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Teaching Plan Unit 3 Look at me 教学设计Teacher:Alean 徐慧芳School:LongChuan School Book: REP 3A PEP英语 三年级第一学期Topic: U3 Look at meDate: 2015.10.7Teaching aids: Multi-media, word cards学生情况分析本次的教学对象是三年级的学生,他们具备一定的语言基础。在学本课时之前,他们已经学过个人喜好,能力,询问年龄等简单的语言知识,也掌握一定量的词汇和句型结构,比如学生能较熟练地听说:How old are you? Hes/ Shes 询问Whos he/ she?.等;同时具备一定的阅读及口头表达能力。单元教学任务分析 PEP英语Unit3的教学主题是介绍个人信息。教材通过了解并掌握This is my 句型,让学生了解和学习描述自己的脸部器官以及相关的语言知识,通过引导学生在情境中介绍自己的相关信息并培养他们使用英语进行表达和交流的能力。单元教学计划课时词汇学习运用句型学习运用发音综合运用能力1eye hair ear nose mouth face 能听,说,理解脸部器官的名称2specialThis is my Theres no one like me.My is (加颜色)My are (加颜色)能听,说,理解运用描述自己的脸部器官并了解相关信息。 并复习第二单元所学的颜色类单词。3This is the Lets make a pupet 能初步了解祈使句。4Arm head body leg foot Clap your hands .Touch your head .Wave your arms .Shake your legs .Stamp your foot .能听,说,理解身体部器官的名称理解Clap Touch WaveShake Stamp几个动词5课本相关练习6StoryLets 能听,说,理解运用如何使用祈使句。单元教学目标根据学生已具备的语言知识和语言技能,结合学生的生活常识,通过本单元的教学后,学生能用简单的英语描述身边的人和物并了解相关信息。此外,熟练运用Myis /are来描述自己的外貌特征。结合本单元的情境理解且用语篇的形式勇敢表达自我,借此能激发学生小组合作,表演情境片段的兴趣。教学重点难点 能正确运用单复数描述自己的面部器官。第二课时教学目标1.学生能正确朗读、理解词汇:special,句型:This is my 和Theres no one like me!2.通过对简单情景的描述和小语段的操练,学生能初步运用This is my 句型介绍自己。3.以Jack的故事为线索,学习如何介绍五官,说明Jack的不同之处,体验故事主人公Jack的情感变化。4.教师在学生自我介绍的过程中培养学生正确的语音语调并帮助学生高效的记忆和运用句型,让学生理解每个人都是不同的。教学过程ROCEDURECONTENTMETHODSPURPOSEPre - task1. Greetings2. special3.Get to know Jack1) Sing a songHead and shoulders ,knees and toes 2) Greetings between T and Ss1) Play a guessing game.T: First,We use it to smell the flowers.Every one has only one.What is it?S1: Nose .T: Great . Second , They are brothers. But they cant see each other(相互) The brothers help us to hear. What are they?S1: ears .T: Wow, so clever .Last one . It has two eyes, two ears, one noseand one mouth. What is it?Ss: face .2) Read the word. SpecialT: Look at me .They are my eyes .They are my ears . This is my nose . This in my mouth . I think ,Im special. They are your eyes .They are your ears . This is your nose .This in your mouth . I think ,Youre special. Do ,you know ,Whats the meaning about special?S1:特殊的T: Yes,read after me special.Ss: special.T: Lets say it loudly : We are special.Ss: We are special.T: Look at the picture and say :The girl is special.Yaoming is special. 3) Get the meaning of the word with the examples.1) Read the passage2) Answer the questions 创造英语学习的轻松和谐的课堂氛围。While - task1.This is my My hair is2. Theres no one like me!1) Learn to say the sentence: This is my My hair is T: Today ,we have a new friend ,his name is Jack . Lets look at the picture ,and listen carefully .He works in the circus(马戏团).He is USA.He can ride a bicycle.He can make people happyHe can jump very high.He can play colourful balls.Look ,this is his first performance pfrmns Listen carefully ,whats audiences dns saying ?Video : Jack is so ugly!T: Look at me. This is my_hair_.My hair is orange.Hair ,hair , this is my hair .Orange, orange, my hair is orange.Ss: Hair ,hair , this is my hair .2) Practice the sentences with a chantOrange, orange, my hair is orange.T: Can you talk about your hair ?S123: Hair ,hair , this is my hair .Black, black, my hair is black.3) Pair work: a barber shop in Disney WorldT: Hello, Snow White. Look at me . My hair is orange. Its ugly.Welcome to Disney World!Dont cry. Some people has special hair. Lets go to the barber shop.Ss: Oh, look at me. My hair is Its special !?Video: Look at me .My hair is special.Theres no one like(像) me!Ss: Look at me .My hair is special.Theres no one like(像) me!T: Snow White,Snow White! Look at me . My mouth is pink. Its ugly. Dont cry. This is my friend,Ss: Hello! My names Doraemon. Look at me. My mouth is big (red ).Ss: Ha-ha! We are friends. We are special.1) Read the sentence: Theres no one like me! 通过学生间的对话巩固句型学习和 3.My mouth is 1)Introduce a new friend: Doraemon Doraemons Self-introduction2) Read the sentence:Theres no one like me!3) Chant.My mouth is pink. My mouth is pink. Pink,pink,pink .My mouth is big. My mouth is big. Big, big, big4)Read the sentences.My mouth is special. Theres no one like me!介绍多拉A梦来引出嘴巴大的特别之处。4. My nose is 1) Get to know Pinocchio:2) Look, match and say3) Chant.4)Read the sentences.把匹诺曹的故事编成chant巩固句型,并为动物们找自己特别的鼻子。 4. My ears are 1) Guess the special friend.T: Dont cry. I have a friend, He has big ears .(Show the picture )Ss: Im Mickey Mouse. My ears are_.T: Ok ,Look at the blackboard ,Lets find different .2) Think and say S1.单数is 复数are Point you face and say :My earseyes are big small .Im special.3) Read the sentences.Ha-ha! We are friends.We are special.My ears are special.用猜谜的方式来介绍耳朵的特征。 5. My eyes are 1) Read the sentence.Cherry: My eyes are small. My eyes are black.2) Choose the card and say:My eyes are. Im special.3) Read the sentences.介绍樱桃小丸子用卡片辨别的方式操练句型。Post task 1. My is. Myare1)Role the big wheel to sayMy is. Myare Who am I?复习如何应用单复数的应用。2. Jacks new show1)Act out Jack on the stage.3. Say the passage1) Group work:Introduce yourself in your own group. 2) Ss show on the stage让学生在真实情境中运用语言。4. PoemSpecial me1) Listen to teacher2) Read after teacher together. 理解如何去体现Homework 1) Read the words and sentences2) Introduce your specialty to a new friend.3) Read the poem gently.巩固在课堂上学习到的知识。教学设计说明本课时的教学主题是Look at me 。根据学生的实际情况,在课本原有句型的基础上我拓展了单词 special,句子Theres no one like me! My isare 希望通过本课时的学习,学生能运用special和Theres no one like me! My is are表达每个人是不同的,体会,理解,尊重每个人的独特性,鼓励学生欣赏别人的不同之处。因此在新授内容之前,我安排了猜一猜脸部的器官这一游戏,一来是拉近师生关系,二来也符合本单元的内容Look at me 。与此同时,还能活跃课堂气氛并引出本课时主题。在学生猜到了面部的器官后,我从每个人拥有不同的脸出发引出了special这个单词,让学生从身边的事物出发找一找特殊的东西,学生踊跃回答,也为后面的环节做了铺垫。本课时的教学主要是围绕一篇小丑Jack的故事展开的。Jack在一次登台表演中被观众指责长相丑陋,为此,伤心的Jack选择


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