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module 5 a lesson in a lab. 模块教学目标技能目标skill goalsprepare a report on a simple scientific experimentlearn degrees of comparisonlearn words and expressions of sequenceunderstand and describe a simple scientific experimenttalk about numbers. 目标语言功 能 句 式words and expressions of sequencefirst, put the magnesium . then put the crucible . next, i light the bunsen burner. after that, i hold . lastly, we need to weigh .everyday englishwhere do we go from here?keep the noise down.youve got it!its your turn.go ahead!definitely!词 汇1 四会词汇liquid, expand, contract, substance, mixture, oxygen, electricity, stage, conclusion, aim, reaction, electrical, equipment, react, partial, rust, boil, ordinary, steam, float, form, dissolve, flame, facility, lecture, department, astonished2 认读词汇potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, zinc, copper, oxide, balance, tongs, crucible3 词组add . to ., used to, in the area of, be proud of, be supposed to语 法comparative structuresthis room is twice as large as that one.this room is four times larger than that one.its getting brighter and brighter!the closer you are, the more youll see.adverbs used to modify comparative degreea little, a bit, a lot, rather, no, any, (very) much, lots重 点 句 子1. it is hard to think of a world without metals. p442. it is important to know how they react with different substances, for example, water and oxygen. p443. this makes sure there is no air in the water. p454. the science facilities are very good, with laboratories that have all the latest equipment. p495. as the lecturers are people who have made real discoveries in their area of science. p496. they always thought i would become an english teacher! p49. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本模块以“a lesson in a lab”为话题,旨在通过模块教学,使学生了解一些基本的科学实验知识,学会怎样写实验报告,并掌握一些相关的词汇与短语,激发学生对科学的兴趣。此外还要求学生学会读一些大的整数、分数及小数。从文化的角度来看,鼓励学生了解国外有关科学教学的情况,以扩大学生的知识面,从而激发他们的学习兴趣。 1.1 introduction 这部分由三个内容组成。通过听材料,归纳词语和回答问题这三个形式来完成本部分所涉及到的与科学、实验有关的词语的练习,为以后的各项活动做好准备。 1.2 vocabulary and speaking 这部分设计了一些数字,包括整数、分数和百分数,并通过一些练习让学生熟悉并正确使用英语数字的读法。 1.3 grammar 1 这部分介绍了形容词比较级中有关倍数的两种主要用法:. times . than .和. times as . as ., 并通过对比练习来加强学生对这一用法的了解。 1.4 reading and vocabulary 这部分由两篇短文组成。passage a 介绍了金属在生活中的重要性,并列举了一些金属在氧气、水及蒸气中的反应及其结果。passage b 介绍了a simple scientific experiment,要求学生学习如何描述或写一个科学实验报告。通过对这两篇文章的学习,学生还可以学会一些科学词汇,有助于今后阅读一些相关的文章。 1.5 vocabulary 该部分介绍了带分数的读法,及一些实验仪器的词汇,并配有相关练习。 1.6 listening and writing 这部分听力的内容是实验中的师生对话。我们可以将此作为对阅读内容在语言技能上的补充。听力问题的设计本身已经显示了做听力练习的技巧。 1.7 grammar 2 这部分继续介绍形容词和副词的比较级。主要是以下三种:1)表示“越来越”;2) 表示 “越越”;3) 表示程度的副词 (much, a little 等) +形容词和副词的比较级。 1.8 pronunciation 这部分介绍了英语中特殊疑问句和一般疑问句的语调,并要求学生能正确朗读。 1.9 everyday english这一部分介绍了五个日常用语,要求学生明确其意义、所用场合,并能正确使用。 1.10 function 次序的问题是写作中应注意的一个重要环节。这一部分要求学生掌握first, next, after that, lastly在文段中的运用以及与之相关的标点符号的用法。 1.11 cultural corner 该部分阅读材料引用了加拿大一个中学生的文章,介绍了国外理科教育方面的一些信息,以扩大学生的知识面。 1.12 task 这一部分是对本模块的一个复习与运用。要求学生能够使用所学词汇及实验报告的知识来写一篇简单的实验报告,并要求学生注意报告的内容应包括aim, equipment, method, result和conclusion。 1.13 module file 这一部分集中展示了本模块的学习内容。 2. 教材重组 2.1 将introduction和reading and vocabulary整合成一堂阅读课。 2.2 将vocabulary and speaking,listening and writing和workbook中的listening and speaking整合成一堂听说课。 2.3将vocabulary, grammar 1和grammar 2整合成一堂语法课。 2.4 将cultural corner与workbook中的reading整合成一堂泛读课。 2.5 将 pronunciation, fuction, task, everyday english与workbook中的speaking and writing整合成一堂写作课。3. 课型设计与课时分配1st periodreading 2nd periodlistening and speaking 3rd periodgrammar 4th periodextensive reading 5th periodwriting. 分课时教案the first period readingteaching goals 教学目标1. target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇expand, contract, conclusion, method, liquid, solid, iron, mixture, oxygen, electricity, aim, equipment, react, result, steam, substance, boil, float, form, dissolve, rustb. 重点句式it is hard to think of a world without metals. p44it is important to know how they react with different substances, for example, water and oxygen. p44this makes sure there is no air in the water. p452. ability goals 能力目标enable the students to describe a scientific experiment.enable the students to learn some words concerning scientific experiment.3. learning ability goals 学能目标help the students learn about the steps of a simple scientific experiment so that they can describe a similar one.teaching important points 教学重点help the students learn how to describe a simple scientific experiment.teaching difficult points 教学难点help the students understand the two tables of passage a and passage b.teaching methods 教学方法listening, reading and discussing.teaching aids 教具准备a computer, a projector and a recorder.teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式step lead-inthe purpose of this part is to let the students know and get familiar with the new words in introduction: expand, contract, mixture, substance, oxygen and electricity. first, write down the words on the black-board, and then teach them the meaning of each word by questioning.t: hello, everyone! do you know the program lucky 52 on cctv?ss: yeah!t: ok, now suppose im li yong, and you are competitors. here are six words on the blackboard. what you should do is to guess the meanings of them. if you cant express them in english, you may say in chinese. the quicker, the better. are you clear?ss: yes. t: listen. what do we take in when we breathe?s1: air.t: right. but not exact. s2: 氧气。t: right. in english, it is called “oxygen”. we need oxygen to keep alive. and without it, there will be no life on this planet. ok, another question. what do we call it when we put sugar, eggs, and milk together, or we mix them together?s2: we call it mixture.t: good. all the things that are mixed together can be called mixture. next one, we can use one word to stand for all the things around us, which includes air, water, stone, wood, glass, iron and so on. what is this word?s3: substance.t: right. next, what will happen when water turns into ice?s4: liquid will turn into solid.t: right. besides this, will it have some change in size?s5: yes. it will become larger.t: yeah! what do we call this change?s6: its called “expand”.teacher can use body language to express the meaning of “expand”.t: now, the last one. whats the opposite meaning of “expand”? s7: is it “contract”?t: you are right. the meaning of “contract” is making or becoming smaller or shorter. well, i think that all of us did very well. now please read these words after me.step vocabularyask the students to read the sentences in activity 1 on page 41, and then pick out the correct ones. at the same time ask them to pay attention to the new words. at last check the answers to activity 1 with the whole class.for activity 2, ask the students to work in pairs to finish the task. if possible, ask them to give their rea-sons for doing so. for activity 3, give the students more words to help them know that materials are around all of us, and we should use them correctly and reasonably. t: as the saying goes: birds of a feather flock together or things of one kind come together. now well put the words in activity 2 in pairs or groups, just like the pairs in example. if possible, give your reasons to do so. it is a good chance for us to get familiar with these words. ok, ill give you one or two minutes to do the job.two minutes later.t: have you finished the task?ss: yes.t: whod like to read out your answers?s1: wed like to put air, gas and oxygen together, because all of them are gas. and we put earth, sun and moon together, because all of them are planets.t: quite right. how about you two boys answers?s2: we put gas, liquid, and solid together, because we think they are the three states of substance. and we also put contract and expand together. the two words have opposite meanings.t: im very glad that you can finish the task so quickly and correctly. well, all of us know that we are living in a material world. without these materials, whether natural or man-made, well have nothing to eat, to live in, to use, to wear and so on. now, lets look at these words: electricity, iron, metal, steel, air, and glass in activity 3. you have to tell which of them are natural, which of them are man-made and which of them can be both.s3: air, iron and some metals are natural. steel, some metals and glass are man-made. and electricity can be man-made and natural.t: why do you think electricity is both man-made and natural?s3: because in a storm, we can see lightening in the sky. while the electricity we are using in everyday life is from electric works. so i think electricity is both man-made and natural.t: well, its a good answer. ok, can you say some other things that are man-made?ss: there are too many such things.t: give us some examples.s4: cars, machines, man-made satellites, plastics and so on.t: do you know man-made beauty? s6: i know it. some ordinary-looking girls can become beautiful overnight. t: do you think it is necessary to do so?s7: its difficult to say. but i think to have a beautiful mind is more important than to have a beautiful appearance.t: i agree with you. it is said that a woman with a beautiful mind is more beautiful than a woman with a pretty face. step reading (passage a: p44)there are three activities in this part: activity 1: find the correct order to describe the stages of a scientific experiment; activity 2, find the best title for the passage; activity 3, answer some questions about the passage.task 1: activity 1 t: well, if you were an engineer, you would take part in the experiment of making shen zhou flight. what kind of materials would you like to use?s1: id like to use some materials that are light enough and hard enough, so that the flight can be easily sent up into space, and doesnt get in trouble.t: how can we find such kind of materials?s2: we can do some experiments. we cant use natural materials only; we need both man-made and natural materials.t: thats right. now well read a passage about a scientific experiment. please turn to page 44. well go through passage a. when we are doing a thing, we should do it in an orderly way. its especially true with a scientific experiment. now lets see the four words in the table: conclusion, aim, result and method. the four words are about the orders or stages of a scientific experiment. we must know these two words: result and method. what are the meanings of the other two words?s3: “aim” should be about what the experiment is for. for “conclusion”, i have no idea.t: right. “aim” means purpose or object. for example, he has only one aim in life, that is, to be a millionaire. and for “conclusion”, lets see an example first, when you have worked on a maths problem for a long time, but you still cant work it out. so you may make a conclusion that the problem is wrong. here, “the problem is wrong” is your conclusion. do you understand?ss: yeah!t: now who can give us some other examples to show the meaning of “aim”?s4: many people aim to be a millionaire. but i think to serve people is the highest aim.t: what is the correct order of stages to do an experiment?ss: it should be aim, method, result and conclusion.t: thats right. without aim, we dont know where to go; without method, we dont know how to do things well; without result, well draw a blank or gain nothing; without conclusion, well find what weve done is worth nothing. task 2: activity 2ask the students to scan passage a and find the best title for the passage.t: please look at activity 2. what you should do is to scan passage a and decide which is the best title for the passage.give the students some time to do the job and then check the answer.t: well, whats the best title for the passage?s4: the reaction of metals.t: why?s4: the writer begins the passage by introducing the different uses of different metals. but for the rest part of the passage, including the table, he / she mainly describes several metals reaction with different substances.t: what a good reason it is! now, lets look at activity 3.task 3: activity 3ask the students to read and answer the questions below the passage. give them some time to do the job. after that, check the answers with the whole class. step reading (passage b: p45)in this part, the students will read the passage and then fill in the table below the passage.there are three tasks in this part. the first one is to ask the students to find the structure of the passage and finish the table. the second one is to deal with activity 5. the third one is to finish activity 6.task 1: structure of the passaget: now, well continue to read passage b. the title of it is a simple scientific experiment. from the passage we can see how the experiment is done. what is the structure of a description of experiment? who can come to the blackboard to write down the structure?s: let me try.a student comes to the blackboard and writes down the structure.a simple scientific experiment: introduction aim apparatus method result conclusiont: ok. we should notice that there are 3 different reactions which are respectively described with method, result and conclusion. now, please read the passage and then fill in the table. let the students do the job, and then check the answers with the whole class.t: well, what is ordinary water according to the experiment?s6: i think ordinary water here means the water that has not been boiled, and has air in it.t: right. we also call ordinary water “raw water”. now whats “bunsen burner”? we often find it in labs. now, turn to page 46, and find the picture of bunsen burner.task 2: activity 5t: now please turn to page 46. look at activity 5. read passage b again. complete the sentences.after the students finish the sentences, ask some of them to read out the complete sentences and check the answers with the whole class.task 3: activity 6this part is about vocabulary study. let the students read after the teacher, and then work in pairs to find the meanings of the new words.explanations of some words:react: have effect on (of one substance applied to another)steam: gas from boiling wateroil: liquid which does not mix with water, obtained from animals, plants or found in rock under-groundboil: (of water or other liquid) reach the temperature at which change to gas occursscientific: of, for, connected with, used in scienceexperiment: test carried out carefully in order to study what happens and gain new knowledgefloat: be held up in air, gas or on the surface of liquid; move with liquid or airform: give shape or form to; make, producedissolve: (of a liquid) soak into a solid so that the solid itself becomes liquidstep language pointsask the students to translate the following sentences, and get familiar with the sentence structures.show the following sentences on the screen.1. it is hard to think of a world without metals. 2. it is important to know how they react with different substances, for example, water and oxygen. 3. this makes sure there is no air in the water. t: before we finish this class, lets look at the screen. there are three sentences on it. can you translate them into chinese?let the students translate the sentences into chinese.t: ok. in fact, these sentences involve two sentence structures. one is: it is + adj. + to do something. the other is an object clause. now lets look at more sentences to get familiar with the two sentence structures.write down the structures on the blackboard and then show the students more sentences on the screen:1. its hard (difficult) to say which is better.2. its foolish (silly) to act like that.3. its easy to learn a foreign language.4. its impossible to finish the job in one day.5. its wrong to steal.6. i only came to make sure that everything was all right.7. father makes sure that all the lights are off before he goes to bed.8. make certain that your facts are right.9. we must make certain that she can come.let the students translate the sentences. if they have any difficulty, give them some help. step homeworkt: today, we have learned some new words and two passages about scientific experiment. after class, please do exercises 6, 7 and 8 on pages 92&93. these exercises can help us remember the new words and expressions about scientific experiment. ok, thats all for today. see you next time.ss: see you.the second period listening and speakingteaching goals 教学目标1. target language 目标语言english numbers2. ability goals 能力目标help the students to read and write some english numbers correctly.help the students find the main parts of an experiment while they are listening.3. learning ability goals 学能目标help the students know the rules of expressing numbers.help the students guess the main parts of a listening material from the tips.teaching important points 教学重点 let the students pay attention to the key words in the materials about aim, equipment, method, result, and conclusion.teaching difficult points 教学难点help the students read some large english numbers.teaching methods 教学方法listening and discussion.teaching aids 教具准备a projector and a recorder.teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式step revisioncheck the students homework. for exercises 6 and 7, give them answer sheet. for exercise 8, ask 10 students to read out the complete sentences one by one. they should pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.step listening and writingthis is a continued part to the reading material. the students can get more familiar with some new words and expressions, and al


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