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2011 年对外经济贸易大学 802 世界经济综合考研真题及详解 跨考网独家整理最全经济学考研真题资料库,您可以在这里查阅历年经济学考研真题, 经济学考研资料,经济学参考书等内容,更有跨考考研历年辅导的经济学学哥学姐的经济 学考研经验,从前辈中获得的经验对初学者来说是宝贵的财富,这或许能帮你少走弯路, 躲开一些陷阱。 以下内容为跨考网独家整理,如您还需更多考研资料,可选择经济学一对一在线咨询 进行解答。 一、单项选择题(每题 1 分,共 10 分) 1在完全垄断市场上,对于任何产量,厂商的平均收益总等于( ) 。 A平均成本 B市场价格 C边际成本 D边际收益 【答案】B 【解析】任意一种市场结构下,厂商的平均收益 总是等于商品的价格 ,即ARP 。PQAR 2跨国公司利用商品市场或要素市场的某种垄断优势地位来追求利润最大化,是外国 直接投资的根本动因。这种说法来自( ) 。 A生产内部化理论 B产品生命周期理论 C垄断优势理论 D国际生产折衷理论 【答案】C 【解析】垄断优势理论由美国麻省理工学院教授斯蒂芬海默于 1976 提出。该理论认 为,企业要在海外进行直接投资并从中获得利润,就必须具备一种或多种当地企业所缺乏 的独占性优势,足以抵消跨国竞争和国外经营所引起的额外成本。 3会导致供给曲线向右方移动的原因是( ) 。 A商品价格上升 B商品价格下降 C技术水平下降 D生产成本下降 【答案】D 【解析】生产成本下降会造成供给的增加,最终造成供给曲线向右方移动。AB 两项, 商品价格的变化不会造成供给曲线的移动,只会造成商品供给数量的变化;C 项,技术水 平下降会造成供给曲线向左移动。 4某卫生组织宣称食用某种食品可以防癌,在这种情况下,该种食品的销量大增,原 因可能在于( ) 。 A该食品价格下降 B该食品价格上升 C消费者增加对该食品的偏好 D消费者收入普遍增加 【答案】C 【解析】当人们改变对某种食品的偏好后,会改变对这种食品的需求,造成该种食品 的销量变化。因此,卫生组织宣称食用某种食品可以防癌,人们对该食品的偏好会上升, 从而需求量和销量大增。ABD 三项,食品价格和销售者收入情况,题中没有提及,无法判 断。 5允许成员之间进行生产要素自由流动的经济一体化协议是( ) 。 ACEPA BAPEC CEEC DNAFTA 【答案】C 【解析】允许成员之间进行生产要素自由流动的经济一体化形式有:共同市场、经济 同盟和完全的经济一体化。EEC 为欧洲经济共同体条约 ,欧洲经济共同体属于共同市场, 各生产要素可以在成员之间自由流动。A 项,CEPA 为关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排 , 是中国国家主体与其特别行政区之间签署的自由贸易协议性质的经贸安排;B 项,APEC 即 为亚太经济合作组织,是经济合作官方论坛;D 项,NAFTA 为北美自由贸易协议,属于一种 自由贸易区。 6按照哈罗德多马模型,当实际的资本/产出比小于意愿的资本/产出比时,厂商的 反应是( ) 。 A减少用工数量 B增加投资 C减少投资 D保持原有投资水平 【答案】B 【解析】假设期初,经济处于充分就业的均衡状态,当合意的资本产出比大于实际 资本产出比,即 ,在合意的储蓄率等于实际储蓄率一定情况下, ,社会总需wv wG 求超过厂商所合意的生产能力,这时厂商将增加投资。 7在下列投资方式中,属国际直接投资的是( ) 。 A购买外国政府债券 B购买外国企业债券 C向外国企业提供商业贷款 D在国外开设合资企业 【答案】D 【解析】国际直接投资是指投资者以对外直接投资为媒介,以取得企业经营权或经营 控制权为手段,以获得多种效益为目的,在国外对制造业、商业、服务业和金融业等的一 种投资行为。国际直接投资具有实体性、控制性、渗透性和跨国性等特点。国际直接投资 Born to win 经济学考研交流群 经济学考研备战群 五、计算题(第 1 题 4 分,第 2 题 7 分,共 11 分) 1熊猫电视机的需求价格弹性为 2.5,当价格为每台 6000 元时,每月销售量为 200 台。 问:(1)当该种电视机售价下降 10%时,每月的销售量为多少? (2)每月可增加销售收入为多少? 解:(1)需求的价格弹性系数公式为: /dQEP 即有: /2.510%d 解得: ,所以此时每月的销售量是: (台) 。50Q 0Q (2)降价前,电视价格为 6000,销量为 200,因此,总销售收入为: Born to win 经济学考研交流群 经济学考研备战群 六、论述题(每题 15 分,共 30 分) 1试述近年来中国经常账户顺差快速增长的原因、影响及调整对策。 答:限于篇幅原因,想要查看完整版真题解析点击加入经济学考研备战群 2试述中国参与国际区域经济合作的进程、前景和影响。 答:限于篇幅原因,想要查看完整版真题解析点击加入经济学考研备战群 七、专业英语(英译中,共 50 分) 1. Price controls(20 分) Governments have been trying to set maximum or minimum prices since ancient times. The appeal of price controls is understandable. Even though they fail to protect many consumers and hurt others,controls hold out the promise of protecting groups that are particularly hardpressed to meet price increases. Thus,the prohibition against usury-charging high interest on loanswas intended to protect someone forced to borrow out of desperation;the maximum price for bread was supposed to protect the poor, who depended on bread to survive;and rent controls were supposed to protect those who were renting when the demand for apartments exceeded the supply, and landlords were preparing to “gouge” their tenants. Despite the frequent use of price controls,however,and despite their appeal,economists are generally opposed to them,except perhaps for very brief periods during emergencies. The reason most economists are skeptical about price controls is that they distort the allocation of resources. Price ceilings,which prevent prices from exceeding a certain maximum,cause shortages. Price floors. which prohibit prices below a certain minimum,cause surpluses,at least for a time. Because controls prevent the price system from rationing the available supply,some other mechanism must take its place. A queue,once a familiar sight in the controlled economies of Eastern Europe,is one possibility. With all of the problems generated by controls,We can well ask why they are ever imposed and why they are sometimes maintained for so long. The answer,in part,is that the public does not always see the links between controls and the problems they create. General price controls- controls on prices of many goods-are often imposed when the public becomes alarmed that inflation is out of control. However,most inflation,even in wartime,is due to inflationary monetary and fiscal policies rather than to panic buying. Inflation is extremely difficult to contain through general controls,in part because the attempt to limit control to a manageable sector of the economy is usually hopeless. By examining cases in which controls have prevented the price mechanism from working,we gain a better appreciation of its usual elegance and efficiency. This does not mean that there are no circumstances in which temporary controls may be effective. But a fair reading of economic history shows just how rare those circumstances are. 答:价格管制 自古以来政府就试图设定最高价或者最低价。价格管制的吸引力是可以理解的。即使 价格管制未能保护大部分消费者,并且伤害了其他人的利益,但是它依然坚守要保护那些 被物价上涨压迫得喘不过气来的群体的承诺。如此一来,禁止高利贷旨在保护那些处于绝 望中被迫借贷的人;对面包的最高限价旨在保护那些靠面包生存的穷人;而对租金的管制 则旨在保护那些在住房需求超过供给、房东准备“欺诈”房客时租房住的人。 但是,尽管价格管制手段经常被使用,尽管价格管制吸引力(巨大) ,除了在一些非常 短暂的紧急时期,经济学家一般是反对价格管制的。大多数经济学家不相信价格管制的原 因在于它扭曲了资源配置。价格上限,即价格不可逾越的某一最大值,会引起短缺;价格 下限,即价格不能低于某一最小值,至少在一段时间里会导致过剩。因为价格管制使价格 系统不能对现有供给资源进行合理配置,某些其他的机制就必将取而代之。在东欧管制经 济体制下,一度令人熟悉的排队抢购就是价格控制常见的结果。 既然由价格管制引起的问题如此之多,我们就可以有理由问:为什么人们一直在实施 价格管制?为什么有时候实施价格管制的时间是如此之长?部分原因是公众并非总能够看 到价格管制与由此引发的问题之间的联系。一般价格管制,即对很多商品的价格管制,是 在物价失控引起公众惊恐时实施的。但是即使是在战时,大多数通货膨胀也是因为宽松的 货币政策和财政政策而非恐慌性抢购引起的。通过一般价格管制来抑制价格是极其困难的, 部分原因是将限价对经济体的影响限制在一个可管理的水平上的尝试通常是徒劳的。纵观 那些物价管制阻止价格机制发生作用的案例,我们会对价格机制惯常的优雅和有效性有更 深的了解。这并不意味着在任何情况下临时的价格管制都是无效的。只是通过对经济历史 一个公平的回顾,我们会发现,这种情况是如此的罕见。 2. The future of Chinese M&A(20 分) Where will M&A be targeted? The data available to date on larger deals mask some trends identified by those on the front-lines of the deal-making. “Diversification is a natural process, evolution,“ says the head of China M&A at a Western investment bank. “The government may have given rigid marching orders in the past, but its now more market-oriented. There has been a concentration of deals among some successful companies but more and more companies are now looking.“ This will include different sectors and private companies, and also more regional SOEs, such as Yanzhou Coal, which recently bought Australias Felix Resources. It is a safe bet that Chinese firms will continue to seek a secure supply of mining and natural- resource assets. These are the fuels of the mighty Chinese industrial juggernaut, which has a ways to go before shifting into top gear. But the nature of investment in resources is likely to change. As we have already seen, CIC, Chinas sovereign wealth fund, has become more active in accessing resource deals. Companies directly involved in the resources sector are likely to chase smaller equity stakes, although this should generate higher volumes overall, some observers say. In terms of M&A, Chinese interest will remain keen in markets where resources have been developed and are easily accessible, such as Australia and Canada. But China has also begun to cut deals with resource-rich African nations under which it will fund the building of infrastructure in exchange for resources such as oil and copper. Clean energy is also billed as a strong candidate for deals. China is now the worlds leading Born to win 经济学考研交流群 经济学考研备战群 3. Law and economics(10 分) Law and economics, known as the economic analysis of law, stresses that markets are more efficient than courts. When possible, the legal system, according to the positive theory, will force a transaction into the market. When this is impossible, the legal system attempts to “mimic a market“ and guess at what the parties would have desired if markets had been feasible. The second characteristic of law and economics is its emphasis on incentives and peoples
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