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1 济南市市中区 七年级第二学期学业水平测试 2010.6. 第一卷选择题部分 A) 听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。 ( 5 分) 1 A It is raining in Canada today. B It is windy in France today C It was cloudy yesterday. 2 A Whats your sister look like? B What does your sister like? C Whats the weather like? 3 A What kind of dessert would you like? B What size of shoes would you like? C What color of hats would you like? 4 A I saw an interesting book last night. B I thought it was an interesting book. C I saw an exciting movie last night. 5 A I cant go out at school night because there is too much homework. B I cant hang out with my friends because it is raining a lot. C I cant eat in the dinning room because it is too crowded. B) 听录音,请根据听到的句子内容,从每题 A、 B、 C 三幅图画中选出与听到的内容相符的一项。每个句子听两遍。 6. A B C 7 A B C 8. A B C 9. 10 A B C. A B C C) 在录音中你将听到五段对话及五个问题,请根据短文内容及文体选择正确答案,对话及问题读两遍。 11 A He is tall B He is of medium build. C He is of medium height. 12 A A small one B A medium one C A large one 13 A She likes it B She doesnt like it C She loves it. 14 A arrive late B fight with others C wear sunglasses 2 15 A Big and cute Bclever and shy C cute and quiet D) 在录音中你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及 问题听两遍。( 5 分) 16 A Great B Just so-so. C Not good. 17A With her friends B With her classmates C With her parents 18 A Yes, they were B No, they werent C We dont know. 19A Great B Crowded C Great but too crowed 20 A He wants to visit the Great Wall B He wants to the Summer Place. C He wants to go to Beijing. II 选择填空 从每题 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 (30 分 ) ( )21. -Look, Mom. There is _ _ ball in the bowl. -Oh, no, Sam. Its an egg. A. a B. an C. the D. ( )22. -Is that your brother? (No 1) -Yes, he is a policeman. _job is exciting, but sometimes dangerous. A. He B. His C. Her D. Him ( )23. -Is there a fruit shop in the neighborhood? -Yes, its _Center Street _the right. A. on; in B. on; in C. down; to D. down; on ( )24. -What size bowl of noodles would you like? -Oh, a _ _bowl. A. medium B. black C. beautiful D. clean ( ) 25. -When does Tom get up ? - _Sunday mornings, Tom usually gets up_. A. in, late B. on, late C. in, early D. on, early ( )26. -Whats your favorite _ _? (No 25) - Its apple juice. A. song B. drink C. animal D. plant ( )27. - Do you like the singer? - No, _ _ in my class likes her. A. nothing B. nobody C. anything D. anybody ( )28. - . Lets enjoy _ the games of the 2010 FIFA World Cup - Thats a good idea. A. talking B. looking C. seeing D. watching ( )29. - Did you go to the park in the morning? - _ _. I went there in the afternoon. A. Yes, I did B. No, I didnt C. Yes, we do D. No, we dont ( )30. -What language _ your friend _? -French A. do, speaks B. does, speaks C. does, speak D. can, speaks ( )31. -Hows it going? -_. A. Its going home B. Hes tall C. Everything is terrible. D. Shes clever ( )32. Last weekend my mother made me_ my house. A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning D. cleaned ( )33. -_? - He is a shop assistant. A. What does he do? B. Where does he work? C. Whats he doing? D. What did he do? ( )34. She _ soap operas_ its boring. A. doesnt likes, because B. doesnt like, and C. dont likes, and D. doesnt like, because ( )35. -Do you want _? -No, thanks. A. else anything B. anything else C. everything else D. else something ( )36. -Look out! It _heavily now. -Oh, how can I go home? A. rains B. is raining C. is rainning D. rained ( )37. -_ _ does your cousin look like? 3 -Hes thin. A. What B. Who C. Where D. Why ( )38. -Did you go to Baotu Spring yesterday? -Yeah, we had a lot of fun _ in the water. A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays ( )39. -Who are you talking with? - _ A. In the library B. At seven C. An old man D. About the weather ( )40. If you are tired , you may _. A. stops reading B. stop to read C. stop reading D. stops to read ( )41. Nancy _ a letter to her pen pal for two hours last Sunday morning. A. writes B. write C. wrote D. is writing ( )42. -Dont you enjoy the party? -I enjoyed it, but I _go because it is too late. A. must B. have to C. may D. can ( )43. - Do you like China? -Sure. It is a great country_ a long history. A. at B. has C. with D. have ( )44.Ken looks _ his father and he _ taking photos with his father. A. like, likes B. like, like C. likes, likes D. likes, like ( )45. -Can you answer the question ? - Sorry, it is _ hard to answer. A. a kind of B. all kinds of C. kind D. kind of ( )46. -What did she do last Sunday? -_ _. A. She played tennis B. She was pretty good C. She was quiet D. She was 14 ( )47. -When does Sue practice her guitar? -_ _. A. She practices it in the park B. She practices it in the evening C. She can play it very well D. Because its very interesting ( )48. We have chicken and _ noodles. A. potato B. tomatoes C. bowl D. carrots ( )49. - What do you think of your history teacher? -She is funny. She often _ us some interesting stories. A. tells B. speaks C. says D. talks ( )50. _ run in the hallways, please. A. Not B. Dont C. Doesnt D . Cant III 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从每题 ABCD 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。( 10 分) Do you like going to the movies? 51_of the students like movies very much. Last Monday I went to a middle school and 52_ some students about their favorite movies. Some of their 53_ were really interesting. Here are some their likes and 54_. Rick, 55_eleven-year-old boy, likes watching thrillers because they are scary 56_ exciting. His classmate, Lisa, 57_ stand documentaries. She told me that they were 58_ parents. But she really likes comedies because they are 59_. Victor is a big boy. He said he didnt mind documentaries. But he doesnt like comedies because they are boring! And the coolest movies are action movies. Everyone 60_ them very much. 51A Most B More C Much D Any 52A told B asked C talked D said 53A names B questions C subjects D answers 54A wants B speaks C takes D dislikes 55A the B an C a D these 56A but B or C so D then 57A dont B isnt C cant D wasnt 58A at B with C of D for 59A boring B sad C unfriendly D funny 60A listens B enjoys C waits D thinks IV 补全对话 阅读对话,从每题 ABCD 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。 (5 分 ) A: Hello, Mingming. B: Hi, Paul. A: Did you go to Lisas birthday party last Saturday? B: 61_ A: What did you do then? B:I went to the zoo with my cousin. 4 A: Really? 62_ B: Yes, of course. We saw a lot of lovely animals and ate a great meal there. What about you? A: I had a good time at Lisas party. And I met a new friend, Jack B: Jack? 63_ A: He has short hair and wear glasses. B: Where is he from? A: 64_ B: Oh, I remember. I met him at Mikes party last month. Hes Mikes pen pal. A: What is he doing here in China? B: 65_. They work in a language school and teach Japanese there. 61A Yes, I did B No, I didnt C Yes, I do D No, I wasnt 62A Did youhave fun there? B What did you do there? C Where did you go? D How did you go there? 63 A What does he do? B How old is he? C What does he look like? D What does he think of the party? 64 A From America B From Japan C From Australia D From China 65 A Visiting the schools B Learning Chinese C Looking for a job D Visiting his parents. V. 阅读理解 阅读下 面 短文,从每题 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。( 15 分) A Do you know me? My name is Mary. Do you have any rules in your school? There are many rules in my school. Let me tell you some of them. We have to wear uniforms every day. I dont think this rule is good. We kids and we want to be beautiful. We cant be late for school. And we cant eat or sing loudly in the classroom. This rule is OK. We cant run in the dinning hall or the hallways. And we cant fight. I think the two rules are for boys. For girls, we cant have long hair. I dont think this rule is good. I cant stand it. 66 In the school, Mary has to wear _ A a uniform B short shoes C shorts D a sweater 67 The students cant _ A eat B sing C run D be late for school 68 Which rule is for boys? A Dont fight B Dont run in the hallways or fight in the dinning hall. C Dont eat in the classroom. D A and B 69 Which rule does Mary like? A They have to wear uniforms. B They cant eat or sing loudly in the classroom C They cant have long hair D They have to go to school on foot 70 Which sentence is NOT Right? A There are many rules in Marys school B Mary likes wearing beautiful clothes C Mary has long hair D Mary cant eat in the classroom. B Sichuan Restaurant Type : Chinese food Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:30 am-10:30 pm Sat-Sun: 7:30 am-11:30 pm Services: Eat in About us: We have all kinds of Chinese food and are famous for our hot Sichuan dishes. Dinner starts from $55 per person Tel: 555 1980 Italian Pizza Reataurant Type: Italian food Hours: Tues-Sun: 12 noon to 11 pm Mon: closed Services : Take away; Home delivery (外卖 ) About us: Cheapest and best food in town Pizza for four people $7.50 Tel: 555 7887 Website: www. I Harrys Hamburger House Type: American fast food Hours: Mon-Thurs: 7:00 am-9:00 pm Fri: 7:00 am-10:00 pm 5 Sat-Sun: 10:00 am-10:00 pm Services : Take away; Eat-in About us: We have many kinds of fast food. Dinner from $12 per person Good place for childrens parties Tel: 555 1122 Website: www. 71People can have food from Sichuan Restaurant _ A at home B at school C in the shop D at the restaurant 72Food at _ is the most expensive A Harrys Hamburger House B Italian Pizza Restaurant C Sichuan Restaurant D We cant know that. 73It opens for _ days at Italian Pizza Restaurant a week A six B five C four D three 74We can call _ if we want to have American fast food. A 555 1122 B 555 7887 C 555 1980 D It isnt mentioned 75 Waiters at Italian Pizza Restaurant work for _ hours on Sunday A ten B eleven C fourteen D fifteen C One Friday afternoon, Mr Li, the Chinese teacher asked his students to write an article. The topic is “My Beautiful Mother”. Mr Li said to the students, “You can go home after you finish the article” All the students except(除了 ) Zhao Hong began to write. They wanted to go home early. Zhao Hong sat there and thought of what she did on weekdays. She usually plays basketball on Monday afternoon if it is funny. She plays volleyball on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday she plays tennis. She plays ping-pong on Thursday with her friends. And she likes playing soccer on Friday afternoon. She raised her head and looked around. There were only five students in the classroom. Forty students handed in their articles and left for home. She was a little worried. She thought it over, and she had an idea. She wrote down the words on the paper: My mother is tall and healthy woman. She is really beautiful. If you look at her daughter, you can know what I said is true. 76 Mr Li asked the students to _ on Friday afternoon. A go home B have an English class C write an article D visit friends 77 Zhao Hong didnt begin because she _ A thought of her activities on weekdays B wasnt in the classroom C thought it was easy D felt interesting 78 Zhao Hong is good at _ A her lessons B playing balls C singing and dancing D writing and reading 79 There were _ students in Zhao Hongs class. A 35 B 26 C 45 D 5 80 Which of the sentences is TRUE? A Mr Li is Zhang Hongs English teacher B The students couldnt go home before they finished the article. C Zhang Hong wrote the article very carefully. D Zhang Hongs mother is healthy and likes sports. 第二卷 非选择题 部分 ( 40 分 ) VI A 将 与 音标 对应的图片的字母填写在横线上 (5 分 ) A B C D E /n:s / / b:d/ / kmr/ / pri / / mauntn/ _ _ _ _ _ B 根据所给句子的句意和音标拼写单词,补全句子。 (5 分 ) 1 I have to go to bed _ / bai / ten oclock 2 My father likes green _ / ti: / very much, especially after dinners. 3 There is a map of China on the _ / w:l / 4 Yesterday I _ / disaidid / to visit the Palace Museum with my parents. 5In order to _ / impru:v / my English, I find a pen pal from the USA VII A 用所给词的适当形式填空 ,完成句子 。 (5 分 ) 6 1. Look! Jim _ ( listen) to music on MP4. 2. I helped the lost boy _ (find) his father in the supermarket. 3. Here are my family _ (photo). You can have a look. 4. Can you put my letter in the next _(month) magazine? 5. My friend Jeff _ ( love) playing beach volleyball. B 阅读下面的短文,先选择所需单词,再用其适当形式填空。 (5 分 ) be go have something play Do you think everyone enjoys their weekends? Mr. James does not. Last month, he _ for a walk with Huan Huan, his dog. It was a nice day and Mr. James was happy. He watched Huan Huan _wit


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