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1)Which support does RSA provide for RAS artifacts? A B D (Choose three.)Aimports RAS artifactsBbrowses RAS repositoriesCconverts RAS assets into zip filesDcreates and packages RAS artifacts2)Topic diagrams are defined based on DAdesign patternsBmodel templatesCarchitectural discoveryDa key model element and its relationships3)How do you add RSA model report templates? D Aupdate your RSA install via the Rational Product UpdaterBcreate a new RSA plug-in that extends the reporting capabilitiesCadd a new report template to the project that contains the modelDcreate a new report template and add its corresponding report format entry in the reports.manifest file in the reporting plug-in4)To facilitate modeling, reusable assets can be used to share _A B C D_. (Choose four.)AprofilesBmodelsCpatternsDtransformationsEJAVA test scripts5)What indicates the level at which a model can be partitioned? D AClassBMethodCDiagramDPackage6)Which statement is true about Browse diagrams? D ABrowse diagrams are saved as .brx files.BYou can change the layout of a Browse diagram.CBrowse diagrams show all the elements of a given package.DBrowse diagrams are driven by parameters and filters that you control.7)Which statement is true about Deployment Models? C ADeployment Models are not supported in Rational Software Architect.BThe Enterprise IT Design Model template includes a Deployment Model.CDeployment diagrams can be added to model templates to form Deployment Models.DThe Deployment Model template and Analysis Model template both contain Deployment Models.8)In RSA, which type of combined fragment is used in sequence diagrams to show the details of how one object messages another? C Aoptional fragmentBmessaging fragmentCinteraction use fragmentDnested sequence fragment9)Which statement is true about models and UML projects? C AA UML project can only contain a single model.BEach UML project must contain a blank model.CA UML project can contain any number of models.DModels can only be added when the UML project is created.10)When should you consider partitioning a model into multiple files? A D (Choose two.)Awhen the model file becomes larger that 1 MBBwhen there are more than 10 packages in a modelCwhen there are relationships to elements in more than one reference modelDwhen the size or packaging structure of the model becomes unmanageable11)Which UML 2.0 diagram type(s) does RSA support? C Aaction diagramsBobject diagramsCcommunication diagramsDcomposite component diagrams12)Why are RSA model merge conflicts caused by broken cross-file references, difficult to resolve? D ARSA only utilizes UNC pathnames to reference other model files.BRSA must maintain a reference model location registry for all models in a workspace.CRSA manages cross-file references in the Eclipse preferences, which may not be consistent between users.DCross-file references rely on filenames in the host file system that can be modified outside of theEclipse environment.13)Which features does RSA provide to automate the process of publishing a model? A Aa set of Ant tasks that can be inserted into any Ant build scriptBa standalone Eclipse rich client application that just publishes modelsCa perl script and perl library that execute the model report and/or publish functionalityDa preference setting that indicates that models are to be published anytime the project that contains the model is built14)For which three views does the Service Design Model contain perspective packages? A B D (Choose three.) AServiceBMessageCViewpointsDCollaboration15)A local hub is an object that has many dependencies and many dependents. It is affected when another object is changed. Likewise, when it is changed, other objects are affected.What is the best way to fix this problem? D ALocal hubs should be made global.BLocal hubs should become interfaces.CLocal hubs should be removed from the application.DLocal hubs should be refactored into several smaller classes.16)In which profile are the class stereotypes boundary,controllerand entity made available? B Athe design profileBthe analysis profileCthe software services profileDthe business modeling profile17)The Enterprise IT Design Model contains a number of top-level packages.Which package contains the perspective Architectural Layers? A AViewpointsBDesign ContractsCDesign Building BlocksDImplementation Designs18)A Use-Case Model created from the Use-Case Model template contains a number of packages including a package called versatile Actors. What should this package contain? D Aall actorsBall actors that participate in multiple use casesCall actors that have yet to be assigned to specific use casesDall actors that participate in multiple functional areas of the system19)What are three valid reasons to perform architectural discovery on existing code? B C D (Choose three.)Ato find code path coverage from unit testsBto discover candidates for services in existing codeCto ensure that your design is being implemented as you intendedDto search for reusable components, explore their structure and relationships, and harvest them20)A topic diagram _B D_. (Choose two.)Ais editableBis automatically generated based upon a user queryCis manually updated by re-executing the query that generated itDexplores a specific set of relationships between a group of elements21)Which architectural discovery pattern category shows patterns based on irregular structural connectivity between components, including antipatterns such as cyclic dependencies? C ADesign PatternsBSystem PatternsCStructural PatternsDObject-oriented Patterns22)A class in model X has a directed association to a class in model Y. Model X is checked out and the directed association is modified to point to a class in model Z. Model X is then checked in. Which statement is true? D AModel Z will show a new reference from model X.BModel Y will show a deleted reference from model X.CWhen compared to its previous version, model file X will show no differences.DWhen compared to its previous version, model file X will show a difference against the external referencesince it now points to a new object.23)In model driven development, transformations are mainly used to _D_.Agenerate reports on models22)Bpackage models to share themCadd details on an existing modelDconvert a model from one level of abstraction to another24)What is the main difference between transformations and patterns? C APatterns can use transformations, but transformations cannot use patterns.BThere is no difference, as patterns are just a specific kind of transformation.CPatterns occur within the same model and transformations usually use two different models.DTransformations can be used on any model, but patterns can only be used in Design Models.25)How can a method implementation be preserved when rerunning a model to code transformation? B Acomment the method you like to preserveBremove the generated comment tag of the methodCreplace the generated comment tag of the method by preserve.Dremove the generated comment tag of the java file containing the method26)The UML Model Editor enables you to create which types(s) of model elements? D AClassesBPackagesCComponentsDDocumentation27)In the Design Model, sequence diagrams _A_.Ahelp determine class interfacesBcontain links, objects, and messagesCare alternative representations of the UML object diagramDshow how objects interact to implement a single scenario of a use case28)RSA provides the capability to publish models _ B D_. (Choose two.)Ato any postscript printerBas a report in pdf formatCto a Microsoft Excel spreadsheetDas html viewable by a web browserEto any open Microsoft Word documentFto any database that has a registered ODBC entry29)In a Design Model, component diagrams show_C _.Athe internal structure of componentsBthe external relationships between classesCthe high-level structure of the envisioned system implementationDhow classes within a component work together dynamically to realize the services that a component offersto its clients30)A simple structural code review warns you of the presence of some patterns in code. Which technique in RSAallows you to explore these patterns visually? D AQuick FixBVisualizationCTopic DiagramsDArchitectural Discovery31)What are three anti-patterns that you can discover using architectural discovery? B C D (Choose three.)ASingletonBGlobal HubCLocal ButterflyDCyclic Dependency32)Which three statements are true? A C D (Choose three.)AYou should only partition a model after its abstraction level stabilizes.BYou should only partition a model around development team boundaries.CYou should identify common components and stabilize them before partitioning a model.DYou should only partition a model when the top-level subsystems that are defined in the model willsurvive future iterations.33)Which three statements about topic diagrams are true? A C D (Choose three.)ATopic diagrams are dynamically updated.BTopic diagrams are not saved in the model.CTopic diagrams can be saved as a class diagram.DTopic diagrams are created by querying the model.34)A package within a model represents specific views of the system. It contains only diagrams and sub-packages. Which stereotype should it have? D AviewBpositionCviewpointDperspective35)Where can patterns be applied? A Aon any modelBonly on Design ModelsConly on Analysis and Design ModelsDon models with the Allow Patterns property36)Which statement is TRUE about the organization of UML projects and models? C AA logical sub-division of a model, to achieve better organization, is best achieved using sub-models.BA logical sub-division of a model, to achieve better organization, is not possible after the model hasbeen created.CModels elements in one model can be referenced from another model, even if the models are in differentprojects.DModel elements in one model can be referenced from another model, but only if the models are in the sameprojects.37)In the Service Design Model template, which profile contains stereotypes for Service Oriented Architectureconcepts such as Service, Message and Service Partition? D ASOA profileBService profileCServices Design profileDSoftware Services profile38)In which architectural discovery pattern category is existing code for the Gang of Four pattern called Factory found? A ADesign PatternsBSystem PatternsCStructural PatternsDObject-oriented Patterns39)What should you do to preserve the hierarchy structure of a package when creating a model partition from thepackage? B Aadd the containment hierarchy as a comment in the root-level main directoryBselect the create complete containment structure in the new model checkboxCcreate a model from a package and then recreate the original containment structure in the new modelDonly create new model partitions from root-level packages and delete all unnecessary packages from thenew model40)A software architect wants to create a model template, based on existing models, to develop new models quickly and consistently. The new model template has a different structure and includes other UML profiles.How can the new model template be created? B Asave an existing model as a model template fileBexport an existing model as a UML model templateCcreate an Eclipse plug-in using the model template plug-in wizardDcreate a new UML Profile project and configure it as a UML model template41)Which sentence is true? B ATransformations cannot be used in conjunction with patterns.BTransformation is the easiest way to automate Model Driven Development.CBefore transforming your model into code, you need to have your model totally complete.DTransformations can only be used to transform a more abstract model into a less abstract one.42)Which model template is available when creating a new model? C ADesign ModelBDefault ModelCAnalysis ModelDDeployment Model43)When publishing a model report, which language in the report manifest file do you use to customize theelements that are reported on? C APerlBXSLCOCLDVisual Basic44)Which model templates are available out-of-the-box with RSA? B ABusiness ModelBUse Case ModelCDetailed Design ModelDEnterprise Architecture Model45)In a User-Experience Model, UML collaboration is used to represent a use case from the Use-Case Model. The UMLcollaboration includes diagrams showing the screens through which the user navigates to perform the use case.Which stereotype does the UML collaboration have? D Ause-caseBuser storyCuser scenarioDuse-case story


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