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Section A Period One 1 An apple a day keeps the doctor away! 2 Key Vocabulary: shake ,milk shake ,blender ,turn on ,peel , pour, yogurt ,honey ,watermelon ,spoon. Target Language: How do you make a banana milk shake? How many bananas do we need? How much yogurt do we need? 3 买四个萝卜切吧切吧剁了 加四块豆腐咕噜咕噜吧 没有花椒大料就滴答几滴醋吧 酸不拉叽一起喝了吧 Buy four carrots cut cut cut Add four tofu boil boil boil Without pepper put a few drops of vinegar Drink up all the sour water ! 4 How many carrots do we need? Four! How much tofu do we need? Four! How much pepper do we need? Without ! 5 火眼金睛 We can learn that: (1):how many +可数名词复数 (2):how much +不可数名词 How to distinguish the countable nouns and uncountable nouns? “抽刀断水水更流” 6 banana, bread, onion, milk, book , fish, watermelon, meat, teaspoon, tea, bike tomato, apple, honey, rice, yogurt, 可 数 名 词不可数名词 banana, onion, book, watermelon, teaspoon, bike, tomato, apple, bread, milk, fish, meat, tea, honey, rice, yogurt 把下面方框中的单词分类 7 Fill in the blanks with how many or how much. 1. water do you put into the noodles 2. tomatoes does he put into salad? 3. yogurt do we need? 4. apples are there in the milk shake? 6. students are there in your classroom? 5. fish do you want ? 88 Match a teaspoon of two pieces of two cups of three glasses of cake tea milk honey 数词+量词+of + 不可数名词 9 Lets make fruit salad! 10 A: Lets make fruit salad. B: Ok, good idea. How much yogurt do we need? A: One teaspoon. B: And how many bananas do we need? A: Let me think We need two apples. B: OK, how much 11 2aListen to Maria and Katie making fruit salad. Write the names of the ingredients under How much or How many in the chart below. 12 Ingredients How muchHow many yogurtbananas honey watermelon apples oranges 13 Ingredients AmountIngredient one cupyogurt two one two teaspoons three 2b apples watermelon and orange honey bananas Listen again. In the chart, write the name of the ingredient next to the correct amount. 14 Do you like drinking milk shake? What kind of milk shake do you like? apple milk shake banana milk shake strawberry milk shake 15 Watch carefully! How do I make a banana milk shake? 16 blender knifeglassspoon bananasmilk What do I need? yogurt 17 First _ the bananas.peel 18 And _the bananas. cut up 19 Next _the bananas and ice cream into the blender. put blender 果汁机 20 Next _the milk into the blender. pour 21 Then _the blender. turn on 22 Finally _the milk shake. drink 23 1aWrite these words in the blanks in the following picture. turn on cut up drink peel pour put peel cut up put pour turn on drink 24 1bPut the instructions in the correct order. _ Turn on the blender. _ Cut up the bananas. _ Drink the milk shake. _ Pour the milk into the blender. _ Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender. _ Peel three bananas.1 2 3 4 5 6 25 1c Pairwork (G1) Cover the instructions above. Tell your partner how to make a banana milk shake. A: How do you make a banana milk shake? B: Peel the bananas . 26 First, Peel the bananas. Second, Cut up the bananas. Next, Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender. Then, Pour the milk into the blender. After that, Turn on the blender. A few minutes later, Turn off the blender and drink it How do you make a banana milk shake? 27 How do you make an apple/milk shake? G2 G3 G4 28 How many +可数名词复数形式? How much +不可数名词? How to make a banana milk shake peelcut upput into turn on turn off drink 数词+量词+of + 不可数名词 What you have learnt today? 29 30 单项选择 1 Can you help me cut _ the potatoes? A to B into C for D up 2 Please bring me _ . A two cup of coffee B two cup of coffees C two cups of coffees D two cups of coffee 3 First, _three oranges. A peeling B peel C peels D to peel 4 Can the girl _ a salad by herself ? A make B makes C making D made 5 The children ran _ the classroom at once. A on B into C in D of 6 I want to make a banana milk shake. Please tell me, _ milk do I need, and _ bananas d


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