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密 级: 学校代码:10075分类号: 学 号:20111586管理学硕士学位论文快递企业竞争力评价研究学位申请人: 王金龙指导教师: 于 强 教授学位类别: 管理学硕士学科专业: 企业管理授予单位: 河北大学答辩日期: 二一四年六月Classified Index: CODE: 10075U.D.C: NO: 20111586A Dissertation for the Degree of M. ManagementExpress Enterprise Competitiveness Evaluation ResearchCandidate: Wang JinlongSupervisor: Prof. Yu QiangAcademic Degree Applied: Master of ManagementSpecialty: Bisiness Management University: Hebei UniversityDate of Oral Examination: June, 2014摘 要I摘 要当前时代快递行业作为一种新型的现代化服务业已经逐渐成为人们生活之中必不可少的一个重要的组成部分。然而,市场上的快递企业数量逐年提升,服务的种类日益丰富,快递企业之间的竞争激烈的程度越来越大。本文适应时代发展需求,选取了快递企业作为研究对象,对其竞争力进行分析和研究。本文把竞争力理论作为研究的基础,对以前的专家学者对企业竞争力的研究综述进行归纳总结,最后提炼并运用到了本文的创作之中。选取了层次分析的方法,结合快递企业的特征和市场的实际状况,根据一定的原则确立了快递企业的具体评价指标。采取专家测评法给与设定权重,建立了快递企业独特的竞争力评价指标体系。为了考证评价指标体系的实用性,本文选取了五家实际的快递企业作为研究的对象。根绝评价体系的指标对这些快递企业的数据进行了搜集和整理。并且采取综合评价的方法对五家企业进行了竞争力综合竞争力指数的运算。本文最后对五家企业的竞争力评价结果进行了分析和总结。最后本着“实用性、可靠性、创新性”的原则对分析结果进行总结,并给出了结论和建议。最终实现对快递企业竞争力进行评价研究的最终目的。关键词 快递企业 竞争力评价 层次分析法AbstractII IIAbstractIn recent years, the rapid development of socialist market economy in our country, the peoples living standards continue to improve, the express industry as a new type of modern service industry has gradually become people to live in an important part of the essential. However, the market increase year by year, the number of Courier companies increasingly rich the kinds of services, express the degree of competition between enterprises is more and more big. In this paper to meet the needs of times development, selected the express delivery enterprises as the research object, to analysis and research on its competitiveness.In this paper, the competitiveness theory as the basis of research, the previous scholars paper summarizes the research of enterprise competitiveness review, finally to refine and apply to the creation of this article. Select the hierarchical analysis method, according to the characteristics of express enterprise and the actual condition of the market, according to the principle of a certain established the specific evaluation index of express delivery companies. In order to research the practicability of the evaluation index system, this paper selected the five practical express enterprises as the research object. Eradicate evaluation system of index to the collecting and organizing the data of express enterprises. And adopt comprehensive evaluation method of five companies competitiveness comprehensive competitiveness index.In this paper, the evaluation result is of the competitiveness of the five companies are analyzed and summarized. The last in line with the principle of “practicality, reliability, innovation“ to summarize the results of the analysis, and gives the conclusions and recommendations. Eventually to express the ultimate goal of enterprise competitiveness evaluation research.Keywords Express enterprise Competitiveness evaluation Analytic hierarchy process (ahp) 目 录III目 录第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 研究背景 .11.2 研究的目的和意义 .21.2.1 研究目的 .21.2.2 研究的意义 .21.3 国内外关于企业竞争力评价研究综述 .31.3.1 国外研究综述 .31.3.2 国内研究综述 .41.4 研究内容 .61.4.1 研究的思路 .61.4.2 研究框架 .71.4.3 研究的方法 .81.5 本章小结 .8第 2 章 企业竞争力理论基础 .92.1 企业竞争力的含义和特点 .92.1.1 企业竞争力的含义 .92.1.2 企业竞争力的特点 .102.2 企业竞争力相关理论 .102.2.1 市场结构论 .102.2.2 资源基础论 .112.2.3 企业能力理论 .112.3 企业竞争优势理论 .112.3.1 成本、价格优势 .112.3.2 技术优势 .12目 录IVIV2.3.3 .科研开发优势 .132.3.4 市场优势 .132.3.5 规模优势 .142.4 本章小结 .14第 3 章 快递公司及其行业发展现状 .153.1 快递基本概念及其行业特征 .153.1.1 快递服务的定义 .153.1.2 快递服务的分类 .153.1.3 快递服务的特征 .173.2 快递公司在我国的发展现状 .193.2.1 我国快递服务发展阶段 .193.2.2 我国快递市场结构 .213.3 快递公司面临的机遇和挑战 .223.3.1 快递公司面临的机遇 .223.3.2 快递公司面临的挑战 .233.4 本章小结 .25第 4 章 快递 公司竞争力影响因素和指标


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