,compressor, packaged un it, con trol and relief valves, expa nsion joint, and any other items listed
12、 in equipme nt list, special pip ing item list or in strume nt schedule.散装材料Bulk Items购买的散装材料,各个条目不指定唯一的标记号,如,板、 任意长度的管子、阀门、配件、法兰、未加工的收集器和过 滤器。Materials purchased in bulk where in dividual items are not allocated a unique tag nu mber, e.g. plate, ran dom len gth pipe, valves, fitt in gs, flan ges, n
13、on-process traps and strai ners.W:见证点W: Witness Point见证点是制造和试验的一个鉴定步骤,供应商应在操作前10个工作日通知 CCPHC/买方以便CCPHC或买方代表能够见 证。CCPHC或买方代表的见证活动是可选的而非强制性的。 当给出一定的百分比(如10 %),检验活动应根据这个规定的百分比进行现场见证。如果CCPHC或买方代表不能出席, 供应商可以通过见证点继续其后的工作,在这种情况下,供 应商应提交见证点的控制和检验记录以备CCPHC或买方代表审查。Witness points are defined as critical steps
14、in manufacturing and testing, whereby suppliers shall advise CCPHC/Buyer ten (10) working days in advance of the operati on so that it may be wit nessed by CCPHC/Buyer represe ntatives. The wit ness activities of CCPHC/Buyer represe ntatives are not man datory but opti on al. When the perce ntage e.
15、g. W10% is specified, the in specti on has to be site proved based on the perce ntage specified. The suppliers may proceed with work past the wit ness point on ly if CCPHC/Buyer represe ntatives cannot atte nd.Inthe event suppliers shall provide the con trol and in spect ion record for review by in
16、spector.I :随机抽查I: Ran dom in spect ionCCPHC/买方代表有权随时对产品的制造进行不定期检查或 抽查。CCPHC/Buyer represe ntatives have authority to non-scheduled in spect ion an d/or spot-check for product manu facture at any mome nt.H:停工待检点H: Hold Poi nt停工待检点疋制造和试验的个鉴疋步骤,供应商有乂务在 操作前10个工作日(国内)或 45个工作日(国外)通知 CCPHC/买方以便CCPHC或买方代表能够
17、见证(除非在其 他监督检验计划中另有规定)。如果没有CCPHC或买方代表的见证,供应商不能通过停工待检点继续其后的工作,除非 事先得到CCPHC/Buyer的书面冋意书。Hold points are defined as critical steps in manufacturing and test ing whereby suppliers is obligated to advise CCPHC/Buyer ten (10) worki ng days for on shore an d/or forty-five (45) worki ng days for offshore (un
18、i ess stated otherwise in the Surveilla nce In spect ion Pla n) in adva nceof the operation so that it can be witnessed by CCPHC/Buyer represe ntatives. The suppliers cannot proceed with work past the hold point without wit ness by CCPHC/Buyer represe ntatives, except by prior writte n Agreeme nt fr
19、om CCPHC/Buyer.R:文件审查点R: Docume nt ReviewPoi nt供货厂商可以在进行上述活动前向检验员提交相关文件以 征求意见,也可以根据实际情况,向检验员提交或提供控制 与检测的实施结果以备审查。The supplier can submit the releva nt docume nt to in spector for comme nts before the above activities are performed and also they can, based on the facts, delivery or provide the result
20、 of con trol and in spect ion for review.4.0 责任 RESPONSIBILITIESOPMT和/或EPC/EP 承包商负责制定设备监造的技术标准和要求,并确保这些要求符 合重庆化医项目要求。OPMT an d/or EPC/EP Con tractor is resp on sible for sett ing up surveilla nee specificati on and requireme nts of quality supervisi on, and for en suri ng that such requireme nts are
21、 in accorda nee with Project requireme nts.执行检验测试的责任由承接采购订单和分包合同的供货商或者分承包商承担。Equipme nt supplier/sub-supplier is resp on sible to en sure all manu facturi ng process meeti ng quality surveilla nee specificati on and requireme nts in this procedure.OPMT和/或EPC/EP 承包商在审查供应商/分包商质量计划中,应考虑最低监造要求 和停工待检点、检验
22、测试点,强调这里规定的要求是最低要求,不考虑供应商执行情况或 者成本或计划对项目的影响。OPMT an d/or EPC/EP Con tractor shall, in review of Supplier/Subco ntractor Quality Pla ns, con sider the mi nimum surveilla nee requireme nts and in dicate required Hold, Wit ness, In spect ion and Review poin ts. It is emphasised that the requireme nts s
23、pecified here in are minimum requireme nts and take no acco unt of supplier performa nee or of cost or schedule impact to the Project.OPMT和/或EPC/EP 承包商将为其他本规范没有详细涉及的承压项目制定监造要求供 OPMT审查,这些项目如往复式压缩机、汽轮机、燃气轮机、燃烧加热器、锅炉、阀门、 散装管材,嵌入式设备如混合机和过滤器等。这些监造要求应该考虑项目规范要求的所有 检查,设置等级应与本规范包括的等级相等。OPMT an d/or EPC/EP Co
24、n tractor shall develop surveilla nee requireme nts for other pressurised items not specifically covered by this specification such as reciprocating compressors, steam turb in es, gas turb in es, fired-heaters, boilers, valves, pip ing bulks, in-line items such as mixers and strainers etc. for revie
25、w by IPMT. Such surveillanee requireme nts shall take acco unt of all in spect ions required by the Project Specificati on and shall be set at levels equivale nt to those covered by this specificati on.因为OPMT要求所有设备提出停工待检点、见证点和审查点,因此OPMT将审查EPC/EP承包商提出的监造等级。OPMT shall review the surveilla nee levels p
26、roposed by the EPC/EP Con tractor for all equipme nt shall advise any Hold, Wit ness and Review points required by IPMT.5.0 参考文件 REFERENCED DOCUMENTSCQMCP1-0000-QTA-PRO-001CQMCP1-0000-QTA-PRO-XXX项目质量管理计划Project Quality Management Plan 关键性等级程序Criticality Rating Procedure6.0 监造原则及最低监造等级SURVEILLANCE PR
27、INCIPLE/ MINIMUM SURVEILLANCE LEVELS6.1 监造原则 SURVEILLANCE PRINCIPLE 监造原则见表 1.The surveillance principle shall be as described in Table 16.2 压力容器和换热器 PRESSURE VESSELS AND HEAT EXCHANGERS OPMT 和或 EPC/EP 将为各设备设立关键性等级。OPMT and/or EPC/EP Contractor shall establish the Criticality Ratings for each item. 就
28、压力容器和换热器,供应商的质量活动监督程度应在容器关键性等级的基础上。最低监 督程度如表 2 描述。qualityFor pressure vessels and heat exchangers the extent of surveillance of suppliers activities shall be based on Criticality Ratings of vessels. The minimum extent of surveillance shall be as described in Table 2.6.3 动设备 ROTATING EQUIPMENT OPMT 和
29、或 EPC/EP 将为各设备设立关键性等级。OPMT and/or EPC/EP Contractor shall establish the Criticality Ratings for each item. 泵的最低监造程度表 3,压缩机的最低监造要求见表 4。The minimum extent of surveillance shall be as described in Table 3 for pumps and Table 4 for compressors.此外,承压壳体最低监造要求见表 5。In addition to the above, the minimum surv
30、eillance levels for pressure containing casings shall be as defined in Table 5.7.0 附录附表1设备监造原则关键等级CR国内设备On shore国外设备OffshoreEP/EPCOPMT (1)EP/EPCOPMTSAA/BBB1AA/BBB2BB/CCC3BB/DCC4BB/DDDA:原则上要求驻厂监造,派遣专业人员长期驻扎在制造厂进行随时随地的监督检验。A: Reside nt in spect ion .In spector is assig ned to the facility on a“ full t
31、imemon itor all phases of fabricati on an d/or manu facture.B :关键点见证,仅对ITP中的关键点进行生产车间的见证。B: Requires coverage of the wit ness an d/or hold poi nts detailed in ITP at the ven dor workshop.C :最终检验,仅在装船前进行外观及尺寸、最终文件、标记、保护等检查。C : Final inspection. Just visual inspection, dimension inspection, final docu
32、ment, marking and protect etc.D :开箱检验,仅在安装现场进行开箱检验。D : Receiving Inspection, means open box inspection only.备注:1. 关键设备(关键等级为S、1)检验内容的变更必须在合同/合同变更单中明确。Change the in spect ion level of key equipme nt (Criticality Rati ng S, 1) should be confirmed in PO/ CO.2. EP/EPC承包商必须严格遵守本规定。The EP/EPC con tractor
33、shall follow the regulati on.TABLE 1 Surveilla nee prin ciplesbasis, to附表2压力容器及换热器最低监造要求TABLE 2 Mi nimum Surveilla nee Requireme nts for Pressure Vessels and Heat Excha ngers检查/监造项目INSPECTION/ SURVEILLANCEITEMS监造活动SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITYCR SCR1CR2CR3CR4制造前准备PRIOR TOMANUFACTURE图纸审查及批准Review and approve
34、 draw ingsHHWRR计算书审查及批准Review and approve calculati onsHHWRR质量计划批准Approve Quality Pla nHHWR-预检验会PRE-INSPECTION MEETING预检验会 Pre-Inspection MeetingHHW-材料MATERIALS材料合格证 Material CertificatesRRRRR材料鉴定/标记移植Material ide ntificati on / tran sfer of markingIIII机械性能 Supplementary mecha ni cal propertiesRRRRR
35、子订单 Sub-ordersRRRR资质QUALIFICATIONS焊工资格证WeldersHHRR-无损检测资格证NDT operatorsRRRR-程序文件PROCEDURES焊接规范WPS sRRRRR焊接工艺评定 PQRsH/RW/RRRR无损检测程序/PMI程序NDT/PMIRRRRR加工工艺流程ManufacturingRRRRR热处理程序Heat TreatmentHHRRR压力试验程序Press Testi ng procedureRRRR-涂装程序 Pain ti ng procedureRRRR-酸洗钝化 Pickli ng/ Passivati onRRRR-保存、包装和
36、运输程序Preservati on. Pack ing andTran sportati onRRRRR返修程序 Repair procedureRRRR-无损检测NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING渗透/磁粉检测PT/MTRRRR-超声波检测UTRRRR-射线检测 RT & radiograph reviewRRRR-铁素体测定/硬度检查Ferrite/hard ness checksRRRR-材料精确性鉴定 PMI Test ingIIIRR产品试板性能试验PRODUCTIONTEST COUPONS产品试板 Production TestCouponsWRRRR制造FABRIC
37、ATION不合格项纠错Corrective actio ns for non-con formitiesWWIRR组对/点焊/焊接准备 fit-up/tack weld /Weld prepHHII-焊接参数 Welding parametersIIII-焊接返修 Weld repairsHHIRR成型 FormingIRRRR焊后热处理PWHTHHWRR尺寸 /外观 Dimensional/VisualRRRRR压力试验Pressure testHHHWR运输准备PREPARATIONFOR SHIPMENT表面处理/油漆Shotblast in g/pa in ti ngIIIRR酸洗钝化
38、检查Pickli ng/Passivati onIIIRR干燥 /保存 Drying/preservationWII-包装 / 标记 Pack in g/mark ingWWW-装船文件EQUIPMENTDATA BOOK装船文件 Equipment data bookHHRRR现场安装SITEINSTALLATION内件安装INTERNALSIn stallati onHHI-附表3泵的监造最低要求TABLE 3 Minimum Surveilla nee Requireme nts for Pumps检查/监造项目INSPECTION/SURVEILLANCE STAGE监造活动SURVE
39、ILLANCE ACTIVITYCRSCR 1CR 2CR 3CR 4制造前准备PRIOR TOMANUFACTURE质量计划批准Approve Quality Pla nHHHR-图纸审查和批准Review and approve draw ingsHHRR-批准程序PROCEDUREAPPROVAL材料、标记、材料精确鉴定Material ID, Marki ng, PMIHHHRR无损检测NDTRRRRR热处理 Heat TreatmentRRRRR焊接规范/焊接工艺评定WPS s/PQRsHHRRR涂装程序 Pain ti ng procedureRRRR-酸洗钝化 Pickli ng
40、/ Passivati onRRRR-检验测试程序In spect ion and test proceduresHHRRR保存、包装和运输Preservati on, Pack ing and Tran sportati onRRRRR资质QUALIFICATIONS焊工资质WeldersRRRR-无损检验资格证NDT operatorsRRRR-分供货商SUBSUPPLIERS质量计划批准Approve Quality Plan sHHHR-承压外壳 Pressure Casings见表 5 See Table 5主要分供货商按照上述程序批 准 Procedure approval as
41、per above for major sub suppliersRRRRR预检验会PRE-INSPECTION MEETING预检验会 Pre-Inspection Meet ingHHWW-制造期间Duri ngManu facturi ng质量审核 Quality AuditsIIII-监测供货商质量控制Mon itor Supplier QCIIIII监测分供货商质量控制Mon itor Sub-supplier QCIIII-材料标识核实Material IDChecksWWIIR材料合格证检查Material Certificati on checksRRRRR材料精确性鉴定 PM
42、I Test ingHHWWR材料可追溯性MaterialIIII-traceability无损检测监控 Monitor NDTWWIIR热处理 Heat treatmentWWIIR见证压力测试 witness pressure testH/WH/WWWW见证动平衡试验wit ness dyn amic bala ncingHHWWR测量纪录泵叶轮间距 Measureand record Pump ImpellerCleara ncesHHWWR噪音和震动试验Noise and vibration testsHHWWR见证NPSH测试Wit ness NPSH testsHHWWR最终外观检
43、查Final VisualIn spect ionWWWWW见证性能测试Wit ness performa nee testHHHHR检查主要尺寸Check Main dime nsionsWWWWW检查机械密圭寸Check Mechanical SealsIIIII除锈和油漆Blasting andPain ti ngIIII-酸洗钝化检查Pickli ng/Passivati onIIIRR处理、清洁、保存、包装和标 识 Handling, cleanliness, preservati on, packagi ng and ide ntificati on.IIIII装船文件EQUIPM
44、ENTDATA BOOK装船文件 Equipment data bookHHH/RH/RH/R附表4压缩机和特殊蒸汽轮机的最低监造要求TABLE 4Mi nimum Surveilla nee Requireme nts for Compressors and SpecialPurpose Steam Turb ines检验和监造项目INSPECTION/ SURVEILLANCE ITEMS监造活动SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITYCRSCR 1CR 2CR 3CR 4制造前准备PRIOR TOMANUFACTURE质量计划批准Approve Quality Pla nHHHR-图纸
45、审查和批准Review and approve draw ingsHHRR-批准程序PROCEDUREAPPROVAL材料标识、标记、PMI Material ID, Marki ng, PMIHHHRR无损检验资格证NDTRRRRR热处理 Heat TreatmentR :RRP RR焊接规范/焊接工艺评定WPS s/PQRsHHRRR检验和测试程序In spect ion and test proceduresHHRRR涂装程序 Painting procedureRRRR-保存、包装和运输Preservati on, Pack ing and Tran sportati onRRRRR资
46、质QUALIFICATIONS焊工资质WeldersR :RRP R-无损检验资格证NDT operatorsRRRR-分供应商SUB-SUPPLIERS质量计划批准Approve Quality Plan sHHRRR承压外壳 Pressure Casings见表 5 See Table 5预检验会PRE-INSPECTION MEETING预检验会 Pre-Inspection Meet ingHHWW-制造期间DURING FABRICATION监测供货商质量控制Mon itor Supplier QCIIIII监测分供货商质量控制Mon itor Sub-supplier QCIIII-材料标识核查Material ID ChecksWWIIR材料合格证核查Material Certificati on checksRRRRR材料精确性鉴定 PMI Test ingH :HWr wR材料的可追溯性Material traceabilityIIII-监测 NDT Monitor NDTWWIIR热处理 Heat treatmentWWIIR见证压力测试 witness pressure testHHWWW主要尺寸 Main dimensionsWWWR-元成法二 Flange finishWWWP RR外壳壁厚Casing Wall thick nessWWW
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