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浙江省杭州市初中毕业、高招生考试英语试题1999.6 第卷(共55分) 单词辨音(6分)从下列每组单词中找出一个划线部分发音不同于其他三个的单词。1AhelpBdeskCmetreDbest2AnameBhandCbackDstamp3AstudyBlunchCsupperDruler4AhouseBgroupCmouthDabout5AhardBwarmClargeDfarmer6AthoughBlaughCenoughDcough单项填空(25分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。7When he was _ small child, Edison was always trying out new ideasAaBanCtheD/8It was raining so hard that _ of her feet were wetAallBeveryCeitherDboth9Its Lucys birthday the day after tomorrowOh yesI will buy _ a big cakeAhimBhisCherDhers10Would you like some tea with sugar or milk, sir?No, Id most like tea with _ in itAanythingBnothingCsomethingDeverything11Carl, are you interested in swimming?Yes, _ Im not good at it at allAsoBandCorDbut12You have a good room, but I dont think its as big as _AIBmeCmineDmy13Hello, RikId like to ask you to my partyWould you like to come?Yes, Id love toI will come _ Saturday afternoonAatBtoCinDon14Sara said we would meet at _ in front of the museumAone thirtyBhalf an hourCone and thirtyDone past half15Its _ for your health to eat less food and take more exerciseAgoodBniceCwellDfine16If you are not careful in the street, a car _ hit youAcanBmayCwouldDmust17Who can reach the book on the top shelf?Jackie canHe is _ boy of us allAtallerBa tallCthe tallestDmuch taller18Huifang, heres my phone numberYou can _ me if you likeAcall BhelpCtell Dvisit19_ Alice come to our bicycle trip?Well, Im not sure if she willADoes BWillCHas DDid20Excuse meWhats the _ today?March 7thTomorrow is Womens Day, you knowAdayBtimeCdateDweather21_ beautiful picture it is! Who drew it, Larry?AHowBWhatCHow anDWhat a22Today theyre going to have real English food, _?Aisnt itBarent theyCdoesnt itDdont they23There _ an eraser under the deskIs it yours?AisBhasCwasDhad24Hi, Allen_ are you leaving for Japan?Next Thursday eveningAWhyBWhatCHowDWhen25What were the twins talking about when you _ them?Ahad seenBwere seeingCsawDsee26Are we going to West Hill Farm by bike?NoBy bus, _ it is quite far from hereAifBwhenCthoughDbecause27Dont _ you think his radio is too loud? Tell him to _ a littleAturn it offBturn it downCturn it onDturn it up28Please buy some stamps for me if you _ the post officeApassBwill passChave passedDpassed29I want to see Mrs Wang, but I dont know _Ashe lives whereBshe where livesCwhere she livesDwhere does she live30Many kinds of new bicycles _ in Number One Machine Factory nowAare makingBare madeChave madeDwill make31Its Sunday tomorrowLets go to that place of interestGood ideaShall I ask Dick _ together?Agoes BgoingCwill go Dto go完形填空(10分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在52梍61各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。I had a quick breakfast and then went to schoolI found it 32 to work in class because I kept on thinking about the 33 in the afternoonSchool ended a little earlierMy team all went to the football field, 34 very soon the game 35 My team was playing 36 the team from No64 Middle SchoolIt was very big and strong, and my team felt a little 37 of themBut I was sure we were a 38 team and we could 39 the other team because we could 40 together very wellThe other team had some very good 41 , but they didnt have very good teamwork32AhappyBeasyCinterestingDdifficult33AexamBclassCmatchDmeeting34AbutBandCforDso35AmissedBendedCstartedDlost36AagainstBtoCforDover37ApleasedBworriedCafraidDsorry38AbigBgoodCsmallDweak39AwinBkickChitDbeat40AplayBrushCliveDfight41AfriendsBteachersCplayersDgoalkeepers阅读理解(14分)(A)阅读下面的短文,然后做后面的题目,从四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。Jenny came back from her holidayWhen she was having lunch, Jenny told her parents about her wonderful holidayAfter lunch her mother gave her some lettersThey had arrived while Jenny was awayThere over ten letters and most of them were from her friendsThere were two from the schoolJenny knew that one of them was about her exam resultsHer parents watched her face as she read the one that she had openedShe looked more and more upset(不安) and at last she began to cryI cant understand it, she said, and then she gave the letter to her fatherIt read:Dear Sir/Madam,We have to tell you that your child failed in all the five exams except the English examIf she wants to go on with her studies, we think she must work harder next termAfter a moment Mrs Hutton opened the other letterThis read:read:Dear Jenny,Were sorry to say that we have made a mistakeThe letter you got yesterday wasnt for you, but for JeanneYou, in fact, passed in all the five subjects42The letters got to Jennys house _Awhile she was on her holidayBbefore she went for the holidayCas she was having lunch at homeDafter she came back from the holiday43As she read the first letter Jenny looked more and more upset because _Aher father and mother watched her faceBthe letter said she had failed the four examsCthe letter was about her exam resultsDthe letter said she had failed the English exam44Mrs Hutton was Jennys _AteacherBfriendCsisterDmother45Who failed four out of the five exams in fact(事实上)?AJennyBJeanneCJenny and JeanneDNobody46After reading the second letter, Jenny and her parents would feel _AsadBupsetCworriedDpleased(B)根据对话内容,在方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项(每个句子限用一次)。A: HelloCould I speak to Bill, please?B: 47 He s not here at the momentCan I take a message?A: Yes, pleaseThis is Sue 48 B: Oh yesHello, SueThis is Bill s dadA: 49 But Im afraid I cantIm going to my hometown that dayB: Oh, Im sorry to hear thatA: 50 B: Thank youIll give Bill the message 第卷(45分) 、单词拼写(10分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。51Miss Brown taught _ (他们) English last term52Lily _ (喜欢) red best, so she usually wears a red blouse53Shall we meet at half past _ (八) at the bus stop?54We dont think their classroom is _ (干净) than ours55He still doesnt know how to _ (使用) a computer56We went to the farm, because the farmers needed some _ (帮助)57Betty said she hadnt heard from Tod since he _ (离开) London58The accident happened in the very early hours of this _ (早晨)59Is it the best one of the _ (照片) in your family?60I spent an hour _ (写) the passage last night补全对话(5分)根据情景将下列对话补全(每个空格限填一个词)。61HelloHow are you today?Very _, thanksAnd you?62May I try on this new sweater?Yes, _63Im sorry that Im late for classThats all _64Is that John _?Yes, whos that?65Its dark outsideWhy hasnt he come back yet?Dont _Hell be back soon看图填空(10分)根据图画内容,在下面短文的空格中填入适当的单词,使短文完整、正确、通顺(每个空格限填一个单词)。Meimei lives in a tall building of a cityOne 66 day, she was doing her homework when a 67 fell into the balcony(阳台) of her roomMeimei picked it 68 and thought, 69 is it? Ill return it to the owner So she went down to the street and tried to find the ownerMeimei 70 Aunt Wang if it was 71 Aunt Wang said 72 to MeimeiMeimei went on with her work from door to doorAt last, a woman with 73 told Meimei not to ask anybody else because she was the ownerThe woman patted (拍) Meimei on the 74 and said, You are really a nice girl 75 you very muchMeimei was very happy that day句型转换(10分)根据要求改写所给句子(每个空格限填一个词)。76Li Lei went to school by bike yesterday(改为一般凝问句)_ Li Lei _ to school by bike yesterday?77Mike has finished his homework already(改为否定句)Mike _ _ his homework yet78Mary doesnt like the film(改为反意疑问句)Mary doesnt like the film, _ _?79The lake is very beautiful(改为感叹句)_ _ the lake is!80The students are planting trees(就划线部分提问)_ are the students _?阅读理解(10分)阅读下面短文,然后回答问题。There is a shop near our schoolIt is big and brightIt sells many thingsIn the shop we can buy school things梍like exercise books, rulers, pens, erasers and mapsSome of them are nice and cheapThe people in the shop are very friendlyThey work all dayYou can buy things from the shopBut you can t buy them after nine oclock in the evenin


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